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Barb, it's probably to late now but I will tell you anyway. I always add fresh garlic, Tabasco sauce, raw apple cider vinegar or quarter a lemon and squeeze the lemon juice directly into the pot then toss in the rest of the lemon and some sea salt. I would always add these ingredients to the crab boil spices.

I am really bad about following exact recipes, I always like to change things up and create as I go. I like to look at recipes though to get an idea of the ingredients and amounts and then take off from there. I hate using measuring spoons and cups to. LOL Cooking has to be fun and for me that means not to much complication with measurements. That's why you don't see me posting a lot of recipes or if I do I will say about this much or that.

Diane, get some sleep. I don't envy you girl!

Have a nice night everyone :) Love Cricket

MsM, even Moses was reluctant, and look what happened to him. It is the heart, not even ones intentions, that tell the story. Dont think in terms of being religious, it's being available for whatever.
I had a feeling the shrimp boil was a concoction of spices. Makes the shrimp more orange? Diane, geeze, Marathon Woman!! Xo

Barb, great minds think alike! Love ya

OMG Diane - i almost followed your shrimp boil recipe! Thanks!

Christinia I guess it is a southern thing. A 'shrimp boil' is a blend of spices usually in a sachet bag you drop into the water to flavor the shrimp. So I didn't have any - and my spice rack is sadly depleted. So I got my pot simmering and threw in some peppercorns, red pepper flakes, sea salt, dehydrated onion, paprika and lemon juice. The shrimp wa so large it was a breeze to clean, and once done turned to boil up to high and dropped them in for 4 minutes. While they cooked i made the cocktail suuce with ketchup, ground horsey radishes, a few drops of tabasco, and lemon juice. I didn't have any worcester. So chilling in my fridge now are 22 lovely pink shrimp preparing to meet their maker (as it were).

Michael just started the simple spaghetti. He enjoys cooking now and does a fairly good job. And I never complain when he doesn't!!

You know I'm not religous, but if there is an afterlife, and we do have to account, I'm hoping those lost souls will speak up and say a kind word on my behalf.

Kind of like when i used to do interviews at the old jail - and when I say old - you have no idea. I shall find a post a FB picture! So I did this for 8 yrs as an Investigator for the Public Defender, usually 4 days a week, 4 hours a day. I would go up onto the 2nd floor, in the back, in a cell than contained a table, 2 chairs, a toliet and a sink, and me and my defendant. (rape, murder, capital murder - all the really bad guys were mine), would be all alone until i stepped out to the call box and hollered for the jailer to bring me the next one. I would have on my pretty suit and heels as i'd come straight from court and we had to show our legs, and - well - these guys hadn't had a woman in a LONNNNGGGGGG time and I was quite a lovely young woman then in my 20's. So, the possibility of something bad happening was always there - and while I HAD been a cop before this and wasn't compltely incapable of self-defense, some of those guys were really BIG, and a few of them were downright EVIL. Anyway - I always hoped that if someone did assault me (and the only time I was assaulted it was by WOMEN - 3 times)
I always hoped that the trustees - who were back and forth and in and out on my floor - would come to my aid - simply because it would be the right thing to do.

--Ah, glory days, huh? Those were some good times . . .

Hey Y'all,

It's been two days with two charges and I'm exhausted!!!!!! At least James and I can chat about things. Mom is constantly whinning. I know she isn't feeling well, but she keeps wanting me to do something more for her. I'm out of ideas. Rossella, I know what you mean about the sleep. The sleep deprevation is what is killing me right now. I take my hat off to anyone taking care of more than one person at a time.

Cuz, Bobbie and 54j I am so sorry for your loss. Any words of comfort I can offer are so inadequate. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Congrats to the C's on the engagements.

Christina I am making your chicken soup for James. I'll let you know how it turns out. I had so many interruptions I hope I put everything in the pot. I'll have to check out the other recipes. Barb, you can make your own shrimp boil with paprika, salt, pepper, red pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and celery seeds. I just wing it so I can't give you any measurements. If you don't have cocktail sauce mix ketchup and horseradish.

I did manage to get James to go to church with me today. He is getting stronger each day but needs to take it slow. Tomorrow is the first doctor's appointment.

I know there were more stuff I wanted to talk about but the brain just went blank.

Have a goodnight my dear one and take care of yourselves too (look whos preaching). You are my life savers!!!!

