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Thank You, Cricket. :)

Wow Bobbie, you read all the posts?!? that must have taken you forever!! It's good to hear from you :)
Christina, I know what your Mom meant when she said she was so lucky.. she meant because she had you there with her :P
Miz, I think that its wonderful to see the love in all things small and great. More people should understand the significances of the love between people and pets. I hope that no matter how overwhelming life's experiences are that we never belittle the importance of all life. I hope if the owner is good that they find the kitten, they will be so grateful to you. If not the owner lets hope someone good will want him.
I'm to tired tonight to check out the chat room. Good night all, love you. Cricket

Bobbie, great to see you!
Christina I can't wait to try the recipe of "my" penne. Before, you have to post it, yes.
Ann, I am in love with Atticus Finch. You are right, that is a beautiful book. And I loved the movie too. It's one of the few cases where I like the book and the movie, too.
Miz, if you decide to keep the kitten, you will need just a little bit of patience to "introduce" him to Sassy and Sandy. And of course you will have to neutralize him otherwise they will always be scared.

Hi Everyone. For those of you not on Facebook we have an additional kitty on a temporary basis. He was on our porch last night when I went out to smoke. Has a collar but no chip and is not neutered. I have put an ad on Craigslist and the local paper. He is in our basement because the other two cats are freaked out by him. He is so so loving and sweet and meows and meows. Our kitties are now locked out of their basement. Needless to say I didn't really sleep well last night but you all know what that is like. :) I so hope someone reads the paper tomorrow morning and calls us. He is totally black so we are going to have anyone that calls describe his collar cause some bad people do bad stuff to black cats. He was very hungry when we found him but looks well care for. Just thought I would update ya all. Wish us luck. :) I feel like this is so trivial compared to what all of you are going through but I just wanted to tell yas. Love Yous!!


So comforting to see you Bobbie. Sitting here with Mother, nothing makes sense. She is intense, nervous, but everything is jumbled. Once in a while she says oh oh, I love you. Today she said she felt so lucky. If only, I wish I could understand what she's killing me

I joined a book club and was interduced to some great writers that I would not have read on my own then get others by the same author on my own. Elizebeth Berg I think is great. Our last book was Tuesday with Morrie which I thought was excellent and now am readingA case of need by Michael Cricgton he wrote Jurassic Park -he has since died. Our senior center has loads of books from people downsizing so I always have loads of books at home waiting for me to read. We are having colder weather here lately.

stuffy nose yep me t oo christina . blew em all snott out , hack hack . can i have some of ur nasonex plz . ? must been going around , funny how ure a so many thousands of miles away from me and we got em stuffy nose , nyquil may do me good ?
books mmm couldnt read books , my eyes wanders off too much , dean knootze , gawd i used to read his books many years ago , till i started workin 3rd shift couldnt read at all and to this day i still cant read . i miss reading , waaaaaaa .
am going to try to sign up for chatt room . seems like i am on the go , be here then im gone , i would love to hang out with ya all . will try if i have the time .
whats for supper ? i have no clue , damn it !
wish i have a nanny maid here to cook for me . christina can u come over and cook for me ? :-) . im hungry ....
meow at ya all later , think my daughter is comin over tnite to do her laundry , so wil see what i ll be up to .
u all have a happy friday evening ,
flex - i was thinking , are u takin care of ur huney bun also ? ure gonna wear urself out ! mom and boyfriend oh my goodness , well i did it when hubby had open heart and i took care of dad and hubby , keeps ya hopping like a bunny rabbit .....
boy oh boy .. im with ya girl ....
now whats for supper ????

Atlas Shrugged... Ayn Rand.

Thanks all for all of your support and love. I have just finished reading every post up to the last and wow, what a great group of people here.
For all of those who have lost a mom or a dad or a husband or a wife, please accept my condolences on your losses and look to the angels that are around you, because there ARE angels around you. Even when you know that the loss is coming it is still a shock and the world is surreal.

I am not good yet and I appreciate you guys understanding. I love you all more than you'll ever know.


No pills. Nasonex. Whoopee, weighed more than I thought. Crap.
I keep the Bible, Liberty and Tyranny, Under the Tuscan Sun, and Walden Pond on my nightstand. Anything by great thinkers and cooks. Haha. Joyce Carol Oates, Amy Tan, and Hemingway are my idols. I also love Alistair MacLeod, "The Island". Takes place in his native Nova Scotia and is more depressing than anything Frank McCourt ever published. Appeals to my melancholy Irish part.
Thanks Rip. With all the quakes lining up, I may as well consider all personal
unrest to be plate shifting.

Books? Anything by Leo Buscaglio or Xavier Amador(sp?)...Life changing reading. Also recently The Help....or for fiction..anything by Dean Koontz, James Patterson, John Grisham etc.....My all time favorite is To Kill A Mocking Bird.

