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Hi Miz!! Nice to see you and everyone tonight. Fixing din din. Hubby's brother in hospital with mystery ailment, Mother still defying meds to drug a horse.
Love you! BBL.

Hi Christina!!

Um, matrix: we have a learned habit of defending our friends here, but we will also welcome you with open arms. Read some more and get a better feel for our loved ones. Most of us are worn out and cruising on a last nerve, but we hold each other up and Understand Each Other. Linda wins hands down Best most lovable gator on the block. She is sane and strong, faithful and as close to perfect as you will find. So, hope you are a care giver like us and maybe do psychotherapy as a hobby. Don't make me say OBMAJ. Haha love you girls!
Whoo Hoo!!! More later. Just had to pop my 2 cents in to defend my sweet LindaHeart. Hugs, Christina xoxo

Love ya Linda--I'm doing ok rip. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Mom, I miss her so much. Caregiving is hard but not having her is much harder, for me anyway.

Sorry for my screaming vent. I'm just feeling alone and frustrated.


Good Evening, Everyone. I got a new phone!! Dropped it on the concrete, of course!! Scuff marks, of course!! Ordered a cover and car charger offa ebay for just over 10 bucks. So all is good. I hate screwing up something new. Pisses me right off. But, I gotta remember what is really important in life. It's not bright shiny new cell phones. And yes, Linda is a mega sweetheart. If she is psycho than I belong in a loony bin. LOL!! Hi Nance. How have you been?? One of my friends at work's dad is going into congestive heart failure. Feel so bad for her. I know what is coming. Pirate, I hear you about it being hard to come on here sometimes. It's a reminder. That's why I am quiet sometimes too. Kuli, bless your heart, I hope you are doing okay. You are so dear to me. Your dad is so lucky to have you there for him. K, gonna get offa here. Love yous!!


Linda is our nicest person and has a great heart-I have been here since 08 I believe about a year before the husband passed on.

Hey Nance! How are you??? Things OK?

oh nance !! big hugs to you :-) . yes u were the one that award me . bless your heart , many hugs to you . xoxoox

I am the cynical poster that voted Linda the "BEST" and ya know why ?? It's because she is the best !!

oh wait a min , must be the beer talking :-)

matix , lord no way am i a schizo , hahaha lord no way , i had a friend once that she was , i backed up a mile away from her after she pushed me down in the ditch as we took for a walk .
rip thank you for sayin im sweetest , i do indeed have a big heart .
mm wonder why matrix thinks i am ? waaaaaaaaaaaaa
maybe the meds im on is makin me sound that way ugh ? sniff waaaaaaaaa.

Linda is the sweetest lady here! In fact she was designated "Caregiver of the YEAR" by one of the more cynical posters! Not just a runner up ... the BEST!
Rip hit the 19,600th post.
Boat Time!

You'll catch on Matrix. We've all been hanging together for many, multiple full moons!

Linda09, I'm not trying to be rude or ugly, but are you a schizophrenic?

howdy u all ! ..
better sex in five mins and that lady looks like me ! brown hair oh wait a min i dont see any few grays , what the hell !!! hee who is that man . meeowww ... phhhhhht see shes on top ! why do we all have to ride em like a horse ! i think so we can breath better lol . its not even a full moon out oh boy what am i gonna do .
i know i wont get any that lasts five mins , maybe one min its all hugs and kisses which its fine with me . ok goodnight huney bun and slam the door . :-) zoom run as fast as i can . heeheeeee hawwwww .
yes tmr i ll go and have the gooy stuff smear on left breast , think i shall wear a sweater so i wont get cold . lol goosebumps .
went to verizon with sis and i saw a small spider crawlin in her hair i i jump ov=ff the seat and grab her hair , she scream what are u doing !! i said spiders in ur hair . then it made her itch and itch and parniod theres more . the employee said oh gosh i didnt know what u were doing . i grin and smile . yep gotta remmy to smile it makes everybody smile too . sis ask me how big was it i said oh it was a small one , she said well what kind was it i said i dont know i smash it and couldnt tell what kind it was , all i know it was a spider .

