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omgosh, Cricket...that is sooo funny....terriers know who their friends are and they are just too cool to suck up to anyone they don't like. You'll have to post your email addy on my wall (sneaky like) so I can send you pictures of the pup...just got new ones today.

C: doing the restaurant thing for T-day....found a buffet at a cute little place here, so I can have exactly what I want: turkey, yams, mashed potatoes with gravy, and dressing....that's it, I'm a purist!

Wow humor is what we do need..LOL. I used to get grossed out with dads hands; he had brown stuff in finger nails ,so i brought hand sanitizer for after i held his hands.So sad he died of ALZ. He was an engineer (planning).

Dear Friends, you all are in my thoughts and prayers as you travel and cook, meet with family and try to stay out of trouble. Ann, I'm sorry you hurt yourself again before you are healed:( I did that many times with my shoulder. I know if you get good sleep and do some mild stretches, do the icy hot thang, and don't worry.
I noticed a lot of you who do not have children have dogs? Am I correct? I am happy for you. I think dogs are cute-- I love big dogs like Golden Retrievers, and if I were to acquire one, that would be my choice. My brother has a wonderful dog--part shepard, part lab-- that grins when she sees me after a long time. I swear she understands Everything! It is amazing to me, yet I am not there. My Mother came to love dogs when she was married to her last husband. We consistently owned 1 cat at a time, outdoors, never in the house. Can't do that here, these days. I am happy to have my 2 children. Finally, the verse by
Kahlil Gibran makes sense to me. Maybe I will post his writing on Children, like Cuz posts the (risqué!) jokes! Haha! Just kidding, Cuz. I AM THANKFUL for every word you post:)
You know, I think about the pain in our families--Diane, Miz, Selfish Siblings, BJ, Ann, Barb, Jen, Rip, Lilli, Deefer, cricket, me--who am I forgetting? That's almost all of us, and it's too much. I hope someone has a breakthrough during the holidays. We all will be happy if that happens, because it is a positive, contagious dynamic, and we are Family. I Love you guys. Don't hate me because I'm sappy!
Haha!! Woof woof! Meow!!! Oh yea; Gobble Gobble!!! Hugs, Christina xo

Have fun and be safe Barb!
Lilli, I never quite thought about having good manners and just die already, LOL
I always tell my kids that when I get to the point where I need help for them to put me in a nursing home but it has to have sexy Orderly's! Although Christine, I like the Cave idea, Can I come to? oh wait then you won't be left the hell alone... oops my bad, LOL Okay maybe I can live in a Tree-house? Now that would make for a quick passing if I were to fall.
Lilli, The best advice I can give for house breaking a pup is to take it our on the hour every hour..and scold them if they go in the house but only if you catch them in the act. I have heard that the crate training method works the best but I never did it. We lived in PA when I got my first Boston Terrier Lucky and I had to take him outside in the freezing cold below 20 degrees in the snow... and I hated it because the poor little guy would shiver and half the time he would go and the other half of the time he would wait until coming back inside. I probably should have used the crate method but he was like my little baby and I carried him in my sweatshirts kangaroo pockets all the time. I'm not a very good example O.o He was the dog that later went up to my SIL in the kitchen and lifted his leg up and peed on her leg cause she was talking really loud and I guess he had had enough.. LOL I don't know if I wanted to laugh or cry the most when that happened.

in michgian , wow yes its a long drive . u be safe drivin in those weather watch out for ice too . wave when u pass by indiana . i ll wave back :-) sending angels to u in the morning . xoxo
im doing ok , just begin a poopie party , ugly weather brings me down .
hope u all have a purtty weather tmr and try to smile for me .
annt - hope ur back heals up soon . hate back pains
my legs are hurting from splitting wood , my shoulders too oh yes neck too . damn it all . tmr wont get any better , gonna be another ugly weather , hopefully thanksgiving will brighten my eyes up and smile away .
nighty night u all xoxo

Off to Detroit for the holiday early AM.
A long drive but my family there is well worth it.
I wish for you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful to have such a wonderful warm circle of friends here on GO.
Love you guys.

