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Hi Diane, I am glad to hear your anger. That is a very good sign. Anger Rocks. It is indignant, a righteous anger, the kind that comes out on top.
Meanwhile, so good to see you. Welcome back. Nice to have your sister near:)
Cricket: I will be here when you come out. I don't know what talent you speak of, except I did a very good job on my housecleaning today. Satisfying. It seems later to me tonight, also. It feels like the care giver's awareness of every little moment. I think it is because we have been vigilant over Diane tonight. I mentioned on another thread that time flies, except when you're a caregiver, and then it morphs into a strange Dali-like clock, somewhere down the rabbit hole. Yikes.
Yes, I wish we were in closer proximity to each other. Any one of us would be there in a moment for you, Diane. Let's try to help you from here. It's better than those related or close by pulling the proverbial rug out. I'd like to show them a proverbial something or other.
Blessings upon all tonight as you sleep. May you awaken refreshed with a clear purpose. Much Love, Christina xo

Hey y'all,

I've fed everybody and everything, washed the dishes and put mom to bed for however long that last. I've read everyones words of concern and encouragement, yet I still feel trapped. I've asked for help over and over again from my family and close friend and no one steps up to help. I've asked my brother to take mom for awhile and the yelling and screaming and threats of abuse started. The "free" clinics don't want to see me because I have insurance and want the co=pay. I don't have the copay after being out of work three weeks between James and mom. You know how I have groceries to eat tonight? The church gave us a $100 gift card to Bi-Lo. My brother made it very clear while I was at the hospital he and my sister would not pay for additional sitters so I could be at the hospital with James. They neatly was their hands of everything except when they can show off to visitors. Then they borrow mom for a few hours to show what good people they are. Im sick of this bullshit. I know I am a better person than they will ever be, but I'm tired of being berated and false accusations hurled at me. I'm physically exhausted which you all can understand, You all have children or grandchildren to encourage you to live, but I have neither. The only one I worry about is my mother. She knows something is up and thinks it is her doing. I need to try get some business taken care if tomorrow so she won't have these things hanging over her poor confused head. I don't know which way I'm going right now other than down. Maybe I should check myself into the mental institution. With the drugs they would give me I could have a vacation anywhere my mind wanted to take me. I'm just lost and in pain. Mental institutions scar me after my friend was an investigator at the state hospital.

I'm babbling. Thank you for your love and concern. I'll check in in the morning so you know I'm still around.


Thanks, I have the best sister in the whole world. Everyone should have an identical twin. She took care of all my animals, when I couldn't. And that includes 2 horses, 2 goats, 2 dogs, and 3 cats. Before my husband got sick, we were working on building a house here next to my sisters. It didn't get very far, just the foundation. It may never get built now. Sorry, I still get sad when I think about that. But, I'm doing much better here.

Welcome back Meanwhile! I'm so glad you're with your Sister.

I'm Baack. I just caught up with everyone's posts for the last week. Been gettting moved into my sisters house, and trying to take care of all the details since my husband died. Just got the computer hooked up. I missed you guys. Diane, please hang in there. That is the worst, having people you thought you could trust betray you like that. Be mad, get angry, don't let em get you down. Meanwhile

Diane - I suspect many of us will put heads on pillows with your situation on our hearts and minds tonight. Remember how strong and brave you were when James had his heart attack? We stood by you then and we stand by you now. You are not alone. You are loved. Do not forget this and do not give up. Consider the sorce of your sorrow and realize they are so not worth this pain.

Barb, I saw that movie awhile back and loved it. I wish we all lived closer to each other to. I would be over at Diane's tonight giving her moral support and staying up for her so she could get some rest. Diane, I'm praying for you. Christina, I love all the different recipes I just can't let myself have at em for health reasons :) oh and I love spices and I have no restrictions with them. Your lentil soup sounds great. That is probably one I can eat!
It feels like it's so much later than it is for me tonight. I guess I'm tired.
Angelhair, Welcome here :) This is the place to be to never feel alone!
Barb, I am so glad that you are still here with us. Life is a journey weather we are a caregiver or not and friends like you are a real treasure.
Christine, you are such a talent! I have my girls and two grandsons out in Cali and the next trip I'm able to take out there we are hooking up :)) It might be a year or so but it will be.

Sending you all my love and prayers, you to Linda hehe


Just watched Monster In Law (Jane Fonda and Jen Lopez) with my husband. There's a line when an exhausted Lopez (left to care for Fonda for a week), says "I need to sleep! She's driving me insane! I can't do this anymore!" And thus I thought of all of you.
I once met Jane Fonda in a public restroom at a Teen Pregnancy conference she hosted in Atlanta (1996). The restroom was so crowded she had to turn my shoulders to pass by me when she left the stall.

