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Good one, Cuz!!!! Haha! Tv there was no mirror at the bar last night. We are on the road again, the Pacific Ocean is like glass this morning, not a cloud in the sky. Gorgeous. Surfers in vans getting ready to disturb the surface. Gotta do my minimal cosmetics. Hope y'all have a beautiful day. Sunday Morning Hugs to You.
Love, Christina xo

Morning all.

Old Guys
I pointed to two old drunks sitting across the bar from us and told my friend

"That's us in 10 years".

He said "That's a mirror, dip-shit!

Hugging you back Cricket! Love you! Kimmy

Yes, dear Barb. The grossities of life did speak to us and made us Sisters,all. Love all you Dear Ones:) night night...

Nighty night Miz :)

ps. have a few for me Chris :) if it gets to unbearable seekthedancefloor :)

Hi Kimmy *hugs*

Night Everyone.

Horseback riding sounds fun. I did a lot of that when I was growing up but not anymore. Glad you got out to do that MW2 :)

Night Barb, Nite Chris,


Grossity- I like it! Hehehehe Drink more Chardonnay or put in ear plugs or both! Every once in a while just shake your head like you're listening!

. . .and did somebody say shrimp cocktail? Were I rich iwould eat TWO every day.
Good night all.

Mossity grossity stuff, Christine dear
Is to be celebrated - it is what brought us here!

Whoa- weird typo. 'it continues'

Day is done here. I have a headache but this glass of Chardonnay is helping. I have heard enuf bs today to hold me over till the New Year. Omg. And it conto yes at the bar with these two guys. Telling stories, trying to outdo each other. Of course, not the way we do Here, with our stories of grossity and misery and weariness. Yes, barb, I just made grossity a word. However, if we were having a contest, Diane wins "Best most unbeatable Story for the week." sigh. Love you, Diane, and all of you. Going to share a shrimp cocktail. On glass #2. Fini. Xoxo

A neighbor called this morning, said, "hey the sun is shining lets saddle up the horses and go for a ride" I haven't been riding in a month. We didn't last very long, about hour and half, but it was great. Still have lots of other things I should be doing, but they will still be there tomorrow.
Diane, so glad to hear today was better. You are a wonderful daughter taking such care of your Mom.

Evening all.
My middle daughter calls a few minutes ago to tell me she has a cut-off notice from the power copany for non payment of bill - oops!

She is in Moms house in GA - and I thought she was paying the electric bill - she is paying all the other utiliities - and she thought the electric was 'included'. ( My Jess is brilliant - really - but tends to lack in the common sense department). Anyway after getting the info we were able to stumble through the website and pay it so the lights will stay on. So live and learn - that one little duck had waddled off on its own and i didn't even realize it was not in line! But you got to love the internet and being able to resolved such a problem so quickly on a Saturday night from 1000 miles away.

I told her while on the phone that it appears we are not going to be able to afford to even drive home for Christmas and she was sad. :( But no need to be sad. It isn't our first Christmas apart and it won't be our last - but most of the time we have spent holidays together as a family and I am so very grateful for that.

Hi everybody-checking in today! Wrote to Diane on her wall. Hope you are having a better day today Diane! Rest and sunshine are very healing! We all love you very much!

Sad day yesterday! Got a phone call from my friend Carol and she was crying hysterically! Her little chihuahua, Ike, passed away! I amso glad he got to come over for Thansgiving! We spoiled him that day! He even got some Thansgiving dinner from the table! We knew it was only going to be a matter of time because his congestive heart failure was getting worse! Carol was with him when he passed away. While we were on the phone she let his sister Tess see him for the last time! He was a great little guy and we will all miss him! Happy to be there for Carol when she called! Ike and Tess would stay with us when Carol would have to go out of town and our entire family including our dogs fell in love with both of them! Our big dog Luke was stuck like glue to Ike all Thanksgiving! I think he knew that he would not see his friend again and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible!

Linda, you are so sweet! Glad you decided to keep bandit! I think after a time he will calm down and be a great member of the family! I have to give all the dogs a bath soon! They all love to get their baths! After it is over they run around like a bunch of puppies! I still miss Mattie something terrible! She would actually smile at people! It was so funny and she had a heart of gold! Maisy is going to get some teeth pulled soon and I am worried for her! She is 14 like Sheba, but seems in good health other than teeth!

Christina, have a good time on your trip! Be safe! Wish I could play the piano! Only thing I can manage to get out is chopsticks! Lol I used to love to cook, but now it seems like a chore! When Mom was so sick and I was spending so much time with her, Ron took over the kitchen! That man loves to cook! He never cooked before, but now it is his hobby! Love you Christina!

