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Rip, love the crime scene tape! LOL Might copy that next year! Just thinking ahead! Cold beer sounds good too!

Christina, same birthday as Charlie Brown! Love it you are in some good company! Never get tired of Peanuts! Cheers! Hannah said to say Thank you to her Aunt Chris for congrats on Lerner Permit! Yep, that is why I have the giant bottle of wine! Finding her lane better now! Whew!

Cricket, my e-mail is on fb send me the nutrition info too! Sounds interesting! I'd love to have more info! Thanks! Your Dad on the porch handing out candy and eating it himself! Priceless! My Dad would sure enough scare em off!

Linda, I have been here all along. Don't think you saw my post! Loved pics of your party! Stranger you said was at the party.....Don't know how to break it to you, but it was me dressed in drag! Thought I should confess before somebody opened their big mouth and you found out that way! Sorry I crashed, but it was fun! LOL Hope Pa feels better tomorrow! Still no results back for Dad yet and I called them! I am going to be firing them soon! Lilli is right! If they start messing around, best to fire them!

Diane, stock up on the wine,beer, whatever! I'll have Agnes get you some! They never card her either! LOL Seriously, hope you are feeling better!

Rosella, I hear that chocolate gives people the same high as being in love! Chocolate is easier to stock up on and never disappoints! I think I vote for chocolate hands down!

I have just watched Michael Myers die for the millionth time! That guy cracks me up the way he plays possum and then slowly but surely springs up again! Now we are watching Psycho! Marion has just arrived at the Bates Motel! Gotta love it!
Hope I don't turn into a Norman one day! LOL

Going to watch the rest of the movie now! Gee, I wonder how it will end! LOL
Love you all Sisters! Kimmy,Kimbo,Kim

Very timely film. I loved it! Much is humorous but it did bring back memories of hunkering under desks & escaping school buildings for ditches.
Actually, the film is hilarious! John Goodman's movie theartre in Key West where they brought in special effects of horror movies ... the Man Ant = MANT ...
Great Ride!

Now if anyone has seen my all time favorite movie "Serial" with Martin Mull, Tuesday Weld, Sally Kellerman - about the 'hot tub culture' in Marin County, 1978 ...
wish it was digitized & released on DVD since the sound was iffy to beging with ....
always makes me laugh!

Rip: Cuban middle crisis. Very scary time from 11 year old perspective, living in family that never discussed anything. Have not seen it, but John Goodman is amazing. Was it funny or? When MsM said Castro, I think of one of my dreams: to see Cuba (koo'ba) one day. Is that guy ever going to move on? Or has he and his brother has taken over? Ooooo-- scary subject...

Make some brownies, Diane. Eat them warm, with vanilla ice cream. Have one for me, please:) barb: I "sweed" all my clothes from the 9th grade on, including my prom dresses, drill team and cheerleader uniforms, and my first wedding dress. I have made Power Ranger, furry bunny for daughter, and big Santa Claus costume for hubby. I am starting to enjoy the new words we are coming
up With . At least we understand each other. How's your boss? I mean, your bod? I think I am catching someones vibrant personality tonight. Tra la la xo

Sorry Diane ...
Has anyone seen the movie "Matinee" with John Goodman?

Darn, everyone is having a glass of wine or a beer and I have nothing at home. I guess I'll make do with 1/2 a

Checking in from a quiet Halloweenie here. Husband and I went shopping for dry goods, then to dinner and then to a movie. It was a lovely evening. We saw 'Contagion' (at the $3 movie) and it was interesting - a pretty realistic portrayal of what might happen in US were there a pandemic. More informative than entertaining but since my time with Red Cross after the anthrax business (the letters were mailed here in Frederick) I have a particular interest.

I like Halloween. The parties, the costumes, the fun of it - it has a Mardi Gras feel but without all the booze. Bsack in the day I sweed the kids costumes evey year and once dressed a Marilyn Monroe and my husband as Fidel Castro. Fun times.

Ok, I'll take it. Thanks Miz! I'm having Chardonnay. Cheers everyone:) can't wait to be wasted away in Margaritaville with y'all someday on a slow BOAT to anywhere. Haha, Ripster!! Yellow tape--good one! Your own CSI scenario. Whoo Hoo! How warm is it in Deef's house now?

I stuck Dad out on the front porch with a bowl of candy, Ha! It was good until he ate to much candy, LOL we only had about 7 kids cause it's still drizzling off and on. Kimmie the rocks is funny and RIP and the crime tape! that's a good one. :)

Tomorrow is my hubbys Birthday so I'm making him a special dinner and homemade blueberry cobbler per his request. I got a nice bottle of wine to go with dinner :)

Rossella and Diane, I'm going to start a new topic called Wellness and Nutrition where I will post the questions and then later information about the answers as I continue to read on. I'm loving this book and the new insights I'm getting from it and I will be happy to share there so check it out. I'll start it later tonight or in the morning after making the family breakfast. I got out to do errands today and treated myself to getting my nails done, it was wonderful! Deef, Yay! so glad to hear you got your power back on! about a big ziplock bag and duck tape? Duck tape the bag of course! Or you could sterilize a urinal then use it? I wonder what the pro's do? We are all like the blind leading the blind sometimes.... love you all. Have a good night.

