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Went to bed at 11:30 and woke up at 3:30. It's 4:30 now so I might as well stay up. What a crappy nite! Sciatic pain and RLS kept waking me up even the few hrs I tried to sleep.
Kim, I hope ur Dad is not too sore from the fall. Mama hasn't fallen in over a month. I'm so proud about that.No skin tears or broken bones right now. She won't use a walker either. Not even a cane now. Since she hasn't fallen lately, she thinks she can do anything. I just let her need to try to stop her. She won't listen to me. Pushing her limits too I guess.

I got married in 1968 at 17. At that time they wouldn't let married girls finish school so I missed my graduation and had to finish later. Back then they wouldn't let pregnant girls go either. Boy has that changed. In 1970 my first son was born, so a lot of the things that went on in the early 70s just passed me by. I was too busy with my baby and husband to notice or participate in much of anything. I remember a race march in Augusta, but wasn't sufficiently interested in anything but my baby to join in.
Remember Laugh-IN? Wish I had some of those shows now. I've never even seen them on Ebay. We have a local channel on TV that just runs old tv shows but not Laugh IN. I'm watching an episode of 12 O'Clock High right now. Combat just went off. Remember Vic Morrow got killed by a helicoptor blade while making a Twilight Zone episode? Oh, remember when actors had to keep it secret that they were gay? All the really hunky guys were gay. Rock Hudson, Chuck Conners, Raymond Burr.....who else....I forget.
That's funny about goats. I knew they stunk but I didn't know it would rub off on ya.
Think I'll lay down on the sofa. My head is killing me. I may have another sinus infection. Head has been hurting for a week now without a break. Using saline spray but not helping much.

Y'all have a good day if you can.

Cricket- that will probably be next! LOL Thankful though that it wouldn't be like a goat! Oh geez gotta get that image out of my mind! Love you! Have a peaceful sleep! Kimmy

Kimmy, aren't you glad I said "upright" instead of erect! HaH!

MW2 now that's scary! When I first got my FIL Charlie the goat and named the goat Charlie also it was pretty funny. Then when I would go down the slope off from the front porch to feed the goat and give him water he would try to run at me and butt me from behind and Charlie was laughing so hard that was pretty funny to but if Charlie knew that Goat had a foot long penis and was charging me he would have ROARed with laughter! Now I on the other hand would have "runnoft" run for the hills, egads!!!! And you are right about that potent that what musk smells like? Gawd, it was the most awful smell ever. When my SIL came to visit and went up to him and grabbed his beard and tickled his chin while talking to him, all the rest of us looked at each other with BIG EYES O.o
It took her three trips to the washroom and still could not get the stench out! That was funny, I can still hear her voice baby talking that goat to this day.
Yeah the lady I picked up the goat from in the first place loved her goat to, she told me how he was such a good pet and how he would get in the car with her and they would ride all over town together....o.O when the fil died about 8 hours later I took the goat back and only said thanks for the loan but Charlie is gone now and I think he (goat) will be happier with you. I didn't feel to guilty about returning Charlie the goat to her since you know, she loved putting them in the car with her to gad about town and all. LOL Not to say that your sweet goat is anything at all like that, or that you do any such thing. hehe j/k I'm starting to get giddy now and rambling about goats to much from a lack of oxygen or sleep..:) Kimmy I hope your Dad stays upright and keeps his underpants on tonight!

I'm off to bed, nighty night everyone. It's been fun. minus the mishap at Kimmy's tonight.

Love yas,

Thanks meanwhile! Dad is OK. Now the mystery is solved with the goat and pee in beard! Wow that is long! LOL Love the story about the little girl! Great adventure for a little one! XXOO

I have to come to the defense of my goat. Comparing him to a pervert is just insulting. OK, he does pee on his face. A buck goat has a penis over a foot long, it is just retracted most of the time. But, my buck goat, is quite the gentleman. When I go in his pen with grain or hay, he runs over and stands by his feeder. I have to admit, throwing water on him keeps him in line pretty well. Goats hate to get wet.
Had some friends stop by one Sunday on their way to church. Nobody noticed their 2 year old daughter got over to the pasture fence, she wanted to pet the goat. Bucks are really very friendly. They got in the car to leave, and couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from, and they were late to church. Ended up rolling all the windows down. By the time they got to church, had to take little Tiffany to the bathroom to try and wash her off, but buck musk is pretty potent.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. You guys are better than the movie my sister, Indio, and some friends took me to. It was called "New Years Eve", cute, but the out takes at the end were the best part.
Of course the movie theater here in Alpine, is an antique in itself. And not a grand one either. It looks like the movie theater in the "Beverly Hillbilly's", not the one in Beverly Hills, but back in their home town of Possum Trot.
KIm I hope your Dad is alright.

