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Happy Halloween to all! Unfortunately, the little kiddos here are going to freeze their little tushies off tonight (31 degrees expected.)

I remember wearing thermal underwear to trick and treat some years. When you grow up in a cold weather state you become temperature resistant I guess :o)


Annt- why not write your rants on Word and copy and paste them over when done?

Anytime I realize I'm going to write more than a blurb, (and this includes long-winded emails to family members) I do this - that way I have my own folder on my computer in case I want it later for any reason. AND I don't have the worries of cyberspace absconding with all my hard work! Just a thought, ya'll.

Hugs to everyone this morning. Happy Halloweeny!

Totally agree on the doctors - and the pharmacist as well! Having the right one can save you loads of money AND agravation. (Also a plumber and a mechanic) Its just harder these days to form those relationships because no one stays in the same place like they used to, and big corporations own so much.
--It's that 'kindness' factor I'm looking for - just like I found here!

lili - glad u posted and was goo to ready what you said about firing docs . i totaly agree with you ! i am so glad i found my doctor and even drive extra distance to see her . she was easy to talk to and very understanding dr and shows that she cares and wants to make me better . for many years i tried to talk to doctors and they would look at me like aww u cry baby waa wa and some tells me to take vitamens , well i cant take em cuz it makes me sick , found out where my dr went she was missing 13 yrs i think . she left for a while to raise her girls and now has her own office in another town . zoom i went and was happy to see her . i whine and cry and she fixed me right up .
there is good dr out there with kind heart that shows concerned and women dr seems to understand how in the hell we go thru . im sticking with my woman doc . hell with men doc . theyre s.o.b ....
ah crap my sis is going to take a shower ! she beat me waa . smelly sally is just gonna have to wait now . woooo xoxo

austin ! nobody dares to pick on maxine . she kicks hindends ! i love u maxine ... youre the wises lady i ever met ! many hugs to you .

annt- i dont know why post just went cyber somewhere eles , that is bad ! it was for us to read . sniff . hope ure doing good anyways . stay warm my dear ,
hope dflex is warmin up . that is cold 50 degree in the house , prob colder now . damn it ! sending u my warm love .
heard the power may not come back on for days ! you guys realy hog up all the snow all i got was rain .
the roofer is up in my roof repairin wood rot that leaked rain on my ceilin . am fed up ! rather have tin roof ! every room inmy house has a brown leaky spot on ceiling and no money to get inside work fix . barely enuff to get roof fix . ins sucks . raise my bill up lastyear cuz it did the same thang . screw em all !

halloween party was nice 14 people showed up . tried the pumkin beer and it wasnt too bad till at the end it kicked my ass ! gawd ! never again ......

austin - i know i wont have to worry about you getting cold if ur power goes out cuz u too burn wood . just make sure u dont run out of wood , bring a rick inside the house so u ll have dry wood and not havin to go out and drag em all in . thats heavy job . u have good nieghbors ! they took care of ur driveway and that melted my heart ! bake em pumpkin pie for me plz .

i best get off here and get my smelly sally ass in the shower and get cleane dup , maybe perk up some , was busy all day yesterday cleanin out the barn and put stuff back the way it was before the party . no more parties till nextyear ! man that was work !!! but well worth it . everybody seems to have fun all smiling and laughin and good excerise in dancin . it was only me and my daughter dancin . nobody eles oh huby did few time , we did the slow dance oh lala . nibble on his ears too . meoww . :-)
kimmy - u ok ? u have the colds right ? hope ure good as new today .
cricket- is it still rainin there ? bro said its raining . there was storm headin for cuba , wonder where did it go now ? hope its not headin toward u guys ,
mariesmom- wish the best luck for ur hubby s interview , everybody needs a job . money money money , takes money to beable to breath .
guy came to the party , had no money so he took my hubby s beer and bum some poeple s ciggy . i stayed a mile away from him cuz i dont know how he is . dj guy said that he works at a taco bell and he ask him ifhe wann come to theparty he said yeah ! , hubby ask dj what is that guys last name he said he didnt know . i thought oh my gosh ! bring a stray man here . he was well behave kinda like wantin my daughter but lucky she brought her boyfriend and he was by her side lalala . she told me she put our pic in facebook , i saw em but could not do anything cuz it kept freezin up on me . my puter is starting to freeze up too much . worst when i geton facebook . ah well whatever .
ok u guys u all shall have a happy day cuz its monday and a happy halloween you guys !!! have a schitzoofranic day today woooo heeeeeee .
love ya all . xoxoxo

It is not nice to pick on Maxine

HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Austin/Maxine!! I'm cracking up over your typos! Can I borrow your book of jocks?? I could use a good jock in my life right now. Love it!!

