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Husband is fine - thanks everyone for asking!

Good Morning all,

Shirley, I don't envy you with the farm work, not at all. I'm not much of an animal person except for birds and dogs really, or other types of indoor pets. I did grow up around horses but hated the chores related to them. I'll stick to gardening and low maintenance animals, lol

Barb, I guess they figure if you're over qualified you are only going to be around until you find something better. That's also a good reason to take a temp job if you can find one. How's your Hubby doing with the fall down the stairs? I hope he is okay. You would proably do really well in a job where you were recording information or documents. Maybe even working for a detective agency :)

Rossella, I'm sorry your cat passed away. It's good you are keeping busy but it's okay to grieve to. *Hugs* to you.

Christina you sound busy busy as usual!

Hello to everyone, have a good day, or fake it, lol

Chirp Chirp Cricket

Late morning all - and again thank you for all your suggestions.

**A quick note - I have been receiving a good deal of Happy Holidays material from folks involved with Moms care and her death. Hospice, the funeral home, the cemetery, even the newspaper where her obit ran. It can be emotionally wrenching - so be aware of this as you innocently look through your mail.

The problem with entry level jobs - either for myself or my husband - is that across the board, people with a high level of education and people who have worked executive level jobs are not even considered. We get it. The few times I was lucky enough to get one of these jobs (a receptionist, a 911 operator during the Atlanta Olympic games) it was an unpleasant experience...

And the city and county jobs - as in police dispatcher - are a whole 'nother animal. I jumped through 6 months of hurdles before coming in 2nd for the Director of Civil Rights position for my county - I would have likely gotten the job had I shared the board's Alabamian view of immigrants. Should I have lied? A moral dilemma.

We have considered 'dumbing down' the resumes - but that is no more honest than inflating them . . .another moral dilemma.

Oh my - snow coming here only a few inches - the city girl in me cannot imagine getting up early in the bitter cold to milk the animals. My husband did that - lived on a working farm his first 18 yrs.

Love you guys. Truly do.

I have changed my icon because I have lost today the cat (Nino) who was on the photo. I haven't killed him - lately I have to point out. He died for a disease. The feather of the icon is the feather of Forrest Gump! One of my favorite movies of all time. I have to finish the eternal translation which has kept me busy for the last week - 2 hours, 120 minutes of overlapped dialogue - I mean there were always 5 characters speaking in the same time, and I had to translate them all. A beautiful film but an enormous work! See you tonight

Hi everyone, cool and rainy here. Mama was all perked up last week and back down know the drill... I just feel wasted for some reason. Every time I have all my kids and grands over it takes me days to get over it.

I hope you all have a tolerable day today, even a good one if possible.

Love to you all,

Good morning. California cold today. Take care of yourselves out there. MsM, hope hubby is not sore today. Falling is scary. Probably my biggest fear, don't have many. Going directly to recipes now, or I won't get it done. Today is 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, 1st anniversary of not seeing my son. I think it's my year anniversary here, too. One has nothing to do with the other. Being here makes the other one and life in general easier to handle. Thinking of you all. Love and hugs, and Many Thanks to our Captain. Christina xo

Hey meanwhile2 sounds wonderful. I grew up on a farm and my favorite thing was waking up early to take care of the animals before school. Didn't enjoy moving pipe as much though. I also wish I knew how people can make money. Oh well, you do what you can I guess. You take care of yourself and good luck with the work.

Cricket, I can't begrudge you your wonderful winter weather. But, while your are enjoying your lovely garden, think of me breaking ice on the stock tank, and carrying buckets of hot water out to the barn. OK, I'm being a big baby. Don't get that much cold weather here in South Texas, but, today was 14 degrees, and freezing rain mixed with snow. Real pretty though. The horses are frisky and playful, even the 2 old guys. The goats are cranky, because they hate to get wet, but hate staying in the barn. Poor things. My sister still has 2 goats that have to be milked twice a day. I got to do that this morning, as my sister went to work. We split a job. Makes it easier to take care of all the animals. Wish I knew how everyone could make money these days. My boss will be 60 in Jan., don't know how much longer he keep the business open.. I have to work in town tomorrow. Good night folks. Love your jokes Cuz even the really bad ones.

