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Good Evening Friends,
Diane, it is the month of October which is BCA, so most appropriate, dear girl. I hope you are beginning to get a lift--haha--from the doldrums. Our emotions are like the tides of the sea. Don't despair. Just roll around in it and wallow until you are wallowed out. It's the best way:)
Rosella, yes soul brother is a blessing. The alignment with another, and agreement on a deeper level. Satisfying acknowledgment.
Good luck to your husband, MsM, with job interviews. The right position awaits. It's just the waiting that is hard.
I am early to bed tonight. Hubby bringing kids home from airport tonight, late dinner of salad, then to bed. No Haagen Daz tonight.
Hugs and Kisses to all. Pleasant Dreams:)
Love, Christina xo

Linda, Kim, Cricket, Christina, Pirate, thank you! You are so sweet and it means the world to me to have support in these very difficult days. Pirate, I appreciate that you "jump out" in these circumstances and I remember your posts about Nicky when she was bitten by the dogs and was at the hospital. I hope you have a very good Halloween with that nice dress. Christina I hope your feet are better. I don't know that particular disease. I don't like cortison either, it helps just for the moment but doesn't really treat you.
I had a very long conversation today with my BIS (Brother in Soul) who is the friend of my cousin. He is the only person I know I can talk to at certain levels (mystical-religious-true meaning of life, that kind of stuff). He called me because he had heard about Nicky and we talked one hour on the telephone and we cried together. This is what a real brother should be! My mother is being very calm these days, thanks God, so I prepared for her a very good cake with alcohol in it and she liked it a lot. In a way, she feels she has to be cooperative!
Good night everybody, I hope your day is as good as it can be.

Life is F'd up so I decided to make y'all laugh insead of me crying some more. Pirate and Christina it is so good to see you both.

Hi guys. Hello Pirate so very nice to meet you.

Business taxes filed done today - a month late but its not like I had a choice in the matter - also - husband has two interviews set up for at least PT work in his field later this week- so there is a glimmer of hope. Glimmers are good. IToday i am satisfied with a glimmer.

Love you guys. Thanks for being here..

What Religion is Your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's
and shyly walked up to
the woman behind the counter and said,
"I'd like to buy a bra for my wife. "
"What type of bra?"
asked the clerk.

"Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type?"

"Look around,"
said the saleslady,
as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color
and material imaginable.

even with all of this variety,
there are really only
four types of bras to choose from ."
Relieved, the man asked
about the types.
The saleslady replied:
"There are the Catholic,
the Salvation Army,
the Presbyterian,
and the Baptist types.
Which one would you prefer?"

Now totally befuddled,
the man asked about
the differences between them.
The Saleslady responded,
"It is all really quite simple. .

The Catholic type
Supports the masses;

The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen;

The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright; and

The Baptist makes mountains out of mole hills."

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes?
If you have wondered why,
but couldn't figure out
what the letters stood for,
It is about time
you became informed!

(A} Almost Boobs...
{B} Barely there...
{C} Can't Complain!...
{D} Dang!...
{DD} Double dang!......
{E} Enormous!...
{F} Fake...
{G} Get a Reduction...
{H} Help me, I've fallen
And I can't get up!...

They forgot the German bra:


Linda BIG HUG AND KISSES TO YOU AND DADDIE.....hello to everyone from yer favorite pirate....and you know what I will be on All Hallow's!!!

I made the neatest pair of life size skeletons..RIP would be proud of the artistry. Maybe I can send a pic to Bobbie and she can post somewhere's. I have a crappy pic from my cell phone. I bought a couple of skulls from Rite Aid 2.99 ea and then bought some hands and arms from the 99 cents store..and bought clothes at the Thrift shops and boots from the Swap g/f brought over a shoe box full of old junk jewelry and I made tons of stuff for my skeletons to wear. I have a pirate and a witch. They are impressive enough to suit Mr. Disney and Disneyland if I do say so myself!!!!

