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Good evening all,

Diane, you and your Mom and James will make up your "family" this year and we all can be your extended family. We all stay pretty connected and attentive to each other. Lets all rejoice in what we have because it is pretty special!

Rosella and all of us myself included....lets replace the word "should" with the word "could" and take the stress out.

Love you all,

Here's a good one for you and your mom... True story; last Christmas I took mother (Al'z's) and dad to see the John Tesh Christmas Concert. At intermission, mom was looking in her purse with such measured concentration, her pure intent was something in there she wanted out. I finally gave up so I went for it: "Mom, what are you looking for? She looked at me and said with a smile, the orchestra is really good but I need my remote control to turn them down a bit.. their a little too loud." Oh Lord, what a night!!! Mom passed away 11/11/11. I will miss her for the rest of my life and some small amount of humor we used to survive the terrible disease together!

Hey Y'all,
Nothing new here. Mom is still her usual confused self and James is trying to behave and not eat any "no-no's". Not sure what hit my stomach lastnight but I woke up with really bad pain and spasms. Could be I didn't eat all day until dinner time. Still feel like crap. I was watching a sappy christmas movie last night and one darn scene is breaking my heart. It just reached out and slapped me in the face to realize that Christmas won't be the same with all the family discord. I asked my mom how she wanted to spend Christmas this year and she started to cry and say what she wanted, the family to be together, won't happen. I'm feeling the black hole sliding closer to me again. All thsi family crap is killing me and mom. She at least forgets about it some of the time. It weighs heavy on me all the time. I have tickets to take mom to a free concert tomorrow. I hope we will both feel well enough to go.
Take care my dear friends and Cuz thanks for the jokes. Have a good night and maybe tomorrow will be better.

Love ya,

Rosella -yes I will say a prayer for you-your plate is too full sending tons of blessings your way. I am going to try to find a sappy Christmas movie on TV so I can cry my eyes out once more-I do not go overboard over the holidays but love the music and sappy movies.

omg--now it's my fault. haha! Rosella, I crown you "REGINA DELLE DOCCE"
Is that better, paisana bella? Take an umbrella with you. I think these minor catastrophes are gentle ways of showing you to slow down and get some rest. I know it is difficult. You have so many responsibilities, your Mother, your translating, your little animals. I am asking the Blessed Mother to assign you your very own Saint. Actually, I will have my oldest girlfriend from high school do it because she is a good Catholic girl and she will know just what to say.
Whatever the tragedy, Rossella, you relate it with class and humor. Since last summer with the driving 2 mph at night to the hospital and everything in between, you need a 'deluge' of Blessings. Hence, the title, "Regina delle Docce". You are adored by us, and all the Saints. Close knit group:) Ciao, Bella. xoxo

rossella ! glad ur car didnt catch on fire whew !
anyways i forgot to mention this till i saw ur icon with feather , as i moved the couch out of the way so i can sweep , ah theres the feather white one ! thought of you , yep slurp it in the sweeper then i thought crap i should have kept that ! cuz it looks just like that feather ! mmm sent u a wish .... a garfiled :-) lalala ....

I know that Christina will call me again "Signora del fuoco".

this is the last feat of my new dog Heathcliff (the scourge of Dog): we were in the car coming back from the walk. I was smoking. He saw a little dog walking in the street. He jumped and put his paws against my shoulders. My cigarette fell. I stopped the car as soon as I could, felt the smell but I didn't find the cigarette. I went home, took a flash light and looked for the cigarette everywhere. But I have a Chevrolet Matiz, a little car where, if you lose something, you will never find it anymore. (I used to have a Ford Fiesta and I found everything, there). I looked for the cig for 10 minutes, then I gave it up. As I am very unlucky lately, I thought it was dangerous to leave a lit cigarette butt in my car. So I took the garden hose and I flooded the car floor with 1 inch of water. (the cigarette is definitly extinguished, now). I know I am stressed out and I have exaggerated. I know I have many problems with fire lately. I know I should stop smoking. I know I should put a grid in my car so that Heathcliff doesn't jump on my head.

hi there . ckin in too . been busy reranging the livin room around . end up puttin half stuff back the way it was . aint about to move no tv either . now my lower back is throbbin . did it all by myself . had to go for a walk . got fussy about wher eto put this an dthat , fk it and took the dogs for a walk . ah there . sis came home her eye brows raised some . tld her im ready for nap lol .
ill do dishe sfirst then take me a nappy poo then wake up and kick some more asses .
talkin about shopping is givin me stress . yuk yuk . im cranky and botchin so i shall go lay down .
love you all !!! xoxo

Just checking in. Hope everyone is well. Love you guys.