Present! Under the weather! Headache and nausea! Yuck! Love to all! Kim

Good Evening all, Barb, what about checking with the police depts. for a clerk or dispatcher job? I would think that there are lots of temp jobs through the holidays out there or are there? I hope you guys get something soon. You to Miz!
Diane, I'm so happy you are doing better. Living with depression isn't easy even when you are taking medication. I've had to deal with it to myself over the last few years, some of the things that have helped me are...getting at least 30 minutes of fresh air and sunshine everyday.. and because that isn't always possible I take Vit. D3 Suppliment a double dose daily.... a good walk around the block if that's all I have time to do or more if I have more time. physical outlet..being able to have a good cry, beat the bed with pillows, etc. lol whatever works right?

I put dad in the car tonight and took him out to look at Christmas lights. We had a good time. Everything here is quiet.... hopefully it's not the calm before the storm, LOL

Nighty night all. Love Cricket

mariesmom - i am so sorry that ure feeling bad about hubby fallin down the stairs , i had to giggle about that one , i used to fall down the stairs all the time at home where i grew up , sometimes i think the ghost did that on purpose to make me fall . now it hit me maybe ur mom trip him down the stairs , lol , them stairs no matter going up or down , my bro would say he was pushed down the stairs , mine always felt like tripin me down . anyway i had to giggle . i sure hope he is ok tho . how is he anyway ?
i feel ur pain about havin to get rid ofthis orthat , my sonjust got a letter from the bank m its forecloser now . they didnt tell me this but both of my daughters told me . i just shook my head and my heart crack . i dont feel sorry for them at all cuz when they got a heffy tax check they blew it like it was nuthing and he help his mother in law to get a van , well hell . then they come to me for money and he owes me tons . he knows he wont ask me for anymore cuz i always reminded him to go and help his mother in law . i hope he is kickin himself in the ass .
anyways i hope the lord shows u the path to take , i wish u in all the world that you will find a job or what road u should be on . my heart aches for u dear .

miz- sorry to hear about the father passing away , he sure has suffered enuff and time to go be in a better place .
everybodys gone to bed and im about to go smoke then flop on the couch , theres a spot on my back feels like charley horse attckin me , damn it .
flex - i am so glad we all meowed at you and u perke dup and realized ure not alone , all ur love ones loves you and tmr will be another better day for u and see how ur boss says shes glad ure back . see ure not alone . there is people out there that wwwwoooves you , wink .
christina - meow ....
love you all goodnight my dear , i ll try to woof some tmr ,
lilli ! thinkin of ya , meanwhile , ure a sweetheart .....

My dear bestest friend who I have known since we were two lost her father this morning to cancer. He fought it for about 2 years. They knew it was fatal but treatment prolonged his life. I am sad, but know he is at peace now. I just know how hard it is for those that love him.

Thank you all for the encouragement and suggestions.

I am still very busy... I had to read quickly...
Diane what a nice post!
Barb, I am starting to be desperate about the job, too. I had a few days of "a lot of work" , lost in the desert of "nothing"... I have to figure out what I can do in the future. It is difficult at 54 and when I have been doing this job for 15 years...
Oh myyyyyyyyyyy
Kisses to everyone struggling. My head is empty right now

Hey Diane! Great message! Send me some of your stress do I can lose weight. The kind I have makes me gain. Over it!
Out and about with plastic money today. Forgot I had credit on Macy's and had a $100 rewards card. Tis the Season! Planted red and white flowers and poinsettia earlier, even tho my zinnias and salvia still looked great.
Old guy in parking lot can't find his car. TG for remotes. Going to get one more thing then home. He found it. Parked directly in front of me.
You sound good, Diane. Found your hope, it was in your back pocket:)
Same to everyone. Love you All. Hugs, Christina xo

Bah humbug!!!! hehehehe

I only say that since i am BROKE! Whats new, right? Well, I have managed to work 2 days this week. I'm not making my required ours, but my boss is so very greatful to have me 4.5 hours than no hours at all. It made me feel good today when she came in my office and said "Do you know how good it feels to have you back?" That made me feel so good on so many levels. I'm also very greatful that my brother is trying hard to improve things between us. I don't think we will ever get back to the close relationship I thought we once had, but talking is a big imrovement just the same.

