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With the no wait ER's they have small rooms not a few rooms with curtains usually about 30 small room and you do not have to wait in a lobby with people who use the ER for a doc's office with a toenail pain. They tak you right into one of the rooms and you get registered righ there and a nurse come right in to assess the person and everything is done quickly and you only leave that room to go for test and will be discharged from there-it speeds up the process and you do not hang out with sick people and people get attention as needed all 3 hospitals near us do that now

Garcia refers to Hotch as a rocket because she can get information for him quickly. Hotch Rocket=very fast with gathering info. Kind of a funny nick name. Hope this helps!

Help for translation!
I am translating the latest ep of Criminal Minds. In the line
HOTCH (into computer) Garcia, start compiling a list of missing persons (over computer) and crimes in the area.
GARCIA (into computer) Faster than a Hotch Rocket.

What does it mean Garcia's line? Why is it funny? Can you explain to me PLZ?

The window from which we look.

A young couple moves into a new neighbourhood.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast,
The young woman sees her neighbour hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean", she said.
"She doesn't know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbour would hang her wash to dry,
The young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
Nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:
"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this."
Te husband said, "I got up early this morning and
Cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life. What we see when watching others
Depends on the purity of the window through which we look

Hi y'all,

Rossella, I think that is one of the toughest things, knowing what is the right thing to do when you aren't quite sure what the heck is happening to your mom. I eventually took mine to the doc today. He adjusted the dosage of two meds and said she was dehydrated and sending her urine for a culture since her lucosites (spelling) were elevated. I need to get to work tomorrow. I have missed three days and I know next weeks paycheck is going to be pitiful. Oh well, my mom is more important than dollars.
I know there was a lot more I wanted to say, but my brain is fubar'd at this point of the day. Have a good night everyone and I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Love ya,

I am happy to say that after a day out (from 9 am to 6 pm) my mother tonight was tired (!!!!) and wanted to go to bed very soon, which means that at 5 o'clock in the morning she will wake up full of energy. I shall put her in front of the TV hoping that the stove "cooks" her and she goes back to sleep.
She has a lot of pain everywhere poor woman, and I am sure she really suffers. She can't tell us exactly what she feels and we must try to guess, with the help of the doctor! We are lucky we have a very good doctor. But you can't expect a woman of 85 to be healthy as a 20 years old person. And we can't exaggerate with the pain killers because they brought her to the hospital 2 years ago with a beginning of an ulcer. It's so difficult to make the right decisions all the time.

Christina, rehab did the same thing to Dad! They were supposed to keep him for 100 days and told us his stay was up June 14. He just now got a refund from the facility for his part of what Medicare would not pay! He needed more rehab! This place just seemed to want to get him out ASAP no matter what! I don't know what these idiots were thinking! Still mad about that!

I meant if the bathroom didn't have a lock on it! Hehehehehe

Hi everybody, headache is almost gone but it was a duzy! First I had the aura in both eyes! Barb from now on we will be ocular migraine buddies for sure! Don't need any hallucinogenics or anything, just watch the lights! This is the very first time I have had aura in both eyes! Call me Barney Goggle! LOL after the aura stopped, and headache started, I lost my speech! Losing speech has happened to me, but only about five times in the last 16 years! Speech loss was about a half hour! Stupid migraine still lingers, but nothing compared to what it was the past couple of days! No sleep now for over 24 hours! It can leave now any time!

Sorry you have a headache Christina! Crying will sure enough do it to you! Hope you feel better soon! Is your Mom still having pain? Maybe she is having a migraine too! Hard when they can't verbalize! When I was having trouble with my speech and Dad who always has trouble all the time we were just both blah blah blahing at each other! I think we even blahed and argued at the same time! Can't beat em join em I guess at least in that situation! Comical now that I look back at it! Take care of yourself and keep your speech! Love you!

Rosella, I think my Dad is like fortified concrete too! Had surgery in April, back in June walking all over the place! Wish they made those stationary contraptions that people could hang over a door for parents! They could just bounce and have a good old time! An idea.....

Linda, glad your MIL is better! Did you get the UTI checked out? Crappy day out there with all this cold rain! Snow will be on it's way soon! At least it isn't that terrible snow people got up North! Here though it seems like it's been night all day! You are right with Alz one day they seem fine and the next day all puny! Up and down! Don't know what to expect he next one!

