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Oh I forgot about those douche bags! (doubled over laughing)!!! Every woman had one and they were so secretive about their bag! Hehehehe No wonder they were always getting yeast infections!!

OMG I forgot about the kotex belt! Horrors! I shall have nightmares.

And what about the big rubber douche/enema bags? Ewwwww . . .I shall be sick now.

When I was little I loved to listen in on conversations on the party line! LOL
Garters to hold stockings up! Rip I remember my Mom squeezing herself into the girdle! I think that is when I learned every curse word on the book!

This is a good one! My Mom was still alive when this happened so it had to be maybe 12 years ago, but I needed some pads and my husband went out to het them for me. He came back with the ones you use with the belt! I had never seen a box of these since I was a teenager. We have an antique Hooks drug store here at the State Fair grounds! I called my Mom laughing and she said "Where did he get those at the Hooks Museum?" I swear he must have bought the very last box that was on the shelf just sitting there for years and years! Should have kept them and sold them to the Hooks Museum! I was desperate at the time and used some of them without the famous belt! LOL XXOO Kimmy

And how men could only see naked pics of women if they bought them from behind the counter, and women couldn't see naked men pics at all til 1972 - thank you Cosmo :)

And if you mised the national news at 6:30 you were SOL til the next day - thank you Walter Cronkite

And if you wanted ice cubes you had to fill (and crack open) those metal trays with the hinge and you better hope your hands weren't wet or they would stick to it?

Body shaping "girdles" ... before spandex

Cricket - that was great and oh so true.

And remember life before blow dryers? How every other woman had curlers in her hair routinely and in public?

And no matter the cold how all women over a certain age were expected to wear skirts, hose and heels most everywhere?

And way before pizza delivery we would use the little boxes of Chef Boy Ar Dee to make our own bad ones at home?

And how if we were lucky we got all three channels on the TV?

And how grandma how the "party line" on her phone?

And how we actually had to go into the bank to deposit our checks and get our money? And we had to write checks to pay our bills?

Speaking of which i have to stop now and go do just that.

3 and 11 are my favorites, lol

thanks angelhair, one of my facebook friends had posted that and I figured everyone here would get a kick out of it also.

Those were the days! Could never imagined all this technology would exist in our lifetime.

Barb, loved your story about the little lady! I can see you right now helping her out! Thinking about that creme horn is making me salivate! Even though you weren't on the force then I can just see her wiping sweat off her brow and heaving a big sigh of relief because she didn't get a ticket when she got back home! LOL

Love you all! Have a good sleep if possible! Kimmy,Kimbo,Kim, all these aliases! LOL

That is so awesome Cricket! I love it!

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill.... Barefoot... BOTH ways...yadda, yadda, yadda

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

But now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it, but you kids today, you don't know how good you've got it!

1) I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!

2) There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter - with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox, and it would take like a week to get there! Stamps were 10 cents!

3) Child Protective Services didn't care if our parents beat us. As a matter of fact, the parents of all my friends also had permission to kick our ass! Nowhere was safe!

4) There were no MP3's or Napsters or iTunes! If you wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the record store and shoplift it yourself!

5) Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio, and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up! There were no CD players! We had tape decks in our car. We'd play our favorite tape and "eject" it when finished, and then the tape would come undone rendering it useless. Cause, hey, that's how we rolled, Baby! Dig?

6) We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called, they got a busy signal, that's it! And if you really wanted to get through you dialed the operator and made an emergency breakthrough on the line !!!!

7) There weren't any freakin' cell phones either. If you left the house, you just didn't make a damn call or receive one. You actually had to be out of touch with your "friends". OH MY GOSH !!! Think of the horror... not being in touch with someone 24/7!!! And then there's TEXTING. Yeah, right. Please! You kids have no idea how annoying you are.

8) And we didn't have fancy Caller ID either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your parents, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, the collection agent.... you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

9) We didn't have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'Asteroids', 'Pac Man', & 'Donkey Kong'..... Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen.. Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!

