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Diane, I have gotten good results taking Altering 30 minutes before I want to sleep. It's natural. Cuz, you devil. Cricket started the thread called "Favorite Recipes". No, don't post it there. Haha! Ann's Mom, Selfish Sib's Dad and Linda's Pa: God's mercy and Love, Grace abounds. And for my Mother.
Bookworm and Golf: big welcoming Hugs. Yes, sooner or later you Must take care of yourselves, whatever that means to you.
Rosella, I was looking at my wall and it was Dec. 13 of last year you invited me to the boat. What a ride. Whoo Hoo! When someone tells another about this thread, it is a huge gift, delivered on Angel Wings. Woke up at 3:30 thinking of LindaHeart. Love you, dear Friends. Christina xo

Its nearly 4am and I can't get my brain to shut down and sleep. I guess my worries are small compared to Still, Linda and Ann. A prayer for you all for speedy recoveries and strength to keep you going.

I am sorry it seems the parents of everybody are at the hospital. Linda, while you are there, ask some doctor to check your back! SS, we are awaiting for more news. Ann, I hope your mother can start to walk again!
Bookworm your story was incredible! I must say I don't have these problems, if the bathroom is not free, I can go to the garden with the dogs. Of course, it is cold in winter, in the night.

Hi all,
So sorry your dads are not doing well, Linda and SS. I hope things improve soon. Cuz I love the cake recipe!
Diane, I'm glad things went well for you during the holidays. Maybe things will get better.
I'm transfering mom to an acute care facility for another 20 days. She's not walking at all. Still in a lot of pain. I just can't do the rehab myself even tho she keeps begging me to take her home. I hope this place will get her walking again.
She's not eating. Mainly because they just bring her tray and leave it there. I have to be there at mealtimes to feed her.

Really tired so I'm going to bed now. Yall take care.
Love you all,

Golf, be sure to take care of your health while caretaking. I know you know that. But I just want to encourage you to share your stories, or vent, or share your worries with us. I just joined, and I have been doing this myself. The reception is so positive! Also I have not reached out to anyone about caretaking prior to this, so before I felt very alone and stuck. Even though my mother and I have each other with the caretaking responsibilities, I still feel overwhelmed. Here's a great place to be when feeling overwhelmed.

LMAO Cuz!!

Hey Cristina I forgot how to get to the recipe site so I thought I would post my cake recipe right here ok? Here goes

Bourbon Christmas Cake!

Once again this year, I've had requests for my Bourbon Christmas Cake recipe so here it goes: Please keep in your files as I am getting tired of typing this up every year!

1 cup sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup water
1 tsp. salt
1 cup brown sugar
Lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 bottle bourbon
2 cups dried fruit

Sample the bourbon to check quality. Take a large bowl; check the bourbon again to be sure it is of the highest quality. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it is best to make sure the bourbon is still OK. Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eegs and add to the bowl and chuck iin the cup of dried fruit. Pick the fruit up off the floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the bourbon to test for tonsisticity. Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Check the bourbon. Now shift the lemon ice strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 s and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the bourbon and wipe the counter with the cat.

Cherry Mristmas

Prayer out your way linda.

just a quickie here , took dad to ER this afternoon . they admitted him . he has copd infected lungs and uti and congistive heart failer , theyre pumppin him with antibodi .
my mil and bil is still here , thought they were going home today but they decided to stay a bit longer , so im staying at th ehospital tnite cuz i cant be so far from dad while he s sick . so u all say a prayers for him , thanks
im doing ok . my back is alright . goodnight love you all xoxo

Christina I swear I only baked a chicken, not six

I'm wondering : Where is BJ?! See any feathers scattered around?