MsM: really?? Those poor nurses...just trying to do your job and dying for it...sounds Medieval. The nurses were the shining moment in Mom's care. They really don't like arrogant docs or the money-grubbing system either. They have always given us the best advice about care. When I was young, you only went to hospitals to have a baby, an operation, or to there were none of these prolonged stays for minor ailments and trumping up symptoms to keep people captive.

Christina, Princess of the Cave: Sounds like a good plan...I will wave as I drift by. I have to say that I no longer have any fear about death...and not just because I believe in an afterlife....I just think the body has so much "tread" and when it wears thin, it's time to go. And it's just good manners not to outstay your welcome.

ann: feel better...back things just take time, heat, and rest.

Ann feel better dear

I haven't read the posts since last night so I don't know what's going on today. I just wanted to check in and say hello. I hurt my back today playing with my grandsons and I may not feel like sitting at the computer for a couple of days.

Love you all hope all goes well.

Since you are on the subject, Lilli: as you pass me on your sheet of ice, I will be heading for a cave somewhere in the wilderness, like an old cat, wanting to be left alone, finally. Ahhhhh.....

lilliput - I totally agree going to the hospital should be a laqst resort if at all possible. My dear friend is an RN on a critical care floor at a University hospital in California. She has the sickest people there. They have had 2 staff members in their hospital - healthy, young nurses - DIE from superinfections acquired at the hospital. MRSA and worse. Of course sometimes we have no choice. Sometimes the hospital is the only option.

Rosella: You have a new doggy? Isn't interesting that he found you? How nice...didn't know dogs grew in gardens!
Cricket: We are getting a new puppy next month. It has been forever since either of us had a puppy....we adopted our other holy terrier at 4 yrs. old. He came to us housebroken and with very few bad habits. So, I need puppy advice. Any good books? I liked your idea about guiding their chewing behavior. btw, what happens to their baby teeth? I am a little worried that he will be coming home in the winter with all the you stil take them outside to wee-wee? He will be 2mos old by then...Any advice would be helpful.

The recipes ya'll have been posting sound so good, and at the same time, I just know it isn't going to turn out the way it should if I make it. But I get an A+ for effort.

It has been a crazy few weeks here. Still trying to spring Mom for the hospital...she should be out today (I guess they wrung everything out of the insurance co.)Hospitals are horrific places. Once your loved one is admitted, they belong to the hospital and you have absolutely NO rights. Family caregivers are so exhausted, that they don't put up a fight or complain....just glad to have it all over. My advice: unless your parent is suffering from a severe illness or injury: So not admit them. Have them see their family doc or go to a family clinic for minor issues. When it is my time, put me on a sheet of ice and send me down river...I am so over the inhumanity of our system.

I hope everyone is having a peaceful evening/afternoon wherever you are. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and, hopefully, some peace and quiet.

Rosella, when my dogs were young and cutting their teeth I found that it helped if I gave them things that they could chew on.. they loved those chew rawhide sticks and the best bone type thing that we have found that the dogs absolutely love are the ones called Busy Bone. Get the appropriate size for them. The only way I could make sure I controlled what they were allowed to chew on was to give them these things but also when I worked I would give them these chews but crate them. They got into the routine of sleeping when I was away. Of course I was able to go home for lunch to let them out and then my husband was home a few hours after that and he would let them out. I realize not everyone has the circumstances to do this but it's what worked for me. When dogs are in their first two years they can damage all your belongings to satisfy their craving to chew. Maybe something I've said will help you. Good luck with your new baby :)

