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Miz and Deef, It's good to see both of your posts tonight. Miz don't be sorry for your feelings, accept them and as many tears as you need to shed because it's all part of the grieving process. Losing your Mother is especially hard and from what I've experienced and heard it takes most of us a year and even more to get through the worse part. So cry and whine as often as you need to, we all understand.
Linda, I'm sorry your Pa's been down. Maybe he's been storing up rest for Thanksgiving? Maybe he will be standing in the doorway without his underpants and surprise you in the AM, LOL Yeah yeah I know that was Kimmy's Dad, :)

Christina, rest rest rest :)

It's almost 11:30 PM and I've been up cooking and working since 8:00 AM and will be up early tomorrow to get the Turkey stuffed and in the oven. I'm exhausted but happy to make the Holiday nice for the family. And I thought I wouldn't get back here until tomorrow night or Friday, ha! Nighty night all.

Love Cricket

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hugs to everyone on the thread. I hope you all have a happy thanksgiving and like the saying says may your dinner stay away from your thighs
ps Thanx for all of the thoughts and prayers for this pass week

So tired I can't even stand me!!! Want you all to know that I'm thinking of everyone of you. I'm very busy with Mom and getting things done for 2 craft shows. I miss all of you and promise to get back on track soon. Mom is truly full time care now and as healthy as a horse except for her mind. Very hard to deal with every day. Wears me out before she even gets out of bed!!! Read a few posts this past week, but have not kept up lately.
For all of you who have experienced a loss, I'm truly sorry and hope things get easier for you with each passing day. For those of you who are still in the trenches, I'm with you all the way.
As I look around me on this time of thanks giving, I do realize I am blessed and that there are a lot more people out there that are less fortunate than me. For all of them I wish peace and happiness too!
May you all have some peace tomorrow and what the hell!!!! Eat like pigs and don't let family ruin your day!!!

Meanwhile, I am so very sorry for your loss. And I am sorry for those who have lost relatives recently and miss them even more during the holidays. I can understand you very well. When Christmas arrives I remember these long tables where were sitting uncles, grandfathers, cousins, who are no more with us. I hope all of you have some children in the family who help you understand that life goes on... We were talking about it the other day.
Kisses to everyone, I am quite poof today (it means I have no energy)

Meanwhile, I'm so sorry for your loss. To have a twin must be so comforting. I'm glad she's there for you.

I will be going to Cracker Barrel tomorrow with friends. I think mama will enjoy that too. she's been pretty good today. I let her peel apples for me and she did a good job of it. I made comfort food tonight. Shepherd's pie and a deep dish apple pie. It was pie nite. I'm having a glass of wine now. Hubby gone to bed.

I looked in on the chat room at 9pm but no one there. I'll check again in a few minutes.

Linda, I hope Pa is ok.
Christina, you and your hubby get well soon. No fun having a cold or flu. Your chicken soup should knock it out tho.

Miz, good to hear from you. Hope you are feeling better. I sometimes have to take a break from every thing and every body. Recharge my batteries so to speak.

Love to you all. Have a good evening.


christina - nope miz did not tell me . i didnt even know she knew , shame on u miz for not telling me heeheee well at first i thought it was someone from long ago but then i thought nah shouldnt be then it click in my head ohhhhh and i got it right .
lalala .
what am i getting the prize ? tel me tel me yippy .
damn havent made any noodles yet ! shit !! end up playing games here , damn it .
i shall go , meow at ya all later .
lilli - where is she ? did she say something about going bye bye ?
jen- good to hear from you .
rip - man im glad i dont live where u live at , geeze fish swimmin across the road hahaha , that is funny ,
you guys have a happy day tmr . love ya tons xoxo

I didn't tell!!

Crappola ! I forgot Ann, Anniegirl, Rossella. I'm a mess.
{{{Jen}}} you are efficient! Love Love Love
BJ, you are awesome. Blessings, and Cheers! Xo

LindaHeart! Who told you? Hmm? Miz? Haha! Yes, you win the prize. What shall I send you?! newbies must meet her! Hope soon:)
Pa is feeling like we have, Fall Blues, bit better than Black Hole. Yikes!
Missing lots of busy and traveling friends today:( whaa boohoo. Chirp, flex, Jen, Lilliput, KimBo, MsM, Austin, kuli, BJ, SS, CG, {{{meanwhile}}}, Careshare:)Cuz,
Ted,{{{{{{{{CAPTAIN}}}}}}}}}Deefer. All the rest Love you Bunches. Kachoo! Xo

SS, will be thinking of you, Sweetie.