I once met Peter Fonda when he came into a hotel in Tawas Michigan where I was tending bar (1975) and ordered whiskey shots with milk chasers.
I appreciate you all. I wish we all lived close enough to help one another. That would be cool.

Diane, you CAN get through this. I promise!!

Patrick Wilson. Very cute. Not my type. I like the rugged type, cause I like my guys to be tougher than I am. haha! Rossella is sleeping, I think? It's 1:45 am in Roma.
I love each of you. Just like snowflakes: all different, all beautiful, all unique. That is what makes each of us so valuable. We are all part of the giant jig saw puzzle. We are all necessary: our purposes, our ideas, our caring hearts.
Love you, Diane. Love you, LindaHeart. Love you, Miz. Love you, Cricket, Love you, Kim. Love you, Carolyn. Love you, Jen. Love you, Rip. Love you, Ann. Love you, BJ. Love you, SelfishSiblings. Love you, Kuli. Love you, MsM. Love you, Cuz. Love you, Captain. I even Love myself. Get the point? heehee

Love You Too, Linda!! :)

flex - miz is so right please take her advice ,,, she was in the same boat ure in but now look at her shes carefree wooo . love u miz ! xoxo

christina - the new show comes on fri night , the gifted man , hes a doctor there , i do not know his name , all i know he is a hubba hubba moooooooo , of course kevin costner is a meoowww! ohh lalala .
pewey i smell a dead dog in here , man i do not like the smell of her skin barf barf , about half way tempted to kick her back outside but i cant do that , poor ole hips , damn it ! she was very happy to see bandit , brag all about it to hubby , ya shall have seen his forhead , no linda we agreed ! i said oh ure puttin word sinmy mouth , noo u did saythis and that i said well whatever i changed my mind . noo damn it linda u agree , phhhhhhttttttttt ... guess if the guy dont show up tmr then bandit shall be mine , is that right rossella ? lalala
lilli where are u ? rossella , yooho anybody home ?

Diane, I have lost most of my family too. My sister and brother, etc. refused to stay at Mom's house because I had moved my boyfriend in. I really have 3 or 4 people left in my family who care about me plus my husband of course. I have made some mistakes and I have been shamed and made to feel so guilty and my actions misinterpreted and believe me, I have had suicidal thoughts many times. But, it is not my time and my husband needs me and God is not ready for me. Diane, the people that matter are you and your mom and James and your friends. Your family is evil. I am sorry but they are putting you in such a horrible spot. If anything, get your mom taken care of for awhile and go to the emergency room. It breaks my heart that you are feeling this way. Please do not leave us. And remember, things will get better. It may not seem that way now but they will. I have come to the realization that if my family can not accept me and my husband then so be it. My husband and my dear friends are my family. You have so many people that love you.


Diane--what are you fixing for dinner?
I just found out we are not leaving until morning, so I am glad to be here tonight to support you, Diane.
OK--Linda, who is hubba hubba guy? Do you mean Simon Baker on Mentalist? He is very sexy. Usually I go for the Latin types, just the whole Mediterranean region, actually. But, he is a Robert Redford kinda type. Whoo Hoo! What happened to your crush on Kevin Costner? Boy, LindaHeart, you a a fickle girl, you are. Angelhair--my favorite pasta, btw--takes care of EVERYONE!!! Linda, she has FOUR kids, a husband--you know how they can be--and a FIL and a GM. I think? Am I correct, angelhair? Maybe she has 6 dogs and 5 cats, too, like some of you.
One cat, one husband, one Mother, two kids out of the house is more than enough for moi.
Cricket: I said, "Diane, we are the Sisters of your Heart. Hugs, always" I can get along in Mexico very well with my Spanish lingo. Once, I sat next to a cute Italiano on a plane from Seattle to San Francisco. He spoke Italian, I spoke Spanish, and at the end of the flight, I spoke Spanish with an Italian accent. You can't see it, but my hands move as well. Rosella knows. It is more difficult when we are conversing on the keyboards, a mano.
The BOAT, is our Haven of safety, Friendship, and Support. Diane, keep writing to us tonight, and tell me what you fixed. I like your rice dish you posted on Fav. Recipes. I have not had the time to post the lentil stew yet, but it is so warming. I know Cricket wants us to post really healthy recipes, and this one is, but it is spicy with cumin and tomatoes. Lilli is drooling. Lilli, please stop.
Back Later, in a flash.

flex ! good to see u posting ! have a happy dinner girlfriend , u just worry about u mom and james . dont worry about siblings , theyre the last thing u ever want to think of , times a changin and theyre turnin into a snobb hateful , lord is shakin his head , screw tthem ! u just focus on urself , mom , wonderful boyfriend . if ure depress so is james and ur mom . dont wanna do that , starting tonite things will change and make u stronger my friend ..... love ya ..

