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Meanwhile2 so sorry to hear about your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Hugs to you.

Enjoy that kitten Diane! What fun!

Hey Y'all,
Nothing really new here but wanted to stop in and say hello. Meanwhile, I am so sorry for your loss. You have taken care of all the immediate tasks, now allow yourself to grieve and take care of yourself. Rest and keep in touch dear. Kuli, the same advice my dear. The holidays always bring back family memories. We are here to help you through. I'm stupidly grieving my families actions still and feeling a bit down too. I have so much to be thankful for and should be celebrating instead of letting these ignorant people hurt me still.

I've been trying some new recipes now that James is out of the hospital. Christina, your chicken soup recipe is yummy! I tried a recipe for Middle Eastern Chicken Burgers and they were very tasty. Maybe I will post it on the Recipe thread for everyone. I think I found a lower fat recipe for sweet potato casserole for Thursday. I'll make cornbread dressing without the sausage to keep the fat down. My friend is making the greenbean casserole. I can't take away all the fat, but I can try to make things a little healthier.

Oh boy, the little kitty is chasing Remus the big boy. Let me go rescue the big coward. Y'all have a good night.

Love ya,

Meanwhile2 I am so sorry about your loss and so glad you were here with us-I know our group is very supportive-it has been almost 2 and 1/2 yrs. for me-16 years of caregiving-I was lucky to have the folks here over a year before he died. Bobbie great to hear from you and to know you are back on the boat.

Meanwhile-My deepest condolences for your loss! Please stay in touch and keep posting!

Kuli-There is no time line for grieving! Sometimes I think people try to rush through it and that is not good! People used to tell me that I should just get over it! Those were the ones I stayed away from....It is a process and different for everyone of us! Sending lots of love and support your way! Kim

Friends: have you read meanwhiles' Breath of Fresh Air story? It is beautiful.

Kuli, We love you. Just be and do whatever. Angels are holding you up for as long as you need. Same with Bj, and Miz, and Rip, Bobbie, Cuz, Austin, Barb. Angels with strong arms that never fail:) Happy Thanksgiving to All.

Meanwhile - I am so sorry for your loss. Cuz and Bobbie - too many losses in too short a time. Flex - So glad James is home and doing so well. And to all of my friends here - My sincerest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with happy memories. I have been reading all of the posts here but haven't been in the right state of mind to write. Keep thinking I should be doing better but instead seem to sink deeper into this black hole with each week that goes by since dad's passing. Please just know you are all in my thoughts and prayers every day. Love and peace to all ~ Kuli

God Bless you, meanwhile. Well Done. We are here when you need us.
Semper Fi.

Rip-I love the rope lights! When Dad moves out to the apartment we are gonna put them out there! If we ever get it done! Luke loves snow too! Little dogs are starting to have vision problems! Two are 14 and one 15. Lost Mattie the other sister in May! Cats fairly young Agnes 5 and Oliver 6.

Would love to come visit you one day! Awesome trail in those woods I've seen on fb. Mountains I can only imagine! Fairly flat here in Indiana! Some hills in the south, but that's it!

Haven't seen Deef on here lately! I think about her a lot! Problem with cleaning around here is that Dad sleeps so much during the day and every time I make a noise he is up complaining he can't sleep because of the noise! LOL Oh well, I will do a little at a time quietly and be done by next Thanksgiving! Now there is a plan! Bahahahaha

Meanwhile: I am so very sad for your loss. You handled it with such grace and, yes, it is a blessing that he was able to get around for so many of our loved ones linger what seems like forever. So nice that you have a network of friends to comfort you. take care and come back when you are ready....Lilli

I want to thank you for your support this last week. Marie'smom let me know about this site. It has been great. My husband passed away this morning, at home in his sleep. I just got back from the cemetary. He didn't want to be embalmed, so had to bury him today. He had a casket in his workshop, all ready to go. Called a friend with a back hoe. We didn't even use the funeral home. I have been washing and dressing him for the last 10 days. I could do it one last time. We were so fortunate that even though he was diagnosed with terminal cancer last June, he has been up and around, mentally alert, until the last 10 days. Then he went down hill very quickly. The Doctor made a house call yesterday, to get him some pain medication (patches you put on the skin, and drops to put under the tongue). He had refused any pain medication all of this time, but didn't know what was going on the last couple of days. I have been reading all of your posts this last week, you guys really helped me. Thanks for being there.
Wish you could send some of your rain this way. We are still in the drought, but is a pretty day here. Sunny, 65 degrees.
When I called the widow of Sam's best friend this morning. She reminded me that her husband died on the same day exactly one year ago. He is buried in the same cemetary just a few plots over. The justice of the peace had to come out this morning, but he was a good friend too. In fact the deputy that got here first is the grandson of Sam's best friend.
You are great inspirational group. I know I haven't been around long, but hopefully I can stay in touch. Now I want a nap. Thanks again.

