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Neighbor asked if I would get rid of a broken concrete wall that was around 20' long and 2' high. 2 pickup loads later and 140 miles on my pickup its all gone. My kid wanted it delivered to his house. Thank goodness I have 3/4 ton pickup cause I had close to 2000# of broken concrete on her both times. Now the back really hurts but I vowed never to try the heat patch again cause now when shirt pulls out of the back of my pants the bare spot gets colder than h----. I hope it grows back faster than the top of my head cause that hasn't seen hair in yrs.
Linda I hope mil is ok. got everyone on the prayer list.
ps Cristina back in 71 I roll a stake truck over and landed on the radio that was mounted in the ceiling. That is what did me in. Didn't find out about the broken lobe or the 5 busted ribs until I saw my regular dr. 3 days after the crash. The hospital I went to the morning of the crash just sent me home and said take a hot bath. That swelled me up so bad that we had to have the neighbors 20 yr old son lift me out of the tub cause I couldn't move. So that is my story but nothin like the stuff you gals go thru every day. Hugs to all of ya

Evening ladies and St Cuz.

Hello Donnarae - my wish for you is that granny never gets bad!

I finally my grandfathers mother! She had been living in Florida under a weird spelling of her name, and she died (at home) in 1950. May sound odd but it gives me some closure putting another branch of the family tree in its place.

Nothing new here. I am driving husband to the train in the morning, after cutting his hair (been doing that for years) and spit shining his shoes (I have always done that - military upbringing and all. He grew up on a farm and still thinks his shoes are OK a bit dusty)

I LOVE the idea of a wraparound porch - always wanted one - and ideally the house would be large enough to have a room or two available for caregivers needing a place to respite. And a boat dock for the captain.

Thinking of you all. Happy thoughts. All love

Some of these comments are too funny! Thank God granny (that's what I call her, even though she is not my granny) is not that bad yet!

Cricket, you are a better, uh, insect than I, for starting the recipe thread. I have wanted to do it, but cannot focus long enough to get it together. But, I have plenty of recipes!! Whoo Hoo!! Do they have to be healthy? haha just kidding. I think that will be fun and the possibilities are endless. Take chicken, for example... xoxo.

Linda that infection is draining your energy :( Said my prayers for your family!
Barb, a big farmhouse with a wrap around porch sounds heavenly to me! If I end up as the sole survivor count me in! Barb, people are so inconsiderate and judgmental and your reaction made me laugh. We all have our flaws don't we. Once about a year ago my SIL and I went to the movies and the ticket person was giving senior citizens discount's because most were seniors and when they got to us the person says.. two more senior tickets that'll be.... and I lit up like a Christmas tree and went right along with it because I knew that meant we were getting in CHEAPER while my SIL had a scowl on her face. Sometimes it's all about how we frame our thinking, but then again there are times when it just hits us all wrong and it makes us crabby!
Jen, you constantly amaze me. I love how honest you are with your feelings. Maybe somehow you will get some help with FP if his condition is worsening? Pee drenched rug! Before we moved my Dad in I had fixed up his room and put a beautiful antique rug in there, big mistake. :(
Diane, I am thinking maybe if it's doable you could set some kind of regular weekly time to just go away with the BF for a day, maybe corporate in into your respite time? Who knows maybe he would help you accomplish this? Maybe just go hang out at his place... Sorry you had such a rough night last night. I hope it gets better sooner than later.
Ann, you are in my prayers. My heart goes out to you also!
Christina, you are an incredible person and I love your posts!
Cuz, your support here is immeasurable! Just don't take all that pain and stuff it into your body. I hope your back starts feeling better soon.
Kimmie, sorry you are having the headaches! It's probably stress :( or maybe you should keep a headache diary and write down what you ate or what you were doing an hour or two before the headaches start to see if there is any pattern to what triggers them? I am all for being our own health advocate since there are so many differences in treatments and opinions available.
Well I still have a few minutes before I have to get busy with everyone else so I am going to go start a new thread for all of us to Post our favorite recipes. Love you all!

