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excuse me.....

I know it is crazy and it was not expensive...Just gaudy and swirrly crazy man crazy! about three feet tall and you turn it on and the little fiber optic bits change color, Walgreens had em like 6 years ago for like 20 bucks I had to have it!

Jen: Fiber Optic!! still my heart...Christmas kitsch +++++ I'm envious.....



when you cry..

no one sees your tears.


when you are in pain...

no one sees your hurt.


when you are worried...

no one sees your stress.


when you are happy...

no one sees your smile.




But FART!!

just ONE friggin' time.....

everybody knows!!
Gotcha!!You thought this was going to be one of those heart-touching stories!
Send this on to your friends -- Make them laugh!

Dave was staring sadly into his pint and sighed heavily.
“What’s up, Dave?” asked the bartender. "…It’s not like you to be so down in the mouth.”
“It’s my seven year old son…” the man replied.

“Don’t tell me, he’s in trouble for fighting in school? – my lad’s just the same – forget about it; it happens to boys that age,” said the bartender, sympathetically.

“ I only wish it was that,” continued the customer, “ but it’s far worse than that.
The little fellow has got our gorgeous 18 year-old next-door neighbour pregnant.”

“Get away, that’s impossible!” gasped the bartender!

“It’s not,” said the man.
"The little beggar stuck a pin in all my condoms.”

{{{{{{{{{{KIMBO}}}}}}}}}}}} The 60s were very strange, in a psychedelic way. If you know what I mean...heehee Oh yes, the big house. No, Kim, it will be OK. Who would be there for my Mother? I'm a little teapot, and I just blow off steam when I need to. Venting:) xo
Rosella, hope to read your posts soon after work is done. Ciao. Night Night:) xo

what do I want for Christmas ........................................................................................................

Actually, I want a Bucky Ball ... $40 bucks not gonna happen!

I got a fiber optic tree about five or six years ago..It is insane somehow it just reminds me of childhood Christmases and Grandma Adams house...I don't know why, sort of tacky/cheery you know...
AND as it doesn't necessarily need decorations I do not have to wait for CLEO to jump in it and destroy family heirloom ornaments..crash tink ticnk tinkle...CLEO!!!!

I actually liked those mid-century modern, silver Christmas tree...but Mom wanted the real deal and that "pine smell."
Have you seen how much those trees cost now on eBay?
My favorite memory was turning off all the lights in the living room and turning on the tree lights and outdoor lights. The room had such a lovely glow. (remember that scene in "A Christmas Story" ... near the end? watching it snow....and having your parents get a long for a minute....ahhhhhh
C: thanks for the recipes...I am not good at "winging" it so I need something tasty and EASY....
Jen: hang in there...I don't even want to ask what you want for Christmas ;o)
HI Rip, meanwhile, Diane (the fog has cleared), Kim, Rosella, Linda, annt, ALL...let the holidays begin...there is always something to celebrate...really....

Hey don't be talkin bad about those silver trees.We bought one back in 1968 at K-Mart for 12.95 and still have it. My son used to put it up in his house until he found out it is worth around $110.00 at flee markets etc.
No good jokes tonight but I did get one from Rip that I will share with ya.
hugs to all luvCuz

Yes, the aluminum christmas tree! My Mom got one for my Grandpa in he 60's. He hated at first and put on a pair of sunglasses when he came into the room! Hehehehe Funny memory!

Christina, careful with those scissors or we will have to come break you out of the big house for the holidays! Seriously, hope you can get some straight answers from nasal voice or somebody else!

May I clarify: in my kudos to meanwhile, the "party" I hypothetically referred to was not attended by any of us on the GrossedOut thread. No way is anyone mediocre here. I think you all know what I meant in the analogy. This is why editing is SO important...Actually, the party was attended by SIBLINGS of infamous repute, and meanwhile did not know that, until she found US...Whew. I think I saved myself..

"A great Big Pink Shiny Aluminum Christmas Tree..."

