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christina , ure a sweetheart . im sorry if i brought u all down , again i am soo sorry . maybe ill take some zannie and be happy camper .:-) yes i do keep smiling when i talk to dad and talk cheerful , it helps him a bit , so sad on the inside .
when i went back to the hospital i was sniffling blowin my nose and i hug pa and held in my waaaaaaaaaa , throat hurts so bad and i just held on to him , he was fked up on meds so i dont think he was aware of me sniffling teary eyes . its all good , its part of griefing and that is normal . i do wish pa hapiness when he takes the journey out toward heaven and meet all his love ones that he hasnt seen for years . i am just begin selfish i dont want to let him go . fear i be so lost without him ., which i know i will be so lost ... but i will find myself again , maybe on bobbie s boat :-) ... oh who knows maybe i ll take a long roadtrip and knock on christina s door ! how long will it take me to get there , 7 days ? whew lord ,, i wont fly ...
golf - i caught u saying ure from indiana , so am i and so is kimmy , kimmy an i live about 20 mins apart and we still havent met yet . always a wrong timin , but we will one day meet . it be great if all 3 of us could meet somewhere and have a margaritta . do u like maragritta ? mexcian food ? let me know . we shall set up a date . :-)
diapers , yep my friends and my neighbor saves those bags for me too , as soon as i put it in the bags i take it to garage and throw it in the dumpster and fa lala ur house doesnt smell . whenhe craps i have to lite a candle and it takes away the smell .
chrsitina - i didnt know its bad luck to wash laundry today , welp my luck is bad anyways , i did few loads this morning and my daughter came over and did few loads of hers too . i knew it was bad luck to take a tree down before new year . my tree is still up and i didnt take it down today , guess i ll do that tmr ,
hubby s going back to work weds and he s crying about it . told him to go on to bed and get back in routine , tired hear him whiney cryin about havin to go back to work . he thinks he can quit and go ahead and retire , told him if u do that we ll lose this place .
oh mariesmom !! where is she ? i hope shes ok . havent heard from her in a while , anybody know where she is ? prayin for her .

pa s still quite as a mouse , except u can hear his chest a rattling , gawd ! wish i could just stick a vacum and suck it all out and suck the fliud out of his heart ,
when i walked in today to greet him i heard that guggrling , it hit me when my mom was in hospital dying she too was gurgling then it got quite , i looke dover and told dad umm moms not makin that noise anymore we shot up and he said go get the nurse so i did , she checked mom out and said she is gone . oh lord we bawled like a baby ,
ahh enuff of the sad story , sniff snifff .
wheres my maragritta ! lol . love u all tons . xoxo

Hi Everyone!
There hasn't been time to read all the posts today - but I'll get caught up tomorrow, I think.

Oh, Christina, you'll have to come to Greensburg this summer. My husband works at the university where the Steelers have their training camp in August.
That would be a blast! lol
Mom has a horrible cold now and has been alone to 1 day with the LifeLine Alert on. VN will be there tomorrow evening. Poor dear told me "Bob" needs new pajamas so she needs to get out shopping. Not! It's so hard to listen to her talk about her imagined visitors. She said she woke up this morning and HER mother (died in 1963) was in bed with her. Holy hanna. Tonight she's waiting for my Dad to come home to take down the little artificial tree because she can't remember how to do it. Oh well. It's her reality. Just very sad.

I've been busy with hubby being home every day until mid January when school reopens. (Is this what retirement will really be like?)

Well, I really only had a minute but want to welcome our new friends and wish you all a very blessed and healthy New Year. Feel the hugs and warm wishes across the miles. Bee

sheila~ thanks for the tips. I'm going to Walgreens tomorrow.
Here in Indiana we eat cabbage for New Years..Sausage, cabbage and potatoes with baby carrots are on stove right now. I'll add black eyed peas next year.