christina - love ur moms picture ! and ur food sounds yummie ! made my mouth watered .
mariesmom - wish ur hubby the best wishes on him gettin the job , thanksgiving , ill have christina do all the cooking ! yummie ...
mom is home now . didnt hear about the cat scan , but heard that she does have uti and it interact with her sleeping pills . so all is good now . thank u jesus ...
hubby was so sick to his tummy worried over his mom . he finaly left about 9 to go to work late , boss already knew about it at 2 am so he s safe ...
ive been runnin around in circles and done nothing yet . i did the dishes at 3 am and guess what theyre all back in the sink again ., what the hell .
feeling like a nappy poo but nope cant do that .
flex - its a good idea just to stay home and cook ur own lit meal for ur mom and boyfriend maybe ? hope u and ur boyfriend work things out , maybe he sees that ure so depressed and givin u room to grief ? yep half zannie sounds good . maybe a whole one while u cook up a thanksgiving ,. crank some of ur fav music and jam thru the kitchen with white socks slip and slide all overthe floor . fa lalala .
my kitchen floor used to make me slide around but doesnt anymore . think i need to realy wash the floor realy good and put a shine to it . phhht dont wanna do that either . oh gosh where has my enegry gone to ?
ok slavery time here and i best start movin my hindend around ,
austin i am happy that ur power is still runnin . stay warm my dear .

Haha!! Barb! I get women younger than I freaking when I tell them I'm 60, because I look much younger-- like you-!! WhooHoo!!! If I could just lose these extra stress/wine pounds, which I'm working on-- trying to say,"I love you", when I look in mirror, but it is not working--yet. I noticed a new grey streak this morning, and I'm not surprised.
Anyway, YOU are Gorgeous, and you know it. Heehee

christina - I correct my sideways pics by importing them to my photo program (I use picasa 3 and/or photosscape - both free) where I can flip them, then I save them again.

St Cuz - I like that!

Went to Kohls and bought a new shirt and tie and socks and underwear for my husband to wear on his very important interview tomorrow - in the check out line the man behind me asked if it was senior discount day and the checker said yes it was - and then looked at me and asked if I was over 60.

Before I could reply she quickly said "Oh of course you're not - what a stupid question - you don't look anywhere near 60."

So of course, being 55, its all I've been able to think about since. I 'did' my hair and my face before I subjected the public at large tyo my hideousness, so I looked as good as I look on a Wednesday morning at Kohls.

What a moron - I should have glanced at her stomach and asked when her baby was due. . .

That's my Mother last year around this time. I wish she still had the awareness and ability she had then. And I thought it was difficult. It was, but now she is not walking and barely talking. The doctor has not called yet with ct scan results, but I am hoping he will soon.
(When I am choosing photos from my files and select for icon, they are sideways. Some I cannot seem to correct--what do I do? Techno dummy.)

Morning everyone
II wondered why I did not hear from my friend in Connecticutt. Power is out.
Diane, the smooth look does not last that long and it is achieved with much pain. Hubby had his back waxed in a foreign country and he suffered for months. I don't think you are supposed to wax BEARS. Well, Cuz, you are a Saint in the making: suffering for 40 years and hanging out with care Givers. Maybe I'll call you St. Cuz. Bless you.
Have to work today, don't have much to say that is earth shattering, so
I'll be a dragonfly and just wish you all much love and peace, healing and healthy choices. Still wondering about Ted and maybe Rip will let us know. Rosella: my icon is Sanura sitting on chair with a Laurel Burch pillow. She started owning that chair when I placed the pillow. Too bad your cats are not skitish like my one and only. If I look at her she jumps. Then you would have your very own chair:) KimBo: hope your migraine is better, Diane: I don't get headaches, except when weather changes, and I have had one for 2 days. Empathy? So far today I have had 2 egg whites and half a banana. Having neighbor that moved and her Mom from MN over for lunch. Making a curried chicken salad- chicken breast, grapes, celery, pineapple, water chestnuts and slivered almonds. Dressing is half mayo/sour cream, soy sauce and curry powder. Great flavors and many textures.
Captain, I miss you mucho:( tearful hugs. Have a good day everyone. Love, xo

Good morning everyone,

Beautiful sunny morning and chilly for us in SC. Mom has been having her bad spells all night. I finally got to bed at 3am and was up at 6am again. She doesn't want me to leave her even though the caregiver is here. I called the docs office and I'm waiting to hear back from them. I think it is the antibiotic that she is on for 30 days that is throwing her for a loop. I check her temp, BP, sugar and everything is okay. Coloring is good. I think the doc is going to tell me to take her to the ER. I hate going to the ER which I consider a den of disease. God knows what we will both get there. Oh well, such is life.

