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Hi everyone we still have power and the storm seems to be over-I am going back to bed after watching the news and having breakfast today will be a rest day after the worries of yesterday and am not going to church after I stopped working I do not go out in bad weather-too many years of having to get to work by 7 am on these winding hilly roads. I am glad AC lets us give a star other threads have change it to helpful I prefer stars. Miz give yourself time to recover from caregiving it does take a while-after two years I finally have some good memories come to mind instead of all the bad stuff.

Yes, Kim you are right! People escape from the lightning but the lightning knows where to find them (metaphorically of course). I guess sooner or later all of us, we have to face the toughest facts of life!
If husband is too afraid, you had better give driving lessons to Hannah! And have a drink "after"!
Christina, I don't want to think what all these natural dysasters mean. I just don't want to think about it! But next summer I want to go to Rio de Janeiro because my dream is to see the landscape from the Christ's big statue. (Just in case). I can go back and forth in few days!
We had a mud flood in North-West Italy; some villages of Tuscany and Liguria on the sea were swept out. They are still looking for people...I didn't know about Vesuvius! I shall Google it.
'night everybody. I am going to start my day, because I live in your future!

And Congratulations to Hannah!! Yay!!! She will get the feel of where in the lane to steer the vehicle. One bit of advice from a longtime driver: when in doubt of the yellow light, just stop. You will catch up to the person who runs through the intersection as it turns red-- at the Next light. Hannah, I wish you many guardian Angels surrounding you and always going with you. Be safe, dear one. Hugs, Aunt Chris

Cuz, the baby joke was so bad it was good. I was reading it just as we went to bed and hubby was snoring and I was snorting-- symphony. I was trying not to LOL because I have an earache, but snorting was almost worse. I can't help it. I'm a snorter. Heehee. Rosella Bella, snow storms in the east, Turkey having quakes and I heard Vesuvius was blowing again. Ay Carumba. I agree with KimBo, the winter could be a bad one, which is not hard to predict: tell me one dynamic in the world that is pleasant lately. Notta mucha, paisana. We will take the random Blessings, the smiles, the uneventful days--or moments--as they occur, and give thanks for small favors. Si? I agree with the weak and stupid factors. I think shallow and denial is involved, too. I believe if one is an adult, one takes on what is presented on the road and deals with it. I am glad to know who my friends, family, foes and freaksters are. Makes it easy to set the table for Thanksgiving. One turkey only, please. WhooHoo!
Well, I hope Ann is getting a good rest, and Linda's crowd having a scary weekend in the barn. How is Jen? Big Hugs, Punkinhead. Kids moved today into bigger apt, and our neighbor moved, too. Rental next door and the landlord is a minimalist in the maintenance dept. Hey rip: say hi to the Deefer. Yes, good idea to get the pool put away and get ready for ice skating. Oh burr. I admit I am a sissy in the cold dept. But I could acclimate if I had to. I did once. I like long hot summers into fall and going down to the beach after Thanksgiving dinner, in my
bare feet. Signing off, night night to all you wonderful angelic caregivers, and all you faithful supporters. I appreciate you. Have a great Sunday. Love, Christina

Hello everybody. I am just grateful that I have hair, cause some days I feel like pulling it out!

Everybody in the path of the storm stay safe! I have a feeling this is going to be a bad bad winter. Seems like every time we have extremely hot summer, bad winter follows!

Thinking about Kuli today also. Kuli you described the whole experience perfectly! Surreal! I remember when Mom passed I was there, but at the same time I wasn't there! People would come up and talk to me and I would answer, but I just felt as if I were going through the motions. Kind of like I was just watching myself and everyone else from a far! Try to get as much rest as you can! Grieve on your terms! Everybody grieves differently! Pet peeve was people trying to tell me how I should feel! Nope I don't think so! Much love and peace to you always! xxoo

Christina, so sorry your Mom had that horrific experience with the CT scan! It is a heart breaking situation when we are forced to be a spectator and feel helpless ourselves! Happy that your husband was there and she would listen to him! Hoping they can find the source of her pain and treat it! Rossella is right, this Alzheimers is not for sissies! Maybe your sister has a clue now, although some choose to be clueless because they simply just don't want it interfering in their perfect little worlds! Don't know how to deal with reality! They live in a little bubble and if it bursts, they don't know what to do! Problem is that the bubble eventually will burst no matter how much folks try to keep it together! Bubbles are oh so fragile and eventually burst whether we want them to or not! Pop,pop, pop! Hang in there and keep venting! Many hugs and love to you!

