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Cricket that is a contagious disease that I wish everyone would catch! Everyone no matter where they come from is an individual. Too many people just want to clump people together and not realize everyone is unique! Living with eyes open instead of closed!

I have one question for you. How does a goat piss in it's beard? You had me laughing just imagining it! Still laugh when I picture it! Love you! Kimbo,Kimmy,Kim

I hate the prejudice in the world as well. It was heartbreaking to watch how the general public treated or treats anyone of darker skin. So many honest hard working and down right good people suffered in this country because of 911 fallout. Recently I watched a documentary on the effects of Quantum Physics. There were studies done that showed where groups of people would gather together in war torn areas of the world and they would all meditate and pray for peace the actual results in that area showed a significant drop in violence and crime. They're have been similar studies done in the US also in areas known for high crime with the same results. I for one believe that (even if we don't all live in the same area of this country) we should all join forces in praying for peace but first we need to find peace within ourselves. If we do this we can make this world a much safer place for all of us. I know that not everyone will believe or do this but just think for just a moment if we all start to think and act this way, it could be contagious and prove to be a positive stance for change. Even if one doesn't believe in God they can still see the divine intelligence within each one of us. We have the capacity to be far greater than we know.

I'm off to bed... night night all. Love you.
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Diane-We had the same experience during the first Gulf War too! Not fun! Weird how some people stereotype! Just blindly accept what they are told without question! Drives me nuts! Happy your brother brought over some groceries for you and your Mom! That's another thing people don't understand! It costs a lot of money to care for a parent at home! Duh! They would find that out if they were on the other end of it all!

Hope your IBS is much better! My husband has it and when it flares, he is in misery! Take good care of yourself! Love you, Kimbo,Kimmy,Kim. I have many aliases here! LOL

Barb- I think I am losing my mind! I was thinking your name and wrote Christina instead! So sorry about that! My mind was thinking one thing and I typed another! Love you, forgive me! I think I experienced a senior moment! LOL

Thanks for sharing that Christina! I think in some ways our children will be stronger because of their struggles. Also makes them keen at reading other people. I also think they gain a lot of insight and empathy for others. My husband has been here for 32 years. We have been married for 30 years. Before coming here he lived in England. When we met he had a British accent. He never lived under the hellish regime that has control over Iran presently! Growing up he always lived with the Shah ruling the country and it was very similar to the West. My sister-in-law lives in Germany. Mother-in-law got scared for her when she was accused of wearing makeup several times and threatened with jail by the clothing police! I love my SIL. Wish she lived here. She came to visit as soon as she could after Mom died! MIL still in Iran with brother in law and several cousins. We thought maybe things would change with the Green Revolution, but NO! Protestors were beaten down! Agh! Maybe things will change for the better in the future. We can always hope!

Dad is up. His usual waking time 10:30. I posted yesterday, but I think you missed it. I think I have had the flu! Better now, but had headache, nausea, and horrible neck and ear pain! Have a good night my friend! I'm doing the night shift! Love you bunches! Kimbo

Boy can I relate to your experiences. I lived in Miami, FL most of my life and in SC for the last 9. When I was married many years ago, my husband was from Iraq. It was during the first Gulf War and needless to say, we experienced the stares and the comments. Every time we traveled anywhere the authorities would pull him aside and see if his name was on the terrorist list!

When my family came to this country it was during the first influx of Cuban in the 60's. Even though I wasn't Cuban but yet a foreigner, we got stuck in the same classes and such. The ridicule would start from the teacher right down for being a foreigner. In my case, everyone is so suprised to find out that white people live in the Caribbean too! Everyone says "aren't you the wrong color". The islands are multi cultural and have people of all races and enthnicities.

Variety is the spice of life!

Kim my 1st husband was Mexican by birth - but adopted as a baby into the US and never spoke the language or had an accent. Thus my eldest is half Mexican, and she -and I - have endured 35 yrs now of stupid, racist, at times hateful behavior- because her skin and hair aren't acceptable to some people. As a child, I taught her to pity those who behave this way - and this has worked out quite well most of the time. (It helps that she is particularly beautiful). Not exactly the same thing- but I have an idea what you all endure.

