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Linda, I am proud of you for making your appointment. :)

Linda how did you get appointment so fast I had to wait two weeks they tell me I might have cancer then tell me to wait two weeks for an appointment-that is New York for you no compassion.

Welcome all the new people-this site will be invaluable to you-it saved my sanity when I came here years ago and even though I am no longer a steady caregiver I come back because I made so many friends here. Bobbie you are in my thoughts while you are so busy with your Mom's house-we miss you very much.

better sex in 5 mins . quicker it is the better it is , hurry up ! heeheeeeeeeeeeeeee

good noon u all .
i made the appt this mornin . 1230 tmr . how u all happy campers :-) .
matrix - welcome and pleasure to meet you . my dad is 88 yrs old with dementia . heart pblms and stroke too .
jsomebody - hope ur mom gets better real soon . hope u dont come down with it .

kimmy guess what !! the wolf spider is over here !! one crawled on daughter s foot and she scream bloody murder she killed it too , and last night i saw one ran away from me , ohh u bastard !! so he s runnin around here somewhere . ill catch em for ya and let him live with u in ur new apt :-) . lalala
man i hate spiders . theyre all comin in ! theyre smart how to get in the house but not smart enuff to know they will be smash .
you all have a good day . i am so hungry and i best eat something . havent realy ate much in past few days ,

deefer - smile today ok .... deflex - you too .... lets all smile and pack our bags and go to crickets for the winter like jsomebody said . woo hoo . can i bring my dad ? :-) . i be lost without him ...

mariesmom - how did ur hubby s interview go ? hope all is good at your way .

wheres rip ? christina yoo hoo .... pirate ?? selfish sibling where are you guys at . i know i havent been feelin like postin lately but today i thought id tell ya the appt is tmr . and end up meowin more . lalala
love you all and have a happy smiling day today . xoxox

Hi everyone finally got caught up-Linda girlfriend get thhat sonagram-that happened to me last time -had to get sonagram which was normal-turned out they were sure everything was ok but just wanted to be really sure-you know we worry about you so TODAY make the appointment-at least the sonagram is not as painful.

Matrix you hit the nail on the head..."caring for someone who is combative is Very Hard to Do", but it must be done....Thank you for your words!

Today is therapy day for Mom. Her kind and very patient therapist Brad helps her stand and walk around the room for a couple of minutes. He talks with her for a long time, too. She needs that just as much as the exercise. I usually leave the room because she needs to see other people than me as her world gets smaller and smaller.

She's in a good mood today and I'm so happy for it. Ate a big breakfast and now rests before her bath. Thank you, God, for the therapists. Mom wouldn't take full baths for a few weeks at a time before the therapy. A quick wipe off after a couple of weeks doesn't hide the odors as well as a hot shower. Have to come up with a way to keep people coming over at least for ten minutes so she'll have to bathe. Mom is very prone to fungus infections under her right breast, so the baths are critical.

Best wishes to everyone here. Lets all pray for one another because caring for someone who is combative when you try to help them is very hard to do and maintain your own composure.

Hey lets all pack and go stay with cricket in FLA! I'm going swimin!
G probably sick here, says he isn't this will be bad if he is sent home...gotta get the shopping done and mom is wiped out sick too. First freeze last night...Here it comes. Best Wishes Everyone, Peace to kuli. Jen

MSM, you made me smile. It's the same here, in our sleepless nights (which don'happen often; my mother sleeps at night)
Kim, I wasn't hurt you didn't mention me in the first post! I know you think of me. Good idea, go take Linda and take her to the doctor.
Kuli, my father was the same. During the last period of his life he wanted to fix everything and he told me to take care of my taxes. You could ask your father what needs to be done and you can offer him to help him to do it. For men like him and my father, these are the most important things. I think that I (myself) will do the same and I will worry about practical things in the same situation.
Matrix, no, you are not alone!

Matrix - welcome. Incredible people here. Come on in and vent away. we're listening.

Kuli I am thrilled your dad was able to see his name on the verterans memorial. I am from a military family and was in the Navy myself (back when the aqua-dinosurs roamed the seas). Please tell him how much we salute and revere his service.