10) You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?!

11) There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying? We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rat-bastards!

12) And we didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that!

13) And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores!

And car seats - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were lucky, you got the "safety arm" across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling "shot gun" in the first place!

Jen, there is a book that helped me so much with learning how to deal with difficult people. Like you I to would rather go lock myself in a room and just be unavailable as a way to protect myself.. if you're interested in the book it's called. . "Setting Boundaries with difficult people" by David J. Lieberman. He really explains things well and helps a person to see alternative ways and benefits of standing up for yourself. I got it in the audible format and listened to it in 30 minutes so the book is probably not that big nor expensive. You ARE worth it.

Jen speaking up can do wonders I found out with the husband the first time you think the sky is going to fall down the next time it is easier-you need just a few words to get your point across and it feels good.

You are SO worth it, Jen. You would probably feel great if you can do it. It's not good to let shit build up. Take it from the expert. ;)

Am wondering if it is building up here....maybe I will tell him to knock it off! We shall see. Just so used to avoiding everything...Thank you all for the support and insistence I am worth it.

Just remembered a funny story

In high school I was a ROTC 'sponsor' - girls could not be officer candidates back then. We wore very, very short dress uniforms - it was 1972! Got to find a pic of that to post to facebook . . .

Anyway. One day I was sitting at a red light eating a creme horn from my favorite bakery(gosh i miss those) and getting the powdered sugar all over myself when I was rear-ended.

It was an elderly female driver - there was no damage done as Detroit made 'real' cars then - I was driving a 1966 Galaxy 500. Anyway, this elderly woman who hit me thought I was a cop - she wouldn't stop apologizing and begging me not to give her a ticket even as she was dusting the sugar off my uniform . . . she was so upset I ended up following her home to make sure she got there OK. (I used to do the same thing from time to time when I was a cop - always taking the protect and serve stuff seriously).

good evening all, Kimmy you had me laughing to with the Mom story's, especially the one where your Mom's wig got knocked off and the lady thought she was decapitated! Good stuff those story's. I can see why you miss your Mom so much. Me and my best friend Wilma out in CA are crazy like that when we get together to.

Jen, I hear what you're saying about "too too too too" I get it. I really enjoyed reading your last post. Please get well.

Linda, are you feeling better with the bladder issue? I hope so.

Love to all of you,

Linda-I was laughing so hard I was crying! Glad I'm not alone with the memory! For a while there I was getting scared! :0 Love you,Kimmy

kimmy - u had me rolling ! yes im bad about remmy who said this that , ah well we wall know who we meant .
i dont know why jam scram . guess she didnt like us . lol . ah well im not crying . blew us all away but thats ok its the lord s willin . DAMN IF YOU DO DAMN IF YOU DONT . yes she left way before any of you guys came . its all good .
love ya kimmy xoxo

Linda it was me Kimmy not Cricket that spelled Christina's name instead of Barb's. LOL Who is Jam and why did she scram? Don't think I was on here when Jam was here! I like that name Jam! I'm terrible! When I first started posting, I think I gave myself some hugs that were supposed to go to others. I am having more senior moments every day! Maybe it is just the lack of sleep! Love you, Kimmy

Barb-I swear I could write a sitcom that revolves around my Mom's life. I could never figure out why she married Dad. Polar opposites! I guess maybe it's the opposites attract thing, but if my husband didn't have a sense of humor I couldn't take it! It would be bye bye birdie! Got the tree sitting in the corner but no ornaments! This year we are just getting some presents for Hannah and Dad! Still have the floor to put down in the apartment! Going to try to buy remnants which will cut down on cost!

Have you checked the hospitals and even long term care facilities to see if there are any ombudsman positions? You would be great at it because your communication and problem solving skills are excellent. Just a thought. I still have not slept yet. After a certain time comes and goes, I don't sleep! Wide awake!