,matrix - i agree its good for us to get on here and vent laugh and not feeling all so alone . i hop on this back in 09 . its great . sometimes i am a fly on the wall cuz the black hole keeps me from saying anything as we all go thru it till one of us is cryin where are you and then we feel bad and say im here im a fly .
christina is a dragonfly . :-) where are u christinaaaaaaaaaaaaa . oh wait a min wheres MIZ !! ure not a fly are you ? i come and smack u like cricket says .
MIZ lives the next state over so i think maybe 4 hrs drive . one day we will meet . gonna meet kimmy one day . shes about 20 mins from here .
alright i need to go bake me a pizza for supper .
help hubby stack wood so now we have 4 ricks of wood all stacked , whew that was work ., need about 9 more ricks to go , waaaaaaaaa . soon the snow be fallin , am hopin we get it done before snow comes .
will be back later tnite . maybe if i dont fall asleep . you all have a good evening . xoxo

Kuli - wanting to say something soothing. i guess its best to just send my love and support.

So i've been working on the family tree again and going through the old papers and come across a note addressed to me from my Mom. Sigh . .
All her lifeMom left me notes to find after she passed - even when I was just a little girl. This one was telling me about a picture of her grandmother and how it has always scared her a little bit - it IS kind of a scarey picture - al lot of the old ones were that way - and how she wanted to find it so she could show it to me. It was a lovely connection/reminder from my Mom so recently passed.

Fingers crossed now please. Husband has a phone interview FRIDAY with an extremely well known organization that works towards bettering the live of retired and 50+ aged people - yes them. They fear he is overqualified but are talking to him anyway and at least this group won't discrimate because of age. So if you have a spare moemnt - good thoughts his way please!

Forget the bathing suits - lets just go skinnydipping! That'll run any crowd off the beach!

Matrix welcome aboard-I know this will be a good experience for you those who are going through caregiveing and those like me who have been through it come together here to help-if you are not a caregiver or have been you really do not get it-a lot of people think that what they see in a nursing home when they visit and all the residents are sitting quietly think that is what caregiving is about and it is not that way at all. Caregivers very often are on the job day and night-my husband use to say to me now you only have one patient not 6 that you had while working but there was no down time for me-I could not leave after my 8hrs like I could at work and forget qiuiet meals with him it was 24/7. You probably already know your friends do not understand what you are going through-I hope I will be able to help you at timesI have years of unasked for experience-he was disabled for 16 years before he passed on.

Welcome, 195Austin. I just joined up last night.

Having someone emphasize with you with what you go through caring for the elderly is good medicine for the soul. Brings light into a really dark place in your life. You don't feel so alone when you realize others are going through what you are going through. Those who have been through it and have buried their loved ones can offer great advice, too.

Hi you guys are such a blessing for each other-it makes such a difference in our lives to know others understand what we are going through-the first time someone said they were sorry for what I was dealing with was so great-before that I felt so alone. I hope all your burdens are lighter tonight.

Hi Matrix and welcome!

The day is almost over here and I've been running Dad back and forth to Doctors all day! With more appointments scheduled and another script to get filled. sighs.

Kuli, if your Dad is eating good that's great! How are you holding up? My heart goes out to you. Hug!

Linda, I'm sure glad you made that appointment! I was going to ask you when was it if you hadn't said so, LOL Hugs to you and don't worry!...don't worry, be happy. remmy that song? Sing it in your head all day :)

Hell yes, everyone come on down! Barb bring either bikini or both. Linda you can bring Pa, I'm sure our Dad's would have a blast. Kim, leave yours there to give you a break from the shadowing, or bring him on down. I could see our 3 Dads telling stories...we could put them all in Dads room, LOL Jen, leave fartpants at home with his porn and forget about him and lets drink Margarita's. Ah, it sure would be fun. Linda and Kim you two are lucky you live not far from each other. It's a good thing no one lives close to me cause I would jump in my car and come for a sleep over! Everybody just bring air mattresses and there will be a camp out! Man, I would love it! Love you all, and WATCH OUT FOR THE SPIDEYS!