angelhair ! welcome . im not sure who ure caring for , i cant remmy now . damn im old already , well i am old , heehee . i did read about ur toothbrush deal lol . lucky my dad has his own bathroom so i dont have to worry about him gettin hd of mine . whew my goodness .
had supper and now dishes lookin and wavin at me and im thinkin where in t he hel is my sis in law , shes the ones that loves to do dishes waaaa .
hubby s gone to bed , he has to work sat and sunday he s not happy camper , tld him soon u be on vacation and be off till next year , now he s lookin fwrd to it ,
alrighty i best go get my dishes done , i like to watch gifted man on tv , he s a hubba hubba mooooooooooo meow .
love ya all xoxox

Im still here. I need to take care of some business and put things in order tomorrow so mom will be taken care of. Mom isnt the main problem, its the rejection and condemnation, If mom died after me, at least i'd have my best friend back, the way she used to be. Im should be save for the night, cookig dinner or mom and james

Hi angelhair! I did that the other day on a very important answer on a different thread, and I said Duh! heehee Anyway, I am 60 years old now, although I have the mentality of a 20 year old, and yes, I play and sing whenever the hell I want to. I just finished playing and singing "Midnight Sun", which was recorded by June Christy and Billie Holliday. I like jazz and Great American songbook:)

I have put a call in to Diane, Friends. Left a message for her. Maybe it is dinner time there. She is in Columbia, SC, so hope she will get back to us after dinner.
Love you guys. Praying and sending good thoughts to Diane/Flex!!!! xoxoxo

O.k. I'm still trying to figure this forum stuff out. I can't believe I put it in twice!

Hey christina28 That's pretty neat. I have been singing all of my life also. I started teaching myself to play the piano a little over three years ago while I was babysitting a friends piano. When we moved I had to leave it behind. I always wanted to learn, but my parents never had the funds for lessons; and then I never had the funds for lessons, but when my husband found me an old piano for Christmas last year I was thrilled. A favorite one that I've learned is a song by Yiruma called "Kiss the Rain" and another called "The River flows in you." Don't worry about what anyone does or says or doesn't do or doesn't say. Play for yourself. The best therapy, I have found, is sitting at the piano and letting the music flow.

That's pretty neat. I have been singing all of my life also. I started teaching myself to play the piano a little over three years ago while I was babysitting a friends piano. When we moved I had to leave it behind. I always wanted to learn, but my parents never had the funds for lessons; and then I never had the funds for lessons, but when my husband found me an old piano for Christmas last year I was thrilled. A favorite one that I've learned is a song by Yiruma called "Kiss the Rain" and another called "The River flows in you." Don't worry about what anyone does or says or doesn't do or doesn't say. Play for yourself. The best therapy, I have found, is sitting at the piano and letting the music flow.

Christina, I don't understand you when you speak ....spanish? I love you anyways though. :)

Diane, I can feel your emotional wounds. Yes you have been beaten down and depressed. Your Sister and your family doesn't have any clue as to what you have sacrificed for your Mother. If you have gotten to the point to where you are so depressed that you want to give up and die you MUST ask for help. Diane there is another way out of this misery, I promise you there is. You are a really good person and you deserve to have your life be your own and fill it with love and meaning. Your family obviously doesn't treat you the way they should and you can't change how they are toward you but you don't have to "buy in" to their wrong views of you. Have you thought of packing your Mother up and taking her to your Sister and saying here she is all yours, you take all the responsibility now, I'm done. Or tell your Sister you are moving out, and drop your Mother in her lap. There is no shame in doing this if it means your LIFE. It doesn't undo all that you've done. It's okay for you to give up caregiving, it's not okay for you to give up your life. If you need to talk more please email me, or email me your phone number if you want and I will call you. You Life matters, you are loved and appreciated. There is a better way, let me and others help you to see this.

Love Cricket

Diane I sent you a private message on FB. Please read it.
You are so special to all of us. And you have many choices here besides the final, irrevocable one.

