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Diane - yea!

I just threw South Beach out as a place cause I'm a "Birdcage" fan - but south Florida is actually a bit too south for me.

For warm places I prefer the gulf coast - great people, laid back, prettiest beaches in N America and cheaper than the other places - plus just a short trip to Nawlin's for gumbo, Gulfport/Biloxi for gambling (I don't gamble but people like to go) - or Atlanta for everything else! But I'm wide open. Where's your favorite place?

Barb, I'll sign up! I know I will be alone when I get older. My family has already deserted me and who knows if the b/f will survive this caregiving crap much longer. He doesn't complain but I feel and see the changes in our relationship. Can we choose somewhere other than South Beach though?

Kim - we are occular migraine buddies! Both eyes! Wow. I can't remember now if mine comes in one or both . . . but they are way cool, as visual disturbances go.

OMG Christina your post made me laugh - and all of your posts made my smile. Just feeling the limbo of uncertainty combined with all 3 daughters not needing me (right now0 either for the moment! Thank you. Hopefully husband will get the job offer this week - the interview he today was not worth the price of his gas their and back but i knew that would be the case), and then I can find something productive to do - knowingt whether we will be here or there is the reason I am 'stuck' at present.

I have my husband watching reruns of Sex and the City and its so fun to see his reaction to the girls and their exploits. I identify most with carrie in this show, and with Dorothy of the Golden Girls.

Speaking of Golden Girls - I always had the idea in my head that when I got 'older; and found myself alone, I would live with girlfriends in a big house some place warm - just as the Golden Girls did. We would have one another for company, and support, and could take care of one another and take turns making the Margaritas. Strength and security in numbers and all that.

When Mom got older and was alone she never wanted anyone around - she even ran off her sister in law (who was a wonderful person) because she didn't like having her around at lunchtime and having to share a sandwich or a can of soup! (And Mom could more than afford to share).I never want to be like that. I want/need people around to 'witness' my life - if not what is the point?

So - who wants to sign up? We can pool our funds when the time comes and get a lovely condo in South Beach and sit on the veranda people-watching and getting bombed. Any takers? OH and of course Bobby would have to take us out on the boat - and we mateys could hoist the sail and scrub the decks and I write really great petry should we need a burial at sea . . .

Hi y'all,
Sitting here watching Dancing with the Stars. The headache is finally manageable. I spent the money to have a caregiver for mom from 8a-6pm just so I could get some rest and take care of me for a change. I may regret the decision after my next paycheck, but I couldn't function today. I hope we will all have a restful night and not too many interuptions.
Love to you all,

Hope everyone is OK, Linda definitely get the bladder issue checked out, you don't want it going to your kidneys...deeper in the trenches here...He choked again at ADH, they said get him to a specialist. He is dropping to a new and increased level of care is all I think. He is older and weaker and needs more care now. I heard mom and saw her helping him wash off in his room, she is now changing him more or less like a baby only standing up...Yeah your daughter is now wiping your ass, and you still want to keep on breathing, God Why!? When does this end?
Got about 45 Trick or Treaters. Was very quiet by 9 PM school night and cold, but nothing like the mess on the East Coast!
Did the shopping, spent a lot more than usual as we had to get medical and staples and A RUG TO REPLACE THE SPONGE IN FP ROOM!!!!Imagine and brand new rug, I will now take bets on how many minutes it takes to get soaked with urine...
I made a half batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch the same time miz and I ruined em..Not enough flour, you can use em as laxatives!
Fun at Walmart three kids said either at near or to me..."Why are you so big, is she so big, she is so big..." God people, I am not your kids live version of Americas Biggest Loser. You gonna let that go when it is why are they Black, walking funny or short? What ever...November money gone before I had it...Finally got Monty's meds and food...$126.00 bucks I do not have...Great Great...

Hope the rest of this week goes Ok for everyone...What ever that means where you are.....

Kim and Diane: so sorry you get headaches:( Here is an affirmation I found to help migraine sufferers:
"I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. I LOVE LIFE!"

Since I found the affirmation site, I have been saying the one for my feet, my ears, my skin and for emotional eating--aren't I a MESS?! Whoo Hoo!!!
I have not craved sugar or eaten any for several days. Next, maybe I should give up wine at night. Boo Hiss. Well, I will if I have to.
Cheers, anyway!!!