Racism is alive and well here in Indiana! My husband is from Iran. We stare it right in the eyes everyday! After 9/11 it really surfaced in people! One person that we had been friends with for quite some time told us we would have to enter her house through the back door! Suddenly kids in the neighborhood were not allowed to associate with my daughter! Hannah was seven at the time! We also received vile calls from people at all hours! Strange because our number was not published so must have been people we knew! If I am alone and with a group of people, plenty have made comments in my presence about Middle Eastern folks! I speak up immediately and they are left red in the face! LOL We try to take it all in stride, but sometimes it is very difficult to do! It has been especially hard for Hannah who has a heart of gold and would do anything for another human being.

As for the Tea Party! Yes I think it is a racist movement! If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is definitely a duck! Barb is right about the surveys that demonstrate a strong correlation between the two!

Love you all! Just wanted to share my personal experience!

Well y'all, my brother arrived at the door about an hour ago bearing goodies from Costco; two whole chickens, dolphin, a large pack of pork chops and english muffins. Ya think my telling him the church gave me a gift card for food made an impact? I guess I will accept an improvement however it came

Before I start an up roar I do need to clarify my comment about the Tea Party. When I said racism was a driving force behind the Tea Party, I was refering to the Tea Party in SC. I have no idea how it influences the rest of the country. It is sad that racism and prejudices are still prevalent in many areas.

In my experience racism is alive and well and not only in the south. The silver lining (there is always a silver lining) is that its not as institutionalized as in the past, people are more willing to call racists out than they once were, and today a small but growing number of minorities hold power within government and business. So there is reason to hope. Even George Wallace had a change of heart.

Re Tea Party? Those I know personally are absolutely racist, and a recent study by the Univ of Minnesota says “There is consistent and strong evidence of a correlation between racial negativity and Tea Party identification. It’s a fairly strong correlation and it’s been demonstrated across a number of independent surveys”.

Hey thanks cricketinafp for the info on the coconut oil. I should mention that about the Chrones to my mother-in-law.

That is sad, why can't everyone just be nice to each other. The color of someone's sking does not define them or make them different. Just like being of different nationalities does not make one person inferior to another. And believe me, I should know. Where I grew up I was always called dirty names just because I had a little darker skin. I wouldn't go so far as to say Racism is a driving force of the Tea Party. That's kind of stereotypical. Just because someone is a member of a group does not make that person a racist. That's like saying all men or women are idiots because a few individuals have proven themselves to be. Or a whole church is bad because a couple individuals were insensitive jerks. Personally, I am not a member of the Tea Party. As of right now I'm pretty non-affiliated, but I do know quite a few individuals who are self- proclaimed tea party members who are in no way racist. I also know quite a few democrats and republicans who aren't racist; but I also know others from all three parties who say they aren't, but can't keep from sounding like they are. Yes, Racism is alive; and it is ugly and shameful. But we can choose how we respond to it.

Dear Santa,
I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy .
Friends are the fruit cake of life- some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet but mix them together and they're my friends.
Love ya.

Christina, Racism is alive and well in SC. It's a driving force of the Tea Party here. Coming from the islands where race doesn't matter, it is a very odd experience for me. I have some older folks that travel with specific group leaders because they don't want to sit next to a black man at a theatre. There is no changing them when they are already in their 80's. It's sad to realize it still thrives.

MsM: is there still racial prejudice in the south? I have not spent much time there, and here in California I have not seen it since the 60s. I was 13 during the Watts riots. It was scary. Then we had the Rodney King debacle, but we were out of state then. It is one of those topics we can't discuss, like politics and religion. Shhhh. All I know, I have real friends from every country, every race, and they are all wonderful to me. I don't get the racial thing. But I do have a problem with low life's and braggarts. And good for nothing siblings.

Barb-excellent post!! :)

Years ago - back when dinos roamed the earth and I was a very shapely 21, I was hired as a sherrif's deputy The day I (along with the 7 men hired) walked into the squad room to be introduced to the entire force, over a hundred men, one of them said in a booming loud voice - "If they're going to fire us if we try to f*ck her, they might as well take my badge now".

And it was just the beginning. There were no sex discrimination laws then, and I was on my own. What I learned from the experience was to ignore such behavior, but only up to a certain point.

When my FIL started up talking about 'what I would look like naked' years ago when I was briefly caretaking for him after eye surgery - there was NO hesitation on my part to put him in his place. "I have NO interest in discussing anything sexual with you, and if it happens again, I will not only tell your son, but I will hurt you." Look them in the eye when you say it. Don't back down. They have to go to sleep sometime.

