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MsM: The hospital called they want to put in a "pick line" IV for her low bp. My bro and sil were just there...and she was fine...the minute the left to go home to change, they whisked her off to the IV techs. They are treating her like a "terminal" case. Two days ago, at home, she was fine. We had a normal conversation. Her aides said she was doing well...Now they are trying to tell us that she wasn't "getting the care she needed" at home!!!

I am really worried...I think that they are doing more harm than good. Hospitals are the equivalent of puppy mills. I am so angry.

lol., Sorry, Mariesmom. I have a really hard time with the blue fonts! I have to start taking notes so I know who I writing to! loll BEE

lilli - i agree completely - but what to do? Will they let you bring food from outside? I'll bet she would eat something familar.

ICU for low blood pressure? That seems extreme.

Does the hospital have a 'patient advocacy' rep you can talk to?

keep us posted. I am so sorry you all are going through this.

hello bee - that wasn't me playing the games but sweet Ms.Linda. I have played some internet games the past but not for a long time. What I like to play is cards late into the night with friends and family at the table. I miss that.

Hi all...just a quick update on Mom.

They moved her to ICU because her bp was low (which runs in her family.) She is coherent and talking. Everything else is working.

I have a gut feeling that they are "overanalyzing" her and treating for things that an 84 yr. old woman would naturally have. Now, she is not eating because the hospital is stressing her out. So they just give her more pills for the nausea, etc. (hmmmm...could the nausea be from NOT EATING???) Really, if docs can't throw a pill at it they are not happy!

My gut reaction is to get her the hell out of the hospital and back home where her health care team can better care for her.

But what do I know? I am just the family caregiver for the last 4 years...they've known her for 2 minutes!!!!

Good Morning, all. Chilly morning here and snow flurries flying. This won't amount to much, thank goodness. I'm not ready for winter, yet.

Today is Mom's 83rd BD. Sent her flowers which will arrive today. I'm sure I'll get a "thank you" call later on.

Yuk all this clean up of body waste is not pleasant at any time, but especially (for me, anyway) not with my morning coffee!

mariesmom - lol caught up in the games, huh? I can relate. I play a game called Bejeweled 3. Once I get started I could play it for hours (so I limit myself). I also play Scrabble on FB and generally have at least 12 games going at the same time. I can play one word in each game in a few minutes, usually. I like the challenge and have to adjust my play level according to my opponents ability. I don't like to discourage anyone by winning all the time. I like the better players so much and I don't mind loosing. My husband is a brilliant scientist...but he is challlenged when it comes to spelling. lol

Well, it's goinging on 9 am and I'd better get something done here.
Hugs to all! Find a way to relax a little today, even if only for a few minutes.

morning folks . been up since 330 ,. been playing at pogo games , and lord behold its almost 8 oopsideooo ,
woke up and see snow everywhere . maybe not even an half inch , what the hell ! i want bunch of em , snow damn it ! :o)
mariesmom - sounds like ure ready to clean and start dancin while ure cleaning .
think i ll go back to bed . got up wayy to early to see hubby off to work and changed pa , he sure was wet , now i have to pee realy bad but i kept on playing pogo games , my arm started hurting , thought i best get up oh wait i ll ck see GO SEE IF ANYBODY POSTED , OH YES MARIESMOM :) you have a happiness day .
love you all xoxox

I once had a wondeful, wonderful boss who was an uber-nerd - much worse than me - and would get so excited about today, 11/11/11 having two 11:11's. I suppose its about finding enjoyment in simple things, finding those little moments that make us stop and smile amidst all the chaos/madness/unhappiness that is often around us.

Every morning I 'clean up' the coffee table first thing - clearing the ashtrays or whatever (my husband's toothpicks for one) left from the evening before. This morning - inexplicably - there is a bottle of nail polish on the coffee table directly in front of my chair. I have not painted my nails in ages. I have no idea why it was there. Weird.

I have been enjoying great success with my family tree research this week, even tracking down and getting a photo of my grandmother's grandmother's, and her grave. I realize none of this matters much to anyone but me - but its kind of like the satisfaction of having a college term paper come together. Remember term papers?

Shaping up to be a lovely albeit chilly and windy day here. I hope we may all find some happiness in it. Love you guys.

Oh so true

Why do people
say "Grow some
balls?" Balls are
weak and
sensitive. If you
really wanna
get tough, grow
a vagina! Those
things take a pounding!--
Betty White

Flex glad to hear James is doing better. Prayers coming your way.

Lilli glad to hear about your mother not having any broken bones. We just went thru that with the MIL. She is 93 and she fell and fractured her pelvis but thankfully she was in rehab for a month and now is back in her own apartment in the assisted living part back on her own two feet walking etc with her walker on wheels.

Everyone else HUGS to all of you.

Question - Are there too many immigrants in Britain ?
17% said ‘yes’ & 11% said ‘no’. The remaining 72% said "I am not understanding the question, please."