Oh, I was starting to get annoyed and I must have hit a BUTTON TOO HARD and it posted my comment...hahaha. anyway, as I was saying, I will call her tomorrow and get an update, maybe she will come over while I am cutting Mother's hair in the morning. we can have a nice chat while I have scissors in my hands:D
Love you Girls, and GUY, Cuz:)
OK, signing off. Really tired tonight after sitting last couple of days. Love to resume the normal routine. Have a good night's sleep, Everyone. Hugs, Christina xoxoxo

Evening everyone. Oh, it's so nice to hear Diane is much better. Worried about sodium. Bless you:) Good to see Rip. Jen is reading, I know that--PUNKINHEAD:)
On the way back from San Diego today, I was writing a post about a Christmas in 1971, when my brother, Tommy, came home unexpectedly on Christmas Eve to our apartment we shared in South Pasadena, but I started crying and couldn't see what I was doing on my iPhone and it got lost in cyberspace. Maybe if we talk about Christmas Past again, I will attempt it.
We had an aluminum tree sometime in the early 60s--that weird period in the timeline, with the rotating gold, green, red, blue. I can hear Ed Sullivan on in the background, while sitting mesmerized...oh, I like it between blue and red when it's purple, and green and blue when it's turquoise, oh yuck I don't like from yellow to red when it's orange; who ever heard of an orange Christmas tree? man, I hate this stupid phony poor excuse for a wonderful smelling fir. Well, it lasted abut 3 years, and I am sure I complained every year and my comments went in the closet with all my other comments, because who cares what a 13 year old twit thinks. We had no value as children. I overvalued my kidlets, and my daughter is so spoiled but confident and loving, so who cares. My son told me to stay out of his life last week, so gladly, I will.
Meanwhile2...I want to know if your twin is meanwhile1, but maybe that is a stupid question!! I analyze everything, so never mind. Great to see you. You are like a person one meets at a party and there are lots of mediocre people there, and you keep saying the following week, "Oh, I met this really neat chic at the Gross party, and she is so cool. Let's have a party at our house so we can see her again."
Anyway, you fit in, and we FEEL your vibes, and you are awesome. How is Indio? Did he go home?:( {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} I spelled "indigo" and corretced it, but I think he probably is an indigo...
LindaHeart, are you sick of smelly dogs yet?! Cripes. Can't you put some hair conditioner on a dog? What about vinegar? it's works for everything. Get a gallon of cider vinegar and mix with water. Change the PH. RIP!! You are dog expert, and BJ. It's so bad, I can smell it all the way in Orange County!!!
Cricket, Lilli, Diane: will post some more recipes tomorrow. Healthy soups, and candy recipes. Lilli--I have some easy schmeezy ones that will impress; don't forget the "presentation". One year I bought cheap balsa wood boxes at Michael's and decoupaged them, lined with doilies, glued all sorts of buttons, lace, gems and cute artwork. ModPodged them. voila. Keepsakes, on top of filling them with truffles or fudge, whatever. Get those tiny fluted candy cups and put in the box. I love to do that, even when we have money (when was that?). It is more meaningful, anything hand-made. We all know. I was in Target the other day and all the stuff for holidays made me sick. Like I feel if I spend too much money on crap. Yuck.
Poor Mother was a mess today when I got over there. The convention ended at 1 today, so glad I was able to see her this afternoon. Yelling again. The caregiver acted sheepishly, which burns me, and they never give me an answer I like. Annoying, sub-standard, but I am a bit of a snob in the communication department. Sorry. Guess I will have to call the owner's assistant and talk over her whiny nasal

Hey rip how are things West Side? Got air inversion warming here, and cold, still no snow and glad of that, one less hassle eh?
Had to beg off gift giving for most people this year none of us have the money! Start my card list though. I can handle the stamps.
Things same here, I change my song in head from "Die old bastard" to "You'll be dead soon old man you'll be dead soon...." You know think positive!
Not much new here, same old same old smelly irritating no lotto winning tired disgusted ignore fart pants routine like the last four years....
Mom told her sister on the phone she didn't think he would "come back from the fall he had last time..." Technically, he already has, all that is different is that she no longer tries to give him his shower/ bath IN the tub on the bath chair, but uses the heat em up disposable wipes...
So, not much here...I hope all are well Diane doing better and Deef checking in now and then even if not writing Hi K! Hello to Christina, Linda, MSM SS, Lilli, Meanwhile, annt,Rossella,Shirley,cuz and Bobbie,Miz and Peach and Pirate where ever you all are....Ksobie, SSk, austin,Cricket and cq...and all here! Have a good week!