You Too, Jen. :)

Hello and happy Thanksgiving to all, sorry for sad memories for so many, holidays do that to ya, remember the good times and plan on seeing loved ones again one day. it helps me....some...

Glad I am not a wife mother or the one who runs things in the family, all I got to do is bake the pie...did that last night at 11:00...watched Pirates of the Caribbean while it cooled off, put on little pie crust decorative leaves I made and put it in the fridge... Been so windy here knocking tree branches off around town, most people hate the wind but I open the doors wide and BLOW all the stink outa the house for as long as I can before I get crabbed at to close the doors....

Oh the barium test...nothing, he just has bad eating and chewing and swallowing habits that almost kill him on a regular basis...bout what I expected....

Will be just us three and Monty and CLEO for our Thanksgiving, plenty enough hassle for me...Rain made all the snow go away so one stressor down...
I hope everyone is well and has a good holiday and you are all getting a bit of a rest somewhere in there...Take Care all...miz, bobbie, annt, rip, deef, Dflex, Linda, cuz, Christina, Kuli, Kisobie, Anne, Rossella, Msm, SS, Peach, Lilli, cricket, Austin, Ted, and everyone else who stops by Grossed...Love Jen

Mom passed on 11/11/11... Tomorrow my family will share with one another what we are thankful for: I will raise a glass to her and tell all just how thankful I am to have seen, heard and learned what it truly means to love someone so unconditionally for 63 years!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you, my dear friends.

Happy Thanksgiving To You, Linda!! I will pray for your pa. Don't work to hard, girl. LOL but I know you will. ;)

hi all . am takin a break here .
christina ummm let me guess who sent ya email ummmm headbanger ! ?
miz- ure not a whiney . ur just griefing and feeling the emptyness . it is normal .
meanwhile - i am glad to hear u re not alone . havin a sister with u is a blessing . plus u have us all too .
you all have a happy thanksgiving . i ll have my handfull and zoomin around as usual . i ll have to make noodles here in a bit , wasnt about to buy a small bag and its almost 4 bucks , phhht i ll make my own . id have to buy 3 or 4 bags to feed everybody , ah forget it , homemade is the best anyways .
dad slept alll day and all evening , cant seem to keep him awake , he doesnt look good and makes me worried , :-( prayers plz ..
happy thanksgiving you all xoxo

Thank YOU, Miz:) xoxooxoxoox0

Thank You, Christina. ((((((((Christina))))))))

Man, I feel like crappola today. going to get a chicken and make soup. I will check back tonight to see if anyone is tuning in. Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. He has been gone 38 years. He would have been 98. I am alone with my thoughts of him and my tears right now. I can feel him with me...

Yes, meanwhile, you have been on my heart. Many prayers sent up, and much Peace surrounds you as you heal. We are here:) Hugs, Christina xo

Dearest Miz, you are not selfish, silly girl. We love you and missed you:) we all need to "get away"--which I thought hubby and I were doing!!!--even from the love and comfort we have here. Guess who I had a nice email exchange with earlier today? Speaking of someone who has been away, and it was not the Captain...
Whoever guesses right wins a BIG SURPRISE!!! I mean it. heehee
This is a Thanksgiving game we are playing.... go ahead...guess...

Meanwhile, I am so so sorry for your loss. Angels and hugs to you. I am glad you have a wonderful twin sister who is there for you. Please keep letting us know how you are doing.


Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers. I so appreciate all of you. I don't really think of my husband as gone. I suppose it will hit me when I least expect it. Got up this morning, got dressed, and promptly fell asleep on the couch. Staying with my wonderful twin sister. She is planning on waiting and doing a late Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe on Saturday. Everyone take care

Mom passed last November 30th. She was an awesome lady. :)

Hi Everyone. I am here. I am fighting this sadness of remembering back to when Mom was so sick in the hospital and the decisions I had to make and knowing I was losing her. Haunting memories. I know I need to do my best to move forward and that she and my dad want me to be happy and not sad. I am sorry I have stayed away and been selfish. Like I told Rip, sometimes it is hard to be reminded. And, I don't want to whine. Christina, I am sorry you and hubby are sick. I'm sorry we are all going through lots of bad things. Sad things. Life's a bitch sometimes. I love you all.