Love ya,

I don't know what a shrimp boil is, MsM. Is it a southern or northern thing? The only thing I do is steamed clams in white wine and butter, or scampi, but that is broiled.
Simpler is better with the shrimp. Put in enough water to barely cover with lemon and salt and cook until they're pink. I know overcooking makes them tough. Then plunge them in ice water. That's what I would do.
You are so good with the forgotten souls, Barb. Bless your heart:)

I have tried to wash my hair with the conditioner too. My mouth is watering over your shrimp. Not much good sea food in West Texas.

Ahoy, ya'll. I found no one on chat last night either.

I love military men, I am from a family of them (self included) and my favorite cousin Paul was a Marine.

Oh Ann i love thinking of the big C and S bottles in your shower - I should do the same.

I am so glad ya'll are posting recipes. We get tired of he same old thing don't we?

Just back from a lovely day of cemteries, mountains and rivers. I put a handful of great pics on FB. That is a great blue heron standing in the Shanandoah River. (Had it been warmer I would have waded in and gotten an even better shot).
I was only able to get 6 good family grave shots today - but 5 of those were 'forgotten' graves, not listed in the cemetery at all. But now they are and this makes me happy.

On the way home I did something I haven't done since I lived in the south - I stopped roadside and bought a pound of shrimp from a truck! They are jumbo 'North Carolina' shrimp and I have never hear of these. They are beautiful, and the woman who sold them said they'd been selling fresh never frozen seafood in the same place for 16 yrs, so I am looking forward to it. BUT I have no shrimp boil and no inclination to go after any - you gourmets have any ideas for a homemade shrimp boil? I'd like to do a shrimp cocktail, please. I'm going to clean them now.

Hi Quakerite! That's funny about the prep H. I would do that too if I didn't have my glasses on. I have taken a black permanent marker and put a big S on my shampoo bottle and a C on the conditioner. I have tried so many times to wash my hair with doesn't work. Also if I wear my glasses when I clean house I will never finish.....see too much dirt. Everything looks cleaner without my glasses. Welcome aboard. Hope you stay around and join our merry group of stressed out caregivers.


Ros, type in Favorite Recipes at Search Site. Cricket was so good and Irganized to start the thread:) Chirpy hugs! Ann, I will do the meatloaf in a sec. Baking some oatmeal cookies for football watching hubby. He wants to turn the heat up. I said run up and down the stairs a couple of times to get your blood out of your butt and moving. That's ok, he works hard. I just can't sit for longer than half hour. Gotta do something. Might relax.
Our neighbor is a Marine, great guy, same age as my son. He's in A right now, his wife and I hang out, go to pier one, nursery, margaritas on Taco Tuesday. I have so much respect and admiration for the Marines. We are planing a golf tournament for Feb when he comes back. WhooHoo! Semper Fi! Git er done!!

It is 68 here today and feels great.

I know it's gross, but I had to laugh at the hairbrush story. They all do things like this - maybe it will help to remember how confused and scared they are most of the time. I say this, recalling the time I accidentally used Crest toothpaste instead of Preparation H (and I'm not suffering from dementia - I think!)! I told a friend about it and she admitted brushing her teeth with Preparation H once.

I need a good meatloaf recipe so please do both of you post yours.

Congrats to Christina and Carolyn for the new sons in law! It is funny you knew it before your daughters. Christina I will read your recipe right away - If I find the thread!
Cuz sorry about this new loss in your family. It's really being a hard time for you, too.
Meanwhile, you are very sweet with your husband. I am not as sweet with my mother anymore. Tonight, she opened and closed her purse 1000 times, for 2 hours, taking out what was inside and putting back inside what was outside. I was sort of mesmerized by what she did, but at a certain point I felt like putting "her" in the purse (and never open the purse again). My mother is not a Marine but she has the strength and the stamina of one.
Kim, sorry for your father. I know very well the problem when they fall. I don't know if you remember that last summer I had to take my mother to the hospital before dawn, and I can't drive in the night, I don't see anything, so it was a high risk journey to the hospital.
Cricket, I love the story of the man who wrote on his grave "Kiss my ass". I think I will write on mine "At last, she can sleep....."

Cg, Let's post our meatloaf recipes on Favs. Mine has lots of veggies in it. I'll go there and finish talking about food. That is why it's there. I'll give you a head's up on your wall about it. Hugs, Christina

Hi Everyone! I was busy the past few days with the kids visiting.
2 mo. old Olivia was a joy! She is smiling now and is a happy baby. I have some pictures on FB. It was wonderful to have the 5 of them here with us.