Good to get report on our Bobbie

OK you asked for it-about 10 years afo my son gave me a t-shirt with Maxine on it she and at the time I did not know about the character so I thought that was how I looked to him-that tee shirt went into a drawer then about a year later he gave me a book of jocks about maxine and then I realized there was a real maxine. I hope everyone is safe after the storm-we have much tree damage but did not lose power.

I'm frustrated with this site this morning. I wrote a long post last night and it's not here now. Where do these things go? There was absolutely nothing in it to make it unacceptable so as to zap it. Just a glitch in the system I guess, but after I wrote all that and it didn't show up, I'm not in the mood to do it again. I'll just say hello to all and I love you. I'll check in later.

Greetings to all you night owls out there. Just wanted to say howdy and share some info. I came across this weekend:

A joint study between Johns Hopkins Univ. and Cedars-Sinai Hospital found that "politeness" is a critical trait in choosing a doctor...and not because they are more pleasant to talk to. They found that the patients of polite doctors and surgeons had more successful outcomes and survived surgeries more frequently than those of grumpy docs. The study found that other healthcare providers who have to deal with the doctors (such as pharmacists, nurses, hospice workers, etc.) would rather work with someone who is friendly because they feel more free to make suggestions or to question orders to ensure no mistakes are made.

My more direct approach is, if you are not getting the answers you ask and pay for from a doc (or anyone else, for that matter) and are getting surly or beligerent service: FIRE THEM. Really, there are too many good medical service people in the world. Don't support the jerks and, also, report any inappropriate treatment of yourself or a loved one.

The second article was about research from the Louisiana State Univ. It links Parkinson's Disease to the same bacteria that produces ulcers.

It is called H.pylori. The bacteria produces toxins that damage nerve cells.

Preventative measures included: increasing vitamin C intake, taking mastic gum supplements that destroy up to 90 percent of H.pylori, eating dried cranberries and yogurt (that has natural probiotics), and cooking chicken thouroughly.

Interesting research for those of us who have family members with this illness and may be prone to it ourselves.

Hope everyone is warm and cozy this evening and the effects of the first snow storm in the East have subsisded.

Thinking of everyone and especially those of us who have lost a loved one recently or are sitting bedside vigil this night.

Take care of yourselves too....


Evening all. I can't believe how many are still without power. The good news is it shouldn't be too cold for too long this early. Still - any of you near enough to Frederick need a place to stay come on down and I'll get out the blender.

Today I told my husband I HAD to get out and get some fresh air and exercise - I have barely moved from this desk in weeks - but as I am always multi-tasking, our outing was to some old cemeteries where I could take photos for distant families who'd requested them.. Due to the snow and ice on the ground, especially up near Pennsylvania border where we were, it was slow going - but we did get 7 photographed and emailed, so I not only got a couple hrs exercise for a change, I got some brisk, fresh, air in my lungs and hopefully made some people smile.

There are some beautiful new pics of my grandson and oldest daughter on FB if you need to smile - I think they are a wench and a viking/friar??? They're gorgeous regardless.

Hocus Pocus - now thats a great Halloween movie! I'm not the blood and gore or zombie type at all.

Husband and I are keeping the lights off tomorrow and going out to eat and possibly to a movie. (For what we'd have spent on candy its practically a wash).

When I was a child we still got the homemade popcorn and Karo syrup balls, and candy apples, and people made cookies. Trick or treating was unique because it came with a sense of freedom and adventure, being out and about after dark. Oddly enough, I never recall my very over-protective mother going with me - so i have fond memories of Halloween.

Hope ya'll are hanging in there OK tonight. Love you guys

watch Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler.
The best of Halloween!

Deef is laughing to keep from crying. Her mother's apt. is warm, hers is 58F.

Bob on phone. Says about Austin / Maxine .... June! Tell the story. It's a good one. Something about a T Shirt.

Hi y'all
I'm glad Deef can laugh at 53 degrees indoors. I've been keeping the house at 68 for mom. I don't think it even got to 68 outside today. When I went to church at 10am it was 49. I know you folks with snow would be happy to have 49 degree weather.

I cooked a nice dinner for mom including some island food and she only ate 1/4 of her meal. I put the leftovers up for her lunch tomorrow. I did my grocery shopping for the next two weeks and I'm now broke. Still need to buy mom's meds, but I think we may have finally gotten out of the donut whole. If that's the case her meds should be covered 90%.