Mom still isn't feeling well. I take her to the cardiologist next week, but I think I have to accept this is just the progression of her PD. I hope she will be well enough Saturday night for the show at the Newberry Opera House. They are having a free Christmas concert by the 208th Army Band. I am trying to see if I can get tickets to the huge Christmas show at the First Baptist Church. Mom really enjoyed that 2 years ago. I can only afford free shows, but they are all good entertainment.

The home care physical therapist came by to see James today and checked him out and said he didn't need therapy since he is doing very well. I am hoping the cardiologist will put him through Cardio Rehab to strengthen his heart. I know between the stress at the hospital and eating healthy with him I have managed to lose 17 pounds. So something good has come out of the ordeal.

Again, I have to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement by email, text and phone calls when I was so terribly depressed. I have struggled with depression all my life and when I have an acute bout like that it is so hard to come out of it. You all are the reason I am still here today.

I hope you all are having a good day, whether that means less wash, no finger painting or less lifting. Get some rest for yourselves too!

Love ya,

Morning all - late morning. I have up since 6 when I heard a crash - my husband fell going downstairs - but he's Ok - wounded his pride more than anything. We just applied for another 'perfect job' fo which he is imminently qualified - but alas technology has informed us that 250 people have applied for this same position - and without an intro he is unlikely to even be considered. Sigh . . .you spend an hour tailoring your resume/cover letter to the specfic job (I am an expert in tailoring resumes) and all for nothing. Nothing. Does anyone anywhere have connections with anyone who needs a great purchasing/procurement/print and or operations manager?

As for me - there is nothing. My resume is too weird/convulted with the odd jobs i have held and I am surely considerd too old for anything 'entry level'. No one calls me either. Arggh.

Began deep cleaning house today - moving furniture/unclutering/throwing things way. Got to get the house ready for the short sale interview. Sigh . . . I HATE this. I HATE the idea of giving away our stuff and our house. I HATE that if Michael had been really hurt this morning when he stumbled on the stairs we would not have been able to afford to even see a doctor.

OK I vented - complaining feels good but changesd nothing. Now back to cleaning. Love you guys.

Good Morning everyone,

Christina, I'm very familiar with the winds there in Cali, I grew up in the foothills of San Diego County. I really love all the dry weather there and miss gardening year round but I don't miss the polluted water and smog, nor the traffic. My daughters are both in CA also and my Grandsons. One daughter is in Murrieta, and the other in LA. I haven't done any shopping yet either other than for the Grandsons. I dread going out to the stores because of the crowds so I will probably do most of it online or during the weekdays.

Everyone have a great day, love you all. Chirp Chirp Cricket

Whoa, Cuz. Think that's a guys joke. I would kick a guy out over less than that:) Well, good morning everyone. I posted a couple times yesterday and they disappeared...hmm.? Like forgetting, must not have been very important. I had acknowledged angelhair and sent my love to you all.
I can tell LindaHeart is very busy and beside herself in back pain. I hope you will take the time for ice and rest, but can't tie you down. Xo
Cricket: I don't hate you cause you have good weather. We're in the same boat:) In many ways! Yay! We are having Santanas, which are balmy high winds. They distribute seeds from spent flowers, trees and shrubs, and do a shake down on dead leaves. If you're lucky, the leaves end up down on the next street; not an extra chore. They are more elusive than snow, which I understand one cannot escape. It lands where it will and you remove it. See, we are lightweights here in So Cal. Tralala. Not airheads, but not over burdened with weather.
Very good to see Deefer, Jen, Ann yesterday. I hear you Deef, about wiping butts...BUT, and it's a big one, hehe, you would step up, with the TP, if the situation presented itself. And that's what is so Great about being a Care Giver. People know you are one have been one and they think we carry TP with us everywhere we go, just in case. Wrong!!! Wrong!!!
I must work my business today. Meeting beautiful daughter for lunch today then will talk to some people. I am not shopping. Hubby still has not been paid and we have to save our house and pay bills before I can shop. I don't care. I did not even miss cooking Thanksgiving this year. Tree is up. Some lights not working. Can't we get a real one this year? Damn 9 ft monstrosity, which I decorate by myself, not doing all the garlands and scenery this year. Just mantle and stockIngs and candles.
Sending all my love and Hugs and concern out over the land, through the woods, across the waterways to each of you today. Have the best day you can. Xoxo

Medical distinction between Guts and Balls

There is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls. We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls. But do you really know the difference between them?

