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Sharon, sorry for your grief. I haven't found the post where you were talking about it.
Diane I am happy for James but shoot, your mother falls. Can't you have a moment of peace, girl?
I'm tired and I think I am going to sleep. I have no urgent works to do, so... Good night.

Ann its 1:59 here in DC a few hours north! Rainy and warm had to turn on the AC. You guys supposed to get storms.

Re germs: My understanding is we tend to get sick more with cold and flu virus in winter because we are cooped up more with others and thus have more exposure to one another's 'cooties'. My kids would always get sick first week of school - you could bet on it - home with me all summer and then bam - into close quarters with all those unclean hands and snotty noses.

Extremes of hot and cold and sudden changes do effect health (in some people) along with changes in relative humidity. The most common cold-causing viruses survive better when humidity is low and thats usually in the colder months of the year. Cold weather also may make the nasal passages drier and more vulnerable to viral infection.

When my girls were babies, and when Mom was with me - no one held or touched them if they were not feeling well, and NEVER without washing their hands first. (I shudder every time I see a newborn at store with Mommy).

I kept wipes in my purse when I took Mom out, and used them frequently. Never liked or used the anti-bacterial stuff unless it was all I had - my reading says it does more harm than good. Knocking on wood here but I seldom get a cold - and have only had the flu twice. (Mom seldom had a cold her entire life and never the flu that i know of. Never was in the hospital for illness either). I do get allergic sniffing and sneezing! Seems more in the past few yrs than I ever had.

Afternoon everyone,
Cuz, I'm so sorry about the deaths in your family. Please give Bobbie my love and consider yourself and Bobbie hugged tightly.

A lot of good advice on the thread last night and today. Thanks y'all.

Christina....I cut my mom's toe nails myself. I should get hazardous duty pay for that. I have some cutters that look almost like wire cutters and am certain to wear my glasses (should have safety glasses). Once a piece of toenail flew up and hit me on the face and left a mark! I soak her feet in Epsom Salt first but boy those things are like Rino horns. I read in AARP that Vicks Vapo Rub is good to use for toenail fungus. They claim that it helped 15 out of the 18 people they tested. It's cheap enough too. I may try that. I alway sterilize my cutters before and after. That's one job I could do without.

I haven't been to the recipe site yet so I'll look for it. Also haven't looked for the chat site. I'll hve to look it up too.

Sharon, I'm very sorry you lost your mother last month. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing.

One of you, Barb or Cricket? mentioned my fb pictures. Yes, I was so excited to get out for the evening that I got my stepdaughter to take our picture. She kept saying...."now stand this way, now that way..ha!" She was as excited for us as I was. That sweater I was wearing was new, only had it three years and never wore it. That's how often we get out. Jeeze!!! I have tons of clothes I never wear anymore cause I don't go anywhere except the store and the doctor. I know you all can relate. My life is lived in sweat pants. I don't even wear a bra unless I'm going to the Dr. I just wear denim shirts with pockets over my tank tops. So dressing up that night was a treat. Even tho it was just jeans and a sweater.

Its rainy here and over 80 degrees. Turned the heat off and opened the windows. It was in the 40s last week. Georgia! Gotta love it!
Does a change in the weather REALLY make people sick? Speak up you nurses. I keep hearing that time after time. I thought it was germs and viruses and my sil that make me sick. Does weather contribute to that?

Rip, I'll be knocking back a glass or two tonight and ckn my email. Or maybe the chat line if the time zone isn't too different. My hub had to take off to his parents this morning and won't be back til Sunday nite. "All by myself....don't wanna be...all by myself...annneee more........" Oh well you get the picture. I wish they would put a time stamp on our posts instead of just 30mis ago etc. Then we would know what the difference is without trying to figure it out. I got enough to figure out besides trying to know what time it was when you guys make a comment. For instance it's 1:50pm here right now....afternoon. What time do you guys have? Sorry, my blonde (over my gray) roots are showing. And can you still use that excuse if you are a dyed blonde? Just saying.......

I'll go now and try to look up those other sites.