I've been having fun watching the good witch movies. Now watching Practical Magic.

Have a good night my dear sisters.

Love ya,

Hi rip. As I recall, the Captain referred to Austin's style of humor to be Maxine-like.
Why is Deef laughing? I mean, wow, fantastic the Deef is LAUGHING!!!! WhooHoo!!!! Love you girls;)

June? I do too!

Alert central Mass. Deefer is laughing! Her mom is tucked into bed. Her place is 53F indoors. Cozy ....

Austin ... Deef wants to know why we call you Maxine?

How dangerous, Jen? Some people are self-destructive.
I like the saying: "raise up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it." Until some form of corruption creeps in. like dementia:(

Hugs Back...

Here's another reason why elder care and child rearing are NOT the same animal:

You can TEACH a child the right way, safest way, easiest way, fastest way, correct way, to do something and at some point they learn....a stubborn old person will do the same stupid dangerous thing over and over and over no matter how many times you tell them or show them the best way t do it....


Have A Happy Halloween Everyone!

Whoa! Hi to Georgia Peach. Long Time. Hugs to the Pacific Northwest.

Morning all ...
I was hit by a Peach on FB last night ... miss her much. It was late, my time ... she had taken a brief moment from caregiving ... encouraged her to return.

AnnT? Do you stock alligators for Linda's BBQ tails?

Oh Max! You're reaping your rewards and Blessings!!! Hallelujah!!
Enjoy! Love you:)

Prim and proper. Oh yea, that's my sister. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, she wouldn't say, well, you know, if she had a mouthful. How can you trust someone like that? Who wants friend like that? No way, Jose. Even though it is hurtful initially, it's good to know who your friends really are. Revealed Truth--can't live without it. Going for a walk. Then fix breakfast. Hubby at Home Depot. Ha! Typical. Buy some gadgets then watch football all day. yawn. He's a good guy:)

I have to go out and shovel the walk and clean off the cars and try to do some of the drive so my son can get in when he gets home tonight from his trip-a few years ago I did the drive with my baby blower but started falling in our steep drive so had to give it up. My husband use to do our neighbors drives for them when he was able. Wow just looked out my next door neighbor did my drive and walk how great is that.

Hi Ann :) those prim and proper friends are the ones that still think they are in control, lol Also, don't feel bad about the gray/white hair. I got my first gray hair when I was 21 and today it's grey in the back and all silver in the front. I quit coloring it after I moved Dad in. Several times I've thought about coloring it again back to my natural dark brown but then I think... this is me, who I am right now and it's okay to be me. Or maybe I'm just being lazy, Hah! Or maybe it means we are closer to God like Christina said when mentioning Moses coming down from the mountain, LOL Ann, I would love to come camp out at your place, just wish I could. Any days I can get away for now other than the one occasional night away with the hubby is to go see my two grandsons in CA. It seems that most of us are in the same boat... oh yeah that's right we are, the Barbara B! I like to go fishing to (as long as my hubby baits my hook), we usually fish with live shrimp here in FL, plus it makes my hubby feel good to bait my hook so I let him think I don't want to touch those wiggly shrimps (grins). I love freshwater Trout though.
So far my mornings been uneventful (knock on wood/head) so I'm free to chatter away at my lovely sisters here~you to Linda and Kimmie Hah!
I hope everyone made it safely through the dark and the storms last night. I took Sadie Mae out for her potty walk this morning and the wind was blowing like crazy but it's in the 70's here and it felt simply awesome!! I was wearing the usual yoga pants, tank top and flops. I just had to rub that in cause I'm so jealous of you guys getting to snuggle up in the winter weather. This time of year here is the only time I really enjoy the weather. I guess it's because I grew up in Southern CA and got spoiled.
Kimmie, YOU ARE BRAVE! I took my daughter out for her first driving lesson and lasted 5 minutes. I told her, okay honey this lesson is over. Dad will take over now. LOL We were living in IL at the time so I sat in the back seat , hubby in the passenger and daughter Sara behind the wheel. We took her to an isolated area over on Route 66 and I took lots of pictures for her scrapbook. Now she is 30, lives downtown LA and uses the bus to go everywhere. She's a city slicker and only drives occasionally when renting a car to go out of town.
Here's to all of us and our Elders having a peace filled day, but if things don't turn out the way we wish we know we can bring it all here and that sure gives me peace just knowing that. Everyone have a great Sunday, love you all very much. Cricket