On my Census form there is a question "Do you have any dependants?" Apparently putting "Hundreds of Africans, Pakistanis, Somalians, single mums, Romanians, loafers, smack heads & non-English speaking people" isn't the right answer. They've sent my form back.

The cost of living has now gotten so bad that my wife is having sex w/me because she can't afford batteries.

Q: What's the difference between a blonde & a brick? A: The brick doesn't follow you home after you lay it.

Remember the 7 qualities for the perfect girlfriend ... Beautiful, Intelligent, Gentle, Thoughtful, Innocent, Trustworthy, Sensible. Or, in other words … B.I.G.T.I.T.S.

Just been to the gym. They've got a new machine in. Only used it for half an hour, as I started to feel sick. It's great tho. It does everything … Kit Kats, Mars Bars, Snickers, Potato Crisps, the lot."

The thing I love most about this hot weather is the short skirts & low cut tops ... Although they do make me look a bit gay.

Following the tragic death of the Human Cannonball at the Kent Show, a spokesman said, "We'll struggle to get another man of the same caliber."

My son was thrown out of school today for letting a girl in his class give him a hand-job. I said "Son, that's 3 schools this year. You'd better stop before you're banned from teaching altogether."

I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair but, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms w/the whole thing.I converted to Islam, & we're stoning her in the morning.

The wife suggested I get myself one of those penis enlargers … so I did.She's 21, & her name's Lucy.

Went to the pub w/my girlfriend last night. Locals were shouting "pedophile" & other names at me, just because my girlfriend is 21 & I'm 50. It completely spoiled our 10th anniversary

carpet! arrghg! HATE carpet. Gosh jsome - your post takes me back . . .

I have pulled carpet out of every house I've lived in just as soon as i could afford it. I hate cleaning it and my youngest had asthma and allergies.

With Mom early on back at her house we used the 'carpet tiles'.

We'd pulled up the old carpet it was a biohazard from all the poo - for a while when living alone she was using a pasta boiler as a chamber pot to avoid taking 10 steps to the toilet - anyway - the hardwood floor beneath had been covered years before with an asbestos tile (what was Dad thinking???) so we couldn't pull that up.

So I got the carpet tile (special order Home depot) They are interlocking pieces of real carpet and you can't see the lines if put down properly - and you just lay them down - no adhesive - and they stay - and when there is a stain that will not come up - though it cleaned up the same way as regular carpet -you just pull up the tile and replace it with a new piece. Its actually still on the floor at Moms and has held up quite nicely.

I am also a big fan of the colorful interlocking non skid rubber mats. They saved my floor when Mom was in her food throwing stage.

Gah peas to poop in less than an hour...Just in scrubbing up feces pile off the floor..Boyo it is good we didn't out the new carpet down yet,,but really will it matter? the side of the bed coated in urine bits of poop line the bed frame, and now the shit I help scrub that and strip bed, he hasn't been in it in two weeks due to the broken ribs...I help clean up will be washing the poopy laundry later, mom is tired and mad all the time now..she even teased my cat..boy that is pissed for her...Just became a "Wheel Watcher" God let us win some cash, I can't drive and we can't go to Hawaii just the cash....
We clean his bodily waste off the furniture and floors and he is in cackling at Little House looking at little girls in short skirts..God Kill Him Soon Please....
And don't tell me he did it for me when i was a child cause her sure as Hell didn't!

Hope everyone has a good evening and a safe sane Friday..No Guarantees eh....

I spit out the peas too.

cricket - I did use a grannycam with Mom. B&W - this was more of a closed circuit thing that works on same priniciple as an audio monitor. I had the camera set up in a vase of artificial flowers so she wouldn't notice it, and I kept the monitor in my office. Had it focused long range to see Mom if she left the bed for the bathroom so I could hustle down and keep her clean.

In the early days she went to the toilet by herself, but unless I was there to clean her and she make a poo - well - it was just easier to stop whatever I was doing and make sure. It worked fine - I even put it in the bedroom for the rare caretakers I had who stayed over night - though it would kill my eyes if i tried to use it in the middle of the night. Too bright. And also the video quality in the B&W made Mom look kind of creepy and I didn't like that so much. In time I quit using it - preferring the 'baby monitor' overall.
Gloomy day here with the rain and overcast all day. We have tentatively decided to stay put at least until after the new year - its not like BOA is going to send the marshall to throw us out on the street right off - that takes a while. (Maybe ishould sneak out and switch our house number with my nasty neighbor?)

And here it is much more likely for husband to find work that will pay a living wage. So we shall try to keep our spirits up because it can always be worse! We will be OK. I appreciate all your ideas and encouragement and support - and so does my husband who appreciates all of you so very much.

Hey, I love peas...

Hi y'all,

I'm exhausted but wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes. James has been very agitated today so they have had to sedate him more this evening so I came home. He is frustrated that he can't talk. Tonight his blood pressure was dropping again and his heart rate was elevated. They are hoping heavy sedation and little stimulation will help. He is still in critical condition, but overall trending in the right direction.