Wait a minute! where did the comment go that I thought was hilarious?

That is hilarious!

Right arm, Jen. Hey Cricket! For the first time ever I have gone before December 23 to to my shopping and it is not bad. I met a really nice woman in Marshall's yesterday and we hogged an aisle and talked for about a half hour. My arm is still sore from hanging onto my purse and my stuff. I rarely get a shopping cart. Oh no. It's like using a smaller plate so you don't eat too much. Anyway, they had fantastic cat and dog presents. Got my brother's dog some orange dog tennis balls. She will love them! Woof!
Where is rip? Carolyn? Miz? Austin? Staying warm? Shopping? Knitting? Missing you:( Going for a walk now. I had half a banana and 2 egg whites for breakfast. I am not losing weight. Going to see Mother and do her nails. Tomorrow is the home's Christmas Party. Oh, excuse me HOLIDAY Party. Just looked at the invitation. Hoping my daughter will come with me. Talk to y'all later. Have a really great day. Enjoy as much as possible. Love you ALL Mucho. Christina xo

Cricket that is a great idea less stress is best it is a win win idea. I am cutting down on gifts this year last year I was able to give more expensive gifts but can not this year and it is the idea that counts-my sister and I am giving Mom a nice gift together-plus she always complains about my gifts and will not dare to this year. Plus if the grandkids need to put the money towards what they want it will be a good lesson for them. I am keeping Christmas as simple as possible this year.

It ain't the heat it's the humanity....

Good Morning all,

Linda, I'm thinking about you and hope your bladder infection is getting better.

This year I am going to do very little in the way of Christmas to eliminate the unwanted stress. I am just going to do stocking stuffers with the immediate family. My daughter and I have a great system for getting my Grandson's exactly what they are dreaming for for Christmas. Instead of my going out and buying what she tells me they want or would like and then spending money on shipping costs and getting all the wrapped gifts all smashed up etc. I send her the money ahead of time including what I would spend on shipping and she does the shopping and the wrapping. She loves to do the shopping and like most Mothers has to do so within a budget so this makes it more fun for her as well. I get to avoid all the hassles and crazy people at the stores so this makes me happy as well. Thought I would share that with you in case there is anyone else with Grand kids at a distance. Maybe it would help relieve some of your Christmas stress as well.

Have a good day everyone,

Love and Hugs! Cricket

omg, Jen. The cream of society. It's a smaller slice than those who come out for Christmas shopping once a year. What rock do they hide under the rest of the time?
Today, I must have yelled 'A$$hole', and 'Whatever!' a million times. Thankfully, I was in my car with the radio on, windows up:) HaHa!!!!

Although I agree we are never far from our prehistoric ancestors I will say it with a gleam in my eye...Yes we are never far from prehistoric men...especially like when one is in line at the DMV...I MEAN REALLY!!!

haha cuz, love it!

Why Parents Drink
The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent but had not phoned in sick. So he dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper. 'Hello?' 'Is your daddy home?'' Yes, he's out in the garden,' whispered the small voice. May I talk with him? 'The child whispered, 'No.' So the boss asked, 'Well, is your Mommy there?' 'Yes, she's out in the garden too' & The boss asked; 'May I talk with her?' Again the small voice whispered, No.' Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, 'Is anybody else there?' 'Yes,' whispered the child, 'a policeman..' Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, 'May I speak with the policeman?' 'No, he's busy,' whispered the child. 'Busy doing what?' 'Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the police dog men.' Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background, the boss asked, 'What is that noise?' 'It's a helicopter' answered the whispering voice. 'What is going on there?' demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive. 'The search team just landed a helicopter.' 'A search team?' said the boss. 'What are they searching for?' Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle....'ME'.


The Farmer's Almanac is predicting a very cold winter.
It must be true because the squirrels are gathering NUTS.
Three of my friends have already disappeared.
Are you O.K.?

Dear Abby,

I have always wanted to have my family history traced, but I can't afford to spend a lot of money to do it.
Any suggestions?

Sam in California


Dear Sam,

Register as a Republican, and run for public office. You should get all the background information you need by the time the Democrats have finished digging up your past all the way back to the Mayflower and beyond.


