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I meant SADIE -why can't we edit here?

I never considered the potential hazards of the backyard pond beyond my concern thst a neighbors child get in trouble if they wandered in - but those lizards and frogs and such can be a real problem for dogs and cats - were mine younger and if they ever went outside - and if we still had a backyard pond - I would be so thankful for the heads up! Please give safie our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Linda you back yet???

p.s. thanks for your prayers ...
kimmy - yep we dont need people around us behavin like a donkeys ass . lalala

hi u all . its fibro cyst , lots of em . some big some small . its all good .

cricket i have heard ofthose frogs , theyre deadly posion and u rush ur baby to the vet just in time . i am sure sadie mae will be good as new . yes in fla things are out to get ya or animals . gotta watch em and stare at em . gators roams , deadly snakes roams and so does frogs . theyre all deadly piece of shit .
once a lady scream and scream said my dog !! my dog !! somebody help me ! a man said too late dear u ll have to get ya a nother dog , gator was happy munchin down on a white poodle . gawd !
christina - hope ur mom s eye is good and nothing bad .... lord please make all my caregiver friends be all peace and comfertable and take away thier pains . amen xoxo

Oh Cricket so sorry about Sadie! Sounds like she is a fighter and hope she gets back to her old self soon! Sending much love your way! xxoo

Kuli, there are no words for what you are going through right now! May peace come and envelop you and your Dad! Love and hugs, Kim

Linda, hope everything turns out OK! Let us know! I had a friend that could turn on a dime like that too! I cut the relationship off too! You are right when you say she blew it! She wrote this letter to me two years later, but there was no excuse for the way she treated me! I did not respond to her! Maybe it is the same person! Wouldn't that be weird?? Any whoslbee, I was very hurt by what she did!

Love you all, Kim

Way to go, Sadie Mae. Bad frog! I had no idea about Bufo frogs. Never heard of them. Well, cricket, sorry you had an extra dose of stress today. Please take it easy. I remember last summer when Sanura was almost attacked by a coyote. Whew.
Kuli, when your Dad and you come into my mind through out the day, I am praying. Peace. earthly release, comfort. Take good care.
Busy with landscape design today and doing our home business. But first, a walk on the bridle trail. Will top off the afternoon with a visit to Mother, and hope that she will be more calm today. She needs a CT scan to see what is going on behind her right eye. Keeps it scrunched shut and cups her hand over it, in pain. Atrophied brain pinching/enclosing a nerve? Prayers for relief, please. ttyl, more hugs

Sounds encouraging, Cricket! Oh ... how I've ( & most of us here ) been there with the animals. Must have been terrifying for all of you!

Sending heartfelt Blessings and Hugs to all my friends. I was thinking about how God is with us at ALL times, everywhere, through every thing, good or bad, and no matter if you worry or not, things turn out the way they are supposed to. We give each other support and encouragement through trials, and laugh when life turns humorous. Thank goodness we have a little of each, just at different times. I was looking at the overcast sky and thinking: if I see it as blue, eventually it will be, I just don't know when. I think faith is like that. We are not sure when things will be better, but we know they will be, because life gives us both. Remembering to imagine the pinpoint of light at the far end of the tunnel until it becomes bright is possible. Even when you are in the black hole, if you remember that the opposite of what you are currently experiencing is inevitable, maybe that will help. It is a stretch sometimes, but fake it until you make it. I am working on it all the time.
On another note: I wondered why spiders were an element of Halloween. I finally made the connection last year when I realized they are prolific at this time of year. Guess the enlightenment wasn't important for the first 59 years of my life.
Big DUH. hahahaha I am so smart, and I am SO DUMB!
But I love you all, none the less:) heehee Hugs, Christina xoxoxo

Thanks for the replies Linda, Miz, and Barb. I was going crazy sitting at home so after my post I headed back down to the vets. Sadie was not having anymore seizures and had come to but was delirious. I sat with her and talked to her for about 30 minutes and she looked better but her eyes were glazed over and she was agitated and didn't recognize me but only for about 2 seconds when she licked my nose. When I got there she was laying down on her belly with her head up and her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth! I stayed until she put her tongue back in (semi-normal) and they could move her off of the emergency table into an open crate. I only left to make it easier for them to keep her calm. There is an aide sitting by her side and she said she will call me later today and we will go from there. She is off the oxygen but still hooked up to an IV and the machine to monitor her vitals. In the meantime we killed all the critters in the pond! Even so, Sadie Mae won't be going out there again!! Poor Sadie. I will leash her up and just walk her more from now on. Thanks for your prayers and for listening. Love you all!!

oh my cricket . . . I pray it all turns out all right please keep us posted

Oh Cricket. I am so sorry. How scary for you. Sadie Mae is in the right place and being treated. I will think good thoughts for her.


kuli - cricket . prayers for both of you and ur love ones .

Linda and Kuli my prayers are with you today.