I have been speakingto lawyers today re Moms house but I won't go into thsat bcause its 1am and I need to go to bed. But Ifound this I'd written long ago while looking for other stuff - its a verbatim conversation i had with Mom a few years back.

"Mom. Mom!"
"I love you."
"I love you too. Please stop singing. It's sleep time."
"(Gibberish melody) the man do we go in there, Jesus . . . "
"Go to sleep Mom. It's the middle of the night."
"(Gibberish melody) Go in there, its outside . . . "
"Goodnight Mom. Sweet dreams."

4:06 AM
"Mom. Mom!"
"I love you."
"I love you too. "
Pointing to picture of my father/her husband now dead 20 years. "That man -"
"That's Ed. Your husband. My daddy. Mom I need you to be quiet. Please be quiet and go to sleep or I will have to close the door."
Unintelligible muttering and hurt look.
"Good night Mom.

"I'm closing the door. Good night."
"(Gibberish melody) the Jesus man we do in there . . . "

Just thought I'd share a little Momma. Its so very quiet here now.
Love you guys!

Hang in there Kuli

Dad's oxygen saturation was in the upper 70's earlier today, should be at least in the 90's and yet he was more awake, yet still confused, most of the day - pleasantly confused, not agitated. I will take pleasantly confused over agitated any day. Ate like a horse all day. Hospice nurse still thinks sunshine before the rain. Did get him outside in the wheelchair. Our city is putting in a memorial down the street in the park for all of the veterans in the town, alive or dead. Went to visit it today even tho they're not done and were able to find the brick with dad's name and take pictures. Memorial service is November 11 but truly don't think dad will be here physically for that, will be in spirit one way or another. I just wish he could finish what he needs to finish and be able to be at peace. It's so hard to see him so agitated and thinking he has things to get done. Just pray he can find the peace to make the journey to whatever is beyond. Kuli

Rules For Getting Older
Never pass a bathroom
never waste a hard-on
never trust a fart

Hi MatrixGolden, welcome! You will enjoy it hear! Everybody is very supportive of each other. Many amazing people here! My Dad is 84 and sundowning(sleeps by day and lives by night). He has been with us 11 years! Broke his hip in April had some dementia, but after surgery his cognitive status has been declining rapidly! Hugs to you, Kim

Just joined tonight and this is so wonderful knowing that I am not alone in caring for an elderly parent and going through what some of you are going through. Mom is 93, suffered a left-brain stroke, and is declining in health. I believe she will be gone within 24 months at the rate she's declining. The hard part is coping with the stress of caring for her. She's in a lot of pain and I get snapped at even when I haven't said or done anything to provoke it. Preemptive snapping? I can't fault her for table manners though. At least she can eat on her own even if she does make a mess sometimes.

Rossella, happy to hear your Mom is being good while you work! Dad usually watches basketball, but they not playing due to some negotiation problem with something! Geez they get paid enough to support a small country! Guess they want more? Wish they would get up off their asses and play! Dad would sure enough watch them! Like you said in one of your posts money money money makes the world go round! It is a shame, but it is true! Love and hugs to you! I knew my earlier post didn't look right cause you weren't in it! My shadow is back (dad). Have to work on relaxing shoulders, because the longer he shadows the further up to my ears they go! Ouch!XXOO

Hi everyone.

Linda. Get your sonogram scheduled ASAP! I had a scare when I was 38. I went for Mammogram and there was a tumor. Had a biopsy and it was a benign adenoma. They had me go in for a mammogram every six months to check to make sure it was not growing. A couple years later, they had to remove it because it had grown! I was very scared until I had the biopsy done. The biopsy and then removal of the lump was a piece of cake! They numb everything so much there is no pain at all! I am due in November for my Mammogram and bone density test! Please just schedule so you won't have to worry about it! Chances are that they are just making sure all is OK. The odds are in your favor. Just take one step at a time, but get it done! If you don't I'll have to kidnap you and take you there myself! I know where you live and it's not a very far piece from me! It's scary, but you can do it! I take Lexapro and have never lost any hair. Been taking it for years. I think it is in the same family as Celexa. I did lose some hair when I took Ambien for sleep. As soon as I stopped taking it, hair grew back!