Rip thanks for the good wishes! I really appreciate it so much! Hope everything is going well with you! Now that I have gotten rest I might be able to shoot a coherent e-mail! Fog is lifting now that I have gotten some rest! Husband goes back to work at 6pm so I will be on the night shift again until next Thursday! I am ready to go! Yay

Miz,Kuli,Rip,SS,54,meanwhile and I hope I am not leaving anybody out, but it is just one foot in front of the other! One day and sometimes one minute at a time! Mom was my best friend in the world and it has been 11 years now! I still have my days, but still feel a big part of who I was is missing! Big hole! Still surreal at times! Love you all!

Cricket- chirp at me any time! I love your posts and Dad's could be twins! Keep that volume pumped up! Only the floor left in the apartment! That should be done next week! I will breathe a big sigh of relief! All flat and he can use his wheelchair in there! Dogs can go in and visit when he wants them! Apartment right off the sun room so if need be I can sleep in the sunroom if necessary! Long time to get to this point, but I think we are almost there!

Barb, I love geneaology too! My grandma was 50 when my Mom was born! She thought she was going through the menopause! I can't imagine having a baby at 50! I have lots of pictures from the late 1800's and early 1900's! Grandparents were married in 1913! Everybody told Grandma that she wouldn't live to see my Mom have a child! Wrong! She was here for the first five years of my life and Grandpa lived to see me through 18 years! Have a wonderful evening!

Jen, keep hanging in there! One thing for sure is change in life and one day you will find things have changed for the better!

Welcome angelhair! Don't know how you do it with four kids and caregiving at the same time! I have one daughter 16 and sometimes that feel impossible! My hat is off to you!

Cg glad to see you are still here! Love your sense of humor!

Rosella, hope you are doing well and Heathcliff is calming down a bit! Luke says hello to his twin!

Austin, Bobbi, thinking of you and hope everything is going smoothly for you!

Ann, I know what you mean! I think we have all been there in that dark place! Glad you were able to get out and are here with us today! You are a treasure!

Diane, hope you are in a better place today! If you do call the hospital they can hook you up with somebody that will help you! For me it was good because I had an objective person who could help me through it! It is really amazing! I didn't end up being hospitalized, just help that I needed so desperately! I am stronger today because of that help! I learned how to stand up for myself when Dad would bully me so! When I finally did stand up to him, the shock on his face was priceless! This was pre-dementia days! People can be dealt with effectively! Just don't let them see it coming! Shocks the s$$t out of them! Love you! You are much too special to let anyone drag you down this way!

Lilli, glad to see you post again! Your posts are very insightful! Hope things are going better in your life!

This was supposed to be a short post, but I just kept writing! Lol

I love every single one of you! You are all gifts in my life! Hope you all have a great evening! Kim, Kimmy,Kimbo

Hey Y'all,
I got myself up and in the shower. Finally felt like my stomach could tolerate a cup of coffee..long overdue. Brother stopped by to see mom but she was sleeping. Miraculously he gave me $60 to get necessities. Made mom a late lunch since she slept until 2pm. Ran to the health food store for a supplement that is a lifesaver for my IBS. Came back home and chatted with mom and she mumbled back. Finally she agreed she would like to here some big band music. Out she went again. James and I sat in the back yard staring at my fish in the small pond. Slowly we each krpt pulling a weed and trimming bacl dried leaves. Ended up with a garbage bag full. Nothing startling, just putting one foot ahead of the other. I didn't get myself together before the bank closed, so I will have to wait until Monday to take care of some business. I want to sell a beautiful 22K gold necklace and earrings I was given as a wedding present to buy mom a motorized scooter. It compact and comes apart so I can put it in the car. If she can get around she will feel more interested in life. Or at least I hope so. Maybe I'm the one in denial.

Forgive me for being so selfish and not keeping up with everyone elses trials. Linda, I;m very happy you get to keep Bandit. Barb, have you ever gone to the Greenbrier Inn and visited the bunker that was were the president and congress were to go in the case of a nuclear attack? It's now part of their ballrooms. They even used to have German prisoners of war held there at the hotel during WWII when the hotel was a hospital. All sorts of neat stuff. I'm full of all sorts of useless information. Lilli, I did post the fudge recipe on the recipe page. I hope you enjoy it. Right now I could eat a pan full and make myself sick. Anyone have any tips on what to do with a female cat in heat? This has been going on 5 days and don't have the funds to spay her. Hell, I still can't pick her up.

Ok ladies, and Cuz, I'm babbling again. Have a good evening and thank you for the love and support. You guys are the best.


A big pot of Chili is for dinner here. It's what the guys like and easy to make. lol
HAPPY DAY LINDA! WOOHOO! Thank God now you can have Bandit Peace :)

Barb, it sounds like you have a lovely day getting out and about the countryside. Fresh air is such an important thing to get plenty of for all of us. I really miss the Northeast but feel lucky to be where I am also.