Hugs to everyone. I'll be joining this thread because of all you wonderful gal/guys that have so much love and inspiration and great advise. I've been on AC for 2 years or more, but really just looked at the early messages. I thought this was kind of a private thread about a cruise :) The caregiving is taking a slow toll on my health and I need a warm comfy place to share with you all. And I hope I can be helpful and caring right back at you. Suzie

Hi Y'all,

Yes, thank goodness Christmas is over!!!!! I so hope the New Year will be so much better than 2011. We managed to get through Christmas without any family arguments. Mom, James and I had a quiet Christmas Day. My mom did go over to the evil nephews yesterday with my brother, but it gave me a couple hours off. James and I went to Steinmart to spent our giftcard. Today we went to the grocery to spend the other giftcard. I'm still learning to cook low-fat and low-sodium for James, but its forcing me to think outside the box and try new recipes. Dr. Oz website has some good recipes as well as the Mayo Clinic website. I found an interesting muffin recipe on the Cooking Light website that I want to try. I managed to forget a few ingredients so I'll try baking them tomorrow.

Well I had better get off of here and get dinner on the table. Baked chicken, leftover squash casserole, rice & beans and sauteed spinach.

Love ya,

ss I hope your Dad is better soon-it is good that he is in ICU that is the best place in a hospital for a pt. needing close observation-my best thought go out to you and I hope the staff is as good as one of the ICU's my husband was in-I got a chance to see our 3 local hospitals and the worse was the one he worked in 21 yrs. and I did 25 yrs-they were turned down for the Magnat distinction and with good reason my reports to the health department may have helped that-the one I thought was the best of the 3 got it which was great.

Yes, me- glad christmas is over. Eyeing my mantle, rearranging my kitchen already. Is it Spring yet? haha. LindaHeart, have you called the doc yet? Sending you big warm energy vibes to heal your muscles.
It is so nice to see many people here today, oldies and newbies. Love you:) xo

Hi all, it's warm and rainy here. I've been cleaning, cooking, laundry and reading in between all day. Dad's been a little cranky but other than that he is doing fine. I recently listened to an audio book by Marianne Williamson titled "family relationships" that has helped me tremendously with coping with the care of my Dad. It gave me a better perspective of the whole care giving experience with him. Anyway, I wanted to share that with you.

Linda, I hope you're back is calming down. If it persists you might want to go see a Chiropractic doctor and or a good medically trained Massage Therapist. I'm not a doctor however I have worked with them for years and it sounds like a bulging disc in your Thoracic Spine. The Chiropractor can order and or do the imaging tests to determine what's wrong. Anyway, they hurt like hell and if the problem is in the Thoracic Spine (mid-back) area it can affect your breathing. I have one in my low back that acts up once or twice a year and it's hell, I know. When mine acts up I got get adjustments at the Chiropractors and some deep tissue massage therapy and in about a week it starts to ease up.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone else glad that Xmas is over?

SS: sorry to hear that dad is still in ICU...I hope you can get him outta there as soon as they find out what is going on...does he have ulcers? Rehab is good....focus is on getting people on their feet. Have you talked with hospice folks yet? They are a lifesaver...
Keep us posted.

Always welcome here SS. lots of people come and go and come back, I think this is for when you need it, and even if you disappear for a bit it is still here waiting when you came back. hello to lynmac and bookworm any other new posters. Been here about two years even myself. Really helps to vent and grouse and talk to people who KNOW the situations...

I think putting the porta pottie in ones own room while an elder refuses to use it and ties up the lav about sums up the experience of care giving, literally and figuratively; frustration, adaptation, fear, hope. A truly Taking it Day by Day situation....
Hope everyone is well and having a sane week after the hols. Prayers and Good Thoughts for those who are not. Jen

Bookworm - Welcome! this site has saved my live - no joking- when I was at the lowest of the low. We've all been through so many phases and it seems someone here is always at your phase, somewhere along the way. We are blessed!

My Dad is still is ICU. If they can figure out why he has a stomach bleed, we might be able to get him stable and admitted to rehab to gain his strength back. I really don't know which way this will go. We shall see. love to all. i am holding on. Went to work out today, that felt good, and now need to get some work done. No vacation for the sole proprietor!!