Have been having ocular migraine in both eyes today! Unfortunately I am now the unhappy recipient of migraine pain! Never had the visual disturbance in both eyes before! :( Just wanted to check in! Diane, I think it is all stress related! Hope your headache is better! Love you all! Kim

MariesMom: I finally read your post from this morning on my laptop. I was not very thorough this morning reading on my iPhone--I need the next prescription up on my one contact lens for monovision.
I think you need to contribute money to all of us. I could really use some right now. I am not sure about anyone else. Does that sound good? Or, you could go around the country giving respite to long-suffering care givers, a week at a time. Other than that, I just like to read your clever and well-written posts. And I know you are very smart and can see my tongue in my cheek:) LY xo Christina

Marie's Mom give yourself time you will find something that you will do in time-I donate crocheted items to two differest groups for nursing home residents and when I visit my friend in one N.H. I say hello to others I pass there are so many groups that need volunteer's and with your experience you will be a help to others and more important your experiences here will help so much and we here NEED you as a friend so please come here as often as you can we need you girlfriend.

I am there, too, and like Diane, my nights used to be interrupted many times most of the last year. I think our general age group--different stages of menopause--adds to the dimension of our experience.
Got back from Mother's-- I pushed her for a 2 mile walk, up hills, down and around, and she feels every sidewalk crack and exclaims "oh NO!" At one point she said, while hanging onto her hat, "I don't like college pie". We both laughed. I told her I would not give her any, just See's candy. ( I can say that on this
thread). Heehee!
LindaHeart, I worry about you and hope you are doing good things for your
BOD!!! Maybe cranberry pills?
54j: warm hugs and Blessings to you. Thank you for checking in with us:)
Ann, thinking of you and sending healing hugs to your back.
Love all you girls. Ttyl. Going for my own walk now-- my feet are getting better, btw. I think the one cortisone shot helped both feet, but I am also working on my thinking and attitude, because as we all know, the body follows the mind. Xoxo

Back for a break in my day. Linda that does sound like a bladder infection :(

Barb, just your continuing to be here is such a blessing and you have much experience to share with others. However the most important part of being here is support and friendship no matter what life challenges we face. In my opinion this would be the best forum for discussing any of life's challenges because of the quality of women that are here. Us women who are seasoned with life have much to offer each other. Also I feel like the friendships we build here are based on love, compassion and trust and no judgments which is huge in my book.
Christina, sharing healthy recipes would be great :) I sort of kicked off the thread with a deeper subject about emotional eating which might not appeal to the general idea of good nutrition but it's where I'm at right now so I wanted to share that. I am hoping that others will also post some of the ways they've been able to get good nutrition into the ones they care for like the different drinks and why because illness can be impacted greatly on nutritional factors like Hydration, proteins etc.
Kuli, I am here for you to. I hope your days goes well and you let us know how it turned out.
Linda, does that mean that the nurses are going to stop helping you all together? I'd hate to see you lose the help, although I understand how you felt about the aide showing up with a cold!! Why do they allow that? Huff!
Diane, Being up during the night and not getting enough proper sleep is so stressful and exhausting for our bodies. You sound like you have such a positive attitude right now in spite of it! Try to get some fresh air and rest as often as you can.
J54, I to was also touched when you said you just crawled in bed with your husband. I really believe that the human touch is extremely powerful! Of course I'm not saying we all go crawl in bed with our fathers! Hah! But just a light hug or touch says so much. Well enough blabbing from me for awhile. It is a beautiful day here to with warm breezes. Love you all! Cricket

Love you, LindaHeart:) xo

Hi again! I was thinking of Ted a lot last night and this morning. I started writing last post and did not post it until I got over to Mother's. An hour late cuz of unexpected calls. Barb, I think it's just good to keep in touch-- as you move the jig saw pieces around, you start finding the ones you need. You need us right now, we need you:) sometimes I have nothing to say either, but it's life. We are sharing and supporting each other, no matter what's going on. There is no one that is less relevant not being on the front lines, unless they decide to 'unenlist' --is that a word? Ahhhhh: metaphors: sometimes that is the only way I can relate, one after another. Oh well.
I'll be over, cricket. Maybe we can share healthy recipes, too.
Mother is sleeping(?) in her wheelchair, listening to 'Danny Boy', having a piece of candy-- but she was yelling about who knows what when I got here.
Nice afternoon, first day of month before last month of this momentous year...