Barb, have you seen? Your brother just needs to be the center of everybody's attention. No matter what the event is!
SS: I am happy Italian churches have no bathrooms.
Kim: I see Luke was very proficient. Heathcliff is now eating the leg of the table where I have the PC, the TV, the DVD player.... If he goes on like this, and he eats always the same leg, in a little while I will have to work on a slope keyboard, I will see a slope television and slope DVDs. When I scold him he is very humiliated and he looks at me as if he were saying: "What have I done?" For the non- Facebook friends: Heathcliff is a black big dog who "occupied" my garden one week ago and he has decided to be adopted by me, I hadn't decided it. He is young and he chews everything. The only luck I have is that he is not noisy. He makes his mess very quietly.
Sorry I didn't follow any of your recipes tonight. I had a very heavy day in Rome and so when I came home, after feeding cats and dogs, I put in a pan all the pieces of cheese I had in the fridge (the ones that can be melted, of course), some mushrooms and I used it as a sauce for the pasta (that I had cooked for the dogs). This was my dinner and my mother didn't have it because she is sleeping on her chair (after a day like this, it is only too normal she is tired)

Ditto, June. Good for you and good for us all who have made Lemonade out of Lemons. My sister was born during the war and I am a boomer. I thought that age difference is what kept us from having a close relationship, or at least cordial. No.
About Thanksgiving: we are spending it with family we like this year, and from now on. I have so many great cousins I have known since childhood, and for the last 40 years, I have nurtured those relationships. It was a novelty at first to meet family who actually showed an interest in reciprocation, and kind people who did not make it a goal to humiliate me in front of others. Since they are family, we have childhood memories of shared Holidays. Fun! I can't wait:)

MM hope the trip goes well whenever you leave and that you have a great time with your sister I am lucky I have a great sister even though we were not friends growing up I was a preWW2 kid and she is a baby boomer but we are good friends now as grown up she did not know until recently how bad I had it growing with our Mom-now Mom treats most people like she always treated me but it made me a stronger person and a better mother for having gone through all of that.

Oh SS - my heart was right there with you in the bathroom at church. Had one of this group walked in we would have helped - what's a little Mom poo among friends? I'm so sorry. I hope the kids took it in stride . . .

I am so happy I have the one sibling - the one sister - who has my back always. But we did not share a Mom. My 'nutty' younger brother, the one who hijacked Mom's funeral after not laying eyes on her for more than 6 yrs - ALSO hijacked the private memorial dinner we had last years when my sisters 32 year old son Jon died suddenly of a heart attack. (I'd forgotten about this) He had only met Jon twice in his life, yet he stood up at the dinner and went on and on about what a great guy he was and how much he would miss him, blah blah blah, and at great length. What an egotistical jerk he is.

christina every time I try to switch to a mainly fruit and veg diet my stomach goes nuts. Extreme gas and bloating - all that. Any ideas?

Well my sister says come now if we want and stay through Sunday so thats good. Now husband says we can't go ANYWHERE until we get this and that from customers/vendors, many of whom are already on their Thanksgiving break . . .so we'll see. May end up leaving on turkey day! Arggh - but at least the weather is supposed to be vastly improved by then.

MM i love LaQuintas we have stayed in some on the way to Maine.

Morning SS. Been thinking about you. Poor Mom: denial in a public restroom. Well, church restroom, which is public under a microscope. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. All these episodes lead to a huge conclusion, and you know.
Hugs and prayer to you, Sister in Heart.
Barb, it's rainy here, too. We're leaving early Wed. For San Jose. I keep breaking out in the Bacharach song. If I start too low, it's hard to sing, that low part. We'll take our time coming home down the coast, stop in central coast where wineries and 2 of our fav Italian restaurants. Have lunch the next day in Santa Barbara. The kids will stay here to house sit and tend to Sanura. About three years ago we had a burglary, so it is usually in the back of my mind... But guess what, potential Burglars? Here's another song for you: " I've got plenty of Nothin' and nothin' is plenty for ME"! So it will have to be plenty for the burglars. HA! they got all the good stuff, except my husband's guns and my personal baseball bat.
Got to do my hair today, seal the kitchen floor, vacuum and clean wood floors. Will I burn enough calories to lose any weight? Probably not. I was reading one of those articles on the right, over there, and maybe I'll try fruits and veggies for a while. I am doing fine without wine, maybe it would be worth a try.
Sending hugs and chicken soup all around to my wonderful friends. Love you. xo

Hi everyone, just doing a quick checking in. All your talk about recipes made me hungry. But you won't be so hungry after you hear this one!

