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Happy New Year to all of the boat crew From Harv (Cuz) and my wife Joyce.
This next piece is from Cristina's cousin in Ireland.

To my beautiful cousin Christine:
To leave the old with a burst of song
To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
To forget the thing that binds you fast
To the vain regrets of the year that's past;
To have the strength to let go your hold
Of the not worthwhile of the days grown old,
To dare to go forth with a purpose true,
To the unknown task of the year that's new;
To help your brother along the road
To do his work and lift his load;
To add your gift to the world's good cheer,
Is to have and to give a Happy New Year.


and to all a Good Year ....

Happy New Year!! WhooHoo!!

Happy New Year, Nance.

Happy New Year-Hope it's good for all.

Christina-You are a true gift! We sure do go through the spectrum of emotions here! Wonderful that we can all be here for each other for the good times and bad! Hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you and your family and that the sibs will take a look at themselves and start giving support to you! You deserve all that is good from them! I think the Mayans just got tired of making the calendar! LOL Maybe they took up another hobby like knitting instead! Hehehehehe You are right though, we are all wired for those surprises and difficulties for sure! We are survivors and will help one another survive come what may! Love you Christina! Kimbo

KimBo, it is a joy to know you! It's been fun and all sorts of other emotions this year. All the best to you and your family for a wonderful 2012. In spite of what the Maya say. But, we're wired for surprises and difficulties, right?!:)

Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer,
With never a thought of sorrow;
The old goes out, but the glad young year
Comes merrily in tomorrow.

Happy New Year to all our wonderful friends on AC and the GO thread. May 2012 be a stellar year for all of us.

Hannah, Dad, and I in for the evening! We are watching Twilight Zone marathon. Dad still asleep! Happy New Year to all! Stay safe! Love you all! Kim

Shelia-look to your left and you will see the person's icon and underneath there is a screen name. Click the icon or screen name and it will take you to their wall and you can post to them individually! Hope this helps! Hugs! Kim

I know how to comment in the box at the bottom of the page with a comment about the question, but how do I comment on an individual's post? The only choices I see are "Give a star" and "Report this post"

Lilli, we will work on this. I know Bobbie will do what she can to get it in concrete. hehe Like cement tennis shoes for an anchor... a Weigh!!!
So, as I mentioned, just from being nosy on the site this morning, I noticed SecretSister's post on her own wall:( That is too sad.
Going over to give Mother her New Year's Eve manicure and to SING! But No "Auld Lang Syne". Always makes me cry. Think it's the melody/memory connection.
Trying to get hubby to take us out for Mexican tonight so I can have a Cadillac margarita. Whoo Hoo! Otherwise, it's the old Two Buck Chuck from TJ's. haha!

Christina: We really could use an official "In Memoriam" section on the website. Don't know how to go about contacting the powers that be here on AC. Maybe Bobbie will read this and know. I think it is a shame that we may miss the opportunity to offer our condolences to our loyal members because we have no place to post the passing of a loved one. I usually come upon other posts where someone mentions their loss, then post it to the Memoriam thread.

Also, how do we locate a member by their member name? I tried typing it in the general search sometimes. That is a problem, too...after we read about someone's passing, it is difficult to find the member.

Anyway, if someone has a suggestion, I would appreciate it. In the meantime, if you read about a passing, post it (typing "In Memoriam" seems to work to.) If you know the member, leave a note of condolence on their wall.


Dear Linda, I have nothing to add to the beautiful words the other "sailors" have said, I only want to tell you that I always admired your capability to love... It is not so easy to love "always" a person who limits your freedom, who makes you feel tired, who makes you feel like escaping as far as possible... even if he/she is a parent. I am impatient, intolerant and when I read your posts I always feel ashamed of myself. This thing - love - is the most important thing that can happen between a parent and a child. It's not always so evident.
You are in my thoughts and in my heart!