Morning Friends,
Sharon, vent and grieve and eventually you will find your next purpose. Don't worry about it. Just stay here with us and you are surrounded with Angels who understand like no others and you can rest. Blessings to you:)
My girlfriend and I were discussing the benefits of vinegar for many ailments. Apple cider vinegar, especially the unfiltered kind you buy in health food stores, can be drunk in a glass of water to alleviate UTIs. When Mother came back from the first care home, she had terrible athlete's foot (!!!) Soaked her feet in vinegar in a foot bath, then every day would wipe her feet with a cotton pad drenched with vinegar after her shower at home. Her skin looked so good. I check her feet every visit, take off her socks and slippers. Vinegar is a good all-round cure. Also give Vitamin C at night for elder, as it changes the PH of urine and will minimize growth of bacteria. Remember that Sugar and Alcohol GROWS the bad bacteria. Boy, if that were the case with me, I'd be raging. heehee
I signed up for chat. Since my time zone is way off from most of you, and lately I am to bed early, not sure when I will find you, but when it's meant to be, tra la.
Code name: SuperChristina. haha
Mother's doctor is out of town until after TG, so we are waiting to resume the Exelon patch. Last week my sister showed up for a visit on a day when my daughter visited, but she left before M got there. I had asked her to simply let me know what days she is coming so I can arrange my schedule--meaning: not go when she is there. I hate to "remind" her, as that makes me look like a nag, but it's too confusing for Mother to have multiple visits in one day. Do you think I should say something? I'll bet she is not worried about it. Not a biggie, but still another example of her disregard for me.
Diane, hope Mom is OK after the fall. Can you put guardrails on her bed? We did that for Mother, and she could use them to pull herself up, but it kept her in bed without falling. I slept much better knowing she could not get out and fall down.
Rosella, I think we think of Italy as being warm because of all the HOT Italians!! Si? Also, the healthy diet, wine, espresso, garlic, EVOO--aids in an optimum metabolism, burning the carbs to warm your bod. Eat more pasta, Regina Bella:)
I will post my potato asparagus frittata recipe and Penne with caramelized onions, etc. on Fav.Recipes later. First, I need to go do Mother's manicure. I got there yesterday and she would not wake up, yet she was talking slightly when I spoke to her. She had been especially vocal yesterday morning and they gave her an Ativan. It worked this time. Sometimes it does not. Ay yi yi. Anyway, I like to do her manicure every other week, and having the podiatrist go to the house and cut her toenails.
I hope you all have a good day. I'll check off and on when I have a minute to chat.
Love, Christina xo

Afternoon all. Rainy, gloomy day here in the East. Thinking about all of you and especially those dealing with the raw, soul-churning grief of new loss.

I do not know if this is an answer for those with elders with frequent UTI but we use to use sitz bath for thos with rectal surgery it was like a small bowl that you put into the toilet and either put in warm water or had a set up with water hanging in a bag with tubing that slowly put water over the area of the person but just the bowl thing filled with warm water would probably be effective and those who use a commode just filling it with soap water and letting them sit on it might work any thing to soak the area might cut down on UTI-just a thought-drug store might still sell sits bath-I have seen something advertised to add to the toilet to provide water to be sprayed to the person sitting on the toilet and it is suppose to be easy to convert the toilet and then get it back to normal easily-hope this might help someone.

Sharon, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Please keep writing. You can help others who are going through what you went through. Hugs to you.


Cuz, I am so sorry for the losses in your family. Angels to you and yours.

Cuz I am so sorry for the death of Cuz Jr.s wife and your wife's aunt. When you talk to Bobbie again tell her we miss her and love her. CC I hope you stay with us if you can. You have been a good friend to all of us. I find this group so enjoyable even though my steady caregiving role is over but all those years are still fresh in my mind. You probably will find you will want to come here to keep with with what is going on with others-we have quite a number of former caregivers here and you will be helpful to others. Flex I hope you Mom will be ok and hope James will continue to get stronger.

Mom took a spill last night. Not quite sure what happened, but I heard a comotion in her bedroom and found her on the floor. I had to call and wake my brother up to help me get her off the floor. I checked her over and didn't see or feel anything unusual. I'm sure she will be sore today though. On the bright side, I managed to get 6 glorious hours of sleep. I think this is the longest I have slept since James was in the hospital. PT managed to get him on his feet and walking the halls yesterday. Its amazing how the body can go through so much in 9 days.

The darkness of night is leaving the skies and the start of another day is here. I hope today is an "easy" day for us all.

Love ya,

CC, I can only imagine how lost you must feel right now. You're still in a state of shock. I know it's been awhile since you posted on this thread, but stay with us. Kuli, Miz, Rip, Still, Bobbie and Marie are on the other side of caregiving and can relate to your stage. We're here for you.