Cricket, you got it goin girl! Health issues, recipes, I am proud of you! I will try to share some if my recipes too! Hope your Dad is minding! LOL Dad has been pretty good except for the shadowing! I swear if the bathroom didn't have a door on it, he would be in there too! Sometimes I just have to tell him, cause I might spontaneously combust! I can see the firefighters now talking about just seeing a pair of legs in the chair! LOL Least I am getting my sense of humor back! Thanks for the hug! Love you!

Lilli, thanks for your good vibes! They helped a lot! Wish I had found this site earlier! Found it just in the nick of time I think! So close to going over the edge when I did! Called docs office again today for Dad's results! Never called back! I think he saw dic over two weeks ago! Need to find somebody else! Results will probably come to the door attached to a tortoise! Love you.

Barb, hope your husband gets that job! He would be such a good asset to these companies! Good thoughts your way! Please stay! We need you! Love and many supportive hugs! It will work out!

Jen, hope you are doing ok! I know about those spongy rugs too! Yuck! Dad never ever hits the toilet and never flushes! Huge mess in there every time he comes out! Trail of mess everywhere he goes! Agh! Happy you got to get your pup taken care of! If it wasn't for my furry ones, don't know what we would do! They provide comic relief and understanding! Love to you

Miz, how you doing! Hope a job comes soon and no worries! Love and many positive thoughts to you!

Anne, happy you got some time to yourself! Get it while you can honey! Don't get to have enough good times! Hope your spirits are raised! Love you

Rip, loving the e-mails you send through! Thanks again! The one with the babies had me and my husband laughing so hard! Love to you

Diane, I know how hard it is when you talk about b/f and yours being different! My husband's dad passed with Alz. He is very helpful when he is here, but hours are crazy and doesn't seem to be much us time! Feel alone so much at times! Hannah is a big help, but she has to live her life and I shouldn't expect less! Just very frustrating at times! Hang in there! Think about Dad blah, blah, blahing at each other! LOL Hope your head is feeling better too! Love you

Cuz, hope your back gets better soon! Pitiful they let you go home so hurt! Sad, but some docs just don't care! Rest up! Keep us laughing!

Bobbie, soon you will have everything behind you and going on your voyages! Hope to meet you on one of those trips!

Austin, that is great that there is no wait at the ER. Last time my daughter had to go to a Medcheck on the weekend, she was there for hours. One guy even went into shock after getting stung by bees! Plunk went right out to the floor and they had to call ambulance to take him to ER! Maddening! Hope all is well!

Special thoughts for you Kuli! Take care of yourself! Love and big tight hugs to you!

Hope I got around to everybody! I am thinking of all of you everyday! Welcome and hugs to all new here! It is a haven I don't know what I would do without! Love to all! Chatty Kimmy!

Christina: Just a word of advice about hospice. #1) these ALFs and centers have their own hospice companies. They are either really great or awful. Do not take the directors word for it about hospice. #2) Call other ALFs or get recommendations from friends and family and get another opinion. If the hospice company wants your business, they can find doctors who will help qualify your Mom. No one should be telling you that your Mom will not qualify "over the phone." #3) Your Mom has at least one of the 7 or 8 qualifying conditions for hospice care.

The main thing is to write down all her physical and mental challenges and give it to the doctor who will be assessing her.....even the stuff you think is small. Write everything down. They also look at "decline over the last 12 months." So document all the things that she can no longer do that she could a year ago.

You also have to acknowledge that she is only seeking "pallative (comfort)" care and not anything curative, like chemo, etc.

No, Rosella. Everything is just "within the realm of dementia". I had a long phone conversation the asst. of the owner of care home. I asked about hospice, too--she said my Mother does not fit the criteria for Medicare to approve. She can still make her needs known, she eats 100 %, she is not getting infections (knock on wood). I think an ocular problem would have shown up, and I will have to ask about that.
I am going over there right now, take her for a walk, do the usual. Just "be", I suppose, and not expect too much. They are made of concrete, Rosella Bella, but WE are Bionic:) Ciao, Hugs and Kisses

Christina, so they couldn't explain the pain she had in her eye?