Barb, swing by here and take me with you to Fla. I sure could use a break. My social worker is going to try to get me a respite in Nov, but mama is doing so well right now, I hate to leave her. Am I crazy or what?

matrix, I hope you keep coming back, as Austin said it's a sanity saver.
Kim, I agree...I like the new picture on the right too. The first one was insulting. The better sex in 5 mins is insulting too. Who has time for sex anymore? Even 5 mins. And who cares if it's better? Most of us haven't seen any in so long we wouldn't know better is we fell into it.

Gotta go now and see to mama. TTYL

Hi Ksobhie...thanks...she passed back in April. I have been a part of this site for a long time and it helped me. I just don't come too much anymore, cause it reopens the images of what I went through again.

KULI....- BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG's a tough time that you are approaching...just think you are not alone, many of us have gone that same's tough at the end...I don't think you are quite there as the hospice folks say it may be awhile longer if he can still eat.

I meant she matches the caption! LOL Hi Matrix keep reading and venting! It helps! Wish I had found this site years ago!

Pirate, so sorry for your loss! Hugs to you!

Hey Rip I think of you often when I think of advertising or artwork..oh my god...there is a show called THE NEXT GREAT ARTIST...what crap !!! I watched these young so called artists come up with crap....simply crap...
Report one that has been there and done that.....just keep trudging's all over for me now...ooh and I miss my mom something terrible even though I wished it was all over then.

I am so happy to meet everyone here. Y'all just don't know. I thought I was the only one going through this hard work that seems never ending. I love my mom very much, but sometimes she's too much too handle. Reading all your war stories, your heartaches, and your hopes is comforting in a way. Please keep writing.

Linda, good for you! Hope everything is A-OK tomorrow. Just happy you got the appointment! Let us know as soon as you get back! Oh no, WOLF SPIDER! Say it ain't so!! You had me laughing so hard! Geez I needed that! Never did catch the one I saw in here! Probably has started a colony and will come out to attack on Halloween! Those spiders freak me out! Size of a tarantula! If you put it in the apartment and Dad's in there he will probably think it is a pet! LOL He thought squirrel was a mouse! Probably have it on a leash and threaten to sic it on me! LOL

Everybody look at the right side of your screen! They have replaced the young well rested blonde with an older blonde lady that looks like she matches the picture! Much more realistic! I can identify with the new one! LOL

Have a good afternoon everyone! Love you all! Kim

Rip's here ~
Tired. Little sleep. Remnants of that dang bronchial bug... cough, gag, gasp ...

Thinking of all of you! Hi Austin!!! Howdy Matrix ~ everyone else.
2 of those famous FB cats are invading my keyboard. SNUGGLE

Be safe & well my dear friends ~

Linda - yea! I guess you got tired of our nagging right? Do try not to freak out completely if they 'find' something.

THREE TIMES I was referred to specialist and each time it was nothing. What appeared to be cancer on a chest Xray turned out to be a scar from "Mississippi River Bottom Fungus" - fairly common in the Mississippi Delta area.
Once I went through hell with a bad pap and suspected ovarian cancer that turned out to be nothing, and - this is my favorite -
I was sent for xrays after complaining of skull numbness and a headache that wouldn't go away (20 yrs ago). The xray girl took like a lot of pics - then called in her boss who took more - my doctor called the house that night at dinnertime. Thought for sure I was a goner! Turned out I have two "extra" cervical ribs that were/are compressing a nerve.(I learned to live with it and declined surgery).
So - please breath deeply and keep positive thoughts! they'll be time enough to worry if there is truly something to worry about.

matrix - totally I'd leave the room if Mom was being 'covered' by someone else. Take an undisturbed bath of your own, catch up with a friend or neighbor, or just sit in the sunshine and listen to the birds.

Cricket - I have to chose between the red string bikini and the gold one - which would go better with the umbrellas in the frozen Margaritas? I can be there Friday morning if I leave now - who else needs a ride?

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