Thanksgiving will be different this year for me too Barb. For the first time since 1966, I won't have all my family around for the holiday. I sent the family an email to see if they would at least invite mom to have dinner with the family, but no one has responded. Mom and I will just have to fix a nice dinner for the two of us.

Linda I hope you and hubby get good news about his mother. I'll keep you in my prayers. Cuz, your wife might like that smooth look, so watch out!

Have as good a day possible my dear friends.

Love ya,

cristina in '71 I was married for 2 yrs already, had 1 kid and another on the way. Remember last night I posted that I had 2 of those heat patches on my lower back. Well this morning I had the wife pull them off....... I now no what it feels like to have a bikini wax cause there isn't a hair left in a 6" square spot on my back. Holy cow that hurt. This might be the ultimate laugh for the day.
lov ya all Cuz

christina - "I want to mertalize Ma!" post not a typo - I think it was ESOL post wherein Mom sounds like she is in danger but perhaps I overreacted?

linda - hate those 2am calls. Hope you get good news re your MIL.
cuz - your empathy re back pains is endearing - but you take care of yourself! We need you!

What a glorious morning here. Mist hangs over the valley and the sun crazy red rising up over the mountains. Husband left at 530 for an appt in Philadelphia.

Hoping to Skype with my baby girl today.

Three weeks from tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are supposed to spend it with my sister in Detroit but may not be able to if husband gets the **RP job, That'll be OK, too. Hopefully there will be many more. I have so many lovely Thanksgiving memories - one in Manhattan with my youngest daughter (she's with me in my profile pic) where we had a fabulous dinner at a Greek diner followed by a Broadway show 'Equus' with Daniel Radcliff.

Speaking of Harry Potter I just finished reading - again - all the Harry Potter books and shall now shift back to science/history. My genealogical research has stirred some interest in how the widows and orphans (in such vast numbers with entire rural communities left without their men) coped.

I hope everyone has a good day. Hope everyone gets their power back! You are all in my thoughts.

Hi everyone it is still a mess around here -trees and wires down all over many people very upset about not having power but the companies are working as fast as they can and bringing in people from other parts of the country to help-we were lucky this time.

hubby woke me up at 2 am . said his bro called said that mom is going to the hospital . theyre runnin cat scan on her to see if she had a stroke . he said he gave her sleeping pill and her legs went jello and didnt look right at all . called 911 . hubby s laying in bed waiting for bro to call him back . not going to work today he says , it takes about 1 and half hr drive up to moms , maybe 2 hrs to hospital . bro told him to wait till he calls him back with cat scan result . prayers plz ....
annt- thats why we have parties here so i can be around my love ones and my friends and have a blast , since i cant get out much , have a partay ! . fried turkey sure sounds good . had that one year for thanksgiving in fla along with frog legs oh my lord it was wonderful ! had it outside ! and it was warm too . here indiana was cold and mirrisable , lucky we got away from that .
jen - thanks for warning me about bladder infection , i shall call my dr today and tell her maybe she ll prescribe antibodi , or something i need for it . i cant afford t o be sick while my mil is in the hospital .
yes the nurse discharged dad , says he is well and no longer need home health care . nurse told m that i have done a great job to care for dad and that dad is very lucky he has me . i told her thank you that made me feel better . i dont care cuz i dont want these people comin and going begin around so many illness and then walk in my dad s room . fear they ll polute him with germs .
jen- ur FP sounds like he s going down hill , many hugs to you dear ,,,
i checked on pa about 230 , he laid there awake , i went to talk to him and tld him about mil . i changed him and he said im hungry i laugh said oh at 3 in the morning , he was shocked its 3 am , i tld him ill go fix ur bfast and let u eat cuz u didnt eat all ur supper , he was happy camper ate his bfast , now he s sleeping like a baby .
ill keep u guys update on what eles i hear ok . love ya all ! xoxo

-88 to the 20.000 post!