Feel better Christina....that's an order!!! yeah right, like I have the power. LOL!
Cricket...glad you're better.
54j...we all love you. Peace be with you.

Love y'all

Christina!!!!!!!!!!! Be happ--ier!! I love you!!! It's probably those ears :( I am doing much better today, thank you for your support via emails yesterday :)

Barb, I love to read books on Nutrition and Psychology to satisfy my thirst for knowledge in these areas, mostly because this is what I need to help me on my personal journey of life.

However, for pure pleasure reading I love "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan, the final book will be released this upcoming year, book 13 and I can't wait!! It's a Fantasy series but it is deep, only for hard core fantasy readers. This series can be compared to Lord of the Rings type stuff, however Lord of the Rings is but a scratch on Wheel of Time Series. The first book in the series is called "The eye of the world" in case you think you might be interested.

Christina - feel better. We love you too.
Cricket - congrats on new keyboard. I am rough on keyboards and have to replace mine a lot.

Speaking of books - I thought Game of Thrones was going to be a great read and it is not - not for me. Consentual incest, murdering children, and not enough of a compelling story to make me look past the yucky parts - I don't care to fill my mind with such. Favorite novels, anyone? I've read my favorites repeatedly . . .

Getting ready to leave the house. Very unmotivated today. Head stuffy, very dreary out. Dr office finally got back about resuming low dose Exelon patch for Mother. Don't know what it is, but I'm very down in the dumps today--I pick up on stuff, and it usually has nothing to do with me. A lot of ugly crap in the air lately with people doing bad stuff and maybe I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will be glad to get away for a few days next week for a change in energy. Post-poning our TG dinner for the following week. I'm just doing a turkey breast this year. No, I have not posted the Penne Rosella yet. I am very lazy and procrastinating and not sure if even humiliation will help. SSOORRYYEEEEEE. I love you guys. Thanks for letting me be me. No one else wants to. Be me, that is. Wha ha ha. going to ask Dr. for Magic Pill today and see what he gives me. Later, Gators. xoxo

So very sorry 54j about your husband. Hope you find comfort and peace. Cherish those good memories they are so important.

Love and Hugs,

oh ps. got a new keyboard o.O

We finally got a break in the heat last night when it poured! It's back in the 70's but still humid and windy. I am going to take Sadie Mae out for a walk shortly, and yes I will be wearing flops, LOL

Kimmy, I am wondering how you are? You've been pretty quiet lately.

The last few days I've had my head buried in books as usual, always trying to figure things out. Dad is same ole same ole nothing new there and I'm getting better at redefining my boundaries with him and others. I went into the chat room last night and chatted with RIP and AnnT for a little while. I will check for anyone there later tonight. I hope everyone has a peace filled day.

Chirp Chirp Cricket

Jane 54, so sorry for your loss. It must be very hard. I saw it in my mother when she lost my father. I think it was worse for her than for me, because my father was the love of her life!
Christina I am quite warm and I have some work; not as much as I would like, but better than nothing!
See you later in the night. Yes, the good news on Facebook concerned Diane's James.

Afternoon all

Jane I hugged my husband long and hard after reading of your husbands passing. The pain of your loss is unimaginable, but what a joy to be blessed with a lifetime of love.

christine I am neither on the Potomac on in a graveyard today. (I guess I must sound a bit odd trasping around in the graveyards). Those things must wait for the weekend and hopefully some more warmth - its cold here! Your post tickled me.

All my Christmas shopping is done as of this morning except for the 'customized' mousepad and coffee cup for my sister and her husband. I went very cheap yet I hope extremely thoughtful with the gifts this year. Art supplies for my daughter the artist/actress, pink totebags and pink tools for my two older daughters, hiking gear (compass, knife sharpener and a pocket chainsaw for their men, and books for my grandson) I do still have to send Christmas cards and will do that after Thanksgiving.

Michael did not get the job with **RP in Washington. They were kind enough to write him a personal email reinterating that he was not chosen because he was over-qualified. Sigh . . . I choose to be happy for the person who did get the job as perhaps their circumstances were more dire than ours. When one looks around, one always finds others whose circumstances are more dire. ( Its like feeling unattractive. Go sit at the mall and in a few minutes you can see 100 people less attractive than you). Soooo - we continue to watch and wait and hustle - hustle very important. And our home business actually made a little money this month so that was awesome.

