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To every caregiver on the ship May you all have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year and may each of you have a special Angel that will guide you through all of the ups an downs that you go through. I hope that I can supply enough laughs to brightnen up the dark and dingy days. I try my best. Welcome to all the new comers and hope that you stick around cause there are alot of great people here that share everyones joys and sorrows. Hug to everyone from central Michigan where we will be having a brown x-mas this year because I got my snowblower fixed so now it ain't going to snow the rest of the winter.
Love to all Cuz

& to ALL my dear friends ~
A calm Christmas & safe new year.

Happy Holiday Bookworm!
Glad you're here!
It's a crazy ride that we're stuck with ~

Merry Christmas everyone!

Good Evening everyone, I'm finally getting to sit down and it's nearly 10pm here. The family dinner went really well.. thanks for the recipes Christine :) I only did the carrots and they were delicious! I hope everyone is safe and keeping warm tonight.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket

Amen somebody. Except my grandma won't be told anything, she's the one who does the telling. At the expense of our eardrums.

Sounds about right bookworm....It gets to "Tell" don't "Ask" at some point....

Grandma won't let me clean her, she would rather have the shower curtain completely closed. (She's afraid of having the bathroom get wet.) She has crusty armpits and poop in her butt crack.

Merry Christmas to all my dear friends.

Good Afternoon! The pea soup is smelling wonderful, the bread is done. I made 8--5 inch loaves. I made cheese balls. Not turkey balls, or gator balls. Cheese balls, which are super simple and the kids love them: 2-- 8 oz. pkgs cream cheese, 1 packet dry Italian salad dressing mix (GS), add a little Worcestershire. Put down a piece of waxed paper, sprinkle with chopped toasted pecans, paprika, dry parsley, butter you hands, roll it around, then shape in ball or log, wrap it up and put in fridge. Each batch makes 2 balls. Of course.
OK, I've had a couple glasses of Chardonnay while I am slaving in the kitchen. I wonder if Cricket is slaving in the kitchen?
OK--gotta go make Macaroons now. Hubby's favorite. Kids will be here in 1 hour.
Love you guys... Hugs...Christina xo
OH OH OH!!!! Hubby took our son his gift last night and was welcomed warmly! He texted me that he would call him later. I am cautiously optimistic. I am laying low, ball in his court. He loves the cheese ball. I was going to text back, "I'm making a cheese ball....", but Marv said NO. heehee. It would be a nice beginning to what I believe is going to be a BETTER year for us ALL. Forget that it's an Election year and what the Maya said.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Love all of you! XXOO Kimmy

PARAPROSDOKIANS still snarffing over those! Very goood cuz...Hope bobbie is doing well glad she is reading even if not writing in yet, tell her we all miss her and hope she is healing up and resting!

Gotta snow fall unexpected and it is going to be a White Christmas here in Spokane, Wa. Hope everyone is well and Having Safe sane and Happy holidays where ever they are...


Glad your mom is on the mend annt and you will get a bit of a rest there too...

Best Wishes for everyone here Hi to new people as well....

Happy Holidays to all. What a wonderful gift to have found such wonderful folks on this site. Big hugs and much love.

Christina I love that verse our Pastor uses that often for our benidiction at the end of our church service-Bobbie christina is right we will keep the boat afolat but need your coffee take care of yourself my friend.

Happy Christmas Eve,

I'm busy busy cooking but wanted to stop in to say hello, Hello.

Bobbie, I'm glad you're able to read the posts. Miss you but want you to focus on your recovery and get better. You been through a horrendous ordeal and it takes time to emotionally and physically recover. Now is the time to make up for all the lost time not spent on yourself. Angel to you!

No pressure, Captain. Relax, enjoy your R & R. We can keep the BOAT AFLOAT. I don't see any Pirates around, or sharks; plenty of life preservers and calm seas.
"May the Lord Bless you and keep you, May the Lord cause His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you, May the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace." Number 6: 24-26. Multiply for each Crew member.
Love you all. Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas. Hugs, Christina xo

Cuz thank you for the update on our captain Bobbie-I also was worried about her and hope she can start posting again soon-we need her sage advice.

Thanks for the update on Bobbie. I've been worried that we haven't seen her for awhile. Cuz, thank you for that devilish humor of yours.

Hey gals I got to talk with captain bobbie tonight. She said she is physically whipped from the last couple of months and is trying to recuparate. She says she has kept up with reading all of the posts but is just to tired to respond. She says hi to everyone and hopes to get back in the swing of things when she feels better. Hugs to everyone and Happy Holidays to all.

A little education for ya!

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice inAntarctica – where do they go?

Wonder no more ! ! !
It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.
If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.
The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing:

"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."

Then, they kick him in the ice hole.

You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you?

It's so easy to fool OLD people.

I am sorry, the devil made me do it!!!

Cricket: oooooohhh......ahhhhhhhhh.......pretty

LOL... the crews out tonight!!! Overload, recalculating, recalculating, recalculating!!! Merry Christmas, my dear friends.