The cats have occupied all the chairs because they gather as close as possible to the stove. I sit on the edge of one of the chairs occupied by cats. My back is hurting, too! I am asking to myself which was the last day I really had a rest. I can't remember. Maybe last year when I had a fever and I slept all day long for 2 days! I know it's the same for all of you.
54J, I am so sorry for your situation right now... It must be hard.
Kuli, I don't know what to say... Maybe, one day at a time?
Barb please continue writing, if you wish. As Linda says, it's useful to know what there is at the other side of the trench, and besides, one makes friends here and one is sorry if they disappear.
Ann, I am happy for your "crazy" day. And I hope your turkey party will be alright. About the lady who fainted and you helped her, I wonder how many old people live alone when they shouldn't and they drive their car even if they shouldn't, and they are dangerous for themselves and the other people. I also know that it is very very difficult to convince an old person that he/she is no more self-sufficient, and convince him/her to accept help... It took me more than 1 year, with my mother. Luckily, she didn't drive...

1971?! Cuz, you were in jr high then? What did you do to hurt yourself?
Well, thank you for your jokes and being a great mascot. WhooHoo!
Barb: "mertalize"? Huh? Do you mean "mental" or "immortalize". Are we referring to stuck elevator or chandelier with dimmer switch override? Hmmmmm?
Going to beddybye. Pleasant Dreams, Y'all, love, Christina xo

If I could take your back pains away I think I could manage for a couple of more years anyway. That should get ya all laughing right?

Take care of yourself Cuz. We need you and your laughter!

hey gals thought I would pop in and say that your not alone with the bad backs. I broke a lobe off the lower end by the belt back in '71 and have been living with it since then. It hurts everyday but life goes on. I kind of do things I shouldn't but I like helping others so today I raked to big yards and ended up with a pile of leaves that is about 15' long and 6' wide and about 6' high. I've got 2 of the stick on heating pads on my lower back as we speak. I know that I have simpathy pains for each of you and I try to think that I am taking all your pains away so that you can feel better each day. If I can't get up tommorro then I know that all of you are feeling better. Does that sound good. I hope so. What I do is think happy thoughts and dreaming how I used to work out with weights that were twice as heavy as I was. Now I try to figure how to knock something apart to make it lighter cause this old man can't do what he used to do. I thought I would have some jokes for ya tonight but nobody was on e-mail tonight. I will hopefully have some for ya tommorro. Hugs to ya all

If anyone's still up and wants to respond to the "i want to mertalize Ma" thread. I did but may have overreacted but I don't think so. It scared me a bit.

Ann- you poor thing! No good deed goes unpunished!!! Wish i could be there for the turkey fry - yum yum! And what religion doesn't recognize Turkey day? never heard that.

I MUST go to bed up at 5 to see hubby out the door to a job in Philadelphia . . .
Love you guys - see you in the a.m.

Ann, I am so happy you got out today and it's motivation to know you will have a day to yourself on Monday. I have no relief in sight right now so my get up and go, got up and went. I know your religion does not celebrate "holidays" but you do celebrate life and that is what is important. Try take care of your back. I have had a bad back since I was in my 20's and it has only gotten worse with pulling and tugging on mom. Im hogging the thread tonight it looks like. Sorry. Have a good night

Just checking in briefly. Yesterday was extremely bad for me. I cried all day and when David called that afternoon he decided to come on home. He told me to take the day off today and I did. I went shopping with my friend and we didn't get home til 9pm. We had a great time. i'm just not getting out enought. A friend offered to come Monday and watch mom so I'm going to get out then too.

This week end we are having a bonfire and turkey fry. I'll buy 3 turkeys and we'll fry them and we have a lot of people invited who will bring a covered dish. I haven't done this in a while. Since we don't do any of the holidays, we have to make good use of other times to get the family and friends together just to celebrate life. We try hard to be thankful every day so don't need the government or religion to tell us when to be thankful. I know....I'm different, but that's what makes life interesting. We would be bored if we were all the same.
While my friend and I were shopping an elderly lady passed out. I tried to catch her and got kicked in the head knocking my glasses across the floor. Her blood sugar was high and her bp was low. We happened to have some glucose tablets on us since my friend is also diabetic. But she also had pain in her left arm so ambulance came and took her to hosp. I looked in her purse and got her daughter's phone no. and called her. Told her what was going on. What a shame. That lady has had three episodes this year and continues to live alone and drive and go shopping. She was so grateful for our help. It made me feel good to help her.
I spent too much money, but oh well. Everything was 20% off and then a senior discount so I got some good deals. We laughed and laughed and sang oldies in the car. Had lunch at Ryan's. Such a great day!!! When I got home, Mama acted like I had been gone three weeks. But I could handle it well. My batteries were recharged.
Sorry about the headaches Kim and Diane. I know the pain of a migraine. Never had an ocular one tho.
My back in terrible. I was limping all day and taking pain meds. I really don't know what I'm going to do about this. I've got to stop picking mama up. She is going to have to do more for herself. Or it's going to be a home for her.