Lilliput created a thread in August 2011 for Memorials. If you type into search window: "My condolences to all who have lost a family member recently", it will come up and click on any entry. Again, I think it should be readily available so we can show support for our friends in grief.

On another note (pun intended due to the musicality today ;-)) someone mentioned a "Memorial" thread. How can I find it? Thanks! Bee

Christina, that would be heaven - and let's throw Patsy Kline and Johnny Mathis in for some variety! lol

Hi Meanwhile! A Blessed and Happy New Year to you and Sis, and Indio:)
Bee, I can hear my friend and I at the park in 1970, while he played his 12 string and I would sing James Taylor and Carole King songs. Elton John and the Beatles as their music started to change after St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band!!! That will be my Heaven! with Frankie Baby and Dino, and Sammy:D

Crickey Poo is here and you are right Christina I have been taking a little breather to care for myself. I slept in til 10:45 this morning! My body just said I'm tired and I'm going to sleep.

Bobbie, I need to know where you are in Florida so I can see if I can come visit you in the future. I would love to go out with last nights group with the can of LA! Omg, that was hilarious and that kind of mischief I can definitely get into!!

I want to offer up a prayer here for Linda and her Pa, so for those of you who don't believe in God perhaps you could say the prayer in your own words..
Dear God, please send your Angels to Linda and her Pa to comfort them with love, give them peace, physical rest and only those with tender hearts to be around them. Please help them both to find the strength to walk through the path they are on and give them your angels to walk with them, to give them courage and to know and feel the love you have for them and also the love we all here share for them. Amen

Love you all very much,

Laughed so hard about the liquid ass, my sister came in to see what was so funny, Had to let her read it, as I was laughting to hard to tell her.
You"re in my prayers Linda, and of course your Dad too.
Happy New Year everyone.

I love it! Simon and Garfunkel are great. I think another suitable theme for this site would be from James Taylor.

When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand and nothing, nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my name, and you know where ever I am I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call and I'll be there, you've got a friend.

LOL it's a Simon & Garfunkel day. :))

Lilli and all: did you know that SecretSister's Dad passed on Dec. 9?
I wrote on the Memorial thread that Lilli started that it should be viewed the same as "A Breath of Fresh Air", since it is a place of honor and remembrance--and the end result of why we all are here!!! Doesn't that make sense? Maybe someone with some PULL around here can get it done;)
Miz, you have to tend to yourself and let others tend to themselves once in awhile.
Do I have to sing, "50 ways to Leave your Caregiver Friends" to you?
You slip out the back, Jack. Make a new Plan, Sam, no need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me. Get on the bus, Gus--NO NEED TO DISCUSS MUCH, just drop off the keys, Lee, and get yourself FREE!" So, tend to your own BIZ, MIZ!!!
I hope that was correct. I have pretty good recall to just about every song ever written. Maybe a bit out of order. Well, we each have our talents. Whoo Hoo!!
Where is my little chirpy Cricket today? I think she is tending to herself, too:)
Love you girls and one crazy guy. BBL xo

LOL me too, Christina!! Simon & Garfunkel made beautiful music. I am sorry I have been neglecting all of you.

I like yours, too, Miz:) I remember when "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" came out. I was in high school and it was my favorite song. It is nice to see you and the Captain here. I can do without the LA, but if it makes Bobbie laugh that hard, Whoo Hoo--let the Healing Begin! I can imagine what Linda would say about liquid ass. hahahaha!!

Beautiful, Christina. :))

"Did you ever know that you're my Hero, and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle, cause You are the Wind Beneath my Wings."
Blessings and Love,
Christina xo

Linda, sending you an extra "dream pillow", know that love is a gift given freely and you do just that for Pa and all of us. Sending my prayers your way today !

LOL @ Aging Cream. I'll have what she's having. ;)

Bobbie, that is hilarious!! I wish I had been there!! You are too funny!! I am so glad you are having fun times. :))

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