Diane! you know it is GOOD LUCK to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day!!! Yay, and it is bad luck to do Laundry! Stop the washer!!!
I remember Deefer posted about diapers. The ones they use at my Mother's place are supposed to be the best. I'll find out tomorrow and post.
Welcome, sheilablake, to a very wonderful Gross Out place of Friendship.
BBL. Cheeseball and beer with the screaming now. help

Good one, Miz! a hazmat suit. You Funny, funny girl:) Love you.
Well, I think the New Year is not really something different, but a continuation, just as a chapter in a book, a Monday, a birthday. As with all beginnings, I believe in starting out positive-- each day. I too, am aching and saddened about Pa, and heavy hearted for our friend, LindaHeart.
It is compassionate to join in her worry, but we cannot forsake the joy and hope that surrounds us. Pa is still here and we pray he will be for however long his soul is willing and his body can contain it. Linda will squeeze every sweet moment with him, savor and remember every twinkle in his eye. What a gift. {{{{LindaHeart}}}}
I hope my Mother is enjoying her visit with my sister today, but, when I told her yesterday she was coming today, she said "OH". When I said, "Let's call Brother", she lit up and said, Oh, he is a nice guy!" I got a kick out of that. He used to be a jerk until he was forced to take anger management.
"Everyone" is here watching football--my 3 main immediate family members. I am leaving for a very long walk. Hope to return after the games are over, but I don't know if I can walk that far with enflamed neuromas. It's not the game of football, but the constant screaming in my family room that annoys me. I am a Steelers fan, myself, and have a soft spot for the Saints, especially when they were underdogs. It's 79 degrees right now. I saw on weather map this morning that it is warm everywhere, except maybe in Wisconsin and the northeast? Right?
Hope you all are enjoying this precious first day of a New Year. I have hope and love for all of you. BOAT. Hugs, Christina xo

Well, I shouldn't complain since I haven't done any ass wiping yet today. But there are still many hours left to the day. Mom is just having her regular "dying" episodes. The doctors don't even know what to do for her. Her BP, glucose, pulse and temp are all normal. We will get the results from her Biowatch heart monitor in two weeks.

Cooking pork loin, blackeyed peas, collards and rice for New Year's dinner. Need all the luck I can get this year.

Have a good evening dear friends and I'll keep Linda and Pa in my prayers.

Love to you all,

Stillstanding ~ My husband was in the Army, so he well remembers the "Bend over and spread 'em."

Cindyray and golfbhard ~ I sooooooo relate to your issues. Strokes have left my husband incontinent. I'm becoming an unwilling expert. I sometimes feel I'm living in a diaper bucket, and I certainly didn't think that our golden years was going to refer to pee! I too have found that one diaper per plastic grocery bag does the trick for containing diaper odor. I used to have to do three loads of bedding a day, one for the waterproof mattress pad, one for the sheets and one for the blanket. I've cut down on that by placing a large (34x52") waterproof pad on top of the sheet and pray that he remains on it all night. I've also cut down on laundry by searching online for the most absorbant diapers. Don't go by the generic rating of moderate/heavy, etc., which can vary by manufacturer. There are sites that specify exactly how many ounces they will hold. They sometimes still leak, so I've found there are pads to insert into the diaper, much the same as women's sanitary napkins, that I use for nighttime wear. My husband doesn't really drink much. In fact, not nearly what doctors recommend, so I'm constantly amazed at how he can have so much output! Golfbhard, there ARE larger adult wipes. Walgreen's Certainty brand is one. They are 12x8". There are even larger ones I've found online, but they are, of course, more costly. It also helps if you spray first with a peri-rinse. It's not only scented, but it formulated to make clean-up of solids easier. My husband has a shit-fit, if you'll pardon the pun, when I spray it directly on him, because it's cold, so I spray the wipe. The wipes are wet, but they tend to dry out quickly, so the peri-rinse helps. I even found the rinse in a gallon bottle, so I refill the original spray bottle. Much more economical. When he DOES use the toilet, he invariably gets more on the floor than in the bowl, so I've saved myself steps by leaving a WetJet in the bathroom. I try not to think about the clean-up when he doesn't sit squarely on the seat for #2. Then, of course, there's Febreze and Glade plug-ins. I'm going to buy stock in the company--make some money back on what I'm spending the keep the place from smelling like the men's bathroom in a sleaze bar. I hope this helps.