Hi Everyone. Greetings and welcome, CQ.
I seem to have inherited the "headache". Empathy for Diane and Kimbo has gone a bit too far--do you still have yours? Still have the earache, too, but my Nanu-Nanu feet are better. I am accepting moving forward, but still do not like what I am hearing, and my thoughts are too much. Perhaps my brain is struggling to sort out the good from the bad, the necessary from the superfluous. That is my metaphysical interpretation of what is going on.
I called the doctor's office at almost 5 last night since I had not heard from anyone about the ct scan of Mother's head. They had faxed the results to the "facility", and it's the old, "if you don't ask the right question", etc. No signs of bleeding, stroke, or tumor in the brain. Simply Dementia/Alzheimer's. I said, "oh."
I had written a huge post earlier and got called away, forgot my laptop was not plugged in, and lost it all. At least I got it out and you all were not subjected to it.
I had a good cry and have come to acceptance today of more things about life and Mother and my purpose on the planet. I still have that feeling I have been crying for hours, with the headache, and I actually have been. It is not 'black hole' feeling, it is a resigned feeling here, at this moment, but I have much hope for the future. I am coming to terms. Sometimes it takes a while.
I am venting right now, getting it all out, expelling, exhaling.
When I come back later, I will be in an absorbing and observing mode again. I shall take in what you all are saying, expressing, needing. One can not inhale and exhale simultaneously. There is a time for each action.
CQ: there is a reason for everything. Take heart. It will be clear to you.
Hugs and much love to all my girlfriends, St Cuz, oldies, newbies, even drive-bys.
Drive-bys need hugs, too. Maybe more than they know:) Love, Christina xoxo

Roselle, you made me laugh! "reinforced concrete" indeed.

I commented somewhere else that my Mom's nickname as a kid was "Muley Murray". That about sums it up. She's not doing anything without a fight! Not even the fun stuff. I want to bring her to visit for a week at my home but she's worried the "kids" will be worried about her. Besides, who will make their dinner? (for those of you who don't know, these kids are Mom's hallucinations)

On a personal note, I took a hard knock yesterday. I learned my special lens (not a contact lens, a scleral lens) has not been ordered. This lense will, they promise, make it possible for me to read and drive again.

I had an appointment scheduled for next week to get the lens. Now I have to wait another month or more.

I feel deflated.

Diane, when my mother complains she doesn't feel well and she feels very tired, very often it is because of osteoporosis. It seems it is a constant and very bad pain that you feel everywhere and you don't know exactly where you hurt. You hurt everywhere. Just an idea!

p.s. cqfollansbee - welcome ! yep i agree with ya about begin messy eater . tons of napkins plz . tuck a towel around the neck and cover my plate in case pa doesnt cough his head off with mouth full of food . food goes flyin and lands where ever , ewwwwwwwwww . yikes !!! :-o

love you too cricket !
just got back from town . drivin in the rain , watching the leaves falling off the trees . wow . glad i took my morning nap . wasnt ready to wake up but i had to so i got my nap in and now i feel like another one ! gloomy weather is always good sleeping weather .
came home and my house smells like brownies , yep my sis made brownies , straight from the box . yummie ,. i think panacake , bacon , fry taters , eggs shall be for supper , feeling like bfast . fill up all our tummies and maybe we ll take a nap again . woooo .
wheres christina ?
lilli- big howdy to you too . yep love begin on bobbie s thread . shes a wonderful person . has a big heart just like us all .
i best start folding laundry , phht it gets old after while . been doing that almost all my life . anybody wanna be my maid ? il feed u bfast oh wait a min u feed me bfast lalala .
love ya folks xoxo

What great ideas Barb! I've used the mirrors you're talking about but haven't heard of the life hammers. Sounds like something for all my family drivers. Thanks. xxoo

Just returned from taking my husband to the train and its hard to type with everything crossed . . .
I want to share a safety tip/practical and cheap hoilday gift idea. I do a lot of freeway driving lately and it can be unnerving (especially in the dark, rain, goats running out in front of your car, etc).

Stopped at an auto parts place just now and purchased two 'blind spot' mirrors that go on the exterior rear views (I drive a Camry but they'll go on any vehicle). Each was less than $3 - took me 10 seconds to install and wow what a difference! Should have done this yrs ago - and I will definitely be buying these for my daughters and their sweeties for Christmas. Cheap and practical.

Last year my loved ones received the keychain "life hammers". This hammer is made to break window auto glass and also comes with a secure cutting tool to cut seatbelts off in case one is trapped in their car. They are $15 each but still a bargain - and I made a point of noticing during the funeral time that all my kids and their husbands had theirs on their keychains almost a year later! So yea - I just wanted to pass these ideas on.