I can't even type everything that has happened over the last 15 days. Another emergency surgery for my mother; gallstones. My parents were at my house when it happened. Called the ambulance at 3am, she was hallucinating which I found out was lack of oxygen. What the whole thing DID tell me was that neither Dad or Mom are able to make a decision to call 911 or when things are really bad. They just keep falling, keep being in pain and do nothing about it. If they had the money for assisted living, that is where they would be, but they do not.

So here's the gross part -- I take them to church on Sunday, my kids come along which always pleases the older folk. Mom has to bolt to the bathroom in the middle of mass. I go to check on her after about 15 minutes and she opens the door and says, "all set." But she's not. There is crap all over the floor and all over her shoes and well, just all over! So I had to clean it up as people were waiting to use the bathroom. AND THE SMELL!!! I know many of you deal with the crap things all the time; but I haven't had too, until yesterday. So I was really bummed (no pun intended) that we are now at this stage.

Heard from my loser siblings? No way.....they stay far away, no phone calls or interactive for over 1.5 years. But, I am doing better accepting the fact that they vanished. I still hate them but I don't focus on it as much.

Luv to all you marvelous caregivers. You rock! xoxoxo
Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks June. I just sent my sister an email to see if its Ok if we arrive a day early.
If not theres a LaQuinta near Cleveland for $54 a night.

After my last trip home from GA I get super-stressed just thinking about being amidst all those speeding trucks on the turnpike in the fog and rain . . .

Leave Tue on some highways they have booklets at rest stops that have cheap rates for travelers some about 40 dollars we use them when we go to Maine and you can usually order pizzia to be delivered -make it easier on yourself-if you don't who will? Have safe trip.

Kim will he wear the 'sticky' socks? Mom had like a dozen pair of these and I loved them. You could tell him the doc said they'd help keep him from breaking a hip.

You could put up some of those 'stick on' lights though I don't think the battery lasts long enough

OR how about stringing up some white Christmas lights? Put them above the bookcase or else along the top of the drapes. They put out quite a bit of light - make sure you use new ones that don't get hot and are for indoor use. I once used these in place of installing above cabinent lighting in my Atlanta kitchen. No one knew the dif and it gave me the effect I wanted for a $5

I love that the American girl doll came back in a hospital gown. How clever. I remember wanting to order the doll (I think it was American girl) that they make 'look' like your daughter, and you can get matching outfits. But with 3 daughters there was no way to afford that!

I was sad last night wishing I could see my girls for the holidays - and that this is the first holiday season EVER that I haven't seen my Mom. But then again - how lucky am I to have had so many great holidays together with them all. Too bad we can't had real time 'playbacks' of our happiest memories moment by moment - now that would be a wonderful way to pass thetime when feeling lonesome.

The shrimp was excellent! Were I a wealthy woman i would eat seafood every day.

Up since 6 - tt is very foggy here and supposed to rain through Wednesday. Driving from DC to my wonderful sister's house in Detroit for Thanksgiving and was supposed to leave crack of dawn Wed morning but am having 2nd thoughts as I have -0- desire to hit the turnpike in a foggy rains event . . . I HATE to spend the money but I'm thinking it would be less stressful to leave Tuesday afternoon and spend the night in a cheap motel . . . any ideas?

Much to do today better get to it. Love you guys. I hope for all it is a week of blessings.