Riddle of the day - and it's a good one

You are on a Horse, galloping at a constant speed.
On your right side is a sharp drop off,
And on your left side is an Elephant traveling at the same speed as you.
Directly in front of you is a galloping Kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it.
Behind you is a Lion running at the same speed as you and the Kangaroo.
What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

See answer below....

get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round.

Love reading everyone's stories each night. Guess I have to tell you a cat story. I was feeding a neighbors horse for a week, and this little black cat was hanging around the barn. She kept trying to get in the truck to go home with me. There wasn't any cat food at the neighbors barn, and by the 5th day the cat was looking thinner, and more desperate, sooo I brought her home. At first my husband thought she was very sweet. But, then she knocked a pipe off a shelf, in his workshop, hitting husband on the head with it. Then, she jumped from the 2nd floor loft to the floor below, landing in the laundry basket, my husband had just picked up. Nearly gave him a heart attack. I had to rescue the cat from husband running after her with a broom. So little black cat came to live at my sisters ranch, but we had learned by then, she was better off outside. That didn't stop her from getting into trouble. She fell into the goldfish pond, then she fell into the swimming pool, then she got bit by a rattlesnake. Have you ever tried soaking a cats paw in epsom salt to pull the swelling out? My sister made me do that since I was responsible for bringing her home to begin with. Next, caught her eating a bar of rat poison. She got Vitamin K for that. Little black cat, my sister calls her Mischief, still lives here at the ranch. The dogs try to chase her, and she turns around and chases them. If someone comes to visit, and leaves their car window down, Mischief has to check it out. Lost track of how many people have driven off with her in their car or truck, but everyone brings her back. Whenever I wanted to tease my husband, I would threaten to bring Mischief home.

Have a good night everyone! Love you all! Kim

Rossella, first, you must ask. Second, you must Believe. Then, you must Let Go.
If you believe, then it will happen. If you do not let go, you are hanging onto the balloon. You must let it Soar into the Heavens. Release it to its' Freedom.
Meow, christina xo

Anytime, you have a great night.

Angelhair, I loved the folded napkin story! Thanks for posting it. XXOO Cricket

Dear friends, thanks a lot for your solidarity... Nino thanks you all! He was a very sweet boy. When he was well, every night he jumped on my lap and he wanted to be kissed. And he answered his name! We went on for 10 minutes. "Nino" "Meow" "Nino" "Meow" "Nino" "Meow" and so on. I will miss him for sure.
Angelhair, the story of your cat is surreal... Your cat has had 19 lives! When they are so fond of life, you have to love them.
Linda, I am so happy you managed to keep Bandit. I am sure he will behave better from now on! Heathcliff is slowly learning how to respect cats; when he will start to respect my furniture I will be happy.
Jen: Very cold upthere! We had a very warm day today, but the real winter will arrive soon.
Christina, I used the same strategy in the past when I wanted something - at least, similar. I made a drawing on a piece of paper of what I wanted. And then I let the piece of paper have its destiny... I didn't put it in a drawer, I didn't keep it anywhere. After a while, the piece of paper disappeared! And it worked very well when my nephews were little and my brother worked 500 miles from Rome, and I wanted him to go back to Rome to live with his children. I made a drawing of my brother with a suitcase, coming back to Rome, and his children happily greeting him. And after 2 months the firm my brother worked for, decided to move him in Rome! So my nephews had their father back.
The strange thing is that it works only if I wish things for someone else. It doesn't work if I wish things for myself. I read somewhere that the prehistoric men painted on their caves the animals they wanted to hunt, to "attract" them. It must be something like this, and it shows that we are never too far from the prehistoric men...

Hi everyone trying to catch up after being away for a few days at my sisters' only saw Mom twice and she did not seem happy to see me-she was probably pissed that I stayed at my sister's home-she did not get a chance to to send me her zingers she is now 93 and just gets worse as she ages at least now my sister knows what hell I went through growing up-she is 7 yrs younger -my mother told my sil you have kids to do work-and she did that for sure. It seems like most of us had horrible childhodes-it probably made us stronger-I am convinced that God has a place for caregivers in heaven-he promises he has many mansions and I know there are some just for us caregivers-our rewards are waiting. Angelhair welcome -this thread started almost two years ago because of a toothbrush I had to laugh about your posting I hope you get to meet our Captian Bobby soon. You will find our motly crew your best friends we get it-the husband died 2 and 1/2 yrs. ago and this site saved my sanity the year before. We laugh together and cry together and are there for each other at all times.

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