Ann, thanks for sharing that prayer, it's beautiful. I am a firm believer in paying it forward.

Cuz, I'm glad the funeral is over and you make it home and finally got warm. It never ceases to amaze me how people's own flesh and blood are closed fisted when it comes to helping with expenses. I'm glad it worked out anyway. I hope you can find some time to relax tomorrow for Thanksgiving.

I'm not going to be on much if at all until Thanksgiving is over. I'm already starting to cook today. I really like getting the whole family together but once again I took on the whole load. This morning I was feeling stressed about everything I need to do and then I gave myself a good talking to about not trying to make everything "perfect" but to relax and enjoy making a nice meal for everyone tomorrow. I feel much better now. I' m turning out to be my own best friend, LOL (okay so I'm talking to myself)

Everyone have a good Holiday tomorrow and remember to show your family love in spite of them because when you give love to others it will come back to you.
Ann, I know you don't celebrate the Holiday but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Meanwhile2, I'm sending my love and know that the Angels are with you right now.

Christina, staying in with homemade chicken soup and pumpkin pie alone with your Hubby sounds cozy. Get Well, drinks lots of water water water :))) XO

Love you ALL Chirp Chirp, Cricket

Ditto Rip, ditto, Ann.
Well, guess what? We are not going north for Thanksgiving. Hubby and I are both miserable with sneezing fits, dripping noses, kleenex all over the house, my ears are still messed up. I will make chicken noodle soup later and we are laying low through the weekend.
I'll be here if anyone needs me:) I can make the gravy? Mash the taters?
Where is Jen? Maybe I will get a small pumpkin pie for hubby to have after soup.
Love you Friends,
Christina xo (sniff slurp yuck)

I saw this in O magazine of favorite things: from Maria Shriver, she says...."I read this comforting prayer all the time, and I love everything it implies: that whatever I need I already have, because it's within me, and wherever I am is where I'm meant to be"

Here's the Prayer:

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forger the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing. dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.
Author Unknown

How appropriate for us all. Each day we should be thankful and pay it forward.
We caregiver are doing that every day of our lives. We are paying it forward with our Mothers, Fathers, Grandfathers or Grandmothers and our beloved mates who have fallen into sickness of one kind or another. I am proud to know you all.

With so much love,

wishing life were easier ... for all of us.
Some are brave enough to share our hearts & grief. Bfavo! Public formus are scary ....
But look at our frienships!
My best friends.

Haha, Cuz!! That was me talking about the babies coming to balance the Deaths, to bring hope and joy after loss. It doesn't mean YOU or your generation, but within the family. It could be your children having babies, or your nieces and nephews. Heehee. Nothing to be a scaredy cat about! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Diane, good for you on the low fat sweet potato casserole and healthy choices! I tried to tempt you and it didn't work. Glad you enjoyed the soup, and I know it was comforting to James:)
Oooo babies and kittens. Heavenly gifts. Love you all. Good night, Captain, and your fabulous Crew. Hasta Mañana. Hugs:) Christina xo

Well we had the funeral for my uncle today. They just had a grave side survice cause he didn't have anything. He was 83 and one of my cousins called my uncle in Texas and an aunt in Florida if they could help pay for the funeral for their brother and they said no way so one of my cousins here in Michigan cut a check for the whole thing. He will get it back when they sell his house and car etc. It was colder than a well diggers auger out there at the cemetery. The temp was only 35 and the wind was from the east at 12mph. The minister figured it was too cold for him so it only lasted around 20 minets. I live 25 miles north of the cemetery and I didn't start getting warm till I got home. At least he had somebody there for the sevice. Someone had mentioned in one of the posts that deaths happen in three's and the the births take over for awhile. NOPE no more kids for this old man lol I don't need one coming along 40 years after the last one.
Don't have any jokes tonight so maybe tommoroo I will have some good ones for ya.
Hugs to everyone of yous.

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