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"When it positively must be destroyed over night Marines"...Hahahaha loved that!!!

Bobbie great to see you are here with us, know you always are in spirit!

Still alive and Grousing here...can now add poop on the floor next to the ever wet pee patch...lalalalal life goes on....
Good weekend all....

Ann, it's the cold weather making us hungry. Really, I'm not just writing, I'm eating it, too. Tonight, just making a salad with romaine, chicken, tomatoes, avocado, little boiled new potatoes. Very light and healthy. But you know what I have been craving? Chocolate cream pie with lots of whipped cream. Maybe because I gave up alcohol my body is missing the sugar. Lock me up, now, Please.
I will not make one or buy one, but maybe a little chocolate pudding with cool whip. Who needs the crust, right? Even my husband said he has no energy today. No, it would not be sexy to watch him chop wood. You sure have a good libido, Ann. LindaHeart, soak in the tub, take an advil and nighty night. You will feel mahvelous in the morning.
Cuz, more condolences to you and yours. The say that souls pass in 3s. Now get ready for some new babies in the family. That always happens in our family. Something positive and joyful should come from loss and pain. I wish that for you all.
Well, whoever is here, we keep the crew together, batten down the hatches, and keep watch until all the crew is back with us. That's what we do, when one or more are missing, and until al hands are on deck. Love you all, Peace. xo

Hi guys. Sorry I worried you! Dad has fallen twice in the past few days! He has a sprained wrist but no breaks! I've just been on pins and needles! Keep checking on him and when he gets up I hold my breathe! He is supposed to keep a little light on in the living room and he keeps turning it off! When he gets up to go anywhere can't see and falls! I turn light on and he turns it off! Back and forth all the time! I am just down and worn out! Never know what he will do next! Grateful that there was no break cause his brain can't take anymore anesthesia! He is so stubborn! Trying to keep my patience, but it is wearing thin! Keep waiting to hear a crash! After that crash, don't know what I am gonna find! He is constantly on the move especially in the evenings! Won't just sit and watch his TV! By myself with Hannah every night from six until eight in the morning! Then Ron has to sleep until two in the afternoon! Mostly just me here! Scary sometimes! Dad is now watching a war film for the moment! Probably old WWII film. Hope it will keep him occupied for a little bit!

Thanks Barb and Christina for checking up on me! Been in my shell for a while!
Linda, sorry I worried you! I will check in from now! I promise!

I read through some of the posts! J54 so sorry for your loss! My deepest condolences to you! Bless your heart and know that my thoughts are with you!

Cuz, sorry for yet another loss for you and Bobbie! After my Mom died there were so many deaths we were constantly attending a funeral. It seemed non stop for a while! Many hugs to you and the family!

Diane, so happy James is getting better and stronger every day! Take care of yourself too! You are way past due for a break!

Rosella, saw fb picture of your new pup! He and Luke our big black dog look like twins! I will e-mail a pic of Luke to you! He came to us at a time we needed to be distracted too! He sure came to us at the right time!

Cricket, hope you are doing good! Is your Dad still shadowing you? Can still hear the TV and light is on! Maybe Dad will keep the light on!

We only have the floor left to lay in the apartment! We are going to lay it! That will be a comedy in the making itself! Shouldn't be too hard though! Wish us luck on that! I will feel so much better when Dad is there! Flatness everywhere and I will be able to monitor him better! Let's see, we have been working on this apartment since June and it is now November! Most people could have built an entie house by now, but it had to go as we could afford to get things done! Finally almost finished!

Damn it, he turned the TV off and the light off again too! Have to go in again and turn the light on again! Otherwise I will hear another crash!

Miz,Rip,Deef, Ann,Jen, Austin, Lilli, hello! I love all of you and promise I will check in from now on no matter what! Love and many hugs! Kimmy,Kimbo,Kim

Again, welcome MW2. We love getting new caregivers here. So much encouragement and support. I love the idea of the mattress in the kitchen. I will put my mom's bed in the sunroom when it comes to that.