LOL... I use to tell mom to bend over and grab ankles! We just made a joke out ot it, then I would take the end of a large facecloth and up the "crack" we went! I just pulled up and the cloth did the rest. Never thought I'd get a smile out of telling this but that's what you do when you love someone a bunch!!!!!! Miss her terribly. Now, I want all of you, with "the issue" to put a smile on your face and say, "Bend over and grab ankles... and by the way dear, Happy New Year to us all!!!"

Happy New Year to you all. May God grannt you grace, peace and strength as you travel this extraordinary journey for your loved ones. Here's to 2012 being the best year yet. Suzie

I meant BIG flushable wipes. Those baby ones don't get it. Mom has stopped up the toilet so many times we have to hide paper towells, wipes, etc.

Cindyray~ The diapers.....well I have an excellent sinus infection and impactmennt and I can't smell! Lucky me! The ENT wants to do surgery and I'm afraid I'll be able to smell then, so they say. I will gag and puke if I can smell it. My husband has to tell me if he gets a wiff of something.
We just put wood like vinyl in moms room so smell won't get into carpets any longer if she has an accident. Stock up on plactic grocery bads. I put each dirty depend in on and tie shut and put in trash in garage. My best friend saves them for me because I go through a lot. Spray lots of lysol and febreez and renezit. I wash sheets/blankets every day. The wiping is what I have a problem with....she gets mad if I want to wipe her, says she can do it herself...Good luck. Post any solutions you come up with. I wish they made really big disposable wipes.

Linda, give Pa a hug from me to and tell him we are all praying for him, You to.

Cindyray, welcome to the GO thread. Sorry your having to deal with the diapers. I have not had to do that yet so I can't offer any advice but there are others here who also have or had to do the diapers, they can offer advice. The only thing I can think of is find out what that stuff is that forensic doctors on tv put in their noses to block smells, if that is even real. Anyone know if it is and what it is called? I would think that could come in handy for us caregivers changing diapers.

I'm sorry I'm not more excited about the beginning of a new year but seeing how sad Linda is right now and knowing what she is going through I just can't feel it either. All I can feel right now is deep sorrow, it overshadows anything else. Part of me wants to put up the candle for vigil but then the other part of me says don't give up hope, so for now if I don't put up the candle, Linda just know it's because I'm still hoping and if my hope turns out to be futile just know that it's my way of holding your hand through this.

Lets all pray for Linda's Pa and for the angels to be with him to make him feel safe and loved.

Love you all,

cindyray, Done that, been there, girlfriend. If you think of something you could make millions. My only suggestion is a hazmat suit. ;)

okay, my gross out is the diapers...oh my disgusting. any ideas on how to alleviate my disgust of this???

Sending lots of love your way Linda! News says we are going to get wind gusts up to 50mph! Sun peeking out a little bit now! Give Pa a hug for me! XXOO Kimmy

In my mind, seeing Linda in a big field with Bandit, running, jumping, playing with a stick, sits down to hug Bandit, such a rowdy pup, nipping at her, then he lets her hug him. Not for long, Throw the stick, pant, pant, I'm running. Slobber, slobber.
Breathe deeply, exhale with force, look at the sky, smell the earth. It is a good place. Things change form every so often. All the energy is here, all the love. xo

Love You Too, Linda. I am hugging you right now. Have fun with Bandit.


doesnt feel like a new year to me . starting out shitty new year for me .
winds a hollowing out there . gonna get colder .
hearing pa s chest a rattling worst . he ate his bfast with sad look . pa do u want to talk about something ? he looked at me with sad puppy eyes and said no . he knows he is on his way out and he fears death , he wants to stay alive and be well ....
im just sad all around . nothing puts a smile on my face , how could i . pa s sad and so am i .
bro in fla is comin soon . tried to reach my sis in texas . her boyfriend is not well himself and i think he too is on his way out . sadness all around me .
christina - i am going to move ur angel into pa s room to watch over him and be with him . thank you for the angel . shes very comferting to us .
i want to thank you all for the hugs and candles lit too . prayers also . keep em coming .