I plan to decorate the tree tonight and watch this old tv series we are watching now called "Prison Break" I'm loving it. I'm so glad we can get netflix's so we can watch new and old shows when we can watch them.

That's it from the Cricket... Chirp Chirp

Hi All, On lunch break and feeling that Diane is doing better today! Right, Punkin? Hugs and Love.
Oowa, LindaHeart!! Schmoozing Hubby! YeeHaw!! Get what you want, keep everyone happy Schmappy!! Love you!! Xoxo
MsM: getting lots of fresh air, beautiful scenery. Been enjoying your lovely and thoughtful posts.
Standing in line, hubby picking brain of lady behind us. At least he's not picking his nose. just kidding. He is a Stepford Hubby! WhooHoo!!! Love you Angels, ttyl

Back from a ride through the mountains and a short walk along the Appalachian Trail near Greenbriar Park and its lovely mountain lake. Both cemeteries we intended to hunt today were having services so we didn't stop. It is a cold, still day out even in the sunshine.

Hope all are well. Love you guys

hi u all ...
thought id drop a line or 2 ,
bandit is going to stay here for good , had to sweet talk my hubby and he said he loves me very much and wants me to be happy . but he is not happy , i said aww u ll be happy i ll make sure of it and u will grow to love bandit . :-) i just couldnt letthe dog go . hate wondering and worried about his wellbegin . is someone kickin his ass , starving him or is he at the pound now or someone wants him for lab rat test or is somene shooting him as a target or what the damn hell . i am so fed up with begin worried and all . so screw it . now im happy camper and worry free ...
pa just had his nailed filed , couldnt use the nail clippers cuz he thinks imgoing to cut his fingers so took me about an hr todo all his nails with file . so relaxin and he slept thru it all :-) , now im ready for a nappy pooie . but i ll wait till hubby gets back after he gets a truck load of straw him and neighbor needs .
well whats for supper folks ?
heard its going to rain all day tmr , yuk , rather snow than rain but ah well rain fills up my well . so i guess thats ok too .
you all have a happy saturday ..
flex u too and keep us posted . love ya tons , xoxo

Good Afternoon all,

Christina, I hear ya sister! When I said "Talent" I was referring to your musical talent. That is a gift I certainly lack, lol Anyyyyway.. Enjoy the beauty of the day in spite of the man ramblings!

Lilli, that was such good advice. I know it comes from years of fixing!

I don't have a lot to say right now but wanted to keep up with the posts and check in with you all.

Diane, let us help you brainstorm what options you have. It's okay to tell us all the ugly truths, believe me we have all been there at one time or another. One thing about this circle of trust we have all developed here is to not judge each other. We are here for you. You should have several of our phone numbers by now, our FB pages where you can leave private messages, etc. all you have to do is ask. We care and love you.

Love to all, you to Kimmy...hehe Chirpy Cricket

Diane: figure out what your immediate need is right now. Do you need respite so you can get some sleep? Do you need funds for the basics? Do you need some one right there to talk to? etc. Then focus on that one thing.
Call your local hospital and ask for their social worker. Tell him/her that your situation is desparate. They will help you or refer you to someone who can.
You mentioned church. Can you speak with your pastor and be honest...don't sugar coat how bad things are? Can they send over volunteers who could stay with your Mom so you can get some time to clear your head?
This may sound strange, but have you told your sibs what you are contemplating? They are self-centered and may not care about anyone but themselves, but work it to your advantage. If you are not around THEY will have to deal with Mom.
Can Mom be placed in a nursing home to give you respite?
Call a hospice company and ask for the director. Have you called hospice before? The rules have changed a lot over the years. It is no longer for people who are in the last few days of their lives.
Does James have family who can pitch in? You certainly helped him through some dark days.
Just brainstorming here. Please do not choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Morning Girls, on our way to San Diego. Hubby left his jacket at home so had to go back. Listening to our attorney friend and him bs in the front seat. Whateverrrr.
Felt like crap this morning. Diane, hope your sleep was healing. With all our prayers and good vibes and thoughts sent to you, I think you will be better today.
Please get professional help today. You are a SweetHeart:) Love you. Xo
I cannot take any BS today, but if I have to hang out with these guys, I will be Obnoxious. Really, not cut out for pomp and hype. I am a simple introvert who prefers self-amusement to crowds of cheering glazed eyed wannabes. I better change my perspective fast. Rather be with you all anytime, anywhere. Have a better day, all. Check in later. Love you, Christina xo

So true, Msm. We are amazing aren't we? ;)

So much wisdom and honesty on this board. So much pain. What it tell me is that we are survivors. Facing the darkness of depression, borderline or abject poverty, alienation/oppression from former friends and loved ones, often while enduring physical illness and mental and emotional anguish - yet we are still capable of reaching out to others to offer comfort and support. What a lucky group we are, and how proud I am to be a part of it.

