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Hello and good week to everyone, prayers still with kuli. Take it moment by moment....we are all thinking of you and wish you peace...

My moms got the cold now, I am doing more here to help so she can rest as much as possible. G may have it, says he doesn't if he goes to Adult Day Health we will be in trouble if he IS sick, they will send him home and we may lose ride status...God one less worry please...then cat throws up twice and Monty has bleeding infection I can neither afford nor can mom drive him to vet.....when does this end? Now he is gonna jump off the bed...well it sure is a Monday!!!

Good Morning, Msm and everyone.

Good Monday morning all. Just checking in.

A cop stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit,
so he asks the biker his name.

'Fred,' he replies..

'Fred what?' the officer asks.

'Just Fred,' the man responds.

The officer is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the biker a break and, write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then presses him for the last name.

The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. 'Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?'

The biker replies, 'It's a long story, so stay with me.' I was born Fred Johnson.
I studied hard and got good grades.

When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Johnson, MD. After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school.

Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through School, got my degree, so then I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS.

Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS, with VD.

Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS.

Then I was Fred Johnson, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Johnson with VD.

Then the VD took away my Johnson, so now I am Just Fred.'

The officer walked away in tears, laughing.

Love You, Kuli.

Very bad night last night. Dad very agitated and was running a fever. After liquid tylenol and haldol, he finally fell asleep around 5am. Slept peacefully until 11am and was very alert. Nice to get a glimpse of the real him. Went back to sleep around noon and has been sleeping peacefully since. The meds hospice ordered seem to finally be starting to work but we'll see how he does once the sun goes down again. Ate and drank coffee while he was up this morning. Didn't even eat or drink that much all day yesterday. Hospice thinks it's a little sunshine before the rain. I'll take whatever sunshine I can get. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I know you know how much I appreciate them. Kuli

Kuli, keep us posted if you can.
Ann, I had to work today so I convinced my mother to stay in bed until noon, and now I have "parked" her in front of the TV hoping she starts to doze.... What can I do, I have to work. I'll go to watch her from time to time.
Caregiver turnover? What a good idea. I might come to live in USA and participate.

Checking in on you Kuli. I wish you and your dad all peace.
Husband and I went to PetSmart this afternoon, buying a variety of 'wet' food for our two kitties. Our Nahla was 16 last weekend, and we had fogotten to acknowledge it. So she - and Rose -had a 2nd breakfast this morning, and I have some fresh catnip to give them in a bit.

Going crazy with spending money we don't have, I suggested we stop at what used to be our favorite Chinese restaurant - but my food was so awful I refused to eat it. Maybe I watch Ramsey too much, but the rice was obviously not fresh, and the chicken was processed chunks. Yuck. Husband ate his pork - what he could find of it. I will not return. This place used to be so good we used them to cater our middle daughter's 18th birthday - but that was 5 yrs ago.

I hope all can find some peace and comfort and laughter in their day. Love you guys.

Thoughts and prayers with kuli and her dad...Let it be just calm and quiet and serene and just having family there. Hospice is a God Send too....

Hello Flowgo! A granny sitter club, now that's an idea. I should find a few caregivers in my locality and get one going. Welcome. Hope to hear more from you. We all have differing circumstances. Some are in pretty decent shape but most are not. I'm glad you are in good shape with your mother right now. Enjoy it. Unfortunately with our parents it only gets worse as time goes by. Sorry , didn't mean to depress you. It's just a fact we have all learned and experienced. Even if you have it good right now, you will probably need to vent from time to time so feel free. We don't judge anyone for their venting. We all do it. Some do it better than others, I won't mention any names but the initials are JEN. lol! We love our Jen she is a gold mine of productive venting, with plenty of reason to, I might add.

Kuli, I hope you got some rest last night. We are still here for you and always will be. And truly, if we weren't all so broke, we'd be on a plane, train or car to your side right now.
Rosella, good advice about remaining peaceful. It's very hard when your heart is breaking, but it does comfort the dying. And you are right, we pull that strength out from somewhere. It's there for us when we need it. Maybe collaspe later, but at the moment we are strong. It's only because we are so strong that we are caregivers in the first place. And we are blessed for doing what must be done.

Cricket!!!! Going for a drive with hubby. Good for you. I'm hiding out in my bedroom. this afternoon. I'm feeling stalked and I have to hide. If I leave the room for 5 mins, Mama comes looking for me. I told her I had to go lie down with the heating pad on my back. SSSOOOOO true! My husband is here, but of course, he's snoozing. I keep waking him up to go check on mama. Ha! let him see how it feels to get up 50 times a day to take her to the bathroom or take her lunch or remove her tray 10 mins later or help her get into bed or lie down on the sofa or get up from the sofa or pull up her pants in the bathroom......etc....You all can fill in the etc.......

Hang on everybody. Let's all click on those two ladies smiling their heads off while handling inappropriate dementia fueled outbursts and see how that's done....ha! Or not.........just saying.....

Husband and I are taking off for a drive today.. Yay!! Have a good peaceful day all!

