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For Linda & Bobbie:

When you're weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side When times get rough And friends just can't be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down When you're down and out When you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you I'll take your part When darkness comes And pain is all around Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Sail on Silver Girl, Sail on by Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their way See how they shine If you need a friend I'm sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind.


Please know that it does not escape me that most of you are putting up with your own version of Liquid Ass at home. Let me tell you that when you see other people put up with it it is Hilarious!


Good Morning Crew and Happy New Year's Eve,

What an amazing group of people here from my wonderful Cousin, Cuz, who keeps us rolling to the new folks who are just beginning to navigate these insane waters to us old salts who have been there and done that to the ones with the IDIOTsiblings who can't 'deal' with reality to to to.... you get it.
Happy New Year!
Brilliant voices on this thread. A pleasure to read and an honor to share this forum.

Thanks again to AgingCare for providing this service. Thank you also for the lovely giant coffee/tea/soup mug that was sent to this high end yacht yard (where I am the USS Charity Case) and wound up in the warehouse where boat parts arrive from all over the world. The storeroom guy, Gary, misread the return address and said 'it's from Aging Cream. I guess we all could use some of that.'
I said, 'no... that's arriving next week in three separate boxes. The little box is eye cream called "Bag Away", the medium sized box will be face cream called "Jowl Be Gone" and the giant box will contain a vat of "Ass Off".'

Anyhoo, AC thx for the mug!

Well, I have a status report of my activities of last night:

Two dude boaters from up the dock hollered at your Cap'nBob and asked if I wanted to join them for cocktails and dinner at a very nice local restaurant. jazz trio, the whole works. so of course I said, Hell Yes.

We get there and I guess it was a Bourbon night (thanks again for that cake recipe Cuz) and when you're drinking with Jack and Jim you're drinking with my daddy so I knew that fun was on the horizon.
About 2 cocktails into the evening, this ol boy Brad and this ol boy Randy start talking about 'Liquid Ass'. No kidding, I can't make this up.
Now Brad used to be a cop and is now megawealthy with 2 helicopters and toys like that and Randy is a smooth talking New Car Manager at a nearby rice burner franchise. So both these ol boys are nutz which is all I'm saying.
It turns out that ol Brad just happened to have a little squirt bottle of Liquid Ass in his brand new Dodge Extended Cab Pick em Up truck and we decided that it would be a good idea to take the Liquid Ass to a crowded bar and give it a test run.

We find a nice place with a rock band that is packed to the tits. We order a round and Brad puts a little squirt in the direction of a table of eight.
Wow! That stuff really works! Smells like Sh!t! We have to move away from it and we play it off by waving our hands in front of our faces and acting all put out. The eight people at the table all get up one by one and the start looking at the bottom of their shoes and under the table for some errant turd that just happened to roll in. The waiters come out with a broom and dustpan and pull all the chairs out to sweep the invisible turd up and hopefully make the reek go away. The cloud has now reached out to 4 more tables and more people are looking at the bottoms of their shoes.
The three of us have now moved further away and when one of the eight comes walking by I say, 'what in the world...?' and he says, 'Somebody sh!t their britches!'

I lost my mind. I haven't laughed that hard in 10 years I bet. I ended up laughing for about 2 hours and these ol boys just kept stoking the fires and I laughed and cried and choked and wiped my nose.

We're taking the Liquid Ass out again tonight.

Happy New Year!

love you guys more than you know,

Linda dearheart we are here for you and in your thoughts there is the hospital-have them bring in a a comfy chair and a blanket so you can get some rest-I sure hope the nurses are kind to you-your Pa knows how much you love him and what a great daughter you have been for him and I know he does not want to leave but God needs good souls with him. We all love you dear friend-you have made our world a better place for the rest of us.

LindaHeart, I doubt you are reading, or will for a day or two, so I'll send my love and prayers on Angel wings to where ever you are.
Love you. xo

Cuz-Thank you for the incredibly beautiful and hysterical e-mails! So happy to hear your Wife's aunt is on the mend and without feeding tube! Hugs! Kim

Linda, love support and prayers to you and your sweet Pa. tell him I said wassup and that I love him through you, his beautiful loving daughter.

Linda this will be an amazing time in your life. Hard, hard, hard but you have the strength and the will to see your dad through to the end of his journey here. Tell him that you will see him again in the blink of an eye and that you will be there to make his favorite breakfast and that you will laugh and enjoy it together.

Don't despair Linda. this is Life and all Life ends at some point and you have the gift of knowing that you did everything you could to make his Life wonderful and loving. You did everything and these weeks or days or hours will be a golden memory for you and bring you comfort when you thought no comfort was possible.

love all of you guys more than you could ever possibly know.


Happy IVGLDSW Day!
Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day, so
send this message to someone you think fits this description. Please do not
it back to me as I have already received it from a Very Good Looking, Damn

And remember this motto to live by: Life should NOT be a journey to the
with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved
but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand,
wine in the other, totally worn out and screaming 'WOOO HOOOOO what a

To the Girls !!

Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell
~ Cora Harvey Armstrong ~

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut
up with cookies.
~ Unknown~

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.
~ Helen Hayes (at 73)~

I refuse to think of them as chin hair. I think of them as stray
~ Janette Barber~
Old age ain't no place for sissies.
~Bette Davis~

Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body
falling apart.
~ Caryn Leschen ~

If you can't be a good example ~ then you'll just have to be a horrible
If someone is talking behind your back they are in a good position to
YOUR A....!!!
~Bev MacNeil~
Send this to five bright women you know and make their day. And When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me

Linda-My heart is with you! Please if you need anything just say the word and I will be there! Many hugs to you and your Pa! love you! Kim

Bobbie Feliz Cumpleanos Have a good trip if you go and we will be armchair travelers along with you....

Hmm re-piping the walls , pass sounds like what we had when we had a pipe break in the sewer line twenty feet from house and 16 feet DOWN! $$$

miz glad you found a part time job, a routine and money helps!

nekkid deer tick dance hahahahahaaaaa Cuz!

Taking care welcome here...everyone here very likely knows a part of what you are going through...people who don't....don't!

cq, the right thing doesn't always mean easiest. here we aren't there yet, not sure if we will be or what, but that one must be hard, the person is competent enough to understand they don't like the situation but not able to care for themselves, that is a truly complex burden for everyone...

I mopped the floors, cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes..cleaned up the kitchen...moms pissed.....Why? The CLEANER smell...and and an Hour ago she slammed my basement window shut...!So you want what ma a stinky warm house?...Passssssss....

Whatever,I got Roman Times murder mysteries and war to read about..

Have a good sane safe easy fun not too complicated weekend everyone, and Happy Blessed New Year to us all....

Thank you all for being here and listening and helping me over these two years it has been a God Send to me....

Thanks to bobbie for this thread truly and forever!

That was strange for some reason I was logged off but my message to Linda made it so that was cool. I got some good news to report and that is after pumping the wife's aunt full of meds for the bladder infection this morning she was talking straight and actually eating by herself. They will be sending her back to her assisted living home and will be moving both her and the wife's uncle into the next level where they do everything for them. No feeding tube YAAAAAAH.
Thanx for the prayers and support cause you gals are great. Hugs to all of ya even the new comers, welcome aboard. I don't have alot of jokes tonight but did send some e-mails to the ones that I know on here. Some great pictures etc.
Thanx again from both the wife and myself.

Linda you are in our prayers also. May the gaurdian angels be with you also.

Linda, hugs and prayers for you and Pa. Love ya, Diane

We'll be here Linda

thanks u guys , i cant sleep , kept cryin so im going back uo to hospital to stay the night with dad , love u all xoxo
Report very sorry to hear about your Dad...but, my gosh, you have been there for him at every turn....can't think of a more devoted or loving daughter. He would not have made it to this point without your care.

Do the things you need to do to keep him comfortable. The hospice people are great and they are a really good resource. They will provide personal care aides, a nurse, and all the in-home equipment that you will need (including a hospital bed) to keep Dad comfortable at home. There should be no need for him to go back to the hospital or to a Dr.'s office. The nurses are great about communicating with the docs and they can order the Rxs...and ask them if there is a pharmacy that delivers.

My prayers are with you...try to sleep, you will feel so much better and it will help you get prepared for the days ahead.

Please drop by when you can......

Linda - you and your pa are in my prayers. This is all too close to me and what dad and I went through this past year. I still can't grasp that he's gone forever - just seems like he's in the hospital or rehab and due home anytime. I have been and will continue to think of you - know that my cyber arms are giving you lots of hugs and my cyber hands are here for you to hold. You've been so very good to your dad - make sure you are there now and listen very closely to what he says, what he tells you because you will treasure those words forever. XO - Kuli

Linda Girl ...
You know I've been there - several times. Those old guys keep us on alert.
We'll be here for you always.

Oh Linda. Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs.

hi u all . first i want to say thank you for the hugs and the flowers and thank u for thinking about me and pa .
bobbie - thank you for invitin me back to ur boat . i prob will do that after my caregivin days are over . ill get ur kitty another toy :-) ,
dr came in and sat down and rattle his mouth which made my head spin and wishin hubby was here with me . they took iv and ox off pa , says that his lungs are fillin with food drinks and it is ful of acid , his swallowing is takin it straight to his lungs instead of where its suppose to go . his muscles in his throat is not working right , the antibodi perke dhim up an dnow today he is quite as a mouse and he knew his time is comin up , after he heard dr rattlin his mouth dad looked at the other way , dad is no dummy , i ask that dr if dad can have hospics , he said yes and told the nurse to order one .
i have a big lump in my thorat an dit hurts very badly , my eyes are swelled with tears and it too hurts badly , i feel bad leavin dad at the hospital which i badly need to go home and curl up in a ball and just to sleep , now my mind is buggin me to go back to the hospital , i feel quilty that i left dad , he s dying slowly , i left him . i feel terribley bad and now i am crying . i may go back up there .
i told dr that antibdi seems to be helpin him , he said its the stroid that is makin him all perke dup feelin good ,
now i cant spell worth shit here , goodnight you all . dad s comin home tmr . xoxo

:( OK, Rossella. Teaser!