Really, you are too tired, Diane. I know how you feel. Call someone to come watch Mom and get some sleep or get out of house, whatever you need.
Please come back online and tell us who you are going to call and what they say.
Tu Estas La Hermana de nos Corazones!!! En abrazo, siempre.

deflex- i was thinking if u end ur life now by gosh ur mom be going soon afterwards ! u ll never be free from her . pop up and say oh there u are diane i been lookin for ya ! noooooooooooo dont do that flexxxx ! she come and find ya !
plz post back later and let us all know , we care great deeply about u dear . xoxo

diane flex . if ur sister has the funds and only says first get rid of ur boyfriend , mm i would have told her to get rid ofher husband and get in here to take care of mom cuz ure going to go live with ur boyfriend and take care of him . if sis rules the rules and wears the pants around th ehousethen by gosh it sounds like to me she wants to take care of mom . let her ! flex u did it for 9 years jesus christ , get away !! its drivin u insane and into deeper depressions , honey girlfriend u need to hand the house and mom on over to ur sister ! . ending ur life doesnt not solve any pblms only ure dead and cant move on , but ur family they ll heal and move on . nanana
take couple xannie and get on the phone and tel ur sister that u have decided to give it all up and she come get mom or stay with mom , u done ur share for 9 years and its time for u to move on ., go stay with ur boyfriend and put a smile on ur face knowing u have companiship for life ! ur mom isnt going to be around much longer and it is not fair for u to give up ur man u love and kiss ur sisters butt , nananana . pack ur bags and go get away from all this maddness and honey dear once they have mom in thier hands honest to god they ll see where ure comin from and honest to god ure gonna smile and snicker away heeheee now they get the pciture and please letthem do it for 9 yrs and see if they end up walkin in ur shoes by then .
takin ur own life is not worth it to ur sis , just only gains extra money on her hands cuz ure dead and u dont get ur share . fock it all man . u go be with the man u love and enjoy the rest of ur life with him cuz dear life is too short and lrd wil take u when ur time is up . u are not to end ur life without the lord doing it so . he is the one to end it not you .... take a couple xannie and feelin the calmess and go call ur sis and meow and purr at er , callit quits , im done sis .... xoxox

Diane, Why are you caring for your Mom? What is the alternative? Do your siblings want to do it and work it into their schedules? you must step back and regain some objectivity about your situation. We support you, you know it, but it is scary to me when you say things like that. Please talk to a professional and let your family help you make some changes. If I went to my sister and brother with the message you just gave, I know they would do something!!!! Please, Diane.

I don't think i grew up in an abusive household. Birthdays and holidays were always made special. My cruelties were usually at the hands of other children and no good teachers. I was the fat foreign child. We did have an odd life in that life was one way for the two weeks dad was at sea and then for 3 or 4 days dad was the center of attention. He would sail again and the "norm" would be back. I never came from a demonstrative family, but you always knew you were loved by the things that were done to make you feel special. My brother was much older than me and he was more of a father figure. When his kids came along they were my babies too. I made all sorts of halloween costumes and baked special birthday cakes for them. My SIL never had to worry about a baby sitter. As the boys grew up I was the one they found comfort to tell about their broken hearts. We always had so much fun being together. Laughing and joking and rememebering old times. How did that change so suddenly? Last New Years Eve we were together to bring in the New Year and my nephew blew up and kicked me out his house. Its all been downhill since then. Ive been accused of abusing my mother, stealing her money, sponging of her, lying and on and on. No one wants to help with mom or take responsibility to care for her. The lastest is my sister demands I get rid of my b/f who is recovering from his heart attack before she will give any funds to care for mom. This is the sister also saying I'm only taking care of mom so I can get her house that we have lived in for 9 years. Im amazed and dumbfounded by each new accusation. My depression is getting worse everyday. I find my self planning my death. I already have all mom's doctors listed and her medications and when she takes them. They have the name of the agencies that care for mom 8a-2p daily. Ive been thinking of taking my 401k out to pay off bills and leave enough for my burial. I know suicide will negate the life insurance I've been paying, but I know my sister and brother have the funds to care for mom. I'm just tired of being their whipping boy and the object of their hatred. I'm just a fing slave for them

Hi angelhair! You stick right here with us!
Been cleaning my house after the high winds yesterday. Windows and floors everything. Much better. We're leaving in 2 hours so going to wrap it up and get ready. I'll check in on the drive home tonight.
Barb: here's a lovely memory: I have sung since I was 18 months old and played
the piano since I was 5. After dinner many nights, after I had cleaned up the kitchen, washed the dishes, put everything away, I would sit at my piano while Mother and step father were still sitting at table in kitchen talking. I would play one of their favorite songs-- his was Stranger on the Shore", Mother like show tunes-- she was a singer, too. After a few bars, they would come into the living room and say, " we're going to watch TV now". Not, "that was lovely, chris, thanks for playing one of my favorites", but always the passive agressive approach-- guess what we want you to Stop doing now? Never a mention of my talent. I went on to win the Natl. School Choral Award, however, in 1969. It was my personal goal I set as a freshman. So, neener neener, idiot, unaware losers.
See you guys later. Love, Christina xo

Thank you all for being there. It is nice to know that there are those out there going through the same things I am.

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