My rambling point is - you have to call them out. Even if its gone on for years it is never to late to say. "No more. Don't look at me like that. Don't talk to me like that. If you do it EVER again you're going to wish you hadn't." No one - not a parent or a sibling or a spouse - has the right to do this. And if you don't stand up for yourself, who else is going to?

Its the same thing with racist remarks. It never ceases to amaze me how people 'assume' I share their prejudices because I have a southern accent. And you have to call them on it. "Why would you think its ok to use hate speech (or racial slurs) around me? Because its not."

Yak yak yak - we drove over to WV for cigarettes and then went to the grocery. Really wanted to go for BBQ at Famous Daves (yum) but figured we could get a weeks worth of groceries for what we'd spend. Remember when you could have a decent sit down lunch for $5? Those days are gone forever.

Must begin the job search again - a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon don't you think? Remember when you got the Sunday paper and looked for jobs and mailed in your resume and a real person got it and called you up for an interview? Those day are gone too . . .

oh better yet..... go get a stinky goat for FP, lol Now that was Christina's idea... muhahaha got you Chris! I think we are all just having silly fun at FP's expense while Jen is "hopefully" sleeping and nursing herself back to sleep.

Jen just picture FP as an old goat and laugh in his face when he starts leering-might work.

Jen, I agree with Cricket. I hate to speak up about certain things because it is so easy for me to open my big mouth, BUT, since Cricket did it first, I second the motion. What have YOU got to LOSE? Perverts do NOT deserve respect. For God's sake, Jen! Come on. Let him have it and give him the opportunity to wallow in his own disgust. Don't you know every time he says, "Morning Jenny", in his sick mocking tone, he is reveling in how it bothers you and it Increases his POWER? Bull shit!
We love you and would love for you to reclaim your own power over fp:) love you.
Meanwhile2, everyone here helps everyone else. Sometimes I come across kind of bossy or overbearing. Sorry. About the goats: sorry to offend all you animal lovers, but it sounds absolutely disgusting to me! haha. I have a good idea what to do with the buck, but I know when to use discretion.
Hey, minor detail : Christina with an A, or just call me Chris:) Later, Gators. xoxo
PS: Where is MsM? Hugs to barb, Kimbo, LindaHeart, Miz, BJ, Selfish Sibs, Diane, rip, Jen, Cuz, Captain, Kuli, Ann, angelhair, Meanwhile, Deefer, Careshare:) et al xoxo

One of our forum members "CallMeIshmael" just lost his grandmother two weeks ago. He has been a devoted caregiver for years and such a wonderful contributor in this forum, particularly for health and nutrition issues. I hope that he will stay in the forum.

So sorry for his loss....


omg Shirley I don't envy you with goats to care for. When I took care of my FIL Charlie before he died...this way years ago when we were living in PA, because he was pretty confined to sitting and would sit out on the front porch a lot I went over to one of the neighbors who had 2 baby goats and picked up one to take home to entertain Charlie.. All I can say is thank GOD they agreed to take it back when Charlie died! We had a billy goat with a long beard and omg do they stink.. he would piss in his beard (hubby told me it was how they attracted females) and all I could think is that is a pretty twisted form of nature for a female to be attracted to that stench! lol I used to look out the window of the car when driving in the country and say "oh look aren't they cute" but not anymore.. now I can still imagine that horrid smell.

oh ps. Jen.... I have someone come to help me do the heavy duty cleaning once in awhile and I've noticed that Dad stares at her ass when she is cleaning, then one day a couple months back Dad came to me and complained that she didn't spend enough time cleaning his room good enough. I told him that because he was staring at her ass it made her feel uncomfortable so she wants to get in and out of there fast, then I looked at him and said.. Dad you know Women can feel it when a man is looking at her in a sexual know that don't you? He said no I didn't and then said he felt bad if he made her feel bad.... However the next time she came to clean and needed to get behind the chair he sits in she couldn't because she needed him to move out of it but he wouldn't... So I intervened and said "Dad you need to move out of the room now so she can clean" he says okay then didn't budge, so I repeated it and he said okay again but didn't budge.. so then I said even louder. DAD! and he says leave me alone.. and I had to say NO, get up and out of that chair right NOW. And I wasn't kidding and I said I'm not going to stop until you do it. He finally did. He is a bit of a pervert to.. I guess the moral of this story is that when dealing with the perverts in this world we have to get loud and put our foot down and demand what we have to when necessary. After all you have to live in that house.

