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Health tip

If you can't afford a doctor,
go to an airport - you'll get a
free x-ray and a breast exam
and ; if you mention Al Queda,
you'll get a free colonoscopy.

The World’s Shortest Psychiatric Joke”

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing only underwear made of Saran Wrap....
The psychiatrist says,
‘Well, I can clearly see your nuts.”

Hi everyone my son and I made a quick trip to Pittsburg to see my grand-daughter for Thanksgiveing 1,000 miles round trip went out on Wed and came back on Friday-her room-mates mother cooked the turkey and the girks did the side my son and I peeled the yams and potatoes-they did not have a peeler so it took awile with a knife -dinner was great. We did some sightseeing Thur morning since I had never been there before. We avoined the mess on the Penn turnpike by a few hrs-so were lucky. I will be leaving soon to go the the Bethleum area to see my sister amd Mom and spend some time at Kriskindlemart-my sister is a crafter. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

I'm a trying. gonna take a shower in case I die so I won't smell bad in the morgue...

Love you, Jen. Hang in there:)

I hear you, Rip. I get a glimpse of that as I am midway, my body has been abused, feel like it's starting to age and I never felt like that before. Each day, start over, positive thoughts, moves, believe, hope. It's got to kick in one of these days. As Austin says, " you kill me, Cuz" ! Yep, good one. Heehee.
Night night all you beautiful caregivers, far and wide, near and skinny. I couldn't resist. Love YOU!!! Christina xo Zzzzzzzzz

Was sad and unpleasant and reeked of Ben Gay and old man urine...Mom got so tired she had to sit down several times during the dinner prep, was scary. Glad it is over. wish he was. got a note from email and a TV commercial mentioning care givers and the love from whence it springs and enjoy your loved ones before they are gone...I could have screamed....I beg God to kill ME now, I have had enough! having chest pains and light headed-ness figure if it is a heart attack so be it just let me go....40 was plenty of This life....

hope everyone's hol was better than mine and you all got some rest afterwards.

Christina ....
I enjoy not cooking!
... hope you recovered & both of you found time to rest.
Hoping everyone found a moment to relax.

After care should be easier ...
It's not. Don't mean to frighten anyone ...
just prepare yourself for some BIG empty.
Nothing you can do to change the out come ....

Be there & be real while you can.

Quick whitted nurse

A very tired nurse walks into a bank, totally exhausted after an 18-hour shift.
Preparing to write a cheque, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse and tries to write with it.

When she realizes her mistake,she looks at the flabbergasted teller, and without missing a beat, she says:

'Well, that's great . . . that's just great . . . Some a--hole's got my pen!'

I am off to wash away the miles and early into my own bed. Love love love you guys!

Um . . . I am available for boat time. We need only find a rubber ducky of sufficient girth to wrap me middle.
And btw since I had nothing else available to read I trudged on through Game of Thrones and it is quite a good read after all. Love the young female character currently catching cats on hr wayto becoming quite the femme fatale warrior I assume. Here kitty kitty.

Welcome home, MsM! So happy for your fulfulilling holiday:)
Missed you, too Rip! Did you cook or go to friends? Rrrrrrrrough,woof woof
Captain, when Mariesmom comes for Boat time, we must prepare shrimp cocktail. Con margaritas, esta muy bien. WhooHoo! I'll have to be there to man the Galley.
It's a long weekend. Sigh...

We missed you Barb!!!

Hallelujah we are HOME!
Just spent the last hour catching up - deepest condolences to dear Shirley on the loss of her husband.
And all of us reeling with the impact holidays have on caretakers (trying to keep things normal under the 'new normal' conditions) and on dealing with the memories of those no longer with us that we now must face a family celebration without.
It's tough. But we are strong!
My Mom never made a big deal of holidays or birthdays. It was her way to do the bare minimum on all these occasions. Thanksgiving was the ONLY day of the year our family sat and ate together. No other relatives were ever there. We had the traditional foods and Mom did a good job cooking them, but we made our plates from the stove and did not use the good china displayed right there behind us in the cabinet, or napkins or tablecloths or any hint of decoration. So it wasn't a festive day. It was uncomfortable, at least for me - as Mom never failed to say as she called us to eat that we would now "go through the motions". Sigh . . . some years Dad took us to the Officers Club on post and those years were much better - as there was gaiety and laughter all around - and shrimp cocktail. That was the best.
We drove 500 miles to Detroit for our holiday with my awesome sister and her awesome husband. We left a day early because bad weather was predicted Wednesday. It came early. It was the most harrowing drive I've EVER made between the very heavy rain, the trucks, the truck spray, the speeding, the mountains and curves and early dark - I am thankful for my new glasses and for the 7 airbags in my Camry and for my husband who helped me navigate. (I always drive). We are also thankful that we didn't get caught up in the road asphalt muck that was spilled eastbound on PA turnpike that night. Those drivers, 100+ of them, driving in the same awful conditions, suddenly finding their vehicles disabled and grinding to a stop. A double nightmare. The GOOD news is that remarkably no one was injured.
4 nights and 3 days with my sister - I only met here when I was 32 so these times are especially precious to us both. One thing I came away with was how strong she and her husband are. Their son died suddenly of a massive heart attack in 2010 - he had never been sick. And they deal. They put one foot in front of the other and they work and they play and they live their lives because to not do this would make his death even more of a tragedy. None of my pain could ever compare to that loss - witnessing their strength makes me so much stronger.
Another thing I came away with was not to give another thought to what the brothers may or may not do re their inference that I spent too much of Moms money. I have committed no crimes. I have good records. They have NO case. (She is an attorney) Anyone can sue anyone - and if they are stupid enough to sue me I will have to jump thorough some hoops, but they have NO CASE so it will come to nothing. She is also their sister. She has no love relationship with them. After the initial meeting they 'forgot her' just as they did their Mom. So that is a double shame on them.
I hope everyone is getting well, getting home, feeling loved. Being away from you guys I carried in my heart this 'circle of friends' who were always with me. It's crazy great to have that. I am so very thankful for all of you.