i am going to put on bundle of warm clothes and go enjoy my bandit . i havent seen him for a while and he sure would be very very happy to see me . i also need to fill up the wood box , keep my mind busy . i realy realy would rather just curl up and sleep all i can . but i cant do that yet .
i fell asleep 15 mins till midnght . didnt care to cheer for a new year . i did thought ah its 15 more mins but didnt feel like cheering . why ?? what for ?? pointless for me . so i laid down and snuggle up with warm blanket and passed out . first time ever i skip a celebration of new year .
love you all with my heart xoxox


2012 is going to be a good one....or we are going to MAKE it a good one!

Hugs to all who are sitting bedside vigil today....please drop by and let us know how you are doing.


Linda hope you can feel our love as you are there with Pa.

Happy New Year, Everyone!!


New Year Morning. Yes, it feels new, and better. We celebrated by New York time, in bed at 9, had 1 Cadillac, quesadilla, and my favorite staple, guacamole and chips. Mother was fantastic yesterday. Speaking in sentences and singing many songs. Very alert and responsive. Made me cry. Gave her a manicure and held her hands until polish dried. Sister visiting her today, we called brother. Rip, what is that on your head? Dearest rip, Live. Get your feet wet. Hugs.
From the left coast throughout the land, to the cities and in the boonies, on the mountain tops and in the valleys, on Boats and waterways, a very Happy New Year. "God Bless Us All, Every one". Love you very much. Christina xo

Happy New Year my dear friends! I've been feeling pretty crappy with this cold for the last few days and sure hope it isn't an omen for the new year. I hope this year will bring peace, love and happiness to you all. A little prosperity would work

Linda, you and Pa have been in my thoughts. I hope you can feel our loving thoughts with you as you sit vigil with Pa. We love you both and send our angels to watch over you.

Rip, I hope you had a few drinks for us all!

Bobbie, I was going to text you lastnight and I said nah, she is having too much fun spreading LA!

Love to you all,

Go to the party, Rip! Happy new year everybody, again!

You all are awake nearing midnight there? Forgetting everyone's time zones.
OK ... I'll vist the party yet will be thinking of all my caregiving friends, rather be with y'all - those who understand the endless days & nights - & the sadness of losing them.
You Know WE Know ...
& if that doesn't make sense - check your care giving status.
Lord knows we know!

Happy Next Year from the West Coast

Happy New Year!!

Rip-Yes! Visit the neighbor's party! Have fun!

Love to all!

Go for it Rip have a great time and forget the past for one night cause I approve it.

Y'all starting the New Year with a can of what in Florida???

Neighbors are having a party & for the first time in years - I can join them without being on call ... still isn't feeing right. Damn
How bittersweet?
Fireworks are blasting & my instincts worry about Sir's memories of WW2.
Wait ... he's gone ...
He used to have awful thrashing nightmares which is now called PTSS or something.
He would thrash in his sleep, thump Mom. They placed a large pillow between them in their bed = protection from his night horror reflexes when the loud fireworks blasted.
I recall his vocal Nightmares when we were room mates - not my place to share but some of you know. War stuff ... chilling ...

Happy New Year everyone ... the Best we can make of it ~
Cheers ~
*should I visit the neighbor's party? It's weird not being "on call"

bobbie sorry I didn't get your phone message till late tonight because the darn volume and speaker button got acidently turned off. Thats probably why no one else called today either, but when I did read the message and the post on here I was laughing so hard I even went and told the wife who was under the sheets already and she just about fell out of bed laughing so hard. I got to get me a can of that or else just go to the farm where my neice works and bottle some of that up. Thats funny than a crutch. Love you Cuz and may this year be a great one for you

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