I love reading all your posts. Funny ladies! Maxine, you Rock! I love it that I can tease you and you take it so well and dish it back. You too Linda. So much of what I say is just kidding, I hope none of you take me too seriously and get any feelings hurt. I love to joke around. That is when I'm not whining. Pendulum swings widely.

Love you all. Have a good nite. I check back in tomorrow.

Christina, I got your emial and decided to just post my answers here I'm too tired to write twice. Thanks for thinking of me. Love you. Rip I'm loving your emails thanks. I'm gonna go check out the Nutrition thread right now. Way to go Cricket!

Barb, my b/f is always there to support me, but he and I work opposite hours and we don't get to see each other during the week. He used to come over on Saturday and stay at the house withe me (and mom) until Monday morning. Now he only visits a few hours on Saturday and maybe an hour on Sunday. He still continues to support me and my decision to care for mom at home. But the fact we spend so little time together tells me a lot. I ask him, but he says we will take it one day at a time. Your daughter is lucky she had an understanding man in her life.. Mine is too, but human. I really can't blame him.

not your "ella" I meant your fella!

Diane - Mom never really 'did' a bedtime. I'd go through the motions of bedtime, turn off music, dim the lights, tuck her in, etc - but her dementia didn't understand it. After the first 6 mos or so I began shutting my door and turning the fan up to high so I wouldn't hear her - and the neighbors were on alert that they were to call me any hour of the day or night if she distrurbed them (thank goodness they never called) - but it was the only way the rest of us could get any sleep.
-- I meant to comment on what you said about the bf possibly deciding he's had enough. I'm sorry. I get it and I know you do too. How my daughter - who had Mom at her home for 3 1/2 yrs before I took her - managed to fall in love, get pregnant, and then get married - is beyond me. Her boyfriend (now husband) had a grandma with Alz who lived in his home as a child though - so he understood very well what it was like, and was an incredible, wonderful help throughout. (he was the one who threw a housekey in at moms burial in case she ever needed to come home, (creepy but sweet). I think he was overtired.. . maybe just confront your ella - put your cards on the table - insist he speak his mind?

Well, I will sign up, but with my luck, I will have Barnacle Bill the Sailor stuck to me, but not Fire Captain Bill-- oh yuck, No. I do like being alone, spent my entire childhood alone, alone again, naturally, but I became so indispensable to my created family, that I would have to run away and pretend to have amnesia. My name? Uh, don't know. My address, um, would a post office box be sufficient?
I could stop by occasionally to cook, and have a margarita, and scrape barnacles of the Barbara B. After someone helps get Barnacle Bill off of me. I will donate him to our Maxine. Isn't that NICE?!?!
Ok--I'm in. No matter What! Xoxo (Thanks, Barb:)

Barb, I have never been further north on the gulf than Tampa, FL. I hear Destin, Pensacola, Biloxi are beautiful. I lived in Miami, FL for 37 years. South Beach has awesome people watching but very very expensive. I have to admit when I worked with the airline I would go to Grand Cayman when I wanted quality beach time. But then again, super expensive. I haven't checked out the NC Outer Banks yet either. There is so much in the US I haven't explored yet. I knew I wouldn't work for an airline forever so I took advantage of my flight priveleges to visit other countries. We might have to do some exploring!

Just put mom to bed and hopefully she won't call me in the next few minutes to complain some more. What is it that makes her so damned difficult at bedtime. I credit the Requip with some of it, but no matter what I do, she is always bitchy at bedtime. She always seems to expect me to be a freaking super hero and be able to lay her down in the bed perfectly straight, yet when I go to straighten her she complains I'm hurting her. I physically cannot pick her up at one time and lay her straight like she wants. Is this code for something else I'm not figuring out? I get so frustrated and hurt by her anger every night. I know, don't take it personally.

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