About an hour ago my son and I had to rush our "Sadie Mae" down to the vet hosp. we think she was poisoned by a Bufo frog. She came in after going outside and was acting strange then a few minutes later she was foaming at the mouth and lost control of her bowel, started convulsing and having seizures non stop. The vet has everyone working to save her and my heart is breaking, I'm a nervous wreck. They sent me back home and said it's a wait and monitoring thing for the rest of the day. Before I left I went in to see her and she had all kinds of needles and lines in her and oxygen mask, the seizures had calmed down but they said they can come and go. Sadie Mae is our Momma Boston Terrier and only about 6 yrs old... I'll be back later but needed to vent this ordeal. Love you all.

Kuli - in my heart I am right there with you. Mom was so extremely agitated just a week befor she passed that it took 3 of us to hold her in order to get a catherer in. Broke my heart - I had kind of hope the brusies she left on my arm would never fade but they have . . . I began 'sleeping' in her room the week before she passed - reading aloud to her. One of the last things she ever did was look at me and laugh. We give them comfort by our physical presence.

In holding on as she did and as agitated as she was Hospice suggested that perhaps Mom was looking for some closure with other family members deep inside her demented brain - my oldest daughter and she were as close as two people can be and she was 1000 miles away and so I called her we held the phone to Moms ear and Bianca talked to her granny for about 20 minutes, and an hour or so later Mom died.

hearthwrenching stuff.

I know we did the best we could for her - as you are doing for your dad. My heart is light and unburdened in that knowing. how her other children who abandoned her - and me - sleep at night I do not know.
Rosella - the cousin thing. of course people married primarily within their circle didn't they? It all gets very confusing to figure out the lineages because of it, what with a dozen kids in the family and brothers of one line marrying sisters of another. And of course women dropping their maiden names, and people dying young and remarrying often to folks from the same family. Of course the American Civil War here killed off a lot of my ancestors. AND the leaving out in all the old family info anything unpleasant . . . I overheard as a child some talk about a family member being in prison, and also a story about my aunt by marriage's sister being rather brutally murdered by her son - you know none of that stuff made it into the family bibles!

Kuli, I am so glad you posted. I understand your struggles. You are doing a good job. Please, no guilt. I am sure he is comforted knowing you are there with him. Take good care, Sweetie.


Morning all. Still here .... so hard watching his struggle. Somewhat peaceful night on Monday, terrible night last night. He is just so agitated - threw all the drugs I thought I could at him and still he was up and down, back and forth, breathing hard, talking, talking, talking. So many things going through his head - most don't make any sense cuz his oxygen levels are too low for him to think straight. I just hope he doesn't feel like he's suffering. I go from starting to get frustrated with him to sobbing when I think of being here without him to feeling guilty for a multitude of things. But even if he doesn't know where he is, he knows I'm here with him and I pray that brings him comfort. Thanks for all the candles, all the thoughts, all the prayers. Kuli

Prayers for you, Linda.

cricket- here s the schizooooo . lalalala . i had to smile and grin all night about what i am . lol kinda scary tho . god i hope i dont turn into schizo ! i had a friend she was one of em . she just turned into for the bad . i felt bad for her and had to stay away from her . she wants to come back into my life , not after what she had done to me i told her no ... just stay the hell away from me . trouble she was . its been over 20 yrs now . i would see her every once a while at another friend s home and i try to avoid her but she gets in my face anyways , just play cool and nice and watch my back . then she d say i like to come over , NOOO ure not welcome in my home .... sorry u blew it 20 yrs ago ...

today s the day for an ultrasound . prayers plz .. at 12 30 .

pa s looking good this morning . eating his bfast now . its all yum yum .

rossella ! i bet u didnt know what to think when ur mom spitting coins out . lol no wonder our folks turn us into schizooofranic lalala . heeheee hawwww .
love you all so mucho . gotta get off here and zoom around here before i go off to town and hope for the best .. prob wont get the result right away , gotta take a speical person to r ead the ultrasound , gonna tell em to send me a letter instead of callin me cuz i dont wanna faint when i get the ph call .
you all have a good day
meow at ya all later gators xoxox

Nobody new or old gets to pick on our Lindahart OBMAJ Hope everyone has a good day.

Mariesmom, my parents were first cousins... (they are the children of 2 sisters). This explains a lot of my schizo! I must say that they were smart and my brother and I never felt it as a problem; we were happy that our relatives were double.relatives (for example that my father's sister was also my mother's cousin...) and we found all the funniest sides in it. (My brother and I were siblings but also second cousins... . I think that what saved us is that my father and my mother didn't look like each other at all; as genethically they had both taken from the parents who were not related (my mother looks a lot like her father and my father looked a lot like his father, too). And when they studied in Naples and were not engaged yet, my mother lived in the same house with my father's brother, and my father lived in the same house with my mother's brother... And they were best friends. Hope your head is not too dizzy.

Wow. Just woow. So much ENERGY on the board tonight. Its truly great for when "you wish, you wish, you were a fish, so you could swim away" right? But with our run of luck if we were fish we'd probably swim up on a bunch of old ladies drunk on Margaritas hooping in up in their birthday suits. (What a silly sight that would be!)