In an effort to keep you informed, here are the definitions:

GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the Guts to ask: 'Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?'

BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the Balls to say: 'You're next, Chubby.'

I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions.

Medically, speaking there is No difference in the outcome.

Both result in death.

I woke up,
I lifted my arms,
I moved my knees,
I turned my neck....

Everything made the same noise:


....I came to a conclusion:

I am not old,

I am crispy!!!

Thanks Christine, I am not used to being considered cool. And no, my twin sister isn't meanwhile 1, my husband was meanwhile2, and upset with the fact that meanwhile1 was already taken. Years ago his company had a hunting camp named meanwhile, as in " meanwhile back at the ranch" from old western movies I think.
Indio has been helping me clean out my husbands workshop. Sam had every tool you can imagine, and I bunch I can't imagine. Told Indio to take anything he wanted. So far he has latched onto some sort of electric welder, and a compressor, but is still trying to pay me for them. I owe him too much to let him pay for them. He finally insisted on helping with some repairs on the place to pay for them. Indio even put a flag on Sam's grave, since I don't have a plague yet. I want to get the military marker, but have to wait on the death certificate, then do all the paper work.
Angel hope your little girl is better. My mother used to get migraines pretty often. Then she realized she had some food allergies,( mostly perservatives), careful what she eats now, and no more migraines.
It is cold with freezing rain here today. Tucked the horses, and goats in the barn this evening, with extra hay. The dogs are sleeping in the livingroom. When they get really stinky, like sprayed by a skunk stinky, I mix 1/4 cup baking soda in a pint of hydrogen peroxide, with a teaspoon dish soap. Work it in, and let is sit for 15 minutes then shampoo. OK don't laugh, but I have to use baby shampoo. The pup just hated baths until I started using the baby shampoo. My dogs aren't spoiled or anything though. hehehe. It is getting late, and tomorrow I will have to carry hot water out to the barn to thaw out the water. Better get a bath, and get to bed. Take care everyone.

Thanks linda09. Good news, she didn't have the flu. Bad news, we think she might be having migraines like her father and Grandmother. The symptoms were just like a migraine, but how can you be sure when she's so young? Also, her grandma always thinks it's a migraine. I get very severe head aches, they focus more around my sinus cavity, but of Course Grandma thinks their migraines. anyway, I hope she doesn't have migraines. That would be terrible because they are so incapacitating. Anyway, I've got to go; I am being summoned.

Okay don't be mad at me because the weather here is amazingly beautiful. This is the only time of the year the temp drops below 80, I think it was 76 today. I've got flowers in bloom all over the yard and I've been having my coffee in the mornings out on the patio. At night I have the patio lit up with strings of Amber lights and I even put little battery flickering candle lights in the birdhouses. I am in love with the outdoors! This is rare here to have it this nice. Usually it's just hot and humid, to miserable to even want to sit outside. So I'm treasuring every day and night. I do miss the snow in PA in the old farmhouse this time of year, so enjoy the coziness of it, light a candle and enjoy a good book or fireplace/wood stove. Nighty night all! Love Cricket

angelhair - hope ur lit girl gets better real soon . flus going around awful ! my grandkids has been sick twice already . mercy sakes u do have ur hands full , oh lord ure a very hard working girl and u are indeed a angel ! big hugs to you .

talkin about those silver shiney tree , yeah i did like them when i was little . wonder what ever happen to it ? mmmm , no clue ?

cricket - that is what i have been doing all day cleanin cleaning . golly , i finaly flop on the couch and crash for few hrs , it wore me out .
dealing with sheba and bandit and louie and dad and my sis and dishes and laundry and dad had the runs twice then slept hard for the rest ofthe morning , i thought oh my gosh i do everything for everybody and i dont see not one person that would take care of me . what the sam hill !

may get the wood stove going tmr . temp is gonna be drppin down to 18 at night , weds i think , talking snow s comin ohh lala . it did nothing but rain for the last whole week it seems like . hows the weather down there ?

deefer - ya shall send me emails of picture of what ure making , i may wanna do some shopping ... i like the purse u made me last year , so purtty ,,,, i should get em out and start using it for the winter , u do amazing job :) .

austin - where are you ? if i remmy right u were going to ur sisters ? i hope ure doing good and having a good time , missing you dear ....

i am so tired , i sprain my back putting dad to bed . and yet i kept a going , at least my battries still good lol .
goodnight you all , love you all so mucho . xoxoxox sweet dreams ~~~

Good Afternoon everyone :) I've been busy busy cleaning, laundry, cooking, then more cleaning ..laundry.. cooking... LOL

Love you all very much! I'm glad your venting!! Chirp Chirp Chirpy :)

Hey deef glad you made some cash! every bit helps these days...