Cricket, Glad you got to get out with hubby for a while. I wish it was warm here all winter. Gets freaky cold here in Indiana. We have the heat on. Thanks for the hug, I needed it. The cabinets are here and ready to put into the apartment. Next step is for plumbers to come out and hook up toilet , shower, and all that jazz and it should be ready for Dad to move in. He is driving me crazy shadowing me all over the place. AGH!! I will move in if he refuses, but I am going to tell him that if he doesn't he is going to a nursing home! I think he will prefer the apartment! LOL

Feeling a little bit better, but have had an earache today and neck is stiff and sore. I think the neck is just the normal pain I have from stress which is no stranger to any of us.......

Kuli, you are in my thoughts daily! My candle is lit right here in the house. The waiting is terrible. I felt like I was on pins and needles when I went through it with Mom. Hugs bring sent your way!

Ann, sounds like you are taking the tiger by the tail! Good for you! Happy to hear your husband is feeling better and stepping up to the plate! That is the way it should be! Hope your pain is better! Hope your Mom is staying in her chair or bed unless someone is around. Dad just gets up and does as he pleases! I can't begin to keep track of his movement and he is still sundowning. Hopefully we can all find some kind of balance on this tightrope we are all on right now!

Miz, How did your root canal come out? Last one they attempted on me, the dentist dropped the little file in the canal. Had to go to a specialist to see if he could get it out and he couldn't! Then I had to go to an oral surgeon and have it pulled! His name was Dr. Potter and strangely enough he looked like Harry Potter down to the glasses! LOL Two other root canals before that with no problem!

Barb, we need new glasses too! It has been forever since we got new glasses, but I know I need them because I can't even read large letters on a sign anymore! Blurry! Gonna have to do something soon. I've been in glasses since I was eight years old! Don't think I could ever see properly, because I remember when I put my first pair on I could actually see people's features for the first time! LOL Wishing and hoping that job comes to your husband soon.

Diane glad you and Mom had fun at the fair! I don't like crowds much and it dors seem to get worse the older I get. Wish Dad would go places! Takes too much effort just to get him to go to the Doc's office.

Jen, hope you are feeling better and your Mom too! Getting cold and days getting shorter. Soon we get the big time change! With time change it gets dark around five in he afternoon! Yuck

Christina, hope all is well with you! You are not a Knot Head by any means! How are your Mom's Meds doing for her? Always wishing the best for both of you! As I mentioned earlier, if Dad is not cooperative with the apartment, he is going to have to live somewhere else. I am a sandwich right now between Dad and daughter. Daughter is first priority! Hugs to you!

A big shout out to everybody! Cuz, Austin, hope Mom's leg gets better!, 54, Anniegirl, SS, Rip, Bobbie, wishing you smooth sailing! Love and hugs to you all! Kim

Linda, as the other ladies said: Go and do that test again. If you are scared ask one of your daughters to go with you, but go!!!
Ann I am happy you feel better.
Jen i am sorry you don't have money right now to take Monty to the vet. I know how frustrating it is.
Kuli I hope you are reasonably well...
I have to work tonight so goodnight everybody

LOL annt. I got that expression from my SIL. She's a hoot. :))

I definitely understand where you're coming from. When you feel better you can catch us up. Hang in there. We love you.

Hey Y'all,
Just wanted to let you know I'm reading everyones post but not saying much. I'm in a foul mood and it's best that I keep it to myself right now.

Take care gang!

Love ya,

Good god Miz.....your phone did Whattttttttttttttt????????????????

Hope you all have a good evening. Thinking about you... every one of you.