Mom's still in a stall. We went out for awhile today. The weather was beautiful! Just went to the library for a few movies and to the store, but it was good getting her out. It's harder now. She's much weaker this last couple of weeks. Still eating very well tho. Still having a lot of pain, so she gets her percocet 4 times a day.

I've been in an eating mood yesterday and today. I've gotta stop this!!! I'm miserable right now. So stop with the food talk already!! jk..... Christina, you sound like you're writing for a gormet magazine.

Barb, I hope you hear from Kim. I may shoot her an email too. Hope she's just busy with good stuff, not bad stuff.

Jen, how are you? Maxine ??? Linda, you will be sore tomorrow if you chopped wood today. I hope you just watched that man of yours do it. Don't ya just love to watch a man chop wood? Something really sexy about that.

My hubby is still out of town so it's just mommy and me. He'll be home tomorrow nite. It's a little easier when he's here. At least I can go to the store without loading up the wheelchair etc. and forcing mom to go out. Even on a beautiful day like today, she didn't want to go. She's tired out I guess.

Cuz, I'm sorry for all your losses this week. So emotional for you and Bobbie. Take care of yourself, we all need you. And hug Cap'n Bobbie for me. It is definitely Boat Time!!

Love you all. Hope you have a smooth evening. MW2, kiss that sweet man for all of us.


Oops, I found it.

I went to Chat but did not see our room????

mariesmom - happy u found her email and hope all is well at her way . thanks and let me know whats up ...aww u so sweet thinkin of me and the wood :-)

lilli - meowwwwww , heehee , im good . tired , been a long day , slavin away with firewood , and fixed big supper too , feelin like a lit nappy poo .

christina - nope no mash taters , made sweet white creamy corn , cheesey potatoes , meatloaf and spagahti with cream of broclic in it , yummie , good dinner ,

cuz and bobbie - am so sorry for ur losses , big hugs to you guys ,

gues i shall go lay down . am pooped out .

i shall come back later tnite , havent set up the chat room yet . ill try to do that tnite , dependin on whats going on here ,
love u all xoxo

FYI I found Kims email and sent her a note

Cuz - my thoughts are with you and yours. This has been an incredibly hard week for your family

meanwhile - I'm so glad you joined us - I had a feeling you would fit right in! Now thats my kind of caregiving - doing what you need to do to make life easier for yourself and protect the ones you love! Pull him right into the kitchen! I would love someone to do that for me.

We say a lot of different things here in an effort to comfort one another at a time of loss. The religous folks seem to have it easier with comforting words. I'm not at all religous so I tend to stammer around - but it doesn't matter - we grieve together, we do our best to comfort one another. I'm a firm believer in simply showing up being half the battle. And we show up for each other!

Does someone have Kims email or phone number?

Linda I thought of you today when we were out in the mountain country looking for the graves to photograph. There was a stack of cut wood as tall and half as wide as a house way up on yonder hillside!

We made a lot of folks happy today for sure. Photographed and posted 16 gravesites for families far away. I truly love doing this as it brings together two of my favorite things. History - the old churches and inscriptions and locales - and loving families who care about the people that passed before them.

Christina: thanks for posting the recipes...nyom, nyom, nyom...."garlic on french bread, and chicken with penne...these are a few of my fav-or-ite things"

Meanwhile: Welcome....boy have you found your way to a great group...
So sorry about the hub, (like his bumper sticker though...being a Marine will help, I'm sure) Had so many elder relatives that have passed...the one thing that really helped them and made me feel like I was doing something to ease their passage was to surround them with things they liked. Think of all the senses: nice music, colorful comforters and soft blankets, scents (candles, diffusers, lavendar, natural smells), and any special foods that they can tolerate. So sorry that you and your family are going through this trying time. So many folks here with good advice...come back.

Cuz: So sorry for your family...same happened to us a few years ago...seemed like it would never end...didn't want to answer the phone.

Linda: feeling better, hon? Meowing yet?