OK Kim!
Even if it's raining here the mountain areas are an hour away. Harper was born for snow & Rocky has warm winter coats.
Couple of guests rooms ... Pets are always welcome.
*Glad the lights worked. My hall still looks like a runway at night. Rocky's vision is dimming. She & a couple older cats appreciate them.
Where's Deef?

Rip-Be there for sure! Flexible Flyer on the mile long downhill just what I need to get out of this funk! Let me know. I'll fire up the car and won't look back!

i hear ya kim . this weather just makes me feel sooo blahhhhh . heard sunday or monday is wintery mix . mmm ill take the snow . i do not like ice ....
rip - ill send the rain up ur way .
took my bath and kinda perked me up till i looked out the window i thought uh its rainin still . phtt , rather be takin a nap but nooooo i gotta go to the store . grrrr

Kim !
If it snows here will you come clean my place? I'll bring out the Flexible Flyers & we'll head to the mile long downhill!

Linda-I don't know when this crappy weather is gonna end! Depressing! Let it snow! I need to get off my butt and start cleaning!

Ahoy there, Captain! Choo, choo! I could see your cat, squinting her eyes and all.
I have not read Anne Rice--isn't she like a female Stephen King? Nope, I read The Stand in 1978 and that was enough for me. Every so often I rearrange the books in my office and I think I will take some to the used book store or the Library, but I cannot part with them. I hope the electronic thing does not succeed--haha. There is nothing like picking up a book you read a while back to find cheeto dust or iced tea ring on a page. It brings back great memories. And the Bookmarks!!
Bobbie, miss you, but thank goodness this BOAT is anchored well. You are a good Captain, daughter, Sister, Friend. I send you a big Hug. Love, christina xo

good noon u all .. yes lilli we shall go over christina s for dinner lol . i hate to cook and she just loves to cook , wow ,
i love greenbeans cassrol , hate cream of mushroom so i use chicken cream soup , or celery cream . anything but mushrooms , slimey thin skin makes me wanna barf .
kim - its still nasty outside waaaa . rain rain rain . yep night time all day . oh gosh . when is it gonna end ?

bobbie- i hope u have a good thanksgiving . you and other boaters gonna serve up a dinner ? hate to see u all alone for thanksgiving . kitty be with ya . she ll wanna chew them turkey bones .
am going to town later this evening to gather up stuff to cook on thurs . i ll be spending all my time in the kitchen , slavery .....
ill serve dinner at one :-) . so i can sleep like a baby with full belly , i am not on diet never have and prob never will . i always stay in about 115 to 120 ,,
flex - i know about those food the guys can have and can not have . hubby doesnt care he eats what he wants to eat . at first he did care but it got old fast . he is good about staying away from salt tho .
ok gotta go get pa , hes ready to eat . xoxo

Good Afternoon to the East and Good Morning to the West:

Welcome Momslife. Condolences on the loss of your dad and sorry that you are experiencing the aftermath of Alz.. many of us on this thread are on the other side but still check in and share our lives with the caregivers here who got us through the most difficult of times. Hope you keep showing up and have some fun with us.

My Cousin Vinny Train roaring by.....

Now that I am on the boat there are all kinds of new gross things one of which is the beard the bottom of the boat has sprouted. the diver will come within the week to give her a good bottom scrub because now she couldn't get out of her own way.

this is one long ass train...

The Cat is so happy to be home and she is sleeping under the sunshade on the pilothouse. She has gotten off the boat once or twice, walks halfway down the dock and then comes back almost right away and lays on the matt in front of the aft door in the cockpit.

the boat is wide open to the breeze and this is a great time of year here... not too hot and not too cold.

Jaysus what a train....

I am working on the interior of the boat as far as moving into it. There's a bunch of... wait for it.... BOOKS that made their way to the boat and I am finding creative ways of stashing them here and there. I just packed stuff I like and sea stories and a few cookbooks. also packed the Anne Rice Sleeping Beauty Trilogy....
not for everybody.

Finally with the train....

you all have my absolute respect in what you are dealing with no matter where you are on the journey. Love you all more than you know and thanks for the hugs! that really means a lot to me.


...oh, now I just havta fly over to have T-day with Christina....really, I was okay until I the "yams with tiny marshmallows." I'll bring the Pillsbury crescent rolls....and my own untensils....and I am relatively socialized......