pirate ! good to see you again . keep comin back , we all needs u here to hang out . great to see ya !
sis in law came and we had fun . rode in the handicap van wow what a ride lala , made a donation for 10 bucks . beats 240. round trip ride .
dr made out a prescrib for another year of refills , dad showed the dr his hands and he ordered xray . dr was smiling like ohhh cute blonde here . i thought phhhhhhhht ure still a dick head . he said do u give him tyelonal for his hands ? i said it doesnt work for him i gave him painpills he had leftover when dr removed the cancer off his ear . ask me whats the name of it and i told him so he fax it over to cvs . he said is it all gone ? i said no he still has some left . he makes me feel like he thinks i take em . well hell i ll take it if i have to ! but i didnt say that . ask me about zannax kinda rolled his eyes if he needed more ? i said well he s not out he still has some left , he said i ll fax it over too .
alrighty got supper in the oven , i best go ck em out . smell burn weeee .
see ya later tnite xoxo

Oh gosh terrible. I just read what sad I would just die if it was me. I know how you must feel especially after all the poor thing went through..oh my gosh what a terrible terrible thing to have happen. But accidents do happen in life...poor little Nicky...all I hope for is she did not suffer long...the poor little dear. She did suffer a lot...oh my gosh...I know how you must feel...that is the cruelest thing that can happen to someone...but please the others are right...accidents do happen. Big hugs to you and to Nicky's angel.

Morning Everyone, Dearest Caregiver Friends: I slept too late since I stayed up too late, brainless, in front of the flat screen, watching one shallow romance movie after another. I ate one of those little HaagenDaz ice creams, too. I do not pig-out, but if I am going to eat "something bad", it is very good stuff but a small portion.
Annt: very nice article. I am proud of you. Maybe you should send it in to Reader's digest, as well? I think they might let you mention the site. Check it out, maybe?

Rosella: I know the look you describe that Nicky would give you. There is an arm around the shoulder, and endless encouragement that go with it. It is more a "knowing" beyond any words, the way friends are when they spend so much time with each other that they fuse, in a way. Remember a special girlfriend from school who could start or finish your sentences? Or a look given at certain times that makes you laugh because you both had an "ah ha!" simultaneously? The unspoken knowing that is beyond comforting, because it is recognition of your own feelings and state of mind. I had that with my cousin this past weekend. Sometimes it happens with a distant family member; somewhere out there, there really is someone else that we can align with, that validates our position, or our awareness.

Not like husbands: mine keeps Telling me that he knows something is bothering me and I am not telling him. wow. After almost 30 years, he is afraid to "read me"? Yeah, I'm a bit sick of him being home and underfoot all day. Asking me what I am doing, what am I going to do, what are we having for dinner, etc. He is working, but his site office isn't ready yet, the contract is not final because the job they are supposed to start was bid last year and the subs have increased some prices, and the principle wants to know why. It's the ECONOMY, a$$hole! Gee, so we all suffer down the line.
I am still doing my job and thinking about getting another one. I am taking care of Mother's needs: dealing with doctors and trying to find a med that works on her, going over to floss her teeth because they are having a hard time getting her to cooperate--like parents of 4 year olds who can't control the little monsters so they let them run rampant?! In this case, they let Mother sit around all day with yucky teeth. I am showing them how to do it today. Luckily, I have all the busy work to do to keep my mind on law and order: housework and yard work. I feel like I am WAITING for something all the time. Waiting for my life to begin. Waiting for my husband to get paid. Waiting for the elections. I am not waiting for the holidays.

I have Morton's Neuroma in both feet. How I got this, I have no idea, but our friend who is a medical attorney summed it up: prolonged stress. Ya think? There is no end to the maladies we can acquire. I wonder why the ones I get have a person's name attached to it? I resorted to a cortisone shot last Wednesday in the ball of my right foot, and I decided in a split second that I will not do the other foot. o m g
I hate to think the Nikes I purchased for $40 instead of the last ones I paid $125 for are to blame. Was trying to save money, of course. Now, I have a podiatrist bill, and paid more for Asics and orthotics. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. NGDGU
Remember that.
Gee, I have vented this morning, on top of everything else. HAHAHA!!! Let us vent and not go to the BLACK HOLE!! Let us vent and laugh, and throw down the gauntlet to our tasks, and a rope to pull each other out of said black hole!
Diane, I am speaking to you ! JEN!! I am speaking to you!! We are here, giving you the LOOK, that we are with you, that YOU CAN DO IT, that we shall help you rise out of the black hole and into the LIGHT!
Selfish Siblings, I am speaking to YOU, girl!
LindaHeart, I hope you are feeling pumped up again. haha. You take care of your bod, OK? All of us, we need to do that. I am trying. I am going to put on my new walking shoes, take off on the trail and hopefully burn some extra calories. Please God.
Have a good day all you beautiful, caring, selfless souls. Blessings and chocolate and smiles and Hugs. Just for good measure: a pox on any sibling who is making your life more miserable than it already is due to circumstances beyond your control, or who is flaunting their freedom, or their ineptitude (mostly) in your face. Even if you don't believe, God will get them. :D
Conversely, Blessings upon those who have seen the error of their selfish, unavailable, and helpless ways. Before they, themselves, pass over to their own private Heaven, may each be forced to be a caregiver for one of us:D Oh Boy.
Love Love Love you all.

