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good morning you all .
somebody talkin about laundry ? phhht , i could never catch up on them , they just keep comin and comin so dont worry about trying to catch up cuz hon u ll never catch up lol . it ll keep a comin woo woo . sometimes i wish money just keeps comin like laundry would . oh dont forget dishes too ! sink full always !
woke up with stuffy nose , ah no way man ! thanksgivin is a creepin up here soon and i get head colds ! what the hell !!
it is cold outside i think 24 ?
kimberly ! is it cold over at ur place ? hope all is well with u , havent seen u postin lately . hope things are ok over that way . big hugs ...
jen- hope ure staying warm . saw the next world above ya are freezin with minus 20 something like that . holy crap thats cold cold . and they talk like its a comin this way . man i just am not ready for winter .
annt - i buy those calmitpine too , the thing is it wont go on pa s sack cuz it slides right off or it wont stick on it , i bought some gold bond baby powder and am trying it now . yep that stuff is so good ! dad had bedsore a lit one and i put that calimotipne (sp) and bam the next few hrs its gone ! i love that stuff . bad thing about it it wont smear on his sack ,

cricket - how are you ? are u warm down there . wish i live where its warm all winter . ure so lucky , i lived in fla for 2 winters when i was a teenager . it was nice , the only time it got cold was in jan , one week of cold then it warm up , it sure was nice . id call my friends in indiana , theyre complainin about snow and the cold . lol . i tell em im barefoot and im in my shorts and soon am going swimmin , they hated me :-) .. oh my those were the days .
mariesmom - hope ur hubby got the job . and hope u found one too . whats up ??
love ya all xoxoxo

Diane, I agree with Austin and Rossella......the laundry will get done later. You need rest NOW!
I dumped my personal hamper and the hamper in the bathroom for towels and wash cloths and I had 6 loads! But we had not run out of clothes or underwear or towels so.........just sayin......

Let us know how your mom's Dr appt goes today Diane.

Hope eveyone has a pleasant day today.

Love and Hugs,

Diane slow down take a breath the laundry will get done in time as long as your two charges are happy that is all you need-get rest as much as you can.

Diane, leave the laundry alone and rest! I read the latest news on Facebook. It's great!

G'Night dear Ann .... may those creeps be far, far away from our lives!
(ass holes)

Love you too Diane. Get some rest.

Nite John Boy....nite Maryellen.......nite!

Hey Y'all,
Sorry I haven't joined in on the chat room yet. I did get an opportunity to chat with Peaches earlier on FB. She seems to be doing pretty good.

Ann, your mother and mine sound like they are going through similar experiences with this generalized weakness. I have called the doctor's office everyday (sometimes night) this week. I took another urine sample in today to be tested. I take her to the doc tomorrow and we will see what they have to say. It just hit me I forgot to go to the pharmacy. They were going to start her on a low dose of ativan. I forget stuff when I'm rushed. NUTS!

I've got laundry out the yazoo to do tonight. I'll probably be up until about 2am trying to get it done. I've been trying to keep up with everything, but I'm beat from all this back and forth to the hospital and being up with mom through the night.

Well gang, you are always in my thoughts and I hope you all have a good night's rest.

Love ya,

FB seemed to clog up with more than a couple people. Sudden freeze .. Ice cream headache stuff.

Why aren't you all doing the FB chat? I used to have great chats with my cousin in Ireland. What's up with that option?

I just ckd it out Rip and you weren't there.

Hey East Coast ... Italy ... Ireland?
Any chatters?
Envious of your weather, Chirp. 37F & raining here.

Deefer reported the NASA diapers are keeping mom dry overnight! Less laundry. Deef ~ don't wear yourself out. We miss you! .... huh, Jen?

Ann, I think the lack of interest is their world shrinking, closing in. Our perceptions are still outward, so we don't relate. If Mom 's demands are less, that makes our job simpler on some levels. Mine is in a new phase. I'm trying to accept each new phase, but the developments are so confusing, i am too tired to question it anymore. I am not complacent, but I find my new ability to "accept" dementia changes is less stressful than trying to figure it out. Once we try everything and cover the bases, then it is what it is. I hope you know what I'm getting at. Not preaching. Love and Hugs:)

Linda, try Calmoseptine. Hospice told me about it. They use it for anything from diaper rash to surgical wounds. It's very good. You have to ask for it at the pharmacy they don't just put it out on the shelves but you don't have to have a rx for it.

Mom has gained weight so I guess she's eating ok. I did change her schedule tho. We eat dinner at 4pm now cause she wants to go to bed as soon as it gets dark. In spite of the weight gain and good health as far as we know, she's weaker. I don't understand it. She can barely walk sometimes and looks spacy a lot. She's not dehydrated and I don't think she has a UTI. She's on Macrodantin a low dose antibiotic for the utis. When nurse is here she perks up so nurse doesn't see it. I took her for a ride today while the sun was out and it was warm. She didn't enjoy it at all. Just wanted to go home and lie down. She's sleeping more too. I'm wondering if the antidepressant has stopped working for her. Everything else is good. Her bp is better than mine and oxygenation is 98%. I don't know.....