Hi again. I do not do the green bean casserole, as I like my vegetables to taste like vegetables, plus everything else is so rich. I make a German red cabbage that was my Dad's Mom's recipe. I make it every year in his honor, even though only my husband and I eat it. I keep hoping some day someone will show interest. The smell of it cooking is Thanksgiving, to me. It overpowers the aroma of the turkey. I stuff the turkey, and I like my stuffing. I put in cooked sausage, apples, raisins, pecans, the typical onions and celery, and I ask each year if anyone wants the giblets in it. No? OK, here Sanura. Mashed potatoes, gravy is the last thing I make, and I always think: I should give it more attention, because it is not as thick as I think it should be, but by that time of day, no one can wait any longer, so I say, "oh well". "Oh well" is a very good answer for many things, btw. I fix broccoli and maybe one other green veggie, like roasted asparagus, (to balance out the colors of brown, beige, cream, orange, and burgundy), I make my own cranberry sauce, bake yams and candy them with BUTTER, brown sugar, a bit of spice and pecans. I add tiny marshmallows on top for Morgan, but I don't care for them. I do not serve bread or rolls, and make a salad only if there are many people and I think it fills a need. Like I said, we eat salad every day, so skipping it one day won't put me into a bad habit.
I will cook this meal Next weekend and invite our Marine wife neighbor, who actually moved about 3 miles away but we are her family away from home, Morgan and her bf, my husband's right hand guy and his wife, and my son, if he will attend. I have not seen my son since December 7 last year, but that is his problem. I try not to think about it, and I don't talk about it, however, you know what the Holidays do to family. It's OK. Sometimes I think he has the curse of the males on my Dad's side of family. That sounds weird, but I know you guys understand, with all we do.
I text him about once a month, or send him an email. He is cordial but not like he always was. I have Christmas, birthday, Mother's day cards from him for 30 years, and you would not believe this man is the same person. This last year, the cards were generic and cold. I was a good Mom to him, but I called him on a character flaw--a serious one--and he has estranged himself from even his sister. That's one reason I do not think it is just me he is angry with--I think he is angry with himself and embarrassed; he just has not found the strength yet to face it. That's all.
I'm so glad we have each other to share with and understand.
On last thing: I let someone else bring the pies. We usually have pumpkin and pecan. That is my favorite, and Mother's. Cricket, I am really off the wine and don't miss it. I tried to drink a bit the other night and left it. We do serve Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. I like to serve dinner around 4 pm so I can take a walk afterward.
Going to do my landscape for the community now, then go see Mother and finish my hair. Talk to y'all later. LOVE, Christina xo

Christina, there you go, I like that positive thinking. :)

I will be heading out to the Market today to pick up the rest of what I need for Thursday. I'm going to send my Husband to Cracker Barrel tomorrow to pick up the pies, they make a no sugar added Apple pie, which probably means they add an apple filling and don't add additional sugar to it, lol Anyway their pies are like homemade and everyone likes them. Christina, do you make the green bean casserole? if so, do you do anything different than the norm? I to eat what I want on Thanksgiving day but I still limit myself to one serving and eat only the things that are my favorites. I hate that "to full" feeling. Just a side note, it's good to drink a half a glass of good red wine at the beginning of the meal because of all the good digestive enzymes it has. Everyone have a good day and don't over do it. Love Cricket

Cricket: maybe the zit was blocking your third eye and you will have clearer vision when it heals. Good Job, Sister. I need to work on seeing my rib cage and my waistline, maybe it will burn the fat.
Speaking of, I dont have any low fat recipes either, Diane. My thought about holiday cooking: just go for it, full speed ahead, and the rest of the year eat healthy. Why not? My advice: start Monday:) blue skies today, hope it stays through the weekend. Bbl. Have a good morning! Love you!

Good Morning sisterly loves,

Yesterday I decided to meditate and focus on opening my third eye Chakra and this morning I woke up with a big zit right in the middle of my forehead O.o you think it's telling me to get rid of the zit in my life? Hah!

I'll be back later to Chirp at you all after I go make breakfast.

Barb, Christina and everybody else traveling tomorrow or Wednesday be careful and have a wonderful holiday!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions about Dad! I got the non-skid socks and those lights that are tube like! No falls today! Yay! Got through last night too! Thanks for the e-mail rip!

Rossella Luke would never chew raw hides or anything but the stuff in the house and the one time part of the house! I know too well the look of "did I do something wrong". They have a sad kind of innocent look on their faces when they are caught and then they do it again! I don't regret for a second taking him into our family. He is an excellent family member! Those that just appear are special! There are not many stray dogs here and he came out of the blue for a reason! We never know which one of the Terriors does what because if we call one out they just look at each other! LOL I do know if my coffee cup is empty when I leave it on the table it is Linde. She is the only coffee drinker! LOL

Lilli, glad your Mom is getting out of the house of horrors soon! My husband is a Respiratory Therapist. He sees it all! So much of the spread of bacteria could be stopped in it's tracks if the hospital personnel would wash their hands! Some go from patient to patient and never wash hands! My husband gets really ticked off when he sees this happen! Ron has been exposed to about everything in the book plus a couple of scary needle sticks! He bags his shoes before he comes in the house in the morning and scrubs are kept separate from everything else! Awful the things people can pick up in the hospital! Congrats on your new pup! I hope I didn't get the wrong person! Terrior right?