Hannah got her Lerner Permit! Went for a small drive with her today I mean yesterday! Applied my imaginary brake several times! LOL Tried to pretend I was calm and cool! LOL She wants to get to close to the edge of the road! Got back home safe and sound! It is a wonder we didn't bring a half dozen mail boxes home with us! Could have used a really stiff drink, but nothing in the house! Agh! I think I had a good poker face on! Husband said the look on my face when we got home was deer in the headlights look! Will do it again tomorrow! HELP! Maybe he can take her tomorrow! No, because he would surely do that high pitched scream like when the squirrel was in the house! LOL We will see!

Sweet dreams everybody! I am on night shift now it is day shift! Dad still up because he slept all day again! Catch you sometime tomorrow! Love and hugs to all! Kim

I am sorry for your storms. We had a very bad flood here in Italy with people trapped in the mud... Horrible


There are witches in my mailbox.
What am I to do?
I found them there this morning,
doing things they shouldn't do!!

How the witches got there,
I haven't got a clue.

But they won't be there much longer
because I'm sending them to


You've been Witch Kissed!

Before the warts begin to spread,

pass the kisses on instead!

Rules for Halloween for Seniors

You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:

10. You keep knocking on your own front door.
9. You remove your false teeth to change your appearance.
8. You ask for soft high fiber candy only.7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, and you lose your balance and fall over.
6. People say: 'Great Boris Karloff Mask,'
And you're not wearing a mask.
5. When the door opens you yell, 'Trick or...' And you can't remember the rest.
4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
3. You have to carefully choose a costume that doesn't dislodge your hairpiece.
2. You're the only Power Ranger in theneighborhood with a walker.And the number one reason Seniors should not go Trick Or Treating...
1. You keep having to go home to pee.

No matter, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway

Making a baby.
This is hilarious! There is not one dirty word in it, and it is funny!

The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said, 'Well, I'm off now. The man should be here soon.'
Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer happened to ring the doorbell, hoping to make a sale. 'Good morning, Ma'am', he said, 'I've come to.'
'Oh, no need to explain,' Mrs. Smith cut in, embarrassed, 'I've been expecting you.'
'Have you really?' said the photographer. 'Well, that's good. Did you know babies are my specialty?'
'Well that's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat !.
After a moment she asked, blushing, 'Well, where do we start?'
'Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch, and perhaps a couple on the bed. And sometimes the living room floor is fun. You can really spread out there.'
'Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work out for Harry and me!'
'Well, Ma'am, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.'
'My, that's a lot!', gasped Mrs. Smith.
'Ma'am, in my line of work a man has to take his time. I'd love to be In and out in five minutes, but I'm sure you'd be disappointed with that.'
'Don't I know it,' said Mrs. Smith quietly.
The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. 'This was done on the top of a bus,' he said.
'Oh, my God!' Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at her throat.
'And these twins turned out exceptionally well - when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with.'
'She was difficult?' asked Mrs. Smith.
'Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her to the park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep to get a good look'
'Four and five deep?' said Mrs. Smith, her eyes wide with amazement.
'Yes', the photographer replied. 'And for more than three hours, too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling - I could hardly concentrate, and when darkness approached I had to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just had to pack it all in.'
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. 'Do you mean they actually chewed on your,'
'It's true, Ma'am, yes. Well, if you're ready, I'll set-up my tripod and we can get to work right away.'
'Oh yes, Ma'am. I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big to be held in the hand very long.'
Mrs. Smith fainted!

All the best to you all without power. We had some serious power outages during the big 3 snowstorms back to back in Jersey winter of 2009-2010, and Mom fared all right. I just put on her knit hat and tucked in all the extra covers and told her if she got out of bed she'd turn into a popsicle.
Love to you all- its cold here too so taking my bottom off to bed.