Jen, Barb is right! You can stand up to fp and you will feel good about it. I did it with Dad. Took me two years, but I did it and felt relief! He was being so rude and mean to me! Caught him by surprise and eased the situation around here. Even though he has Alz now, he still tries to push buttons and I tell him to back off! FP needs to know that you know how his behavior has and does bother you and you won't take it anymore! He needs to be told and you need the release of getting it off your heart! I guarantee you it does feel good!

Love you all! Try to have a good afternoon! Kim

rip used to be on GO thread but she left and got her own thread . some of the followers followed her . so i try to becareful not to use jam . but say RIP . LALALA i do miss hearing from jam tho
soo i messed up here damn it ! i re read what i said and caught my error !
rip did not leave to start her own thread , i mean jam left to start on her own thread . oh my lord . got that straighten out .
hi jam :-) if ure reading this ,,,, hi rip i know ure reading this , :-) xoxo

hi there . been so busy yesterday and didnt even get on the puter , i dont think i did . mm been zoomin around and notice here lately i ve been runnin ! decided to take a break here while clothes are drying .
coconut oil yummie i put a teaspoon of it in my coffee . fry my food in it too .
im not racist , all colors is what the lord created and i love his colors . even his rainbow he makes after the stormy days .
cricket - i know what ya mean that u meanits for barb but u keep spelling christina s name lol lol lol . i used to do that i would say jam but i mean rip !! rip used to be on GO thread but she left and got her own thread . some of the followers followed her . so i try to becareful not to use jam . but say RIP . LALALA i do miss hearing from jam tho . oh well .
goat yuck , we used to own one bily goat , gawd he was mean and freakin piss himself in the face every chance he has . blah stinky ass shit . we got rid of him when my baby girl was walking and she would get in the pasture and he would run for her . nana not havin it so gave it to a guy that wanted to bq him . there ya go have a happy eating ,
jsomebody - i had that sexual shit attackin me at my work long time ago . my own supervisor would stand there behind me and watch my ass while i bust my ass working , fast pace al time go go go . i notice young punk boys would all stand around laughin and gigglin . i knew in my heart it was cuz my supervisor was watching me . it finaly hit me that i have had enuff ! i turned around and looked at him in the eyes and blew up in his face , i have had enuff of this enuff of it and i walked away and clock out and went home . then next night those young punks were comin to me sayin im sorry it wasnt me , i said i know it wasnt you it was that fkin asshole there . my supervisor would not look at me in the eye and would not talk to me , in fact he gave me dirty look . i knew better not to report it cuz it ll bite me in the ass , but he was worried and wondering if i had reported his ass . i just left him wondering . after a year of cold shoulders we became ok friends again , he knew not to mess with me , in fact he trusted my judgemental over anybody . it gets to the point where i let it build up inside of me and blurt it out . fk em men who lets us women know they walk around with thier dick a danglin around . i refuse to let men control me . im strong in womens lib , lets go kick some ass ! :-)
i made some noodles and going to have em for supper with beef in it and carrots in it and sweet peas . then it ll be mashpotatoes with topping of beef noodles , yummie i sure cant wait to eat supper ! i am hungry ...
ok u all love u tons and i best get back to my chores . never ending chores . stay well and plz dont get sick .. xoxox

Jen - So well said your post re racism and intolerance.
As for your situation - you can stand up for yourself. Even if its the hardest thing you ever do, you CAN do it. There is nothing at all to lose, but think of what you would gain in terms of self-worth and dignity? Doing something like that could be a real life-changer.

I am happy to say that in Salt Lake City my friend from Haiti who came here to get his nursing degree has said most people have been very accepting of him and genuinely kind. Oh, funny memory: My little girl went up to him after he first arrived and we had him over for supper and said "Oh my, your skin is black! (yes, I about died of embarrassment) It is so pretty! Mom, can I have black skin like him when I grow up?" He was so tickled by her comment. It was hilarious because his skin is extremely dark and my daughter is exactly the opposite. Somehow she got platinum blond hair and bright blue eyes and her skin is as fair as can be. If her fathers' family wasn't extremely blond I would wonder who's she was because I have very dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin. My Latina blood from my mother. My eldest daughter is just like me, my two middle children are a little lighter, but they have my dark eyes.