Gesundheit!!! Ah...Ah... No. Eat some garlic!

Good evening everyone, I've still got lots to do but wanted to leave you with this.

☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
/▌*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚…just sprinkling a little Love to all of you. ~♥~˚ ✰* ★
/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ
┊  ┊  ┊  ┊
┊  ┊  ┊  ★
┊  ┊  ☆
┊  ★
☆Make a wish on a falling star!

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ✰ ⋯
⋰ ⋮ ⋱
….| _▄▄_
★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱Ƹ̵̡*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´

Ann, love it when you talk tough! Haha! Whoo Hoo!
Marv and I are going to grill filet mignon on Christmas then go down to the beach and drink margaritas. It's 73 right now at 3 pm and will be warmer on the weekend. We will be alone afternoon. Our other friends cannot come that day, so no work. I'm making split pea soup and cornbread for Christmas Eve dinner. We will have kids over, and open 1 present, Christmas morning for breakfast and open presents. I keep telling Marv that new traditions will be forming in a few years, and he just tears up.
Renee, you are a doll and you are a wonderful addition to the Crew. Have a wonderful Christmas and throw Mom the dish towel. Haha ! Hugs!
Started writing this before Dr saw Mother. She is better. He is pretty sure she does Not have pneumonia, but a bronchial infection. I got him to order more PT. So, no hospital. We got back from a walk, sang "On the Sunny Sude of the Street" she said, "Oh, I love that song", Amazing. It is intermittent.
Got to finish up my stuff. Bbl. Love you guys. Christina xo


Merry almost Christmas Eve to you all. Thinking of you and yours and wishing you well.

Annt enjoy you time away from Mom- it is good the rehab does not let you be there all the time-the NH for rehab my husband was in let you come in any time and spending 13 hrs a day with him was exhausting. Wantto - I hope you can enjoy time with the other members of your family while your Mom cooks the meal and no way do you do all the cleaning up-get all the women involved or let your Mom do it the next day except for putting away the food.

Hi girls I am at the top of my flu and I have cotton wool in my head. Tonight Daniela took us to the Health Centre because my mother had to see the doctor and a friend of Danielaìs had to see a doctor, too. The problem was that we had 3 children in our car, too. Daniela driving, my mother (with the flu) on the seat near the driver's, and on the rear seat, Daniela's friend (with heart condition), myself (with the flu and a man's voice) and 3 children, all crammed one on top of the other. When Daniela got out of the car to go to a shop, the children started to fight and slap each other's faces. I said "Please girls shut up" one, 2, 3 times. My mother with her flu was half asleep on her seat. Daniela's friend was worried about her heart. I had the cottonwool in my brain, so after 10 minutes I shouted to the girls "Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (with a man's voice). The girls were scared for my reaction so I started to sing a very gross Christmas song (gross as: "Santa Claus is pissing on the tree") to make them laugh (don't forget I had two BOY nephews so I am not very used to playing with girls!) But the girls enjoyed the song and they started to sing it too, so when Daniela came back into the car she heard 3 little girls singing like sailors and she was quite shocked! Then I explained to her I had to ease up the atmosphere a little bit. While we sang this "dirty" song (the reindeers had started to piss on the tree, too) my mother was dozing, Daniela's friend continued to keep her hand on her heart; so you can guess what it was like in that car!!!!!
When we got home, at last (it was 8 o'clock in the night) we were all tired and hungry but the kids were relaxed and they were not afraid of me anymore. But I continued to had cottonwool in my brain so when I opened the car door (from outside, to retreive my bag), I shut it on my face and now I have a broken lip and I look like Joe Frazier. And I am lucky I saved my tooth because it was hit very hard, too! This was my December 23rd. I wonder what will happen on 24 and 25.

Good Morning Friends! Next couple of days will be extremely hectic at my house so wanted to take the opportunity now to wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas!!! My husband and our 3 daughters will be spending the day together tomorrow, about 17 years ago we started a tradition of Daddy Daughter day on Xmas Eve. It was supposed to give Me time to wrap presents etc without all of them around but has turned into a wonderful tradition that they all look forward to. I will be blessed with my grandchildren tomorrow while the girls enjoy their daddy. I have a 2 1/2 year old granddaughter and a 1 month old granddaughter - they are the light of my life and I spend each and every second doing whatever makes them happy. Everything else in my life takes a back seat when my babies are around!!! I am PRAYING that Mom does not cause problems on Christmas - she has already planned the entire meal - told everyone else they cannot bring anything, made a grocery list for ME to buy ... ughhh (Control Freak!!!). So, I can battle with her for kitchen time or let her be happy and clean up after her!! IF she cooks, I clean - and let me tell you, she takes advantage of it - she doesnt so much as wipe a drip or put a spatula in the dishwasher .... BUT - it will be a wonderful day and I will try very hard to not let it get to me!!! I feel I was given a gift in finding this website and getting to know all of you. Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! xo Renee

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