Lilli, so sorry to hear about mom's fall. I hope she can come home and recover quickly.

Stillstanding, my prayers are with you, dad & mom. I hope hospice can help you with this stage.

I know I haven't read all the posts so please forgive me. Have a good night dear ones and please continue those wonderful prayers. May you all get a good nights rest.

Love ya,

awww Cricket ...
I can't share all my secrets!
But I do use a crock pot to make pet food. Frozen meat, potatoes, carrots, rice, eggs & oatmeall. They spit out the peas so I quit adding them.

Cricket-what happens at the apartment stays at the apartment! We could have a Peter Pan theme party! Tie away! Hugs, Kim

RIP..... what else have you cooked under the flicker of a candle?

I can only imagine what it would be like having a granny cam in Dad's room, it would be information overload. I don't think I would want to see what he does. Probably pick his boogys and ... lol
Anyone used a Granny Cam with a parent before?

Lilli, I'm so glad your Mom didn't break anything. What a relief that must be for you. Tonight get some sleep!

Diane, are you okay? How is James doing?

Jen, I know you're reading.... hugs to you!

Christina.... you are quiet today.

Carolyn, I hope you are having a good day, you to AnnT and Rossella

Kim if I have to bring Dad we are playing Indians like in Peter Pan and I'm tying him up and doing the happy dance. o,O

kimmy - yes it snowed a lit bit here then it stop . i was happy to see that but disapointed that it stop ! sniff , i love snow but i hate the cold .
hubby brought home papa john for supper . yummie .
lili - glad ur mom is ok and no broken bones . :-)
as for nursing home . yep dad had to go there for rehab , they took tried to talk me into keeping him there cuz its just toomuch for me to handle him alone . naw i said he s no trouble at all , rather him home with me so i dont have to wonder if he s ok or if he needs me . tired of drivin there 2 times a day , screw it ,, he s comin home with me , they said oh plz wait another week ! ah ok onemore week and i started to notice things there that i didnt like , was glad that week came realy fast and he was glad too , ah home sweet home theres no place like home .
nobody can give the love to dad the way i could , one time the young cna kept saying i love you dad i thought uh thats not ur dad , she said do u love me ? pa looked at me said yeah , she said i love u more pa said yeah , i though that was stupid of her to be talking like that . ah well whatever he ll be outta there real soon . if he ever has to go back to rehab it wont be at that place . it ll be somewhere eles . hopefuly he wont have to go anywhere .

Cricket , Linda09 and Ksobhie....You are a delight today! Thanks for your lightheartedness.

Kim, I loved the SunChips bag story! Yep, take those precious moments whenever you can get them!

To all of you here, I hope you find a moment of peace and a breath of fresh air to lighten you load Carolyn.

Hi Bee, nice to meet you! The Poconos are beautiful! When my husband and I were younger, we used to vacation there! Many fond memories! Hugs, Kim

Lillliput, glad Mom is recovering with no broken bones. Pfft to the hospital staff!
Stillstanding, so very sorry you've had to make this dreaded call. ((hugs)) and prayers for your family.
195Austin - Bee will do just fine! I live in Western PA, east of Pittsburgh. We live very close to Latrobe which is where Mr Rogers and Arnold Palmer are from. (The Steelers practice on the campus where my hubby works.) I am familiar with the Bethleham area. We have vacationed every spring for the past 11 years in the Poconos and surrounding area.

Barb, the nanny cam or in our case the poppy cam is a great idea! Thanks for bringing it up! I can set some up strategically in the apartment!

I meant stock the fridge!

Cricket-apartment is almost finished! We need to get the floor down! That shouldn't be too hard! Come on over and bring Dad and the dogs and hubby! Linda you can come too! We will keep Cricket in stitches! Bring your Dad along and husband! They can all keep each other occupied while we all have some well deserved fun! They take the house and we get the apartment! :) I'll set up a little bar and stick the fridge! Sounds like a plan to me! Dad has not taken anything else off yet! Nothing shocks me anymore! Just makes me queasy! Need a stronger stomach! Working on it!

Here is something amusing that happened today! I will probably be smiling about it through the weekend! There I was trying to have a serious talk with Dad about using his electric cigarette because he had a burn hole in his sweat pants! He was looking at me really seriously, and then pointed to something and started laughing. I thought once again he is laughing at me! Face was turning red, blood pressure going up, the whole nine yards! I happened to look behind me, and Sophie, one of our little Terriors had a sun chip bag over her head and was walking around aimlessly bumping into things! Right there and then, we both started laughing hysterically! I was almost on the floor! No wonder he was laughing and pointing! Kind of like one of those movies when something serious is going on and then in the background something totally hilarious is happening! For today that made my day, and I will take it! It dawned on me that Dad is like Clousseau and I am like the chief inspector with that twitch in his eye! Comic it and it came today just at the right time! I think Mom had something to do with it! Thanks Mom! :)

Love you all, and I hope for the best outcome for all with serious circumstances confronting them right now! May your heavy burdens get lighter each day! Kim

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