Shove a banana up his ass, I didn't know that was an option...well if it is for medicinal purposes!
Too whipped, too weak, too scared, too lost, too lame, too hurt, too worried, too broke, too too too too many excuses, would have to admit he is doing it to say something. I grew up with emotional, physical and sexual abuse and now I am a non person, I just don't have the guts to do anything about my situation but hope to GOD it ends soon. But I am very very GREATFUL for the outside input that SAYS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT! THEY ARE WRONG AND YOU DESERVE BETTER IF YOU COULD AND WOULD ONLY REACH FOR IT.
Racism alive and well everywhere, will be for a while i think, anytime people see only what we do not have in common and feel some how there must be an explaining of and a gradient scale for these differences. The worse the economy and people feel and the more out of control and scared people are the more racism rears it ugly head. Never the less, people choose to be bigots, it doesn't just happen. I also hate it when people assume I share their prejudices. I had a friend decade ago who used to end every phone call with "jokes"...bad stupid lame pathetic offensive jokes she read from a book...Her excuse was, that this book "got everyone", "this book made fun of everyone". Yet when I asked her if there were any jokes about straight, white, rich, men she couldn't come up with any. Anyhow after another of these irritations I was dead silent and she asked "Jenny are you still there?" "Yes." "Are you sick?" "No. " "Are you tired?" "No." "I'm taking notes..." man she got off the phone quick!
No guarantee, and racism has levels and many bigoted people think they are not. I know of my Tea Party relations, they are biased, some bigoted, some not, most profoundly stuck in the past and literally enjoy people they do not like or approve of being harmed. Former sis in law is one, when she saw 2012 the movie, she wholeheartedly approved of California sinking into the ocean...with glee...I mean that's pathetic.
Running some errands today fp will not be at ADH tomorrow (nor last Friday) as he is still sick and now so am I. what the hell ever. so mom drives us all over town and I do all the leg work and he sits in the cars farting, coughing and reading aloud every fucking sign he can make out and laughing like it is some fascinating tome. Going to the cemetery to put little trees down, will ask grandma to come get him! Again! Cold but dry here. Could be worse...
Speaking of worse, I have a bad feeling about Iran and Pakistan so those of you already having experienced the "knee jerk reaction jerks" who want you to come in the back door or not at all, this will get worse before it gets better. See if our car can coast its way around town here....Have a good week everyone, Thank you all for your support, humor and commiseration...

Diane, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but I think Medicare will pay for some respite care. It might be worth checking in to.


Kim OMg thanks for the laughs with that crazy stuff that happened with your Mom! Too funny! My Mom was a terrible driver - she would run right through red lights and stop signs - was always running out of gas. She got a ticket once for driving 40 on the interstate. Its a wonder I survived being a passenger with her - but the cars were a lot larger back then.

Today we continue to look for work - and perhaps I will at least find my ceramic tree and put it up and suggest to my husband we make some plan to exchange even a dollar store gift for Christmas. I don't like the idea of simply ignoring the holiday because of present circumstances. Things could be much worst than than they are. We must be grateful for all we have.

Love you guys

Rossella-My grandmother was 50 when my Mom was born! She thought she was going through menopause! She had three grown sons! Grandpa was a few years older than my grandmother! Everybody said Grandma wouldn't live to see Mom grow up! She fooled them! Lived to see me until age 5 and grandpa lived to see me 18. He was almost 100 when he passed. Mom took care of both of them!

Hannah is a talker especially when she has PMS! LOL Yes it does feel like the head is spinning!