MsM, Miz, annt, Kim (where fort art thou?), Bobbie, if you are peering in, take care cap'n, Rosella, Rip, and's your evening?


Thanks everyone, this has been so much help, in keeping my sanity right now. My husband keeps trying to get up, he is such a fighter. I have him on a mattress on the floor, in the kitchen. It has been the only way I can keep him from falling this last week. The hospice nurse sort of did a double take when she saw it. I told her, he is a Marine, she understood. He has a bumber sticker on his truck that says "When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight- Marines"
Cuz, I can't imagine how hard your last week has been. I agree with the no life support in that situation. I wouldn't want it either, and my husband didn't want any. Darn, what do you say to people when they lose someone close?

welcome meanwhile2 you will like the people on here they are great.

Thought I would let you know that the uncle of mine and bobbie's passed away this morning. He had a major stroke and the doctors took him off the life support because there was know brain activity. It was a good thing cause I won't want to be hooked up to all that stuff iif it wouldn't help. So that makes three in one week. Hopefully thats the end of this for awhile.

Yes, I am worried about Kimbo, too. Been thinking of her non-stop the last 3 days. Maybe school activities with her daughter? I am missing everyone today. I am cleaning my stone kitchen floor, so no mop and go. Have to seal it, too. Not too much to say--very cold and windy, raining off and on today, Posted a couple of recipes. Hmmm, Meatloaf, LindaHeart. Maybe I'll post my recipe for Meatloaf and Swedish meatballs. I am bored, looking for something to do. Are you going to have mashed potatoes with the meatloaf? We're having salad tonight, with GARLIC TOAST, recipe # 23. I quit making it for hubby because neither of us were losing weight, but we're not losing no matter what we do, so I'm making it tonight. Neener.
MW: I like the bumper sticker that says: "Don't Mess With TEXAS" WhooHoo!!!
Love you, Girlfriends, and Cuz:D Hope all are having a peaceful day. Christina xo

good afternoon you all .
meanwhile- welcome ... christmas in july sounds wonderful ! i love parties and watch everybody havin a good time . those are the best ...
helped my hubby splittin wood , got 2 ricks out of em and decided we have done enuff . my neck is stiff and i just feel so worn out . got meatloaf made and its now bakin in the oven .
dad s begin so good . stayed in his bed all day while i help hubby split wood . pa is perkin up and lookin better everyday . he ate his bfast in the kitchen and then said he wanted to go back to bed after he ate . he slept and slept . i think he was awake allnight watching tv , in daze i bet .
cloudy and very cool outside , looks like a good day to nap but nope cant do that . dont want to burn my meatloaf . maybe ill nap after supper ,
where is kim ? am worried about her . hope shes ok . maybe i shall pray for her . bugs the crap out of me not knowin if shes ok or what ... :(
love you all .. xoxo

I would like to tell you a little about my husband. He decided last June that he didn't want anymore tests or treatments, and started planning a party. We ordered a keg of beer, and half dozen pizzas, a friend brought barbeque goat. He told people it was Christmas party (in July). So one of our good friends showed up in a Santa suit, with cowboy boots, and western hat (we live in Texas), sang El Rancho Grande in really bad spanish. My husband told me this was what he wanted instead of a funeral service. He really enjoyed the party.

Good Morning my Darling Friends:) Welcome, meanwhile. May I refer to you as "back at the ranch"? No, that it a bit much. I shall call you MW, which are the same initials as my hubby and daughter. Happy Saturday:)
I have posted Penne Rosella. It is recipe #22--isn't that good to know? When we find a recipe, we can add the number of it next to the name, and find it easier.
I think I'll post my garlic toast next. It is better than most restaurants, maybe because I use half butter, half olive oil. Yes, it shall be recipe #23.
Large raindrops coming down, Polka dot sidewalk. We have a soccer game to go to at 9 for the little guy, but they may cancel. He is only 4. haha. My daughter is getting engaged in January to a great guy who has a 4 year old. It is a secret, however, so don't tell her. He's taking her to Vegas to Brad Paisley concert and propose. I think we are going to be there--but I prefer to see Sting or Tony Bennet. Even Tom Jones, as I like him better "the second time around". I'm not a country girl, although most of you know that my husband is an ex-Bull Rider. YEEHAW!!!
and our daughter is very much like her Dad--country-leaning, wholesome, loving.
We are excited. Maybe he will start paying her auto insurance and extra allowance when she asks. hahaha. I'm serious!
Well, gotta go. They are not canceling the soccer game. Gonna toughen those little guy up. That's what I like to see. No sissy soccer players. I'd like to find a team for "older women". I love to fight for the ball. Talk to y'all later. LOVE YOUXOXOXO