Good afternoon, It's been raining here all day and the weather channel reports it will continue the rest of the day.. I'm looking forward to the cold front making it's way down to us on Thursday, our high is supposed to be 75! I really miss the fall season up North. Rossella, it's good to hear from you :) I believe our pets are like angels to. I have 5 of them and they are all like my children. When mistakes that we should know better happen it is a reminder to us that we are not perfect, just human. Hugs to you, lots of them. I agree with Kim in that she will return to you to let you know she understands what happened and to help heal the wounds to your soul. I won't go into the story now but that's exactly what I have seen happen with my hubby and his old lab that came back to us in our "Lucky".
I hope everyone and their pa's and ma's have a good day today. Love you all.

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Hugs Rossella! Your post was so moving! You deserve the best in life! I have a feeling that when Nicky returns, it will be back to you! It is only human nature that we get distracted and unintentional things happen because of it! Remember when I tripped over Luke in the hall? I was distracted. I usually turn the light on but I didn't that night! He blends in with the dark! I was afraid I might have damaged his spine, cause I fell right on his back and he screamed! We all do things when we are distracted! You are only human and a great one at that! You show that greatness to everybody! Love you so much! Kim

many hugs to you rossella . u said it beautifuly . yes nicki was ur lit angel . shes no longer suffering from the nightmare of big dogs . she s gone off to another journey of life .
today sis said that louie tried to open the ref door kept sniffin at it and standed up tall and reach for the door handle , triied so hard to open it . she never gave him tuna so i did , lol thats where his tuna is at in the ref .
smart fat cat .
love you and many hugs to you rossella . . xoxo

Annie, sorry I didn't mean to forget you. You wrote me on Facebook. Thanks to you, too

hi there !
i fell asleep on the couch , now im bright eye at 1215 ! hope i get up bright and early to make it for mashogram lol . i have small boobs too annt . proud of it too lala .
JEN ! great to see you ! so seems everyone s got the sniffles . i have been barfin out mucuses , yuk . at least it come s out ,
dr s visit today went well . wish we could have done that over the phone . save us alot of time . asked me how i was getting along with my meds . told her it seems to be helping . ok see ya next year . call me when u need refills . i said okay see u next year . bye bye . 86 dollars plz . lol i just pay 25 bucks co fee . glad for health ins .
its good to see everybody here tnite . well almost everybody .
christina !! glad you got a hd of pirate , she was awesome here ! always had fun with her . miss her badly and she needs to come back here and hang out with us . she is still griefing and needs us all for support . shes the pirate on bobbie s boat . come back PIRATE !
i best get to the couch and try to get some sleep so i can be up early an zoom around , dad has dr s appt tmr at 2 , my sis in law is coming to go with us . cant wait to see her its been a long time . she lost her brother after thanksgiving last year , dad and i are pretty exciting to see her tmr . and its suppose to be raining all day tmr ! damn it . wish it would rain at night instead .
ok need to go on dad and then flop on the couch , nighty night you all . xoxox