hi there ladies ,
i think i have bladder infection . cant seem to finish pissing .
mariesmom - we always need you here and u do need us too . for who still have the parents need to learn how to cope with it when one passes . several who lost thier love ones still comes back here . cyber friends and we worry when we dont hear from ones that quit comin back here . what to do with urself im guessing one day that will grab you to take that path and u shall go to that path , otherwise stay with us and keep us smiling and be happy to hear from you and ur day .

i keep lookin at the right side , better sex in 5 mins . wow i miss those days .

nurse came and cath pa so she can get some of his pee . she said it looks cloudy and believe he still has infection . says she s dischargin him today , i ask about bath lady comin thursday she said no shes going to let her know that today is the last day . i thought well good so now i dont have to worry about her comin in and cough her head off and sneeze and spread germs .

ok gonna go try to pee again . meow at ya all later gator ,
christina - :-) love u girl xoxo

Afternoon all. Sometimes I want to post but don't because it seems irrelevant.

Now that mom has passed and things are quiet here - no la la la's, no screams or moans, no tarzan yells or throwing of food - sigh . . . I am so ready to 'get on' with 'it', but can't really move forward until husband does. So I wait - and steady feel the survivors guilt of not having the responsiilities and worries I had before. I need a way to contribute more - especailly to give back to everyone here in some way for the love and acceptance that's been showered upon me. Any ideas?

Morning all. Have a good day back at work, Kuli. Having structure helps, I think. Something definite to do. Take it easy:)
Looking at Lilli's list of movies, I did enjoy "Wait Until Dark". I saw it in the theater when it first came out. I remember the entire audience levitating at "the moment", which I think was a stabbed Richard Crenna falling out of a closet across the path of blind Audrey Hepburn? Something like that. I enjoy psychological thrillers, but nothing gory or executions.
Not one person was out on our streets last night, so I turned the front lights on at 8. Left the gate locked. Haha.
Going to see my Mother at 10. Hoping to get a report today or mañana on ct scan. Not a word after dister's visit (typo), and I was so thoughtful to prepare her for something that hurts me every day. Brother pining over ex-gf who sold his van and tools while he was in the clink, but not a call to his Mom.
Hubby left at 5:30 for new building project, his office ready. I can concentrate better now on time with Mother and the rest of my own projects.
Have a wonderful day my friends. Love, Christina xo

Hey Y'all,
Kuli, we are all thinking of you as you start your new normal. Remember we are still here for you. 54, that goes for you too. It touched my heart when you said you crawled into bed with your hubby. SOmetimes the human touch is the most powerful medecine. We are all in different chapters of this book of caregiving. After I thought I had mom all tucked in last night she called to say she wasn't feeling good. I checked her BP her sugar, no fever. So I sat with her for an hor until she started falling asleep. She was up again through the night. I woke up with the same blasted headache I went to bed with. Once the caregiver for the day was here I went back to bed. Just got up and had a cup of coffee. Headache just won't go away...Could it be stress??? Duh

So much for my complaining. It is a beautiful sunny fall day. I hope everyone will have a decent day and you work load light. It was nice to have an active thread lastnight. You all are my lifeline!

Love ya,

Good Afternoon everyone :) I hope everyone is doing well today. I just want to let everyone know that I started the new topic of Nutrition and Wellness where I am pasting lots of good information from the book I'm reading about food craving and emotional eating for those who are interested. I hope everyone has a great day.
Love Cricket

Yes Ted give us a shout we miss you

kuli , good to hear from you . yes starting a whole new routine for you i can only imagin begin feeling lost cuz i feel that way and tried to imagin life without dad . all i see in my imagin is that i am lost and lost and loooossssst , prob cry myself to sleep . oh gawd i am not lookin fwrd to it . i feel lost with you kuli . hope you ll get used to the new routine and start a new and be happy . going back to work may help ya alot . get ur mind focus on something eles . big hugs to u kuli . xoxo

bath lady came . pa no wanna bath . was kinda glad he turned her down . she had the sniffles , it cough and blowin her nose . i thought oh shit i dont want that around dad , damn it , told dad how about lotion on ur arm and ur back , he said thats fine . whew . didnt take long and she left ....
im feeling lazy , i didnt want to wake up this morning but had to . think i ll take a nap while dad s naping ,
you all have a good day and yes happy novemeber woooo ! 27 mmore days its turkey and ham day . yummie .
dflex - ure lucky u live near hospital and fire station !
wheres ted ? been thinking heavy about him . hope all is well at his way ....
jen - hope ur mom s colds are better . thinkin of you too .
nap time . love u all xoxoxo
54j- many hugs to u too . xoxo