Christina, you are not mean. Everyone is different and thank God for that or this would be a really boring world to live in/on. :)

LindaHeart, you're so nice to people. I would be giving the DJ third degree and hairy eyeball to stranger guy. Maybe I am really mean.

Passing out rocks! Way to go, Kim! I'd do that but they'd probably be hurled at my window from the street.

I'm putting yellow crime scene tape at the bottom of the porch steps, then heading to the Mexican restaurant with my neighbor. Usually works. We live on a steep hill so rarely have many trick or treaters. Neighbor has bad knees & can't run up & down the stairs to the door. We have our system.

I've certainly enjoyed passing out Christina's Great Pumpkins! Good Grief that artist has a unique talent!

Kims having wine so I'll have a beer.

Cheers everyone!

KimBo! Guess what? My birthday is the same as Charlue Brown! Sept. 28! And I LOVE rocks!! Huh, cricket? Yep. And they're non-fattening:)
Most children go to the mall these days on Halloween or activities at many churches-- which seems kind of weird to me, but oh well. Mixing paganism with Christianity?-- but we still leave the lights out and lock our front gate. It's the meanest thing I do! Ha! But, it is a stupid 'holiday', Miz. Holiday means 'holy day'
and it is Not. Can't wait for Thanksgiving! My favorite. Ok-- I feel better now, some of you responded. Sitting in car, hubby went to daughter's old apartment to put original showerhead back. I asked, how are you getting in? He says"bf is there. Omg, I say, can't that guy fix it?! Oh, he'll learn. For pete's sake, he's already in his 30s. Hope he's not one of those guys who doesn't know his ass from a screwdriver!!! Man, helpless people drive me nuts!!!

happy halloween ! woooo , soon it ll be happy thanksgiving oh lala , then it be merry christimas fa fa fala . bet ya cant guess whats after cmas ? lol

pa compalin his chest hurt , once i got him in bed he said its ok , ask him if still hurtting ? he said no , aww . he just didnt look good , got his nitro in case , hooked him up to oxygen since yesterday , take em off he whines . plug it back in he s ok . cant seem to get lucky to catch his pee . thinking about putting plastic sandwhich bag over it and catch it that way ? any ideas ? cant use the bottle cuz it s not sterilize anymore , figured sandwhich bag ? i shall try that . unless someone has a better idea ?
grandkids came by , theyre so cute , got thier treats and a one dollar gold coin s, they loved it and my granddaughter s bday is today 5 yrs old , theyre all so cute ,
now my mind is blank ,
christina - yes my hubby kept his eye on this guy , he seems frieldnly and acted like he s part of the family lol . treat him as i wanted to be treated . stay the hell away from me ! lol . at least nobody had any drama and no fights , we all were a happy camper gangs , dance ur legs off wooo .
oh my lights are off too . just only my grandkids . hell bowl of candy was almost empty , took almost whole bowl . lol . then hubby ask me if theres any left . he wanted to take some to work .
nurse and bath lady will be here tmr , roofer is almost done here , he ll be back tmr to finish up the job and hand me the bill . ouch ! there goes our money , poof ...
goodnight you all . may ck this out one more time before i go to bed . going to snuggle up and watch some tv .
dont let the bed bugs bite ya tnite ... xoxo

I'm here. Passing out rocks this year just so I can hear that famous "I got a rock" from My favorite Charlie Brown movie The Great Pumpkin! Hehehehe Actually turned off lights this year so Dad wouldn't get freaked out! Oh well, can't please everybody all the time! Probably wake up to a yard full of toilet paper! Watching scary movies with Hannah and having a glass of wine! Yum Happy Halloween to all! Love you all! Kim

Sorry, Former Caregivers with a capital F and C!!

I'm here. No one has their front porch lights on on our street including us. It looks like the church down the street is having something for the kids. That's good. I used to enjoy trick or treating as a kid but never much got into the costume thing. Also, Halloween kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The devil's holiday or something. I hope all of your pets are safe inside. There are some sickos out there that might try to hurt them tonight. Diane, I wonder how many kids got candy. Maybe one made off with all the loot!! LOL. Ah well. Made some of those easy bake cookies and overcooked them. Story of my so called life. College basketball starts for us tomorrow night and we got good tickets for cheap on ebay. Gotta work all day tomorrow and then head to the game shortly after. So glad I have Wednesday off. Gotta get to bed early tonight. Already tired. Good Night, Dear Caregivers and former caregivers. Love Yous!!


Cricket, I'd love totake the test. My email is posted on FB

Nah Christina, still no life, just a bad headache..Put the candy on the front step and let the little rug rats help themselves. Of course I had an empty bowl by 8pm. I'm glad to hear yall up north are warming up. Have a safe and happy halloween.