Rossella, that is a good idea. He used to play sports and those things are well padded. We should give it a try! Hugs, Kim Oh while I still have a brain I am going to e-mail Lukes picture. You will be amazed at how much our two look alike and came to us when we needed distraction from a tragedy! Luke ate part of the wall that goes upstairs,purses, furniture, and Hannah's American Girl's doll hand! We had to send the doll to the hospital and she came back in a hospital gown! LOL

Kim, if your father accepted that protections on the knees and the elbows that the football players wear? Just a thought.

Yes, Cricket, you would like it if I said put a little of this, a medium bit of that, and cook it until the sky is between blue and black, then add something else. Haha.
I hope the recipes taste the way I make them, or better. How were the Shrimp, BB? (beautiful barb) How was the soup, Diane? Jen, post your meatloaf recipe. We won't tell Mom. Heehee. My daughter's soccer team finished 3rd in their division. Yay! It was amazing to see the little girls develop their skills this season. Some of them had not played before. Very proud. They had a pizza party tonight. Hubby has not moved off sofa since 10am. He kept asking me as I was bustling about if there was anything he could do. Haha. No Dear. Mother was upsetting all the other women in the house. I hope the exelon patch will kick in. It seems like her brain is spinning and she is trying to verbalize what she "sees".
How care giving changes our appreciation for so many aspects of life. Life itself.
Night Night all you beautiful Caregivers. Peace be with you All. xo

Hi everybody. Another day and yet another fall! Ron got home around eight this morning and we heard a crash in the bathroom! Again, Dad is OK. He won't wear shoes so no traction!

Thanks for all the suggestions about the light! :) The light I am using has a very small bulb in it and is very dim. Dad just wants total darkness. Agh! I wish I could put it up high, but knowing Dad he would find something and try to climb up and turn it off! His mother, who was 97 when she passed, broke her hip the first time in her mid 80's falling off a ladder which she put on top of her kitchen table in order to string her Christmas cards! She was certainly a live wire! Dad is so much like her! Anyway she broke her hip again at 97 when she stepped in a hole while taking a walk! She came through the surgery fine, but threw a clot and passed in rehab! Her mother also passed from a broken hip, she too was close to 100 at the time! Dad's remaining sister is 87. Aunt Kay still drives and lives in a condo. Very sharp in every way! Clothes always match right down to purse and shoes! Other sister, Helen, passed a couple of years ago. She had Alz. Makes me think there has to be a genetic component to this disease! I don't want to know if I have it! Too scary! Just let the chips fall where they may.

Yes, Rossella I remember when you had to drive your Mom when she fell! Scary drive going down that narrow steep road by yourself! I remember you had trouble seeing while you were driving! Same here even with glasses I have trouble!

Cold,rainy and gray all day today! Gets dark around 5pm. A little sun would help so much! Maybe tomorrow!

Sweet dreams my dear friends! Holding my breath hoping no more falls tonight or tomorrow or ever for that matter! Good to see new friends here too! I usually can remember everybody, but for this instant I have lost my memory or perhaps my mind! I will get it! Love all of you! Kimmy,Kimbo,Kim

You guys are the best. Off to bed. Hugs & Kisses

The only shrimp I know I call trailer park shrimp and as I lived in pone I use it with fondness...Triscuit spread with Philly and dab of cocktail sauce and tiny shrimp from the can on top. Very tasty had some last week..and meatloaf tonight hilarious. dry un flavory..I actually make a really good meatloaf and have no recipe, so I am not sure why and it pisses mom off, so I never do it anymore, whatever.

fp doc appoint for chocking issues a barium test we shall see and it appears I am expected to go as well. great great...

Glad to hear James is truly healing and getting about some!

Christina I read your recipe and I can definitely try to do it. I usually make asparagus with gorgonzola/mascarpone, it will be interesting to try this new version! I might try the other veggie recipes as well!
Diane I am so happy about James. I hope you will find a little bit of time to recover from all this stress!

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