Love you guys.

got the see;s candy magazine . mmm they all look good ! may have to order some so i can put on 5 lbs ? yummie im hungry now . whoop whoop .
where is bee ? i dont see her . maybe shes outside playin in the snow ? falala.
christmases is a comin soon ! wooohoo . i wanna i wanna i wanna lalala .
i love it when my kids were little , every toys shows on tv , OH MOMMY I WANNA I WANNA , heeheee i love that . i sure miss it too . i even got my grandkids doing that too . i wannnaaaaaaaaaaaaa . heeheee xoxo

{{{{{cg BEE}}}}} I see you:) xo

Yes Christina our Wed craft group is so much fun it is like a minivaction I leave with such a nice feeling we are all ages and all degree of talent and we have a ball.

Oh Jane, I am so very sorry to read of the loss of your sweet Joe. He left the bonds of this earth to travel to another life, free of pain. He knew you loved him and this, I'm sure, sustained him in his final hours.

54j I am sorry to hear of your loss, you are in all of our thoughts....

Oh, Austin, you are good:) I hope I get to the place when I can sit still long enough to do something like that. I visited our local "Yarn Lady", and what a great place. I can see all of us sitting around a table making something and sharing like we do here, instead of on the computer. Wouldn't that be great?! Love you, Ms NY:)

Jane I am so sorry for the passing of your hubby and I am glad you have good memories of him-I do not of my late husband because of his behaivor for so long but I know and God knows I did the best I could with what I had to deal with-give yourself time to grieve and try to get rest-I hope you have friends around you to help you at this time. Christina I am still crocheting my group is making 280 shawls for a nursing home so that each lady there will get one for Christmas -I handed my last bunch in I did about 30 and will be making two for Christmas gifts then will go back to baby blankets for Birthright and lap robes for nursing homes and hospitals-it is a good hobby for me.

Heartfelt condolences to you, Dear One. You are on my heart and in my prayers, and your family is Blessed because of your example. Take Care:)
HUGS, Christina xo

Morning Everyone,
Cloudy and quiet this morning. My ears are plugged and sore, so guess I'll call my doc at 7:45 and he'll tell me to come in right away. Good news on FB, huh? Well, I know I miss out on a lot of stuff, but that's life. Anyway, Congratulations--must be about Diane's BF. Another reason to be Thankful. Ativan works sometimes on my Mother and other times nothing quiets her. Hope you get beneficial results, Diane.
MsM must be on the Potomac or in a graveyard somewhere...HUGS;)
Cricket, how's your computer? How's Dad? Love Love Love
Miz, what are you doing for TG this year? What do you eat instead of turkey?!xo
Kuli at work taking care of everyone:) Hugs and Peace.
Jen trying to keep warm. Are you baking today? {{{Big Warm Hug}}}
Stillstanding: woof, slurp, hugs, Peace, gf.
Ann, How is your back? How is hubby? Hope Mom is eating. Mashed potatoes?xo
Rosella, hope you are staying warm, getting sleep, have plenty of work, Mom is stable. I will name my Penne dish in your honor on Favorite Recipes:) xo
Kimbo, how's it going, sweet girl? Giggles and HUGS!
Rip, thanks for all the great emails lately. Did you like the baby and the blond lab?:)
Stay warm, hi to King Terd.
Maxine: hope you are far from the occupy area. What are you knitting? I remember sitting for hours and watching my Grandmother knit and crochet and block, etc. I have a cedar chest full of things. I told you before. No one in the family wants them, too much care and trouble---hmmm, sounds familiar!!! I'LL DO IT!!!
How is 54J, DEEFER--absence makes the heart grow fonder:( Which brings me to the Captain: heart pangs. Missing you so much, and know you are making the progress you needed to put things behind you. Anchors, Aweigh!! Whoo Hoo!!
Cuz, Blessings to you and your family at this difficult time. HUGS:)
OK. I'm tired now. Have to call the doc. Head fog. Hope I didn't miss anyone--amazing cause I keep dropping things. Maybe because you are all in my heart and not my head. heehee Love, christina

54j- thank you for letting us know about ur husband s passing . keep in touch with us . i thought strongly of u the other day and i think that was tues when i sent you a hug . i am soo soo sorry for ur loss . i hope u ll have plans for ur future . may the lord guide you to the road he wants u to take . many hugs dear xoxox

miz- . hope all is well at ur way , how is that tooth ? root canal job . hope it is all better now . how is that dog next door ? have u made friends with the dog ? feed em etc ? i feel so sorry for dogs that are chained up and long forgotten , damn them all ! why do people get dogs and do nuthing with em , i ll never know ....
love u miz !!! you have a big heart ! xoxoxox

Jane, I am so very sorry about your husband. He is not suffering now but I know that it still hurts. Angels to you sweetie.


I wake up this morning with an empty house and heart. My best friend and husband of 46 years went to be with the Lord on Tuesday morning. He had suffered so long and hard to live. He was the best friend husband and father ever made. just pray for me and my family i never had to live without him had had him since i was 16. thanks for all the sweet words over these years and know i am still praying for all of you caregivers still out there. I love you all

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