BJ, I'm glad the weather straightened up for the funeral. Funerals are hard enough without dismal weather adding to it.

Hope you all have a pleasant evening.

Love ya!

Still alive here, sun bright and windy nice day really...Could be better but then it would be a hassle, cops and hospital and funeral home and all that...whatever. pervert dies when he dies....
Mom running an errand and ocd like she is going into battle. she is getting really vague and forgetful. God please I can't take anymore I will bail....

Hi to everyone and hope the weekend goes well for all. Am sharing out the sunshine here if anyone has a cloudy day there....

Everyone please accept my apologies for not being able to talk coherently in chat last night. At first it was funny but it got worse later and the whole left side of my keyboard went dead on me and I couldn't type any of those letters so I had to just make a mouse exit. Sorry Barb.

Christina, ah a walk sounds wonderful to me right now but it's almost 90 outside and very humid so that's out. I want last weeks weather back dammit!

Linda, I'm glad your better but keep doing those stretches everyday because they really do help with muscle aches. I used to do Sports Massage Therapy for many years so I know the muscles and what is good for them. Is your Pa scratching and itchy? I don't know what to put on it but if he is itchy and scratching he might have a yeast infection. That is what happened to my Dad when he wasn't cleaning himself good enough. The Doctor prescribed a cream for it. You might want to try to let him air out during the day when he is awake and can tell you he needs to urinate. Poor guy, your Pa looks like such a sweetheart. I hope you are able to get him fixed up. Tell me if he is itching and I will go do some research for you on home remedy's. I have an excellent site for all good information but we can't post links here.

Kimmy, Jen, Rossella, RIP, Miz, AnnT, Carolyn, Lilli, Diane, Austin, Kuli and Cristina hugs to all you ladies. You to Ted and Cuz.

StillStanding, I loved hearing about your experience. It really shows how powerful prayers are when we all join together. I really believe in the power of prayer and know that when we all pray for each other here it really does have a comforting affect on us. Thanks for sharing your experience. I pray for you to be comforted and have peace.

Cuz, thanks for sharing the poem, it's wonderful. Keep a copy of it in your pocket to help you get through this week. You and your family have my prayers. Tell Bobbie she is still in my prayers as well.

Sending my love to all of you,

Balmex in the babycare section at the drugstore. I always liked Destin a lot and kept in handy for "netherland" irritations.

So glad the sun shone and the wind stilled for your Moms funeral. Had you heavy on my mind when I saw the storms marching through. Daughter down near Auburn had enough standing water in he back yard to open a shipyard she reports.

Today is the 2 month anniversary of Mom's death. Seems a long time ago already in many ways. Its like you're running a race at breakneck speed and you can't possibly stop for anything and then you round a corner and bam - you slap the finish line - and too suddenly its all over. And all you can do is walk it off, and wait to catch your breath again . . .

I couldn't sleep at all last night - seriously. I read til 2am and was still awake at 5am and can't imagine what caused it. Still I did sleep from 5ish til 9ish - and in the interim last night worked on the family tree and caught up with correspondence.

I am glad we have a chat room - but can't seem to catch anyone in it. I've been checking in around 10pm east coast time.

Love you guys

Fantastic, BJ!! Bless your Heart, God loves to show those miracles to faithful souls and makes the doubters give a second thought, hmmm? Scratch their head...haha! Love it, Babydoll. "You are a good daughter"-- that's what Bobbie always says to us:(-- and you stayed strong and steady to the completion of your Mom's life. Wow-- how do you feel? Did your sister make a spectacle? The beautiful day and your prayer dissolved and negativity, I'm sure.
It is amazing how a regeneration occurs when we allow the positive to rule our situations. We just need to step back and know we cannot control everything. Have a good day, everyone. Going for a walk in 57 degrees, blue sky, no clouds. Birdies chirping. bbl. Hugs, Christina xo

thanks flex . where do u buy those balmex at ? how is ur huney bun ? hope he s graduated from hospital and headin home real soon .
and how are you doing ? worried about mom and worried about ur man . time for a margaritta , happy that he is better .
its pretty scary i know , i have been on that route too many times with my hubby . i always tell the lord that he can not have him cuz he s mine ! :-)

BJ, what a beautiful affirmation that God is listening.

Linda, Clean Pa up and use Balmex. It is the BEST!!!!!! Keeps mom clear of rashes

good mornin ! . feelin better today , thanks u guys , love ya tons ....
i had a whole glass full of coins and was sorting out dimes nickles pennies and quaters , i think it messed up my neck , bendin my neck down too much and lookin down to see if that pennie is real . with onecent on the back of it and squink my eyes to see the year on it , ahh cant see ! need new glasses , then i did a yoga strech out my body and man it all popped out like crazy ohhh yeah baby . then sis said u better stop that u ll be so sore tmr , well she was right lol .
brought me down big time ..
flu shot ! i love my flu shot , without it i be going out with both ends , barfin and crappin at the same time . ohh no way oh say so , gotta have my flu shot ... tummy virus kills me . i know some cant have it cuz it makes em sick . then they get sicker without it . damn if u damn if u dont ....