Christina, the story of your mother and the scan was heartbreaking. I think I know what you felt - the same I feel when I see what my mother has become. I hope she doesn't have to suffer for the pain that she has behind her eye. That they find something to make her suffer less.
About your siblings reaction... What did Bette Davis said? "Old age is no place for sissies"? Well, the Alzheimer of a parent is no place for sissies, either. I think our siblings are so stupid and insensitive and selfish because they can't take it. We caregivers are supposed to be strong enough to do all the dirty job, taking them to the hospitals included (and seeing what Christina has seen)
I am starting to think that our siblings are weak rather than bad....
Re.Blondes. I was blonde for some months when I was young. I had seen "Harry meet Sally" and I decided I had to be blonde like Meg Ryan. But after 5 sessions at the hair stylist my hair continued to be "orange" (I am too dark.....) so I had to give up. I'll try to find a photo of myself blonde, and I'll post it, though!

No joke: better the lights are off and everyone is home, Miz, than the lights are on and nobody is home. Get my drift, Blondie? Hehehawhaw-- where is our LindaHeart today? Think they're having a Halloween party. Where is our sweet Ann? Worrying about you girls, missing you. Yes, Kuli on all our hearts.
Spoke to caregiver a bit ago: said sister stayed for 2 hours but didn't know what to do since Mother saying 'No! No! No! Yes, it's disturbing, especially if you don't stay current with situation. I hope she can deal with it and perhaps gain insight. There I go, dreaming again.
(Might have messed up this post on my iPhone and extra words at bottom of page.)
Signing out till later, sending prayers &loving thoughts to all my beautiful caregiving friends. YOU are the best, and the Brightest:) Angels All xoxo

Hubby just read where 2 million have lost power. :(

Austin, So glad your son made it fine. Rip, thanks for letting us know about deef. I hope the power comes back on soon. Her mom needs to be warm. Kuli, prayers and thoughts are with you. Christina, you're the best. I love being a blond, no matter how much it costs me. ;) I was blond when I was a kid. Mom was a natural blond and Dad had coal black hair. They were quite a striking couple. Two of my close friends are coming to see our house tomorrow and then us girls will go out to lunch and then walk around the mall. We don't have the greatest mall here but it's a mall. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. I been cleaning today and doing laundry. I don't know how two people can generate so much laundry but we do. I can't imagine what women with several kids go through. They would have to be doing it constantly...kinda like when I was taking care of Mom. I am sure you can all relate. House is still pretty much a mess but we will get there. I took a nap this afternoon and woke up feeling worse. I should have known better. Drinking coffee now. I don't always post on here but I try to read all of the posts, as much as my attention span will let me. I think taking care of an elderly person screws up the attention span thing somewhat. I need to try harder. I am grateful for all of you. I hope Kuli checks in with us. Sweet dreams and good sleep to you all tonight.


oh Maxine ... I'm glad your son is home safe & you have power. I think you're right about the prediction. What is this early snow???
Be safe, Girlfriend!

Rip Thank you for the note on Deef-I do not think people took this storn seriously-we still have power but lights have blinked and with the leaves still on the trees there has been lots of damage-I am hoping for the best in the storms path for those in danger.

Just in from Deef in central Mass:

Power out for 2 hours. Still snowing. 58 in the house and I am freezing! Don't know when we'll have power back.trees down everywhere.lot of roads blocked.

I've been thinking of Kuli all day long ....

Yea Austin! Glad he arrived safely

Hi my son called he and his son got to the Cape-thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.

Barb....ME ME ME! I wish I was there. I love a snow storm. We could make Hot Totties or we could be them, HaH :)

Christina, years ago when my hubby and i were making a trip across the country from the east coast to the west we stopped at Independence MO at an antique mall there and I found the cutest old world looking fireplace mantle. I fell in love with it and we had the money at the time so I made my hubby unload everything in the back of his jeep wagoneer to get it in and then drag it all the way to our house in CA, tear out the brick fireplace then later before we sold that house we redid the fireplace so i could keep it. Now it's been leaning up against the wall in our bedroom until we sell this place and buy another house, lol I just won't give it up and my hubby knows it. That mall there was awesome!
Austin, I hope all goes well with your sons trip and you can relax. xxoo

Diane, I meant to say: yes, I know you know. We need a giant gunny sack and some cement tennis shoes:D bless you, flex:) xo Christina

Barb, like Maxine said the Mormans have the largest geneology archives in the world in Salt Lake City, UT. Even if you aren't a Morman they have great information.

I hope everyone up north having the snow stays warm and safe. I need all my sisters to make it through this journey.