Wow. I spent more time in the kitchen! Home made mac and cheese, a really great meat loaf, broccoli and salad on Friday. Sausage and leeks strata was a real hit on Saturday morning. They asked me to reheat the leftovers for lunch and they made wraps, too! Rib roast with Cabernet Sauvignon au jous, mashed potatoes, peas, salad and pumpkin roll for dessert last night. Can you believe the kids ate a large jar of Quesa and a bag of tortilla chips and 2 lbs of shrimp during the evening after all that dinner? I was amazed!

Nicole's BF, Dave, brought cigars for the guys and they sat around a fire last night to have some male bonding. I told Paul to be prepared before he went out with the guys. We've been anticipating Dave asking Nicole to marry him. Last night, he asked Paul if he approved!

We are thrilled. He's a great young man and they make a great couple. Dave said he thought a 2013 wedding would be planned. It was hard not to say anything to Nicole last night, but we managed.

They all left for home about an hour ago. I am sad they are gone, but frankly, I'm exhausted! So is Paul...In fact, he's asleep on the sofa right now. lol

Mom, oh my. I need to get on the phone with her early this afternoon. We spoke briefly last night and she is really confused about something but insisted it could wait until I had "more time". Heaven help me.

I read through some of the posts and I'm so pleased to have all of you in my life. I'll catch up on all of them as time (and my energy) permits. In the meantime, know that I am thinking of you and wishing you peaceful moments and some "you" time today.
MW, you are a real inspiration here. Thanks, Mariesmom, for bringing your friend to us.
Cricket, Christina, Jam, Ro, Joan, Cuz, Linda, and everyone else feel the hugs across the miles.

And I love to hug Marines!!! Ooo, Baby! Haha! Just kidding. Not really:)

I will give Indio a hug from you Christina, he loves hugs.

Meanwhile: Many Angels are surrounding you and your wonderful husband. Blessings to you both, hugs to Indio. Enjoy your day:)

Morning Crew, From the Galley. Cheese and onion omelets, fresh fruit: strawberries, bananas, blueberries, pear. Hubby also has an Enhlish muffin, I don't eat bread. That's what I'm fixing y'all this morning. For you vegans, here's the cheerios. Haha! Roasting a pork shoulder for dinner, everyone wants carnitas, beans and rice -cold weather carbs. Ok, that's enough.
I hope everyone slept well last night, hope Ann and Diane's Moms; Linda, Cricket, Kim's Dads, Lilli and Ted's Moms, and MW's hubby are happy campers this morning, and all past caregivers are at peace knowing they gave their all for loved ones. I'm thinkng of ALL of you:) Going to see my Mom later this morning, see if there's any improvement with resuming Exelon patch. It rained here last
night and looks like more. Hope you all have a great Sunday. Love, Christina xo

Thank you so much for all the hugs. We had a quiet night after all, hope everyone else did as well. Just finished giving hubby a morning sponge bath. Was the first time the depends and the hospital pad managed to catch everything. Usually have to change all the sheets, and blanket. He doesn't like that hospital pad, manages to pull it out from under his rear and throw it across the room. This morning he managed to bite the sponge mouth cleaner off the stick. I was afraid he would choke on it. Took forever to get him to spit it back out.
We are listening to Front porch fellowship, on the radio. My husband always liked country and blue grass music.
We have a great friend, that has been here helping me everyday last week. He is a fellow Marine, call him Indio. Indio stays with Sam while I go to work (just half days now). I told Indio last Friday to go do something else this weekend, and relax. He called last night to check, said he felt guilty for not coming over, and he is coming today no mattter what. Bless his heart. I don't know what I would do without friends like Indio. And, now all of you have welcomed me into your support group.
Cricket, wish you could send some of your rain out here to West Texas.
Kim, would duct tape on the light switch work? Or maybe one of those trouble lights with the clamp, put a CF, or low watt bulb that wouldn't get too hot, and you could clip on the door frame?
Hope everyone has a good day.

Just got time for a quick good morning to you all. I got a conference call at 10am that's in 5 mins. Most of you know I'm a JW and we have our meetings on Sunday and Tuesday. Since I'm home bound with mama, I listen on the phone. No door to door waking up my neighbors on Saturday mornings for me for a while.Ha!

Love you all. I went to chat site a couple of time last nite but no one was home. I think we kept missing each other. My son and dil are coming over tonight for a glass of wine or 3 tonight. Tomorrow I will have 3 of my 8 yr old grandsons here. Can you say "Granny's crazy?".....