stillstanding - i am so happy that the prayers cleared up into a purtty day for the funeral service and shes laid to rest on a sunny day . isnt that great . hope each day you get stronger and happier knowing mom is in the most beautiful place and is not suffering any more . big hugs to you dear ...

pa seems to be perking up again . his sack is so red and raw from pee and crap on it . what is the best cure for it ? dont tell me apple cider vingear , god that would just burn him ! whoa !!!

christina - try chewin some gum , maybe that ll help move ur ears around , i have that tmj whatever its called , i have to chew gum to knock off that naggin ear ache , sometime a q-tip dip in achahol (sp) and just rub em in ur ear canal calms the pains .

anybody ready to be a slavery in the kitchen for thanksgiving ? man i wish i have a teamworker here with me and we d get dinner served in no time . i miss my sis in law . we re great teamworker . we cleaned out pa s bdrm and fal lala we were done ! she wash my dishes and i dried em and poof its all done . i told her this morning to get back over here ! lol . she lives about 1 and half hr drive , wish we didnt live too far away from eachother . sniffff .
alrighty i best catch up on my laundry , you all have a happy day and meow alot too . xoxox

BJ: that is such a touching story...did all go well?
Linda: take care of yourself first....or we'll come over with big vats of chicken soup
Christeeenah: voted against the flu shot this year...feels like playing the lottery

Good morning my darlings,
Mother was laid to rest yesterday... The funeral home called and said there was a possibility that they could not bury her because of the tornado's and high winds that were hitting us here in Montgomery. I told them we would continue then asked all the family and extended family to join in a prayer to ask for sunshine and calm winds. When we got to the funeral home within fifteen minutes people were coming in and telling everyone to come outside to see the miracle... The clouds were departing and the sun was shinning!!! Yes, there is a God. Love to you all and may a quiet peace be upon you all today. Much love, BJ

Morning-- I did not say "good". LindaHeart, I know that virus. Ever since I got flu shot in Oct. I have not felt that good. Both ears still very sore.
Hey, there must be something wring with me cause I replied with my address and said Thank You. Haha! I think the best of people's intentions. Doesn't mean I have never been surprised-- you know. I think people care like I do, that they are sincere, honest, then whammo, and I am shocked, can believe it, try to rationalize it in my mind. Haha--Suckerrrrr!!!
Linda, take care of yourself. As Austin said, after the holidays and the big letdown is sick time. Funny how we all seem to be having an extended letdown and it lasts all year. Keep airborne handy, green tea, echinacea, lemons, and some good dark chocolate. Did y'all chat? Been going to bed super early and sleeping, going to get coffee now and wake up. Love you bunches. C xoxo

Linda...I hope you are feeling better today. I once had what I thought was a bad crick in my neck and the Dr said it was a virus. What????? I never heard of that. Anyway, I hope you're better today. Maybe Pa will let you rest today too.
And yes I think we all got that email. Just telling me I'll get a surprise in the mail doesn't cut it. I get a surprise every time I pull my light bill out of the mailbox. Surprise doesn't necessarily mean good. I don't trust it myself. Unless they explain what it's all about, I'm not giving out my address.

Cuz...that poem was lovely. But with your sweet spirit, I do believe you could have written it.

Hope all caregivers have a peaceful day today.

Love and Hugs to you all.

cuz - am sorry to hear about u losing love ones , and as ur poem said i am free now . thats is a good poem . hugs to you dear ,,,

i was so weak all day today , slept most of the day too . got it in my neck also . just dont feel good . am hoping tmr brings me good days ,
pa is doing ok , same ole crap ,
has anyone gotten a email from agincare wanting our home address ? thought they do not ask for those ? may send us a speical holiday gift , is that for real ?
am lit errie about that .
you all have a goodnight sleep and i ll try to be happy go tmr .
maybe that fly did piss n shit in my coffee ? makin me sick , barf barf .
love you all ... xoxo

Thanx jen,barb,ann,miz and austin for the hugs I really appreciate them. I'm glad you gals have let me share your posts. I have another funeral for the wife's aunt Kay on wednesday. Benn a rough week but like the poem said
Be not burdened with times of sorrow wish for the sunshine tomorrow.
luv ya all Cuz

Hi gals This was printed in the little handout that we recieved ar out cousin-in-laws funeral today. There was no author for it and no I'm not this good. I can't take credit for this.

I'm Free

Don't greive for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard Him call
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work or play
Tasks left undone must stay that way
I've found that peace at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A freindship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
Ah, yes, these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life has been full, I savored much,
Good freinds, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me;
God wanted me now; He set me free.

ps I hope this will help those who have lost a love one hugs again

cuz very sorry to hear of so much loss at ponce for you all there, take care....

I believe washing your hands with good old soap is the answer and a lot of people get sick after the winter holidays so not getting enough rest and the stress of the holidays are the reason-just do not get crazy about Christmas and remember the reason for the season. Linda heart where are you I have not seen your post in days-hope you all have a restful night and that your burdens are lighter tomarrow.

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