Bookworm, I had a good chuckle when I read that you took GM's porta potty and put it in your room. Now that was not only accepting the situation but doing something to solve your problem with it, Love it! If I haven't said it Welcome to the forum, you are a great addition. :)

Truecolors birthday is tomorrow, December 28:)

Hey, bookie! 68%, huh? I think it's amazing you can figure out the time GM is hogging the bathroom! Doesn't that drive you nuts? Stick around, and you will save your sanity! We are sane here about 53.7% of the time. Whoo Hoo!!
Up at 6, hubby gone at 4:30 today. I'm babysitting today. Cheerios all over the place. Crunch. We'll go to Spectrum and ride the carosel, get frozen yogurt. Gavin likes to watch people--ah, a kid like me, and not blood related. What a Blessing. Love to you all. Have a good day:) Christina xo

These elders keep us on our toes-I once said to my son about my mother -how can one 92 yr old cause such trouble-her behaivor is horrible and she seems to feel entitled to do as she wants and is so dependent on others-you would think she would be grateful-one time she got made and called a AL place and after she found out what it cost she settled down for a while.

We have reached a new low. Last night I woke up at around 4 am. Grandma was in the bathroom. I knocked on the door and said I had to go. Instead of hurrying as she normally does, she said, "Can you use a pail?" She then handed me a little cooking tin through the door. We responded by grabbing the commode in her room (which she refuses to use) and put it in my room. Now we are using it when she is in the bathroom, which is about 68% of the time.

Beware of Older Women

I'll confess,
I ended up with an older woman at a bar last night.
She looked pretty good for a 60-year-old.
In fact, she wasn't too bad at all,
and I found myself thinking she probably had a really hot daughter.
We drank a couple of beers,
and she asked if I'd ever had a Sportsman's Double?
'What's that? I asked.
'It's a mother and daughter threesome,' she said.
As my mind began to embrace the idea,
and I wondered what her daughter might look like,
I said, 'No, I haven't.'
We drank a bit more, then she said with a wink,
'tonight's your lucky night'.
We went back to her place.
We walked in.
She put on the hall light and shouted upstairs:

' still awake?'

Merry belated Christmas to everyone! I just discovered this site a few days ago. It's been such a blessing to talk to everyone here. You are all so kind. We have to be since we are taking care of people. It's hard to find nice communities online, and sometimes you really need to reach out for help when there's no one and the internet's the only place to go. I'm glad this site is here, because it's not just a place that says "Are you a care taker? Make sure to take care of yourself!" It's real people, coming together, helping each other with advice and emotional support and love. Thank you all so much. Merry Christmas again!

Hi! Linda I am so sorry about your back. It is time you go to a doctor and see what you can do. I am sure this is something related just to your muscles and nerves and there is nothing else, but you have to check and find a treatment!
SS: nobody has forgotten you. I am sorry for your very complicated Christmas.
Christina on the contrary I am happy you had a good Christmas. Take your time to clean the house and so on.
Carolyn I hope you find a good solution for your mother. I know it's not easy.
My mother is always very quiet and I don't know if this is still a consequence of the flu or I have to consider this situation as permanent. I don't know if she even realized we had a family meeting today. She was completely absent. I wonder if we have arrived to another stage of the disease. I haven't given her a Seroquel for 5 days now - If you think that until last week we had to give her 3 in order to calm her down! I don't know what to expect.
My family meeting with my cousins was not very good because I felt like an alien among them. Our life, our feelings are so different now that I couldn't really talk to anybody. It seemed to me we came from different worlds. But they were very sweet. I have become too cynic for the rest of the world! Anything I said they looked at me as if I were a monster. They don't know I became a cynic to defend myself from excessive sorrow!
I am glad Christmas is over anyway!

Hi everyone, I'm just stopping in to say hi....HI :) I'm tired tonight from the last couple of days so I don't have much to say (haha that's a first). I hope everyone is well and resting. Carolyn, I'm glad your back. Kimmy, yay, electric cigs!
Welcome Lynmac :) Love and hugs to all of you.


SS-thoughts are with you! Hope Dad will have a speedy recovery!

Carolyn! Nice to see you and congratulations on your new sclera lens. All the best as you adjust. Prayers and Blessings.

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