Nice to meet you meanwhile. Thanks for the chuckle! Bee

Welcome, meanwhile. :)

Your stories are way funnier than mine. My husband has started biting on those little sponge things you use to clean his mouth. We get into a tug of war, until I start laughing, then he will laugh, and I can get it out of his mouth. Thank you, Mariesmom, for telling me about this site.

A beautiful Saturday in Maryland with highs expected near 60 - so off and out with me. The long dark winter approaches so need to grab that sunlight as we can.

Hope we can all catch up - maybe even chat - tonight? Its good to have people to tell your troubles to. Love you guys!

Hope you all have a nice Saturday and your troubles are small today.

Love and Hugs to you all.


Cuz you kill me--Bobbie great to hear from you

Better than a Flu
Miss Beatrice,The church organist,Was in her eightiesAnd had never been married. She was admired for her
sweetness and kindness to all.One afternoon the pastorcame to call on her and she showed him into her quaintsitting room.She invited him to have aseat while she prepared tea...As he sat facing her old Hammond organ,the youngminister noticed a cut glass
bowl Sitting on top of it.The bowl was filled with water,and in the water floated. of allthings,a condom!

When she returnedWith tea and scones,theybegan to chat. The pastortried to stifle his curiosityAbout the bowl of water and its
strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist.'Miss Beatrice', he said,'I wonder if you would tell me about this?Pointing to the bowl.'Oh, yes,' she replied, 'Isn't it
wonderful? I was walkingthrough the park a fewmonths ago and I foundthis little package on the
ground.The directions saidTo place it on the organ,Keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease.
Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter.

A Jewish daughter says to her mother, "I'm divorcing Irv."
All he Wants is sex, sex and more sex.
My vagina is now the size of a 50-cent piece
When it used to be the size of a nickel."
Her mother says,
"You're married to a multi-millionaire businessman,
You live in an 8 Bedroom mansion
You drive a $250,000 Ferrari,
You get $2,000 a week allowance,
You take 6 vacations a year and
You want to throw all that away...
Over 45 cents?"
Now that's a Jewish mother!!!

For those who pray, please pray that the person of the cat calls tomorrow and comes to take him home. Thank You!!

I hate when that happens, Msm. Goodnight Everyone!!

My post was eaten. I was thanking you all for your book suggestions and going on and on as I tend to do and it ate it! Grrr . . .

Hey, thanks Cricket. I can figure out some things she is trying to say, but I do better with objective situations; those I am connected with in mind and purpose.
Oh Miz, I would love an affectionate little black kitten to make Sanura jealous, or maybe bring out her maternal instinct. Haha. Two is enough, one is enough for me. Hubby whines about shedding. Ho hum. NO one sheds more than he. He he
LindaHeart, I am not doing a lot of reading these days, but I keep those books nearby. I'm with ya, babe, in the "focus department". I think Miz agrees. I can read the Bible for inspiration any time, a verse here and there-- a word to inspire. That 's what it's there for. To sit for 2 hours, reading for enjoyment? Not there yet. Five years ago I was in school reading and writing all hours. B C. I'll get back to it.
Ok. Tonight, Penne Rosella becomes a reality. Got to get on my laptop for that-- the printed "e" is worn out. Too many "heehee"s. Hoho. Night Night, All. Xoxo

And love you too.

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