Jen, When FP's looks at you like that tell him to knock it off. I can understand your wanting to avoid him.. I totally understand that. You might be surprised how much better you will feel if you just turn around one day and say something like. "Stop looking at me you freakin pervert, I'm sick of it and shouldn't have to put up with it" and then leave the room. It can be totally liberating! But save that for another day when you're not sick. On this day just nurse yourself back to health and forget about ole fart pants. Love you girl. *Hugs*

Christine, you are such an inspiration, Always helping everyone else.
Diane, I think Christine is right, you have to take care of yourself first. I know it is hard when you have other people depending on you.
Cuz, I love your jokes. Especially the one about old goats. Both of the milk goats are in heat this morning. Driving the buck goat crazy. He is in the buck pen, bawling, like a sick moose, sticking his tongue out, and doing other disgusting things. it always make me laugh. Don't want to breed the 2 milkers this year, so the poor fellow is out of luck. Hope everyone has a quiet Sunday. Love Shirley

Great now I have the cold, this is swell and I am sure it is him between the stress of care giving and the germs he brings in we are just splattered with sick every year!
he just ooozed out of his hole (what used to be my room) and said "Good Morning Jenny" real cherry like as I avoid him so much it is rare he sees me...NOW lets see if he says good morning to mom who looks after his ass and doesn't wish him dead every day....
Yesterday when mom was wiped out and got up ate I took care of fart pants early morning necessaries and for my pains I got the over the shoulder leering look when I bent over (Sideways, away from his gaze) to re-fill the pet water bowls....Lovely, you fucking old pervert when are you gonna die?! Tonight! ?That would be swell! I have three younger cousins, all better looking than me...and it is me he has this disgusting abusive "attachment" to. I remember him being touchy feely when I was little and always wanting a kiss and when I was a teen he was always going into my room looking at stuff telling me fascinating informative things like "You see that there that's how worms mate." Yes grandma was right, now I see that she was always covering me up around him if I was wearing a v neck shirt or something and she said he had dirty books in the garage..I know I cleared em out.God when does this fucking end!? Me, I am not a prude but those disgusting fucking glances and staring are just making me sick! Let that fucking cold turn into pneumonia why drag it out? Eat some oranges going back to bed! Have a good sane week everyone!

Morning All,
After reading posts, my concern is with Diane and your IBS. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1978, and suffered greatly physically, which effected my emotional health. It almost killed me, but didn't, so you know what Nietzsche said: it makes you stronger. Diane, please take precautions and get healthy. The feelings of desperation is your brain begging you to take care of yourself. You simply must do it. I won't tell you the awful things my sister said from the beginning of my health problems, or after had surgery in '97. Just plain cruel, as Barb said, and for some reason, we get the shit from all sides. Haha. Please make a new year resolution to maximize your health. I'm holding you to it. Try papaya for the digestive enzymes and learn to avoid foods that are allergens. Do you have sinus problems? Also watch for histamines. Bottom line: see a good gastroenterologist and have extensive tests. Your mind will keep you going while your body heals. Email me anytime if I can help you further.
Love all you beautiful caregivers. Have to get busy busy today. Love, Christina xo

Angelhair, It's best to start out with 1 Tablespoon per day of Coconut oil and gradually increase the amount to the 3 Tbs. because some people have more sensitive digestive systems than others. Coconut oil works best when it is Virgin and I personally like organic. When starting to add it to ones diet it should not be taken on an empty stomach but with food. Coconut oil is the best oil to use for stir frying because it holds it's chemical form when heated at high temperatures unlike Olive Oil. Coconut oil is also good for boosting metabolism and helping one to maintain a healthy weight because it is easily digested and gives energy like carbohydrates whereas other fats from vegetables can be stored in the body. Many people with low thyroid, IBS, Chrones find improvement when switching over to Coconut Oil. It is still good to use moderation 1-3 Tbs a day with foods. For helping with diarrhea either use 1Tbs with food or 2 Macaroon cookies a day until it stops. Make sure you are using Virgin Coconut oil for best results. Good luck. :)

PS: as with all dietary supplements, make sure that you talk with your medical professional...some foods/supplements interact with prescription medicines. Some other side effects of c.o. are drying skin (if used topically) and heart palpatations. If you try the coconut oil, start out by adding small amounts and work your way up.
There is a lot of information on the internet....

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