Thanks everybody. Thanks for writing here and on my wall. Miz, Kim, MSM, Diane, Linda, Cuz, Ann, Kuli, Bobbie, Cricket, Christina, Jen. All your posts moved me deeply and I have something to say to Jen in particular: Jen, I'm not sure I deserve to be forgiven. You do, definitely. Your grandfather is a very difficult person and if you feel aggressive toward him you have all the right to do, and I always told you that I admire your courage to express your feelings and your frustration.
Ann, I read your article a few days ago and I think it is very good. I admire the courage of the publisher which published a story which is so uncomfortable for everyone, I mean everyone who decides to turn his face away. And I am happy you touched the heart of your siblings.
And now I write something which I will copy in the other thread (where they were very supportive too) because honestly I don't know if I would have the strength to write it twice.
When Nicky was bitten by the big dogs last summer I think I told you that she was very special to me. I love all my pets of course, but all of them (Nicky excluded) are demanding. Sometimes they are depressed, they are unsatisfied, they sigh, they would like to take a walk twice a day... Nicky was always happy. If she had to stay home, she stayed home; if she had to walk, she walked. She never asked for anything. In the worst moments of these last years, and there have been many, when I looked at her she moved her tail and looked me right in my eyes as thougn she wanted to say: "Don't worry, you can do it! I am here". I thought she was my little guardian angel on earth, she always gave me strength and peace of mind. She had changed after the accident. She had become more insecure and she followed me everywhere. She is dead because of that. Many of you told me it was an accident and I don't have to feel too guilty and I have to forgive myself. It's impossible. These accidents shouldn't happen. If you know that your dog follows you everywhere, you have to take 2 seconds, before you take the car, to see where she is. It doesn't matter if you are tired and you have many things to do. You have to stop and think that is very likely that a dog who follows you everywhere, might be near you. So I can't forgive myself and probably I will never will.
I buried Nicky today and the whole thing lasted one hour, I talked to her, I recalled all our life together - 13 years. And then I told her all the things that you can imagine. And after all that, I talked to the positive forces of the universe, to the Love of the universe, and told them that I knew Nicky had been my guardian angel and she had made a very good job. I asked them to let her rest a little bit, and then send her to another person who is less difficult and complicated than me. I hope her next life will be less difficult and she will be loved by someone who deserves her more, because she was so good. And then all over sudden a beautiful thought came in my mind: "The good ones love even those who don't deserve to be loved". And this is a thought that I would share with you. Particularly with those of you who take care - with love - of a relative who was not too kind to them when they were children. This is not my case because my mother was not too bad to me. But those among you who take care of a ex-nasty parent are really heroes like my little Nicky.
That's all for tonight. My mother luckily is not too demanding those days so I can think of my own things without having to worry too much for her.
A big kiss to everybody and thank you again

Cuz, loved that post! Makes so much sense! Thanks

Do any of you remember the game Mystery Date? Mystery date....Are you ready for your mystery date!! Got it stuck in my head! I think the game had little doors and you either got a great date or a dud! hehehe

Cuz - you always make me smile. goodnight all

To my beautiful friends

There comes a point in your life when you realize:
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Global Facts About Sex

At Any Given Moment:

FACT: 79,000,000 people are engaged in sex - right now!

FACT: 58,000,000 are kissing.

FACT: 37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex.

FACT: 1 elderly person is reading emails.

You hang in there, Sunshine ........

Jen, you crack me up with fart pants. sorry your sick :( I'm with you to when you said "God be with Rosella" that is my prayer to. Us caregivers have a tendency to excuse everyone else for their mistakes when accidents happen but imo we are so critical and judgmental of ourselves (myself included) that we tend to torcher ourselves with blame and criticism of ourselves. I have to really watch my own thoughts to maintain balance in this area. Peace is here for us all, we just need to take hold of it in our hearts. Accepting our mistakes and forgiving ourselves is huge at times, but we must. Again Rosella, my heart goes out to you. I pray for your comfort daily.

Diane....please don't slide into the hole. God! I hate that hole!!! good to hear from you. I will send that article to you tonight. I thought I had. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Kinda like I thought I had paid my life insurance policy til it lapsed on me. Gotta try to get it reinstated. I just can't keep up with things anymore.

Kim....hope you don't have a sinus infection. Those make me so sick. It's rough.

Linda...hope your mashogram turns out good. Let us know about both tests. How's your daughter? She'll feel so much better when the surgery is over. Sometimes you actually forget how it feels to feel good.

I'm watching DWTS and writing at the same time so excuse typos please. It's 80s night. Music is good. All the dancers are doing pretty well. in and let us know how you're doing. You too 54. Golf....where'd you go girl?