Nothing to say by now... I'll give you the wishes for a happy new year tomorrow!

Love You So Much, Bobbie. Life is just so not fair sometimes. (((((((((((Bobbie)))))))))))

Happy Birthday Cap'n Bobbie. And a Happy New Year wherever the tides take you....

Happy New Year loved ones! Lots has been going on around here! Will tell more later! Just wanted to check in and let you all know how much I appreciate each and every one of you! Happy to see the new faces here! Welcome each and every one of you!


Bee I am so glad your Mom is finally accepting in home care-that will really extend her living in her own home-you will have to tell us what you said to her to change her made up mind-I am sure our Mom will be going the same route before long-God help us she wants to make sure her sons get her money so she probably will never agree to that but who knows-she thinks she is independent which of course is not true-if it weren't for my sister and other tenents she would be in trouble for sure. Bobbie I am so glad you checked in with us and I am very sorry your life is still so hard-did you know this seems to be the only thread that lets us give stars and the experts seem to leave us alone. Almost 2 years girlfriend can you imagine when you wrote those words there would be over 21 thousands posts added.

Carolyn, So glad you are Here:) xo

Hi everyone. OMG I don't know where to begin. How about with funny bones, Cuz: So sorry about your wife's Aunt and you are, I'm sure, a real blessing to your wife and her family.
Bobbie, I'm a relative newbie who is blessed by what you and Austin began here. I'm so sorry you and your boat angel are facing yet another demon. You will be in my prayers. Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday!
Christina - wow - class selections, water seeping in? You sure are a busy lady! Your long post touched my heart and I wanted to call you to thank you personally for sharing your heart with me, with all of us.
Taking, Ro, Cricket, golf, SS, Diane, Linda, Ann, Lisa, and all the other crew members - you have blessed my life and I treasure all of you.

Now, it is with a deep breath and a huge sigh I have some news - hopefully, good news. Well, at least some steps in the right direction. As of today my brother and I convinced (coerced) Mom into allowing Griswold Special Care to visit with her for two hours a day, 3 days a week starting next week. It's not much but it's a start. She also now has a LifeLine Alert necklace. WhooHoo!!!

The kind staff of Holy Redeemer in home nursing service have been instumental in our success with these services for Mom. All I can say is thank God for leading me to the right phone numbers!

Mom is very angry and I know the new caregive will have her hands full, but I am praying it will settle down after a few visits.

She took the LL necklace off because she was told she can't have it inside her blouse and she doesn't want it hanging on her front. OY! My brother told me he just glared at her and she put it back on. He's leaving there tonight, God bless him. I've thanked him many times in the past few days. Of course, I know his intense involvement of late will come to a skretching halt here shortly. But his input and our successful "manipulation" of Mom is nothing short of a miracle. I know he needs a break. The VN's will be in and out over the weekend and the IH will start next week.

The Medical Social Worker called me this morning when she was on her way to Mom's. What a special lady! She did a Mini Cog Test last week and some other test on Tuesday. She wanted to let me know her findings (which is more than Mom's Geriatric Physician has done) and to let me know her observations. Wow. What a difference she made in my state of mind! She said she will keep me updated regularly and I am so very grateful for this arrangement.

The MSW is Debbie and I told her about finding this site. She was so very impressed with the level of support I told her I find here 24/7. I wouldn't be surprised to find her joining this wonderful community some day soon. She'd be a wonderful addition to our crew.

Now, I have to honest and say while all of these changes are a relief, Mom continues to be arrogant, confused, you know what I mean. As I mentioned, my brother is with her right now. Last night she told me "Dad" was asleep in the chair. Now, I'm the one who was confused. I didn't know if she meant her hallucinated "Dad" or my brother. lol Brother cleared it up for me - he was asleep in the chair. "Dad" was in the dining room. Oh boy. Oh, yeah, and Mom is referring to me as her "mother". Heaven help us.

Well, crew, it's New Years Eve Eve. I made some Chex Mix for my honey today and I'm hoping we'll have a nice quiet evening together tomorrow night.

I hope and pray each of you will find some peaceful moments as we welcome in this new year. The challenges won't go away but the love just keeps on showing up. I was reminded today that while we caregivers do what's needed out of necessity, our efforts stem from good hearts and compassion unmeasureable.

On behalf of our loved ones, I thank each of you for all you do for them.
Blessings and warm wishes for a Happy New Year! Bee

Hear, Hear, and Amen! Whoo Hoo! Turkey and Gator Balls, margaritas for All!
Happy New Year!

Happy Birthday Bobbie!!
Christina, you're right, it's denial, all the way for those GD selfish siblings!

xo - Happy New Year all! Let it be a better one for all of us.


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