Kuli I hope this day goes well for you do not forget to do something for you-you are in my thoughts-we are lucky we only lost power for a bout 3 mins yesterday but others will be out longer than when Irene came through about 2 months ago-generator sales will be up as soon as they can restock-am surprised there are hardly any posts here-the schools are using up their snow days real fast this year.

Hey all. Glad Deef has power. And glad everyone made it through another Halloween without any issues. Me - today is first day back at work. Trying to start my new routine, my new life. It's just so hard and I feel so lost. Those who have lost their person know, those still in the caregiving trenches - hold on to your hats and cherish every minute you have because the day will come when those minutes will only be memories. Hugs and wishes for a good day to all ~ Kuli

no new posts? That's scary! Is lthe site misbehaving again?

Here is a morning email from Deef:

We are soooo lucky!!! We are on the same grid as the hospital and fire
department. That is the only reason we have power so soon. Everyone
else will be out until Thursday from the looks of things. No school or
daycare. Huge messes everywhere.

54j - take care of your throat. It is obvious you take very good care of your hubby. Aw girls you made my nite with your funnies!
Seewed - yes i seewed and seewed costumes for my darling daughters - never did learn how to do it growing up - I have a entire chapter in my little novel about my Mom making me "frankenskirts" (she couldn't seew either) thus requiring me to wear a raincoat to school every day for a year. Seriously. There is probably still one or two in the back of the closet at 'home'.

Sweet dreams - happy November.

im still here. Hubby just lays in bed. sometime i get in with him. half of me hanging off that Hospital bed. its gona flip one of these days. he has lasted longer than anyone thought. not eating much at all some yogart and apple juice. I know thats a typo but cat spell yogart for some reason and not getting up to go to frig!! had lots of little trick or treaters and big ones too. when the big one come in cars we cut the lights off and thats it. the kids are so cute with their little costumes on.
hubby having bad leg tremors. shakes the bed and he really hurts with them.
i am so worn out but thank God for Hospice and the nice people.
well guess i will go put clothes in dryer. getting a sore throat like everyone here.
Good night to all and love you. caregiving is the hardest job i have ever had and i have had some doozies!!

You guys scare me a little rocks to trick-or-treaters, turning the light on but closing the gate, putting Dad out on the porch with a bowl of candy....(okay, it 's a little bit funny....)

I am an equal opportunity celebrant. Give me a holiday - I'll celebrate it...pagan, Christian, Hindu, you name it. Without holidays it is just the same drudgery over and over again ;o[::: I hear that in Brazil they have hundreds of holidays...I'm headin' south....and escaping winter too...BONUS!

We only had a handfull of kiddos come cute and polite. But that means I have to deal with the leftover candy....may give it to the hub. (he's still wearing the same size jeans since high school!)

So here is my partial list of scary and scary-quirky movies:

Donnie Darko
28 Days Later
Psycho (a classic)
Sixth Sense
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (both versions)
Wait Until Dark

I also watched one episode of that new TV show, "American Horror"...too intense for me, but well done.

Rip hogging the Halloween thread here ...

One more movie on the Spooky side ...
"Little Shop of Horrors" Silly, musical fun!

Levi Stubbs' thundering voice declaring "Feed Me, Seymour ... FEED ME!"

Make him a Butt Head costume, Diane.

(I'd suggest Ass H*le bit too hard to sew)

Finally got mom to bed. She didn't know where her bedroom or bathroom was. I know to expect this behavior, but it floors me everytime how 60 minutes can change their world completely. Heck with 60 minutes, it can be 2 for that matter.

Christina, I sweed costumes for my nephews when they were little boys. The most memorable were Gremlin costumes with the soft sculpted faces, fake fur bodies and sculpted ears. Good memories. Those costumes were for the nephew that won't speak to me now. Sad.

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