I have only been to my Mom's grave one time. Hannah and my husband were with me and we all cried and cried! My aunt is also buried there close to Mom. She is an Aunt on my Dad's side of the family. Cousin is buried there too. I just get too upset. We have a place for our pets out back. Very simple also. I put a Celtic cross where they are buried!

No more fires! That's good! The weird but funny things would happen to my Mom constantly! Once she was driving and a Carnival worker stepped out in front of her car and bounced off the windshield! She was so afraid he was hurt and got out and asked him if he needed assistance and he looked at her and said "bitch" and walked away! Another time she was driving and a car hit her from behind and her wig flew off! The poor woman that hit her thought she had been decapitated! She was cleaning the house once and accidentally dialed 911. They called back and she had to explain to them that she was just cleaning and it was an accident! She went to vote one year and got trapped in the voting booth! Crawled out from underneath! Sat on a bee had to go to the doctor because she had an allergic reaction to the sting! One more and I will stop! She had a little Corvair and was driving grandpa to Burger Chef for lunch. They got there fine, but when it was time to leave the car wouldn't start. Some man looked under the hood and said she couldn't have driven there because there was no battery in the car! Evidently since the car was old and rusted the battery fell out on their way to the restaurant and they coasted into the parking lot! That is why I said you remind me of her! We used to laugh and laugh over these things!

Dad coming in again! Better see what he wants! Love you! Kim

yes Kim this is a puzzle for me, too. How does a goat piss in its own beard? I can understand if he does it in the beard of another goat.
You girls talked about so many important subjects - perversion, racism.... I have nothing in particular to add to what you already said. I can just tell you that the most handsome man in the world is Denzel Washington and I would marry him tomorrow morning! As far as perversion is concerned.... Jen, if your GF suffers from diarrhea, tell your mother that feeding him with soup will not solve the problem. Rather, the contrary. When my mother has diarrhea I use bananas. I mean I feed her with bananas. You could use bananas with GF in another way., as a plug, I mea. He might like it.
Christina, Diane, I am sorry you still suffer for your relatives. Really they are not worth your sorrow!
Cuz the jokes were very good. I particularly enjoyed the one of the priest. They are like that, in Italy at least.
Stillstanding, yes, the people and pets we lose are always in our heart. When I went to the family cemetery in the village where I was born, a couple of years ago, I had kind of a breakdown. I hadn't been there since I had buried my father 16 years ago. I hate cemeteries, but i went there in 2009 because my mother wanted to go and I wanted to make her happy. And, together with my father, i "saw" my uncle, my cousin, my aunt, they were there, all together, and I kind of realized that I had lost them all and I missed them all. On the other hand I felt kind of relieved they were there, all together! Strange feelings. And I started to look around and thought: "I will be here too one day!" I made a nice cemetery in my garden for my cats and dog. It looks like a military one - very simple and minimal.
Careshare I hope you are better with your flu.
Meanwhile 2, I agree, when someone will write you, you can answer and give him the news about your husband. There is no hurry in giving bad news. On the other hand, if one asks you... He deserves to know! My father received a Christmas card from an old friend few months after his death, and I answered in his place, I told my father's friend about my father's death and he answered me back a very moving letter, so I am glad I did it. But I didn't spread the new around!
I had a crazy day today. One of my helpers has a 11 years old daughter who has decided to "adopt" me and to spend with me every weekend. Her mother agrees, so the kid actually stays with me every saturday and sunday. She is nice but she talks and sings all the time and she makes my head turn turn turn. I feel I am too old to have a daughter of that age, and too young (according to Italian parameters) to have a granddaughter of that age. Most of the people in Italy get married around 30, so I should be 70 to be a grandmother of an 11 years old. She helps my mother and I to go through the weekends, but on Sunday night I feel like a rag, (my mother calling me "Rossella! Rossella" and the little kid "Rossella! Rossella" and the dogs "Warf warf warf" and the cats "Meow meow meow"). When I landed in my room, in the silence, tonight, I felt like a million dollars.

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