Linda, please don't put it off. You will feel so much better when they say you are fine. Please!! I would text you but my phone took a shit. :(

cricket - i too takin celexia . so far seems doing me good . waitin for my hair to fall out like it did to annt . if it does im gonna go cryin to dr about it . is ur hair thinning ?
havent called to make an appt , u may have to come and smack me . im afraid to go back and hear bad news , i cant handle bad news very well . i d fall apart thats for sure .... maybe i ll double dose of celexia ? think that ll help ? :(
pa s lookin good sittin in recliner , refusin to go lay in bed so i can change him . i told him after supper ur ll have to go lay in bed so i can change u . yeah ok he says lol . so we shall see .
it s gonna be dark in 15 mins i shall go walk the dogs and feed em thier supper and put em up for the night . they been hanginout front al day enjoyin the veiw . i wish i could trust them to roam but i dont trust them at all , zoom run the neighborhoods , i know some of u dont believe in chainin em up or keepin em in the pen . honestly i do givethem attention and walk them everyday with thier leach on and give them rawhide bones to enjoy nawin on it and act like theyre going to chase a car or someone walking by , theyre chained up cant go any farther , long cable they have . i love my dogs and would not leave em abandon , if i dont have a hubby i would have em in the house , hubby says oh helllll noooooooooooo . louie my cat would be so piss off at me . he is the only one that is allowed to stay in the house .
love u all , thinkin of u kuli . many hugs to u and ur pa .. xoxo

Linda..... go get that done girly.. now. Hopefully it isn't anything but a good screener doing an excellent job and just making sure. Don't put it off or I'm gonna worry. "smacksyou"

Annt, I took wellbutrin years ago when it first came out but was allergic to it. I've had to stick with celexia...and lots of self help work, lol

Kuli, I am with you in spirit holding vigil with you from a distance... peaceful and calm vibes sending your way.

Kim, I hope your sinuses are clearing up and you're feeling better. *Hugs*

Hi Jen, Barb, Christina, Mary, Diane, Bobbie, Cuz, Miz, Rossella, Austin, Flowgo, and anyone I missed. Everyone have a safe warm cricket.

Everyone doing medical stuff today? Husband and I went to Walmart for Vision exam and glasses. I hate spending the money - but I hate worse not being able to see properly in the rain in the dark, etc - and husband needed bifocals.
linda I hope the redo on your breast exam is routine - but don't put it off.
annt - glad your appt went well and the meds are helping.
kuli - we are here if you need us.

Love to all

Hey there, I'm just checking in too. I had an appointment with my pdoc today and had to take mom with me. She was very good tho and sat in the waiting room while I talked to my doctor. Dr thinks I'm doing fantastically. Welbutrin working it's magic. Husband doing better mentally and is actually out working. Like's just a bowl of cherries. lol! Today. As Forest Gump said "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" For us caregivers that's a daily occurance. You reach in hoping for a creamy nugat and come out with a nut cluster. Oh well. I am woman, I am strong, hear me roar! Tomorrow you can listen to me whine and cry and bitch and moan.

Kuli, still praying for a peaceful passing for you dad. You are so fortunate in that you have all us (how many of us is there now?) thinking of you and praying for you. And you've never even met us in person. And yet we know each other and love each other and are there to support each and advise each other when needed.

Gotta go for now. TTYL

good afternoon you all .
cricket ! ure so warm ugh . woo hoo . love fla s weather in winter time . when i get old im going to be snowbirds , snuggle up to fla for the winter lalala .
i got a letter from hospital tellin me i did not pass my mamogram test so theyre wanting to do ultrasound on it . plz call to make an appt . i was floored ! i never failed that test ! well this time i did . i havent gotten around to call yet to make an appt . kinda dont want to :-( ....
pa s hangin in there . got him out of bed this mornin and had him sit in kitchen , perked him up some . he said he wanted to sit in his recliner today so that is where he is . sis said he doesnt look good . nope he dont .

thinkin of kuli and sayin my prayers for her , thats a rough road to be on and hopin it all goes smoothly for her and all her love ones .

jen - yep ure right it is monday and somebodys ass s gonna be kicked today . pa said only on a mondy i can kick my cat . well i didnt i fed him tuna and he ate and curled up in a ball and is sleeping . he camped out lastnight outside cuz he refused to come in when i told him i was going to bed . he ran off so i said ok freeze ur balls ! shut the door and lock it and i snuggled warmyly in my covers .

rip- i too agree not to change my icon . dad and i are lookin at you all :-) . i will lite a candle in my house and it is for kuli ..

love you all !! xoxo

Good Afternoon everyone, It's a beautiful day here in South Florida, a perfectly dry 80 degrees. I'm loving it! All is good and quiet in my house. Kuli I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

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