Cricket, the turf is the Best, it is a small area now. The builder put high expansion soil to backfill and it has made the retaining wall fail, which runs alongside our property. We need to put in new drainage throughout and turning what is roses and lawn into a Mediterranean style courtyard with decomposed granite and pots, fountain, and a Foothill Palo Verde tree. It is a necessity, as our house could look like tower of Pizza soon. If the Big One occurs, we are more prepared. Hubby wants the phony grass, I am not convinced. I might change his mind:) xo:)

Hi Christina "Speedette Gonzales" lol. This morning I woke up and felt like a cold starting to come on (my stepson's been here coughing all week) well as soon as I felt that I started with the Emergency C fizzles and a zinc tablet to dissolve on my tongue, yucky yuck did it taste. Then I put new audio book on my kindle and announced to the family I was going to bed to try to fight this off. It might b to early to tell yet but even so I think I might have fought it off, well see. I'm like you Christina in that I like to be busy doing things all the time so I had to make myself get in bed and the only way I could do that was to get something interesting to listen to. So why artificial grass? to conserve water perhaps? Ah being on the boat sitting out on deck with the wind blowing in our faces while sipping on Margaritas sure would be nice. Our weather was a gorgeous 79-81 here today with a nice breeze. Not the best boating weather unless your sailing but it sure feels good sitting out on the patio. The pasta and wine parties sound like fun but no pasta for this girl, but I know you'll have yummy fresh salads :P

Have a great night XXXXOOOOO Chirp Chirp Love Cricket

Good Saturday Noon, Crew. It is 71 degrees in the OC, looking to 81 degrees by 2 pm. Rough, rough..I mean, woof, woof. Little doggie sounds. Well, the soup is outta here and the grill goes on tonight. Lemon, garlic chicken breasts and a big salad.
Hubby very subtly suggested last night that he thinks I do better when I have more to do every day. haha. Really? Yes, I think I'm going to get a job 4 days a week, go to school 2 days a week, visit Mother in between shifts and classes. I like the pressure.
I MISS Everyone:( It's a cold lonely BOAT when you're gone. Those should be lyrics to a song. Ann? Barb? Kimbo? Crickety-poo?
Well, if I had not been sick, I would not have been here either. I used to like that: being home alone when I was sick. But it's different on a BOAT. I guess because I LIKE everyone on the Boat. heehee
The bridle trail has dried out enough to walk on it without slipping in the mud, so I'm off. Excavation on our side yard to begin in a couple of weeks to shore up the house, so assoc. (asses)) can construct new retaining wall. Have to dig up my camphor tree and a couple of roses. We are getting rid of lawn and putting in artificial grass in the very front. Kind of gives me the creeps, but keeping my natural planting beds. Moving the front wall so we will have room for a LONG TABLE FOR PASTA AND WINE PARTIES...AHEM! That is my vision:)
Safe traveling on your ways home. See y'all soon. Love, Christina xo

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving! I finally got into the cleaning zone! That was a surprise!

A friend and her son joined us yesterday! Carol has been with us since my Mom passed! She also brought her two little Chihuahuas, Ike and Tess! Ike has congestive heart failure and we don't know how much longer he will be with us! So our gang had company too! It was a fun day! Carol understands caregiving. She lost her Mom to Alz and her father from a stroke on Christmas Eve several years ago! We have been friends for 25 years! Time passes so quickly. I am ver lucky to have her, because of all my friends, she has stayed with us through good and bad and vice versa!