Carolyn (BEE) thinking about you too. Anything going on?

Good Morning everyone,

It's pouring outside here in South Florida, if were lucky it will cool things off a bit.

How is everyone doing today? All is quiet in my house and I'm enjoying it. I'm thinking about everyone here. Since it's Sunday I will try to log into chat a few times throughout the day if anyone wants to chat. It's hard to get motivated to do much when the weather is like this.

AnnT, How are you and how is your Mom today? Diane, what are you up to? Lilli, anything going on with you? Kimmy, is your Dad any better today? What do you think about getting a light that is motion detected? Linda, thanks for the hug yesterday. How's your Muscles today? You know it's way better to be sore from using those muscles than it is to be sore from mega STRESS. Jen, sorry about the poop :( You are an inspiration to us all, and I really mean that! Cuz, are you getting a little rest today? I sure hope so. Barb, I really like touring cemetery stones to.. people put the most incredible things on them. Once we read one and it said "Everyone kiss my ass" haha He didn't have any anger issues! MW, I hope you got some sleep last night. I'm glad you're here with us. Austin, I'm so glad you stayed here! RIP, I love the pictures on your FB page! Christina, What's for breakfast?

Chirp Chirp Cricket

Meanwhile2 welcome aboard you are and will meet the greatest people here I have been here for years about 1 yr before the husband died and the 2 and 1/2 since-I could not leave my friends here who all saved my sanity during the last year of caregiving we laugh we cry seldom any more get angery with each other. I think in Tuesdays with Morrie they had a party before he passed I read so many books it might have been from another-I think it is a great idea if you know ahead of time. Around here more often creamations are done and memorial services are held later that is what I did we had just talked about that about 2 weeks prior to his passing because I was starting the medicaide paperwork and we agreed on doing that - in NY you need a health directive where you put down your wishes for end of life-when we knew there was no hope of recovery we discontinued life support it was a comfort to know that is what he wanted. Cuz I am so sorry the the loss of your and Bobbie's uncle. Kim good to have you back-you know this family worries about it's members. I hope everyone has a better day today and your burdens are lighter. Cap'n take care if you are reading this.

Been reading everyones posts. Going to try and get to bed, but just leaving long enough to grab a shower got my husband all upset. He is getting more and more confused, but calms down when I talk to him. May be a long night. His bed is actually between the kitchen and dining room. Kitchen ,dining room and living room are all open to each other, and I sleep in a bedroom off the living room, so he is just a few feet away. It is just the 2 of us, so that makes it easier to move stuff around. I guess we were lucky, in that he went from getting around without help, to bed ridden in 1 day. Of course, part of why I put the mattress on the floor, was because he could get up enough to fall out of bed, but was not strong enough to get up off the floor. Don't know how you manage such constant attention. Take care, and good night.

Kim can you put a small lamp up high in the room - perhaps above a bookshelf?

I explained to my children when they were young that if no one ever died, there would not be room for new people to come into the world. People like them. This simple explanation worked for them - and it always worked for me too.

I'm geting to bed early for a change. Hope you guys pass a peaceful, uneventful night.

Cuz, what a week you're having! We are here for you. Sending prayers your way.

MW, welcome. I'm glad to meet you. The mattress in the kitchen? We all do what we have to do to get the job done. Your Husband sounds like a sweetheart.

Christina, the recipes sound wonderful! You can definitely be the Crews Chef! One of these days when I allow myself to splurge on Pasta and Bread I will make those recipes. For the time being my splurges are very small. I have a ways to go and it's not just a few pounds like most, lol If I don't crack the whip on myself no one will. Keep posting those recipes though you have great ones!

Everyone get some good sleep tonight. Love you all. Chirp! Cricket

So good to hear from you. I know what you mean about the falls. Mom still gets up and tries to walk on her own and I'm constantly running over to catch her before she falls. If I'm in the room I have to get up every time she does and that's a lot! She still thinks she has to go pee every half hour. I think it's just some place to go. It doesn't matter what I'm in the middle of I have to stop and go walk with her. This week I'm practically holding her up cause she's so weak. If it keeps going like this she'll be back in the wheelchair soon.
We have a construction site at our house too. David started the front deck and ramp last Feb and it still is not finished so don't feel too bad. Money and time...and his depression. It will get done when it gets done I guess.
Jen, sorry about the poop pee patch. Yes, life goes on....and on....and on......
Nite yall. Again.

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