Take care of yourselves Ann and Linda! Muscle pain is the worst! Get it in the neck and right shoulder all the time. Sucks big time! Linda you aren't kidding about this weather! Feels like it is night all the time and constant cold damp rain! Sure doesn't help the sore muscles at all.

Cricket, are you staying home for Thanksgiving? Story about your little pup was priceless! My neighbor keeps her little Terrior Lucy in a crate while she is at work. Lucy bounces the crate around the house! LOL They are smart little dogs! I will definitely take you up on that e-mail! Sometimes I just don't know what to do with Dad. I just feel shell shocked at times! Thanks! Don't want to get to calm cause seems if I do something happens!

Diane hope everything is going smooth for you! Happy James is with you now! So hard to divide attention up between people. I always feel like I am being torn in so many directions at once! Hannah needs attention and then there is Dad. Tug of war sometimes! Just difficult being the rope!

Cuz hope you are OK! You have been through the mill lately! Hope you can get some good rest!

Miz, is the little cat still with you?

Austin,54j,Kuli,Meanwhile,SS(sorry you had to go through that at church)StillStanding,Momslife(sorry about your Dad) Rip and everyone else! Love you all! Happy Dreams!

Like a sucker I am cooking Thanksgiving Dinner again this year. There should only be 6-8 of us and sorry Diane all my recipes for the Holiday are fattening. The only suggestion I can make would be to use the healthy fats like Olive Oil, Nuts, Avocado's.

Chirp Chirp Christina!

Hi Y'all,

I've been busy today with taking b/f to the doctor, cooking healthy, laundry, vacuuming, watering plants, etc. Why is everything that tastes sooo good is so full of fat? I am trying to look at low fat recipes for Thanksgiving. I've already decided to change the dressing from including sausage to just cornbread. I may end up just mashing the sweet potatoes with spices. Does anyone have good low fat recipes to share?

When b/f got out the hospital we brought his semi ferral kitty to my house to stay with him. My two bigs boys Remus and Tuxedo are still wondering how this one got past them. So far no big fights, just curious looks and sniffs.

My childhood friend with her husband and dad will be joining mom, b/f and me for Thanksgiving. The judgemental nephew that normally has the holiday dinners at his place is going to Florida for Thanksgiving. My nephew in Charlotte will be down to have Thanksgiving with his parents (my brother and SIL). This is the first time in my life that my entire family hasn't been together for Thanksgiving. Its a sad first, all because they have chosen to be judge and punish me for being human. They chose the easy route, judgement, instead of trying to help me.

Have a good night my dear friends.

Love ya,

Lillie: C Carolyn or C me? I have your cooking number, girlfriend, and I get where you are coming is NOT the kitchen. Haha!! I am making the red cabbage at my cousin's, and other than that, it's her kitchen! WhooHoo! I think one year we took Mother and her husband out for Thanksgiving. It felt very weird to me. It felt like I was on a foreign planet. Not earth. Heehee. A planet with no accessible kitchen. Oooooo. Scary. I was trying to remember who had family issues, and sorry I did not mention Rossella. So, I guess it is Normal to have family problems, and if you don't, you're either Lying (haha) or you are way too loving and accomodating... Like LINDAHEART! xoxo and Kimmie xoxo, and probably Kuli, xoxo. Thing is, we who are put upon are also very loving and good, so I have no answer. This is my final answer: Sweet Dreams, mighty Night. Zzzzzzx

Shoot! I had written a long message and I pushed by mistake the "cancel" key, and there is no way you can have your text back like in "Word" So I will make a shorter version; Cricket, my new dog doesn't care about rubber bones. I bought him one of them and he didn't even look at it. He is chewing a old rubber sabot of mine, now, and it's okay. I have no problems to train him to go outside. My dogs can go from my room to an enclosure so if they want to pee they just go outside and then they come back in the room. They are not allowed in the rest of the house except Camilla who is my older dog. Heathcliff came out of nowhere and this is why I accepted him in my life. His arrival must have a reason!
Lilli I like the idea of "disappearing" when your time is arrived, but I wouldn't choose the ice: I suffer from the cold too much. I would prefer to disappear on a tropical island! Which I shall probably do when the time comes.

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