Flowgo, welcome here! Keep coming!! :))

Kuli, I am holding Vigil with you and pray both you and your father are at peace and the Angels are there comforting. Remember to breathe.

Maybe there needs to be a granny sitter club with all the caregivers so some can go on a wild vacation while others stay back and take care of the people that need to be taken care of.Then take turns. I just took my mom with us on vacation and everywhere we went. We always had a fantastic time together,but I am finding out how others do not have it so easy.

Hi everyone -still trying to catch up-went out to lunch with my friend the other day-heis so kind he stoped at Costco and bought me a cooked chicken which will help because I really do not have much money for food right now-he calls me each night to talk which is nice. I have been reading all your posts-my mother got an infection in her leg that she hurt while we were on vacation-the wound looked good just before we came home so she messed it up someway-if she needed help my bil was going to ask my brothers to go out there and help-my sister and I both are busy this coming weekend-I can just imagine their excuses-and she thinks they both are so great my sister and I get all her anger.

Kuli, try to be as peaceful and serene as possible, to help him... I know it's difficult but it's the best thing you can do for him. And you have already done so much. I know we have the most difficult task, and we have to be strong all the time... It seems impossible that we can stand all of this, but we have unlimited resources of strength. And please ask your friends (the ones who are close to you) to help you....
A big kiss

many hugs to you and yr dad kuli . xoxox

Signing off for tonight.....thinking of you Kuli and what your night will be like. Praying for peace and comfort for you all.
Love and a big hug,

Kuli, thinking of you and your Dad! Sending much love and many hugs your way! Kim

Kuli I wish for you and your dad peace and love. Please know that we are all thinking of you.

Kuli angels are with you and your dad

Kuli .......
Imagine a candle. Rocky is watching me so I dont dare change my avatar.
She watches over all of us from a loving pet perspective.
You know we are all with you & would rather be standing beside you.

Mom and I made through the fair. It was packed with people since its the last weekend. Mom and I enjoyed seeing the animals, the crafts and the plants. We had our corndogs and Fisk Fries. The older I get the less and less I like crowds.

Kuli, I've lit my vigil candle candle for you and dad. We are there with you in spirit. I pray for a peaceful pasing for dad.

I'm beat, so I will say good night. Wishing you all a peaceful night.

Love ya,

Oh Kuli, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you have Hospice. Praying that he will go peacefully and that you will find comfort. Love and sympathy.

Hello all. Hope you have had a tolerable day today. Mine has been pretty good.
Love the knot prayer, Cuz and the joke Diane. Keeps me smiling.
Linda, I'm glad your daughter came out ok. She should be fine with a half ovary. My mom lost a whole ovary with a 10lb tumor attached to it before my younger brother and I were born. She did just fine. Our bodies are really amazing in it's powers to recover.
Barb, I'm still hoping with you for your husband to get a job he will like.
It's so hard to lose a pet. I'm so sorry for you Rossella and Miz. I guess all who love and take in pets have lost one from time to time. We lost our dog Scooter years ago and it was so hard on us.
Kim, hope you're feeling better soon. I hate sinus infections! Can make you soooo sick. Agnes is very cute.
Hey Christina, get well too.
Jen, you should feed FP some jet fuel and let him send himself to Iowa.
Cricket, I'll come stay in your respite apartment. I'll hang out with your dad.

That happy blonde is getting on my nerves too. Good job on deleting her, I think I'll try it. And the Better Sex in Five Minutes. Like I need that! I'd just like to have five minutes of any kind of sex. And why would they use a young blonde for caregiver burnout? How many young women are caregivers these days? It's mostly middle agers and old agers. The young women are raising kids. Well heck, that's caregiving too I guess. Never mind......but she does look too happy to have burn out unless that's her crazed look.
I did read the article on the caregiver who had breast cancer tho. It was very touching.

Guess I'll go for now. Have a good evening everyone. Love and hugs.

I pray for peace and comfort and rest for your dad, Kuli and the same for you too when that time comes. I don't think we are ever ready no matter what. I am so glad there is a nurse there with you. Angels and hugs to you, sweetheart. I know, you know I know.


Good evening to all. It looks as though my dad's roller coaster ride is climbing it's last hill and getting ready to take it's last ride to the bottom. Seems the agitation, sundowning stuff that has gotten worse this past week is actually something termed terminal agitation. Apparently hard to suppress as we have discovered but something most go through a few days or so before death. So the vigil is on and I am so not ready for this. I can only thank God for hospice. They have been wonderful. A nurse is here tonite to provide "comfort care" to him and respite care for me and yet I can't rest because all I want is to be with him while I still can despite my absolute exhaustion from being up with him part or all of the last 5 nights. Silly me I thought his agitation was just because of a new caregiver. Please pray for peace, for comfort, for rest at last for my dad. Kuli

Good thoughts coming your way Diane! Loved the husband joke! Have fun! Hugs, Kim

Prayer will be said, flex. Love You.

Hey Y'all,

Say a prayer for me, I'm taking mom to the fair! If I make it back tonight I'll let you know.
Cuz, love the Knot Prayer!

Love ya,

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