Love ya,

tHANK YOU christina still waiting to hear he got to the Cape-staying in your jammies I might do that I am sure Church will be cancelled tomarrow. The wood stove is perking nicely

You girls are great:) thank you. Yes, I meant Independence, MO. "mizurah", as the natives say. My elderly (89) step-sister is there, and is she an absolute HOOT! I love her dearly. Says what she thinks and doesn't care who doesn't like it. Has done everything and her mind is great but her body is falling apart. I need to get back to see her. She has leukemia and an aneurism in her body, but dint think God wants her yet. She is a bugger-- Mu favorite kind of person. She'll spend her last moments telling a story and won't go until she's finished, which could be a few more hours. She was the first person who backed me up in my family. She never had children, but she has lots of nieces and nephews, and me. She is exhausting, but endearing. Haha. I watch the weather on my iPhone, so hope I can go before some freak storm happens. Or, I might get stuck and have to learn my way around the Midwest.
Barb, I just turned 60, but hardly have any gray. I am surprised, but am very immature in other areas, so maybe my hair is, too. Whaaaaa
Prayers for Maxine's son on the road, and here's to staying in your jammies all day. Whoo Hoo!! thank you cricket for your kind positivity, as always. You Saturday girls ROCK!! Everyone have a good evening-- love you:) xoxo

Msm the Mormans have great archivies one of my husbands relatives came to NY to give us information about his family from what she gleamed from those archivies-I do not know how to get in touch with anyone to help but that is a start. Still waiting to hear from my son -always a mom and always worry-I can not believe this storm-the birds are still on the feeder eating the suet I put out for them.

Oh my gawd the venting is great Christina. Echos everything I (and many others) have said about the no-goodniks that we are related to. I will keep you and your Mom in my thoughts.

I am a blonde - only because I am not yet comfortable with being white-headed, tho that my maiden name is Whitehead. Maybe when I turn 60 I'll be ready to chop it all off and do the natural thing but I still enjoy "doing" my hair and makeup.

You know why blondes have more fun? We're easier to find in the dark.

It is a very wet snow here in Frederick, going down to 31 tonight and in mid 30's now. Husband and I decided not to turn on the heat yet so we're chillin' at around 63 in the house - decided to stay in our PJ's all day.

Daughter called from Dallas. She is working at a new, high end restaurant and making about $500 a week in tips, and has an appt with a modeling agency next week. She and the husband are getting on OK - so all is well on that - for now. He tends to keep a job less than a month so we shall see . . .but she sounds happy and misses her mom!

I have been deep in the archives and graveyards researching my family - and am becoming increasingly convinced that my grandfather's grandfather was either abducted by aliens or in an earlty 19th century witness protection program.

Ya'll want to come make snowmen and have some hot butered rum just holler.

Austin, sorry you're worried about your son being out on the roads right now. The slushies isn't as bad as when it all freezes and with all the rain you guys have had the roads shouldn't be greasy. As long as he slows down a bit he should be fine.

Christina, I was glad you were venting. VENT all you need to. I thought the blonde icon was funny. It could have been a brunette or redhead and I would have kept it. Yep, I know that feeling all to well and good for you for not reacting with manipulation! As hard as it is at times it's always better in the end when we go at people with our strong qualities rather than our anger. Anger just begets more anger and things just get out of control. But I agree sometimes we just want to let them have it! Just remember you can't change them, they are who they are, selfish. Blame doesn't solve the problems. Were you talking about Independence Missouri?

Christina I completely understand the dumb a$$ sibling crap!!!!!! Vent away! Some how it's comforting to know I'm not the only one dealing with ignorant siblings.

Love to all my "sisters" and Cuz.

Vent all you need to -it always helped me.

Thank you, Maxine and Cricket. Yes, I realized I was venting. I am really angry and feel like I have been crying for hours. You know that feeling? Yet, I am doing a lot of housework and yardwork. My brother just sent me a quick email that said if he was closer he would help with Mother, and that an old gf died of renal failure yesterday. It did not cause me to react to manipulation. Cricket, Miz and I are blondes, and I think maybe Barb is too, but we can handle the craziness. Do blondes have more fun? I am not sure. I know there are plenty of jokes about us, but we don't dare shout 'discrimination'. I just resort to, "There was a priest, a rabbi, and a Mullah..." never mind.
I'm going to put my cat, Sanura, back as my avatar for awhile. Meow. Thanks for being there, my friends. Be careful in the snow. I just can't imagine--it's 82 here right now. I need to go to Independence in a week or two, I hope the snow will not spread there too fast. HUGS, Christina

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