Love ya,

Where the hell is everyone? Did the rapture occur and I'm left behind? It's like everyone has a life BUT ME!!! OK--I'll come back later....heehee.

LindaHeart, I read your post and that DJ had No Right to invite some guy he didn't know to your house!!!! OMG!!! Dangerous. Going to check on sites Lilli mentioned. Let's get healthy, girls. I'm trying. Found a good site for affirmations. Vital affirmations dot you know. Check it out. Later Gators. Xo

Oh, Ann. Now you can pick on my typos!!! I meant BODS!!
I have seen typos that are hysterical and One day, I will
Not correct mine. See what we get. I love Maxine-- Ours, and the cartoon character.

Chocolate craving can be a low zinc level and higher copper level. This chemically occurs during the menstrual cycle, hence, the cravings for chocolate at that time. I read that once years ago. I know not much else:) except that I love you girls mucho, as we say in Southern California. On a walk and catching up reading. Happy Continuing Power in the NE, I wish you all a peaceful day. Sending healing vibes for your aching boss. Ttyl, Christina xo

Cricket, to what does it correspond the craving for chocolate which is shared by 90% of the world? Why do people get crazy about it? Why is it the most difficult thing to give up? I like pasta too, but it doesn't make me as happy as choc.
Linda it seems a nice party you had. Did the non invited guest flee with the silverware?
We are going to have Halloween tonight. We celebrate it just on 31. I'm expecting some little witches here tonight!

Ditto, Happy Halloween to all and have a good week...Pass hello's on to bobbie we miss her!

Deef flash ~
Power is on! House is 50 & starting to warm. She said the same about central Mass, Max. War zone. Trees & limbs down everywhere. Wishing y'all were here in the great NW. Low lying fog with brilliant blue sky above.
( Would add photos if this site had any cyber class )
Hope all your haunts are happy!

Cheers ~

We had to go into town-like a war zone branches down and traffic lights out and people with no manners-oh wait this is New York you all can have my snow ready for spring was the the one comlpaining about our hot summer-can't remember now-lost much of my magnola tree it was here in 65 when we moved in-really can't complain.School closed first snow day in Oct we have ever had.

Lilli, I'm pressed for time atm but I like the idea of starting a wellness/naturopathic/nutrition forum for those with interest, what a great idea! I will do it later today or this evening and talk some more about this book and maybe even post the test. thanks for the suggestion! Love ya, Cricket :))

Linda...I am willing to drive a bit to go to a good and reliable doctor. Keep threatening to drive many miles to visit my old dentist.

MsM: I just hate finding new docs when we have moved. I know what you mean about the "corporate" mentality in medicine. Where I live now, most docs work for the same company. So if you start "doctor hopping" they note it in their computer files and quiz you as to why you left your last doc. Also, whenever a great doc pops up, everyone rushes to see him or her. I have a great doc now, but I had to call for months and be on a waiting list before I could see her. My solution is to stay as healthy as possible and put 'em all out of business, heh, heh (if only my body would cooperate.)

cricket: I am a fan, too, of books and info. on nutrition. When I lived on the west coast I had a great naturopath who really got me thinking more about wellness and prevention rather than the "cure" focus that most western medicine embodies. Thank for the new book title. Started stress eating the moment Mom arrived 4 years ago and am paying for it dearly now. I just feel generally "unhealthy," even though I started eating better over the summer. Takes a long time to undo bad habits, I guess. And, yes, I am interested in this topic.
One of our forum members suggested starting a "wellness/naturopathic/nutrition" topic in this discussion section....not as a "debate" but as an informational thread for those of us who are interested in sharing what we have learned. (I think he kept getting hostility whenever he posted alternative health ideas in the regular each his or her own, but isn't it great to have many points of view? There are so many knowledgeable folks on this site!) Anyway, thanks for the info.


Good Morning! We've had tons of rain here and it's supposed to keep on all day. Deef, I hope your power gets on soon! I hope everyone is okay up North and everyone's Elders are safe and warm.

As I'm sure everyone has already figured out that I am really involved with Nutrition and how it relates to our overall health based on some of my previous comments. I know that like myself there are several others here who are not happy with the weight gain that we put on due to stress, emotional challenges we face every day. For those of you who are interested I want to share this..Nutritional News: I am reading a new book that just came out called "Constant Cravings" that is absolutely awesome. The book's focus is on the direct correlation to our food cravings and emotions. It is very scientific and shows how we can identify what specific emotions we are seeking to fill by eating specific foods. Then it shows effective strategies to fill the emotional needs and get rid of the food cravings! It's definitely cutting edge information! There's a true or false test that when answered honestly it shows us the "type" of emotional eater we are. Once we know that then we can see ways to get rid of the cravings without using food. My passion is Nutrition so I could go on and on but I won't, however, if anyone wants to take the test let me know and I will share it.

Time for me to get busy with the day now.. Love you all. Stay warm or come visit me, it's supposed to be 80 and rainy here today.

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