Hmm finger painting with feces in the lav yep sounds familiar and what an older person does to a towel (or with) it is too early in the day to mention!

Good Week everyone....

Day off. Haleluia! I am so happy to get a day off. Even though my youngest is sick at home. I don't have to worry about giving pills or cleaning up messes, or worry about what to do if Father-in-law decides he's taking off. I get to go grocery shopping with my husband because he doesn't work today. We went to a Christmas Party last night with all of our kids. It was a lot of fun. There was Lazer Tag, about 5 bouncy houses, and roller skating/blading, and giant jungle gyms, and lots of food. The kids dragged us all over the place doing everything. I am so glad we got to go. It is rare that I can actually get away to do something fun. We live with my mother-in-law so I can help take care of her mother and husband because they cannot be left home alone. Anyway, if Step-Dad is having a bad day it is usually me that stays home with him. Even if it's not my day to take care of him. That doesn't really bother me unless it interferes with my plans; for example last week, I was suppose to volunteer in my kids' class at shool, but He was very anxious and Mom-in-law didn't want to have to deal with him while running errands, not that I can blae her. So I called the school and cancelled so I could stay home with Him. It usually ends up that way. I don't really mind, but it sure is nice when I do get to get away from our crazy house. When I say crazy house I mean CRAZY! If it's not the bathroom being fingerpainted with substances I don't even want to relate, or anger issues, or refusing to shower, then it's getting upset by some insignificant thing and taking off. I swear we've had the police out looking for Him more than five times since we moved here. Once Mom-in-law forgot to give her husband his pill and he just looked at her, said "I'm done!" and walked right out of Costco. She was alone with him and her Mom so she couldn't leave Her to go after Him. They ended up setting up a huge base there in the Costco parking lot while the police searched for him. Finally, about two to three hours later, a couple of nice missionaries called the police and reported a man walking around acting very agitated and not able to talk properly. They tried to talk to Him, but when they told him they had called someone to come and get him he ran away because He was still upset about whatever it was that set him off in the first place even though he probably couldn't remember what that was; he just knew that he was angry. Anyway, the missionaries ran right along behind him until the police came and picked him up. They picked him up 70 blocks from the Costco! Another time He got upset in downtown Salt Lake and tried to get out of the car while driving down I-15 at 80mph. We ended up having to hold him down while my husband held the door shut the whole way home. On top of that the police were called because he was trying to leave and no one could convince him to stay. So they stayed until his pill had taken effect and he went to bed for a nap. Anyway, Mom-in-law is a lot better about remembering to give him his pills. Now he is on an anti-anxiety med and an -anti-psychotic. Hopefully it will keep his mood in cheque because the stress of dealing with that kind of nonsense on top of caring for him day after day is immensely high. Well, I've got a sick little girl to take care of so I wish you all well and good luck with any issues that pop up. Hopefully your house is not as nuts as ours. LOL. Everyone have a great day!

Just popped in to say hello. Hope you all are ok today. Mom and I are doing fine. Going for my mamogram today. It's been three years so I guess it's time.

Hello to all my dear friends that I won't even try to know who you are.

Love you all,

Felt that one on the east coast Jen!!!! Haha, needed a good laugh! Found my aunt's old fiber optic tree in the attic last week. haven't plugged it in yet to see if it still works. Been busy prepping for 2 X-mas fairs. Now they are over, I can concentrate on making gifts. Made some $$, a bit more than last year.
Kitchen sinks clogged again. Added Draino crystals and ended up with fumes in the kitchen. Think it irritated my nose and throat a bit. Had to open a window.
Okay going to bed. Need to get up early to do trash before I get Mom ready for daycare. She's pretty much got about 2 brain cells left, but her overall health is excellent. Looks like my 4 years will turn into 5 or 6.
Told a friend that when Mom is gone, the only a$$ I want to wipe ever again, is my own!!!
Night everyone. Will try to catch up with everyone later this week.

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