Diane its supposed o be 63 and sunny where you are today. Go out and stand with the warmth of the sun in your face.

Diane, I don't have children or grandchildren so I know that feeling. You DO have James and he loves you and needs you. And, your mother needs you. The fact that my mother needed me is what kept me going. And, the fact that I would hurt the people that do love me. Just please take it one day at a time. I will message you my phone number if you would like to talk. You have been through so much lately. If anything, go to the emergency room. That will give you a break and you will get professional help. They can't turn you away. Your life is what is important right now. Your life is precious. Hang in there, Girlfriend. Please don't end your life.


Diane, I have been in the same place you are in now. I was planning how I would go about it and what I would write to say good-bye. In fact I had written the good- bye letter and had it ready for when the time came. I planned it for days. Each day I would say to myself, "should I do it today?" But each day something else needed to be done. At that time my kids were young. I started to think...what will they think of me when this is over? How will it affect their lives and future? Will they hate me? That made me change my mind. I didn't want those who love me to think I was a coward and hate me for leaving them in a bad fix. Who would take care of my kids? My asshole of a husband? Leave them in his hands? No.

Then when my brothers turned against me accusing me of embezzling money from mom. They stopped speaking to me for years. They didn't only hate me for was also who I was and how I lived my life. Things I couldn't change just to please them. Mom lived with my oldest brother and in order to see her, I had to go to their house. They were very cold to me and would leave the room when I walked in. I loved my brothers and was hurt terribly. I thought of suiside then too.

Then I ended up careing for mom here at home. My brother that abused and neglected mom is now angry with me and they hate me for taking mom and her checkbook and credit cards out of their control. I work my butt off taking care of her and get no credit or thanks, just anger. I've thought of ending it all several times, but who would take care of mom? My abusive brother? An abusive or neglectful NH?
I realized that I was being completely selfish. Yes, I deserved to be selfish this time, I had done so much with no gratitude, so I would show them what they had done to me. But would they really care? Would it hurt them? No! It would get me out of a nasty situation, but then it would leave the few people who really love me devastated. Do I want to do that? Do you? Do you want to devastate James? Isn't there a better alternative?
Looks to me like you have options here. You can go on taking care of James and your mom and tell your sibling to go to hell and then ignore them. Tell your sister that if she doesn't send money...mama won't get to eat and the electricity will be turned off and she'll be cold. But it's her call if thats what SHE wants for mom.
Or take mama to your sister and leave her and go back to James and forget you have a sister. Find joy in helping James get well and then have a happy life with him. Let your sister deal with mama from now on. You've done it long enough.
Or end it and then Mom gets thrown to the wolves and James is devastated and in need of help. No chance of a future with him then.
Or leave mama and James and go start over by yourself somewhere. feel you need.
You have options..Now is not the time to check out. In a day or two you may feel differently about the situation. There's no 'do over' once you've done it.

You are loved dearly by many. All of us on the site care deeply about you. We would be devastated too. Many people would be hurt. Think about it. Pray about it if you are a person of faith. Don't let the SOBs in your life win out over you.

Most of us have probably thought about the same things you are thinking now. But because we care about the ones we love we keep on keeping on. Til it gets better. And it will. Don't be foolish Diane, it will get better. Keep loving those you love and love yourself enough to fight for a happy life. They can only hurt you if you let them. Hold your head up high. You have done nothing wrong. They are assholes. You can't change them, but you can change how you react to them. They're not worth it.

Sorry to go on so much, it's just that I've been where you are and I know something about what you're going thru. Call me if you want to talk. I will text you so you'll have my phone no.

Love and many many hugs to you all. Try to have a good night.

Hi girls I read all your posts of today - very interesting ones, I would like to make comments on many of them - but just now, as everyone of you, I am worried about Diane. Diane, I think your exhaustion has turned into a sort of "break", it happens, I've been there several times in my life. I think you should see a psychologist (I have seen a psychiatrist when I was young!!!) and ask him some advice. The stress for James's episode of course has not helped you. I don't think there are particular reasons for your present feelings; you already knew your relatives, the situations have not changed too much... you are just very very very tired! You have sacrificed all these years to your mother because you wanted her to live as happily as she could. You really care about her much more than I care for my mother, for example. I think you should take one step back and heal yourself - try to put yourself in the center of everything - and get out of this black hole, with some help. (If I haven't seen a psychiatric when I was 20 I wouldn't probably be here now).... When you will be out of this loop, it will seem to you impossible to have been there. By the way, since the moment I stopped caring about my brother and his absence, since the moment I stopped expecting something from him, and I RELAXED about that problem, our relationship has improved greatly! It's weird I know, but this is how it works!
Take care Diane... And kisses to all the great ladies of this thread!

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