Al righty then... Good morning. I think a little mania is a good balance for caregivers, as long as one refrains from wreckless behavior-- extensive retail therapy, hiding bottles, and raiding people's medicine chest. It beats the black hole. And I prefer the term "personality" to "schizoid ". As in, "Gee, Linda, you sure have a great personality." We are definitely tempered and deepened, seasoned and given more dimension through caregiving. All the rest seem BOR-- INGggggg-- to me. Whoo Hoo!!! YeeHaw!!
Rosella: I saw the movie 2012. I had the same thought: oops. I have not been to Carnival, to Sugarloaf Mountain, and it's 2011. Yikes. I hope we have time and the Mayans just ran out of stone carvers.
Back to Ann: please don't hate me cause I'm immature. My Dad had coal black hair at 60, and then that was the end of him. Mother's hair just turned white in the last couple of years. Remember Moses came off the mountain with hair like yours, so you're in good company.
Having coffee with hubby, poking away on our iPhones, news on in the background, beautiful day here, think I'll grill some lemon chicken and poach salmon, do a melange of roasted veggies for din din. Thinking of you in colder climes: may Snow Angels surround and protect you, dear ones. Hope all elders are happy and comfortable this morning. Peace to all. Love, Christina xo

Good morning everyone. I've been up since 4am. Went to sleep on the sofa watching Law and Order SVU and woke up at 4 all cramped up and with a headache. Can you say SUX?????? Anyway I've already cleaned my room, made coffee and blueberry muffins, colored my hair cause (unlike Christina who is now my frienememy cause she's not gray yet! D*** hear dark rooted heart! LOL!) I am probably 100% gray now at 60. Started turning gray in my 30s. Plus side is that it is white. Minus side is that white makes me look bald. No pigment in my scalp.And my hair is thinning in the front(of all places, can't hide that easily). Probably from pulling it out like you said Kim. BTW, I heard on Dr Oz that pulling your hair gently lifts the scalp and lets the blood circulate better therefore relieving stress. The emphasis is on gently! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm guess I better lighten up a little.
Linda, I'm glad daughter is getting better and hope Pa is too. Also glad the Celexa is working for you without making you bald. You never know how a med is going to react on different people. That's why you shouldn't trade meds with people, but I do it all the time. My best friend has a pharmacy in her cabinet. She's always offering me one thing or another. Sometimes I take them. Mostly I don't. I've stopped giving her any of mine cause she is seriously drug dependent now. I would hate for the one I gave her to put her lights out for good.

Ok son made it home ok and the weather is cold and snowing up there where all y'all yankees live......Y'all should see the sun Gawga has been getting. Coming up a leetle cloud for the lass cuple days now, but mostly jest beeuutifull! Wish y'all all had campers and could come camp in my back yard. Fish a little, fry up a mess of em with some grits, have a bonfire and tie the old folks to the sofas while we drink margaritas and fry turkeys. Could fry some deer sausages and bisquits too. Y'all ever fry bisquits? Sprinkle powdered sugar on em and you have a redneck donut. Good! Got two and half acres to park campers girls......give it a think. Maybe Pa and my Ma would hit it off!! What a hoot that would be!
Sorry, I'm ramblin.....fioricet know the caffeine. Coffee and fioricet what a combo! I keep on like this I'll be accused of being Schizo. Which by the freaking way.....what's wrong with being schizo? We all gotta be something. I think that girl was kidding anyway. Sometimes I even think we have two Linda's. The xanax and beer Linda, and the damnit I'm cold sober....where did I put the **%$%# xanax bottle? LOL!! Love you Linda. You crack me up. No...I'm already help put back the pieces. You're my handy dandy super glue girl. But, and I say this are crazy as a bed bug, that's why I love you. I wouldn't like you nearly so much if you were prim and proper. I get enough of that from my sometime friends, whose lives are too busy to even shoot me a text. Ok now I really am rambling.....but just know???
Thinking of you Kuli and you too Barb. I know the grieving stages go on for quite a while. Most friends give you a week or two and then expect you to get over it. HA!!! We all know better. Sometimes it's a month or two later when it hits you like a sledge hammer in the stomach. That's when you need your friends, and we will always be here for you. Barb you know this, and Rip and Bobbie and others like Cuz who have been through it. I'm leaving someone out. My mind won't cooperate here. But you know who you are and what it's like.

Better go get mama up. TTYL

Boat Time, Cuz!
Family reunion!!!

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