I think you are the great one, Shirley!
Coming back from a horrific, uh ... situation... death of your husband - now somehow sounding sensible & positive.
You are a hero! So glad you're here!

Love reading all your letters. Balloons and candy ideas, where great. So glad Diane is doing better. It is actually comforting to know other people have the same black thoughts at times, not that I want anyone to have such a bad day. But, just nice to know I'm not alone, (we can all go crazy together).

Part of the reason I have moved in with my sister, is because our Mother and Stepfather live next door. Mom is 77, and Dad is 79. Always thought his health was the worse. He has been a diabetic for over 40 years, and now is developing COPD. My Mother is a hypokondriac, but has always been healthy as a horse. Mom tried to help me clean out and sort stuff at the house in town, and totally made a mess of everything she touched. Start throwing stuff to save in the trash, and trash in the box to save. Floored me. She has always been super organized (obsessive compulsive). When I had to go back through everything, she got mad, it was somehow my fault. Scary.

My husband insisted I get online back the 1st part of Novemember to order Christmas presents for the 2 grandsons. I am glad of that now.

I can't thank everyone enough for all the hugs and support. You guys are so great.

I really don't know what I would you without you all...
Each one of you has gone through one of my experiences in life, or another.
I don't feel lonely anymore...
Diane I am happy you are better.
Linda I am happy you are keeping Bandit.
Barb I am happy you are seeing all those beautiful places. I love cold sunny crisp winter days!
Kim, Heathcliff is = Marley. I have to keep everything in the drawers or in the closets because he steals and destroys everything. My room seems Waterloo.
I have to finish a very long work so see you tomorrow!

Gimme a D! D! Gimme an I! I! - and so on.
Three cheers for Diane!!!

Love ya too, Diane.

Balloons and candy win any kids heart, but what creative minds you guys are! I have already told the family mom and I are not in the position to exchange gifts this year. Like they would think of me anyway. But I would like to get something for mom and something for James for under the tree. I still havent decorated the tabletop tree my brother brought over for mom. Maybe tonight. I'm kind of pooped out from raking up 8 bags of leaves. Getting a late start on dinner because of the leaves, but no one seems to be starving. Mom has been doing better today to. The new woman working on Tues, Fri & Sun seems to work very well with mom. Well I have to get going but I wanted to stop in and say hello to all my cheerleaders.

Love ya,

mariesmom - i remmy that silver tree with rotation of colors going by , my mom hated cmas , said just because jesus was born on that day doesnt mean we all have to gift everybody !! i thought that was mean but as i got older im thinkin oh my gosh and i am followin my moms foot step . shit cmas comin and i dont know what to get my kids 3 of em plus 6 grandkids and 3 in law s , and hubby and oh pa and myself , damn thats alotta gifts to get , every year i tell my kids we re not havin cmas this year and they cried why not mommy ! well cuz im jehova witness i dont celebrate cmas . waaaaaaa but mommy u believe in santa , well yeah i do , grrrr , as we got older we all got a 100 dollar check at cmas time and i remmy how it came in handy cuz id go buy cmas dinner with it so my kids could have santa s gifts . its always a stressful month ofthe year for me . i keep tellin myself need start shoppin online , yeah yeah i will but never did , grrrr .,
i do not like cmas ,, its purtty yes but dealing with it nope . i havent got the tree up either i usualy wait till the week of cmas i put them up then tear it down when new year comes . i get so sick of seeing cmas tree for a month an dhalf so i think lookin at the tree for 2 weeks be fine with me .
ah my dog sheba has to go bathroom and its freakin rainin outside , i gave her a bath this morning , she still smells like a wet dog lol . shes happy anyways , i pet her more cuz shes clean lalala .
meow at ya all later , oh flex - im glad ure worryin about soduim lalala . i been there and still am . take sme hours to spend at the store reading lables so i know ....
yep kimmy theyre talking rain again tmr all day oh great ! bet my well is over flowing , i know the rain water is standing in my back yard , mmmm ,
somebody had a post on fb about how pot makes elders get thier memories back good for alz and demneta , mmm isnt that wonderful , i always knew why god put pot on this earth , its gotta be good for something . :-) xoxo

Barb, I loved the balloons story and that reminded me of my candy story. You could do BBQ peanuts, Hot Peanuts, I bet there are lots of different kinds.