Christina, hope that nasty cold goes away soon! Sweet message from your daughter! That is a message that let's you know what a great Mom you are! What a wonderful compliments! Nothing more important than having a doctor who cares and bothers to call and check in! What a rarity! Rest and get well! XXOO

Cricket-so jealous of your weather! Flip flops! Same old gloomy weather here! Yesterday the sun poked out a little, but not much! You are doing Christmas too huh? You are a brave soul! I do Christmas, but it is just for the four of us! Rest up!

Linda-are you surviving this weather? Hope your Thanksgiving was great! I think we are supposed to get some rain and snow coming up! I'm really tired! It is a good tired though! Hope Pa is doing better. Dad mainly stayed in bed yesterday! He didn't want dinner, but ate everything up at 3am this morning! Whatever works is good!

City inspector came out to look at the apartment! He passed everything but the shower cause the grab bar was missing! We have to install it and then he will come back! Agh......

Got a big surprise for Thanksgiving though! Ron got the holiday off and off today and tomorrow! Yeah! Usually he is working the holiday! They let him know at the last minute! He knows for sure though he will be working Christmas! We will work around it like we do every year!

We are going to heat up some leftovers and have dinner now! Love and hugs to all of you my precious friends! Bobbi glad you are back on the boat! Smooth sailing. Give that kitty a hug!

{{{{{{{{CAPTAIN}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{CREW}}}}}}}}}}} Love you guys. Hope all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
I received a great text from my daughter last night about 8:45:
"Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and I realized why tonight... Your cooking!!! This year I am especially thankful to you, Mom, for always giving us the best--the best food/cooking, best hygiene, best manners, best of everything important!! I Love YOU!!"
Wow. what could I say? "That bad, huh"? haha!! Yes, apparently there were bananas in the yams, and "hygiene". Please, I don't want to hear about it.
As I was lazing around all day watching movies yesterday, hubby watched football. We had chicken noodle soup again last night, and it was even better than the night before.
Dr. called on Wednesday afternoon to say he wants to increase Depakote to 3 times a day and forget the Ativan. I really like him. He is a soft-spoken red-head named Tommy, like my sweet brother who passed 8 years ago. He was out of town, and I appreciated him taking the time to make the call.
AND, just now, my most inattentive cousin called me, so I guess he is changing and realizing what is important in life.
However, I did receive another nasty message from my son, so nothing is ever perfect, is it? It doesn't bother me as I thought it would. Wonder why?
oooo, company, Bobbie? You are a lucky Captain:) Meow.
Thankful Blessings to you all. Love, Christina xoxo

Good Morning Crew,

It's a beautiful morning here on the boat with no chance of rain and the temp predicted at about 75 degrees.
I have been working hard to move into the boat as opposed to camping out on the boat. Need to do a little more scrubbing and stashing and this boat is good to go.

Still waiting for my lead to ballast the pointy end but that should be here in a few days and I can finally start crabbing about something else.
Like: Why do I have to work so hard to suck in my roll so it doesn't stick out further than my titties?

That's not true... I don't try at all to suck in my roll.

Here's comes another Cousin Vinny train. At least I'm already awake for this one. I do like trains and I do like the different horns but I'm ready for a change....
Train whistles...which reminds me:
In this yard there's the guy who made the Hornblasters videos. go to hornblasters dot com and check out some of this goofy stuff.
This guy is hilarious. The vids are funny enough but the guy telling me how he shot them had me convulsed.
These vids are not for everyone and if you have a hard time watching people on the street jump out of their sneakers then give it a pass....

I have to put in a fairness report here.
Cuz... I know you didn't have the backstory on the aunt in FL. Since I have been talking to her on a more regular basis (some here may remember that the aunt in FL is actually my bio mom and has done her part in making me crazy over the years) she told me how grateful she was for my cousin who wrote the check for our Uncle's funeral. In all fairness she is not tightfisted, she just doesn't have the money. She is spending all of her waking hours sitting with her husband who is in hospice with end stage cardiac disease and not expected to live much longer. She told me that she talked to the cousin and he stated that she 'had enough on her plate and shouldn't have to cope with this too'. she literally talked for 15 minutes about how wonderful my two cousins were for taking care of their Uncle and how grateful she was. I don't know about my Uncle J in Texas.

Cuz, that was pretty sweet of you to go all the way to stand next to Uncle C while he was buried. You are one good guy and everybody here will attest to that.

I loved reading all about everybody's Thanksgiving. The Cat and I were alone on the boat and I had leftover chinese and the Cat had some shredded turkey out the can. We are both still thankful for everything especially the fact that the boat is still floating.

Off to do some more cleaning. Company's coming!


Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

What a spectacular day we had here. Everything turned out great and the weather was a perfect 76 outside. I finally had everything finished and served at 3pm and when I finally got to sit down Oh it felt so good!!! I made Turkey and Stuffing, Duck seasoned with herbs and garnished with mushrooms and onions, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Zucchini, Sweet Potato Casserole, Homemade Cranberry Sauce for Dad, Apple and Pumpkin Pie! I'm so happy I won't have to cook for a couple of days now! I rested up for about 45 minutes after most everyone left and when I came out of the room my Husband and Son had put away all the food and did all the dishes for me! So I decided I would then take Sadie Mae out for her walk. While walking I saw one of our neighbors has already put on a great show with Christmas lights. It's still nice outside and when I walked I wore a tank tee and flops, oh and pants to, LOL I had to put that in to show how perfect the day was :)

I did really good as far as what I ate. I had small servings of just what I like and a small piece of the Pumpkin pie. The day was a success! The family all had a good time. As my SIL was walking down the driveway she turns and says What are we doing for Christmas this year? We should make it easy for you. :) I looked at my little dog Punkin and said "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"!

Chirp Chirp, Crickety-Poo!!! Is dinner ready yet?! I'm hungry!!

Someday, Rossella Bella! First, a good swim in the ocean to work up an appetite.
Do they put anything else on the gnocchi in Trentino? Marinara or pesto? I do enjoy the little pillows simply with butter and cheese, to taste them.
Do you put up a tree for Christmas?

Christina I would love so much to have you all - a long table, wine and spaghetti sounds great to me. Under the olive trees? Looking at the sea? The scent of jasmin? Sooo good!
You make gnocchi like they do in Northern Italy (Trentino). It is a beautiful area, mountains and lakes, and they are absolutely delicious! (the gnocchi I mean)
I hope you are having a very nice Tksgiving! We are already getting ready for Christmas, here.

Blessings to you, Kuli. Enjoy your day:) hugs to Myra and Momma:)
Every day I am so very Thankful for my Friends here on Grossed Out, and others we meet from time to time when they are reaching out to us, or us to them.
Thank you, Aging Care, for what you provide for us tired but willing caregivers.
Everyone, Thanksgiving Joy.

Wanted to pop in real quick and say Happy Thanksgiving to all you guys. I am thankful for several things today, and everyday. But today i want to take the time out and say thank you to this website for all the information and wonderful friends that we make. I also want to say Thank you for your friendship and all the laughter and stories you tell. Be safe! Please remember to be thankful for even those that we have lost in our life. Without them we would have never known the love that they could bring to our life. I give great thanks to my Grandmother who passed in 89 and my Father who passed in 07. Their stories live on within me and through those i tell. Thanks for the love and Thank God for giving us a chance to live. Be safe guys. Myra and Momma Inez!! and our 4 legged kids!

Wishes for all for a wonderful Thanksgiving day! For those in the trenches, step back and thank God for letting you spend another holiday with your loved ones. For those of us missing our loved ones today, know that they are with us in spirit and thank God for all of the wonderful memories they left us with. Hugs and love to all ~ Kuli

Christina, my mom did that with the pie crust scraps too. :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!!

Good to see the Deefer, have a nice Thanksgiving. Ann, have fun at Cracker Barrel. Is that a Restaurant? It is nice your Mom can peel apples still. Strange how they can retain a skill like that. Rosella, one day I dream we shall all sit with you at a long wooden table near grape arbors, eating pasta and drinking vino, in Your country. We're going to have to drug Linda to get her on the plane. She might like it. Not the plane. Jen, I knew you were bakIng and I love the little pie crust leaves. Mother baked pies and would take the scraps, sprinkle with sugar and bake them for us to snack on. I liked it when the sugar burnt a bit. Rip, please go down the street and toss me a salmon, would ya? Wonder what confused salmon tastes like? Miz, sweetie pie, thanks for sharing today. It was special:) LindaHeart, enjoy your Thanksgiving noodles. Hehe. I make gnocchi sometimes from baked potatoes, flour and egg yolk. Roll them into little logs and cut into pillows, boil until the surface, toss in butter and asiago. Dense and decadent. To all you beautiful Caregivers: Diane, KimBo, Ann, Linda, Selfish Siblings, Rosella, Ted, Carolyn, Jen, Anniegirl, Deefer, Lilliput; to all supporters, having been extraordinary Angels: Captain, Miz, Austin, Rip, Headbanger, Kuli, BJ, MsM, meanwhile, And our wonderful Cuz: have a wonderful day, Blessings and Love, and to all readers and visitors, ditto. Come back. Hugs, Christina xo

Feelin’ like a turkey
Got my gobble, gobble, on
Cranberries and pumpkin pie
And another T-day gone.

But what stays around and lingers
On this special day
Are all my lovely friends right here
For which I shout, “Hurray.”



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