Cricket the puca beads were a type of shell I think. They started out being sort of a surfer thing and became a craze in the early 70's. Of course there was also all the macrame type jewelry too. Tye-dye shirts and what about the Moo moos? Boy are we telling our age :)

Ron is here. I almost feel relieved that he had to get his tooth pulled today and called off work! That is a terrible thing to say, but that is the way I feel! Hannah is here, but having Ron here makes me feel more secure! Love you guys!

thanks for keeping us posted Kimmy, I'm sure glad he is okay. i hope it's not going to be another one of those nights for you!

He is okay..whew...fully lit in there! He attempted to bend over and pick the dog's water dish up to refill it! He bends over constantly even though we tell him not to do it! Christina, I don't think he would use a walker. He is stubborn to the bone! Still thinks he can do anything he did before! We tell him every day that he needs to be careful! I know part of it is the Alz, but part is just him pushing his own limits and denial. Love you guys so much! Thanks for being there! He is in his bed now, but not for long! XXOO

I remember peasant dresses and tops, and 45's. My daughter has a picture of me at 15 in an embrace with her father when he was 18 and I was wearing a peasant blouse. I loved them. I remember making beaded bracelets and necklaces where we would make rows and rows of beads to make them really wide, are those the same ones?

Do you remember Puca beads? I think thats how you spell it. How about the long peasant dresses? 45 records?

Kimmie I hope your dad is ok

Kimbo!!! Does Dad have a walker? I have a really neat purple one with hand brakes, Mother never used. He needs one, doncha think?

Oh Crap Kimmy, Is he okay?

Remmy the Nancy Sinatra boots and "these boots are made for walking" da da na da na da, or something like that, haha I remember the Hiphugger jeans. i had my hair cut in a pageboy, then later a long shag and I admit it... I did smoke pot and did much worse. I was a bad girl! I knew how to rebel... REBEL REBEL makes me think of another song.

She was Right, maybe uptight, definitely outa sight.

You girls are hysterical. In 9th grade, I had Cher Hair, bangs and all. Nice and straight. All the popular girls had short curly hair and Iwanted to cut mine. Mother wouldn't let me. She said it was classic. She was tight. Jean Shrimpton was my idol, and Julie Christy. Loved those English girls and the boy bands. So groovy. Spent Sundays at Griffith Park wearing flowers in my hair, only getting a whiff of marijuana, never smoking it. Hiphugger jeans and lace up brown suede boots. Had one of the first shags in our town full of USC kids. Haha. The beginning of my rebellion against the uptight establishment. Whoo Hoo!!

Ok....Dad just fell in the kitchen! Ron is checking him out now! Hope nothing is broken! Heart is racing! I think he is ok! Wish us luck!

Taking a break helping daughter study for a history exam! Ron (Mehran) still passed out on couch after tooth extraction! Dad will probably be up in another hour for the night!

Anyhoo.....I used to run around catching grasshoppers! Loved catching lightening bugs too! I don't see many grasshoppers these days! Where did they go? Used to see praying mantis all the time too! Haven't seen one in years either! Back to quizzing!

okay now you got me going... what were some of our buzz words? groovy, man, psychedelic!

Yeah Kimmy, we didn't have these cool ceramic flat irons like they do today, we had to pull out the house iron and ironing board! I used to beg my step-dad to iron my hair straight and when he would say no I would start doing it myself and looked like a total idiot and it made him roar with laughter and finally help me do it. LOL

I had those curlers to Ann, man they were horrible to try to sleep in! remember bell bottoms? we used to cut open our levi's on the sides and sew flower power fabric between the slits to get the bells. oh and remmy frosted lipstick? oh and how we felt sophisticated if we plucked our eyebrows!! how about "going steady" or if someone "chooses you out" and everyone would yell "fight fight" that sucked, lol Here's another one....remmy "Hot Pants" I had a leather pair of Hot Pants that were dyed hot pink! woohoo! I was hot stuff. lmao!

OMG, you guys have me laughing my head off! Wow that is a trip down memory lane. Foil on the TV antenna, kids played in mud puddles and catching tad poles, and the bus was 35 cents to go downtown

omg, I remember having to iron my hair too.And my curlers were as big as orange juice cans! And two coats of Cover Girl make up with a blue eye shadow. Like Austin said...a nice trip down memory lane.

Thanks guys for the trip down memory lane.

I remember hair ironing! Geez remember life without the hand held blow dryers! Everybody had to sit with the plastic cap on their head!

Husband came home from the dentist! He was supposed to have a root canal and dentist ended up pulling the tooth! Dentist said he couldn't find the canal! He is asleep on the couch and not going into work tonight! I don't understand how the dentist couldn't find the canal!

When I was in H.S. straight hair was in and I had curly hair. I used to iron my hair to straighten it, and god forbid it rained.

Those were so funny I just had to copy and paste and send to my kids. What a hoot. Kids really do have it easy today as we had it easy compared to our parent's day.
How about.."It's Shake and Bake and I helped." Speedy Alka-Seltzer..Brylcream..a little dab'll do ya....Dippy de doo (before we put in the curlers)...white lipstick or pale pink that looks white....Lee press on nails (making a comeback in another form) etc..... Good memories.

Was it Burt Reynolds that did the first male centerfold? Joe Namath in panty hose! LOL

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