I think i just discovered that my great grandparents may have been first cousins (yuck) but which would explain A LOT - so I'm going to bed.
See you all in the morning.
Linda good luck at the boob joint. we'll be wishing you well.
Love you guys

Rosella, spot on with your post! Slot machine!! Too funny! Almost choked on my candy corn! LOL hugs, Kim

Matrix,Linda is the sweetest person! Her sense of humor is unbelievable! Sometimes I'll be having a really blue day and she will come on and I will be laughing till I almost on the floor! Hope we can get together soon cause we don't live very far away from each other! I'd vote her Best Caregiver in a heart beat!

Cricket, Linda and I will drive down together and pick up other crew members along the way! I plan on going skinny dipping myself! Bathing suits are too binding! LOL I think I'll leave Dad here cause he would probably want to skinny dip too! Me and my shadow! Oh that's a song too! Too funny!

I am with you all! I hate dementia! We should print up a t-shirt with those very words! Messes up the life of the person who has it and takes down others in it's nasty path!

Pirate and Miz, you are brave for coming back here and helping us out on our way through this maze! Rip and Barb too! I lost my Mom and miss her every single day! I can look at pictures of her, but I still can't watch any videos. Hurts too bad! Thank you all for hanging in with us!

Kuli, hang in there! Thinking of you every day!

Diane, scream it out! Good for you!

Rosella, don't work too hard!

Love to you all! My shadow is back and needs attention! XXOO

Linda, the only thing where you are schizo is your fear of spiders. Is that possible? A country girl! They are much more scared than you are.
Matrix, most of us here are really schizo. I am the schizoest of them all. It's very difficult to keep your mind healthy with the absurd life we lead. Mymother yesterday spat a 20 cents in her dish. I called my helpers immediately to say the good new, that my mother has turned herself into a slot machine (and I hope she starts to spit 1 or 2 euro coins). She probably found the coin somewhere and thought it was a candy. I have been lucky this time that she didn't try to swallow it, otherwise we would be at the hospital already.
How can't you become schizo when you live with a person that puts herself in danger all day long and you have always to watch what she does, but it's impossible.
This is my 20 cents for tonight.


Two women friends had gone for a girls' night out.
Both were very faithful and loving wives, however
They had gotten over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi

Incredibly drunk and walking home they needed to
Pee, so they stopped in the cemetery.

One of them had nothing to wipe with so she thought
She would take off her panties and use them.

Her friend however was wearing a rather expensive
Pair of panties and did not want to ruin them.

She was lucky enough to squat down next to a grave
That had a wreath with a ribbon on it, so she
Proceeded to wipe with that.

After the girls did their business, they proceeded to
Go home.

The next day, the husband of one of the women was concerned
That his normally sweet and innocent wife was still in bed hung over, so he phoned the other husband and said:
"These girl nights have got to stop! I'm starting to suspect the worst. My wife came home with no panties!!"

"That's nothing," said the other husband,
"Mine came back with a card stuck to her ass that

'From all of us at the Fire Station.
We'll never forget you.' "

Linda is a schizo..Linda is a na na na na na! Hah! Sorry but that gave me the biggest smile that I've had in quite some time. Sorry Linda but I couldn't resist~ I love to tease you any chance I get cause ur so fun! But seriously now, don't change a thing about the stuff you say or the way you say it cause I enjoy your posts and look forward to all of them. Wha? You and Kimmie only live about 20 minutes from each other! You girls need to meet and at least have PB&J together!!!

Barb...skinny dippin would be fun.. I did that when I was a kid with a bunch of girlfriends and it was a hoot! I can just picture the whole bunch of us women jumping into the pool after a few Margarita's with boobs floppin' and thighs giggling! Caregiving isn't very kind to our muscular system as we all already know with all the neck and back pains, LOL

Diane, I hate it to! Dad wasn't his best today either and it sucked! Hang in there.

Love you all (you to linda hehe) nighty night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs (spideys) bite!!

thanks for your kind words , that realy touched me , big hugs , xoxo
matrix , i went back and re read what i typed up . i realized i was lit out of the line , sometimes i wish i didnt even talk about that stuff , kicking mysef in the hindend , too late cant delete it .
flex - me too i hate alz and dementia .... i wish they would find a cure for it , after a while i think i am dementend , life s scary .
good night you all . xoxo

Rip, ditto on the Life After Death.

Diane!!! I hate dementia too!!!! My Mother is nutty and yelling all day long and the caregivers and "other guests" look at me like I'm the one with the problem. Like I can do something about it. No, all those years of therapy (mine!) and she is losing it and my siblings are in denial. Whoo Hoo!!!! I haven't caught up after weekend, so love and peace to all who are having difficult days. Hugs and Angels upon your shoulders. Xoxoxo

what a crazy, sad month for so many people ...

We certainly have a unique strong bond! I was thinking of OBMAJ as well, Chris ... tried to approach with honor instead. wonder where it'll go?

Deef says "Hi!" She's disassembling the pool for winter.

Boy Nance, I sure know about Life After Death. Different & empty despite the freedom. Is it freezing up there yet?

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