I decorated the tree last night, by myself. Decorating the tree is the one Christmas activity I miss having my girls doing it with me. None of the guys around my house like decorating the tree.

Diane, it's good to see you posting and that your better. Both salt and sugar are hidden in just about all foods. The only really safe way to get away from all that is to buy fresh stuff instead of packaged.

bbl xoxo Chirp

Diane so happy you are feeling better. So very glad.
Cricket what a wonderful idea - pehaps i shall do it with bags of peanuts for my husband this holiday!

Many years ago when my kids were little and we were going through really hard financial times one year and Christmas came along, I had to figure out a way to make Christmas exciting for my kids with only about 20 bucks after getting each one 1 gift for Xmas day. So what I did was I went down to the k-mart and bought up $20 of Christmas candy in all different shapes and types... like chocolate Santa's, Xmas tree lolipops and lots of hard candies with bright cheerful colors. Then when they were all out of the house I taped the candy all over the living room walls from top to bottom. When they all walked into the living room for the first time their eyes just popped with excitement. They were allowed to pick one piece of candy off the walls each day and to this day they always bring that up as one of the best Christmas' ever.

No grave hunting today . . .got my kids Christmas wrapped and packed for shipping and then sat down to do my required update to the brothers re postmortem expenses.

The accompanying letter bogged me down as I dared not speak my mind completely. But I did some (of course I did), so I am sure I will have more veiled threats and accusations populating my mailbox shortly. I did tell them that if either did not want their share of the money , they should let me know. Hopefully that will result in a quick response saying "send me my money" so I can be done with it.
I wish as much as they do that there has been more money left - they are just having a hard time believing I didn't spend it all on shoes and caviar. Sigh . . .

But poo yuck with the 'bothers' - they have caused m to waste precious time today! What is new with you all? Anyone decorating for the holidays? I have a little ceramic tree around hre somewhere . . . our first house had a holly tree and we would bring in the fresh branches and cover the mantle. We always cut our own tree - and even did the popcorn stringing while the kid were little enough to enjoy it.
Mom didn't care for Christmas. We had a small silver tree with the rotating light that shone on it. I have a whole chapter in my novel about that - sounds fascinating right? Anyway, Mom never wrapped a gift, and she never removed the price tags, and we were always shown the price and told repeatedly how much the gift cost. Also Mom never paid any attention to what we wanted, so with few exceptions there was never a longed for item beneath the silver branches. My brother got a really cool James Bond racetrack once, and we got transistor radios with leather cases once, and I remember liking those very much. By the time I was 12, Mom dispensed with gifts altogether and gave us a check for the holidays. After we became adults we would get a card, usually handed to us at Thanksgiving so she wouldn't have to mail it. Sigh . . .
One of my eldest daughter's favorite Christmases (and mine) was when she was about 4. As a divorced, not receiving child support single Mom making less than 10K a year there was not a lot of money. I did what I could but totally freaked out in the wee hours of that Christmas morning because Santa had left so little. I found a big bag of balloons (left over from water balloons that summer) and spent the next several hours blowing them up (my jaw STILL hurts) and filled the living room with them. To this day my daughter remembers the joy of that morning. She likely couldn't tell you what she got for any other Christmas as a child - but she still remembers running through and popping and throwing all those colorful balloons.
yak yak yak. I do go on.

Hey Y'all,
Amazingly I've been in a halfway decent mood today. Could it be because I haven't been agravated by my siblings yet? Duh!!!!

James is on a strict low-fat and low sodium diet since his heart attack. As Ive been a dieter all my life, the low-fat I can handle. It's amazing to learn how much sodium is in EVERYTHING we eat!!!! I am going to definitely need to make just about everything from scratch. No more short cuts. I know he will rebel when he gets back on his own.

Mom got out of bed and bathed and dressed. She is dozing on and off in her recliner, but overall doing better than yesterday. If it isn't too cold tonight I will take her down the street to see the house that has been on the news because of his light display and "dancing" lights.

I hope you all have a great day. And thank you again for kicking my ass to the top of the black hole.

Love ya,

Today is a grossity day! Raining again, but Linda is right about more water in the well! Hope you all have a good day! Love you all! Kimmy

Hey Barb. Going to graveyards today?

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