I'll be darned, a cat that eats butter. Are they sharing the butter, Kelly? lol

I hadn't thought much about this topic, but come to think of it, it grosses me (and my hubby) out to eat with mom. She loads her mouth and then talks. No wonder she always needs 4 or 5 napkins!

Yep, laughter is the best medicine.

thanks Diane :)

Hey Y'all,
I posted the link on the FB page. It's half through but may be worth while still.

195Austin: what are "no wait" ERs? Sounds like heaven. How are they work? Can't imagine not sitting in the waiting room forever.

Rosella: that gave me a chuckle when you wrote that your Mom is made of "reinforced concrete." I know what you mean. My Mom may look fragile but she is tougher than my terrier.

Cricket: thanks for being proactive by starting the health, recipe, and affirmations threads. It is okay to vent, but we need to start making smart decisions about our own health and well-being.

I have spent the last two days dealing with a wackadoodle nurse at my Mom's ALF. (Aren't these people there to help??) It is hard enough to handle all the caregiver stuff without having to deal with this head case. Geezzz....wouldn't it be nice if some surprises were good ones?

Remember boundaries today. It was the first important lesson I learned when I arrived in this forum exactly 2 years ago. And that's how I met our Cap'n Bobbie...she talked me down from the ledge on many occasions (and also many others who are absent here now, but I hope they are checking in once and awhile.)

Linda, Diane, annt, hoping the days get a little lighter for you. And to everyone else I am sending a big HOWDY.

Diane, can you post the link at the official page of the barbara b on facebook? Don't let your Mother be the death of you! I get what your saying though and it made me chuckle cause that's how I feel about my dad sometimes to. It's the same experience! I think Linda said it best when she said..

"flex i think dementia elders do that , not feeling good then feeling good then act like theyre dying then bam theyre all smiles , sleep alot then dont sleep for few days blahblah"

LMAO! No one says it better than Linda! Love you Linda!

Barb, having Cuz move your house, hallarious!! I'm glad you shared your recipe also :)

Cuz you are a Saint! You are a true blue guy. I am proud to know you at least here :)

flex - what did u posted ? wonder why they did that for ? did u type email addy or what ? did u say a bad word ? well hell ! what a day to start out .

pa s looking good today . flex i think dementia elders do that , not feeling good then feeling good then act like theyre dying then bam theyre all smiles , sleep alot then dont sleep for few days blahblah . theyre strange in health wise .

suppose to rain today havent seen any yet . must be slow movin clouds . saw the sun peeking thru the hole and now it is gone ,

meowed at bobbie earlier , she says to tell you all hi ! still busy with the house . hope soon she be done so she can kick back and start a new road for her .
how s kuli ?
ssk missing you ...
still standing . missin u too . annegirl . where is our missing folks ? thinking of u all .. miz hows yous today ?
guess i shall start doing something around here but what ? dont feel like doing anythang . laundry maybe ? of course that never ends ,
you all have a good day .
kimmy ! hows ur head colds ? annt you too ?
went to give my granddaughter her bday present last night . she was happy camper ! got her underwears socks and a nice outfit . and cookies , she loved it !

bye bye you all . meow later xoxo

I see they removed the link I posted. They're quick when they want to be.

Good morning yall,

Mom is still feeling terrible but her sugar is good, no fever, BP is good, eating well, no signs of bleeding, what else can I check? She has no signs of a stroke or heart attack yet she says she feels so weak. I was supposed to go to a dementia symposium today, but again she doesn't want me to leave her. At least there is a live stream online I can watch. Maybe I should post the website and you could check it out too. Hopefully they won't remove it. Oh well, if anyone has any other suggestions other than the ER, let me know.

Have a good day,

Hi everyone Flex hope Mom is better-we have no wait ER's here -big improvement -less chance of picking up illnesses Linda glad MIL is better. CT got hit bad with snowstorm-schools out all week Welcome Donnarae

Yesterday Daniela (my helper) and I went to Viterbo, a nearby town, because I had some bureaucracy stuff to do. And of course we took my mother with us. We left at 9 a.m. and we came home at 3 pm and when we arrived home (and Daniela and I were tired as hell) my mother asked: "When are we going out for a ride?" I swear, that woman is made of reinforced concrete and she will kill me.

Cuz I'm thinking about moving my house to Georgia. Now its a townhouse and right in the middle of the complex so its not going to be an easy job especially considering I'd also like to take my view along - but would you come take a look once your back gets better - cause I think you're the man who could get it done!

Hugs right back to you. Feel better!

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