CC - I'm so very sorry for your loss. My dad passed on Oct 26th. I imagine you, like I, are in the middle of not only loss of a parent but loss of what became your life's purpose. Don't go away from here. We are your friends - the ones who have been here through thick and thin and continue to be here for each other; the ones, the ONLY ones, who truly understand what caregivers go through. It's ok to be quiet for awhile, to not post every day - we, you and I, are grieving and that takes time. But continue to read - you may find, like I have, that you want to post, that you DO have something to offer as your friends here are making end of life decisions, as your friends here lose their parents. Stay with us. You will never find a more understanding, more supportive, more caring group of people. Hugs ~ Kuli

CC2AGAIN-You are worth the world to all of us! So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing! Love and many hugs to you! Kim

Sorry I don't remember which one of you took a turtle on vacation and then put her back where she had found her. I wonder what the turtle has retained of that experience. I think she says to her children: "I went on vacation. With a nice family. Do you know what a vacation is? No?"
Linda do you still have flies at home? Do they wear sweaters? We have snow temperature in the night (the "warm Italy" is a lie!!!!) so the bugs have left me for winter. God bless them.

Barb, I got back on here and went to the chat room but I was to late. Darn it, I will try again tomorrow. Chirp! Cricket

Cuz, sorry for your relatives...Take care.

I wish all well on here but momma passed away on the 13th of oct.......So ty for all the support....but not sure i am any good to anyone anymore...Hugs sharon

Luv Cuz. Thanks for checking in. we ar with you in spirit.

Bee,cricket,myra,cristina,kim,flex,kuli Thanks for the support. We have a funeral tommorro at 11:00am for out cousin-in-law she was 67 and after we get out of that one we go to the funeral home where the wife's aunt is. Been a rough week but you gals are still number one on my list for what you are doing and have done. I'll still be here every night checking up on whats been going down. Been doing this for over a year now and I'm not going to stop. Your a great group of gals and Ted also. I bee back tommorro with some laughs if I get any. Hugs to ya all.

Hey all meet at chat at 10 if you want too. Love you guys.

Cuz - you and your wife's family will be in my prayers. I am so very sorry for your losses. Hugs ~ Kuli

Cuz, so sorry to hear about your family members. Prayers for you and your family

Cuz-So sorry to hear about the passing of your family members! Hugs to you and your family!

Cuz, my condolences to you and your wife, and may those nearing transition feel Peace and comfort. Blessings and Hugs to you and yours:) Christina xo

Cuz, I am sorry for your lose and my heart goes out to you. It is never easy to say goodbye. But oneday we shall meet them again and be in ALL good health. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! (((((((HUGGS))))))

Hey guys, saw the post for UTI's. My mom gets them quiet often because she does not clean well and doesn't allow me to clean her either. Not to mention most of the time she simply will not drink water or juices.

However with that said please read up on ACV (apple cider vinegar.) IF you can get them to drink i think they said a teaspoon of ACV with juice or something it is supose to add just the right amount of acid that bacteria will not grow. I notice that if i can get a small glass of juice...just like 4 ounces and add the ACV and tell mom it is for her stomach she will drank it down. But you have to be careful because it is a little hard on stomach. Also, they have cranberry pills, you take 4 a day. I know most of us already take too many pills, but it has seemed this time around to help mom. And every so often when mom ask for toliet paper i will take a wet warm wash cloth and dip it in ACV and give it to her to wipe. This too get rid of any bacteria that could be on the outside. It seems to be a fighting battle with the elderly. Which is one of the factors that took my Dad.

And YES the sour oder does mean infection, that and discolored urine. Also i notice that mom has many accidents with urinating in the bed before she can get up, which is a sign. Being very irritable, confused, and little sassy can be a big sign. Be sure if you have a test done and you do have UTI get it cultered. Because i think everytime mom has had one the antibotic given was resistant to the bacteria and would not kill it, so they had to give a different one. Sulfer anitbotics are hard on the stomach too and should not be took with dailry. Sugar aids in growth of bacteria as well as too much dairy. Once they start taking the antibotic you should give yogurt with asidolphis (not sure if spelled right) and this will offset any yeast infections. All the anitbotics makes mom groggy, but once off the antibotic she is back to normal and feeling good again. Cranberry juice and pomgrannit and blueberry are good too, as long as they are 100% juice. you can add a little water to them. The juice cocktails WILL NOT work, filled with sugar and NOT enough to protect the bladder.

Hope this helps someone. Myra

Sorry for your loss Cuz. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Cuz, sorry to hear about the passings in your family. It's hard enough to deal with one at a time! You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. (((hugs))) BEE

Hey everyone. Thought I would jump in real quick and tell you that bobbie and my cuz Jr lost his wife this past weekend to cancer and my wife lost her aunt Sunday. We also have two uncle's on mine and bobbies side that aren't going to be around much longer. One is in hospice and the other is in the hospital with a major stroke and basically on life support. If I hear anything more I will let ya know when I get back on tonight. I did call bobbie and let her know cause I think her muter is still down.

oops... I meant to say, hopefully this inf. can help alert us earlier to the onset of UTI's so we can get them help sooner. :)

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