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz...Oh What a Relief It Is........we love our commercials. Where'd the cavemen go? I liked them too. Flo is kinda cute on Progressive ads.

Love all of you. Gonna go now and hang upside down a while. It seems to help. I'm still doing the heat and ice and vibration. So glad David came home today. I just hope I can get out of bed tomorrow. Man! why did I have to take after my dad's side of the family. Bad backs every one of them. Mama has always had a strong back. She got the boobs too. So instead of being petite with big boobs and a strong back.....i got small boobies a big feet and weak back. Genetics!!!

Love you guys, have a good night.

Diane, you fight that black hole!! Don't let it grab you!! You will be okay!! I promise!! I am living proof. If I had not fought that black hole I don't know where I would be today. Still fighting but it's getting easier. Please please please.

Still alive here, as alive as one can be with a head cold.

fart pants looked at me sneering at the table tonight I glared right back at him, die you old bastard die!

God be with Rossella, I don't deserve peace, she does, God I am so sorry she lost her beloved dog in such a cruel way, It is too awful for words!

Hi to everyone still struggling to find peace here at aging care.....

love you too, Christina Girl. :))

Hi again. Over here with Mother--she seems much more with it, looks better. I'll take it. Emailed Pirate--she is good. Asked her to stop by and say Hello! She's missing her Mom and hating work and the rude people and crying. So what else is new? That's our Lady Pirate! Haha!! Wish we'd hear from Headbanger, too. Maybe she is still on FB with you all?
About friends: besides you guys, my best girlfriends are a Catholic girl in
Puebla, Mexico; a Russian Jew, and an Egyptian Moslem. No kidding. Love and Friendship should break all boundaries. And each of them embodies a generous, appreciative, humorous soul. I thank God for them, and I'm sure their hearts are precious to our Creator. I love you guys:) hugs, Christina xoxo

Hey gang,
I'm still here..reading but don't really have anything new to say. Sorry so many are having pain or getting sick. I hope you will feel better soon. Got flu shots for me and mom today. I'm sorry, but I'm sliding back into the black hole.


Deef, hope you are Ok. Thinking of you! XXOO

Hello everybody!

Christina, I like your heaven! Makes sense to me! Especially the hot fudge sundaes! Hope the new Meds will be helpful to your Mom! So happy to see your post! I get those commercial jingles stuck in my head forever too! Cracks my daughter up! I have been stuck to my chair many a time! Ouch!! Have to peel yourself off very slowly to avoid leaving part of yourself behind! LOL No pun intended.

Cricket, thinking about you! I accept people for who they are too! We are all human beings and the most important thing is to show one another respect and empathy! I love to hear about other peoples beliefs and have listened to numerous people's views be they Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist.....but have found each and everyone shares the belief that we should all be kind to one another here on Earth! I suppose I am very much a Humanist! As Christina pointed out, we each have our own personal beliefs and it is all good! I love diversity cause if everyone were was stamped out by the same cookie cutter shape the world would be a boring place!
I think I am getting a sinus infection! Agh Balance is off, head hurts, and neck and shoulder are in agony! Probably have to get an antibiotic! Dad is sundowing again. His appetite has been down and still haven't heard from the doc's office! Will have to call them tomorrow. Speech seems to be getting worse by the day! Apartment still not finished! I don't know if he will even get used to it now! Idea was to have in in a place with no stairs, stove etc. All safe, but by the time it is finished, he will probably refuse to move in! Then we were supposed to get some help, because that would be his every day environment. As it is we have to take him up a flight of stars to get his shower. Afraid each time we take him up he will fall even with both of us with him. Should stop thinking of the what ifs cause it won't do me any good! Have to think it will be done soon and a good transition can be made!

Ann, I can so identify with the pain! I have tried Advil, Tylenol, and nothing seems to touch it! No siblings, just my husband and teen daughter. Sometimes I wish I had siblings to help out sometimes, but when I read about other's siblings I think I might be better off! Inlaws abroad and some in Arizona and Texas. Some of Daughter's friends call me Aunt Kim and that makes me happy! Just looking forward to Thursday and Friday when husband is home!

Linda, let us know what your doc says! Try not to let them smash you up too much tomorrow! Mine is coming up! Ouch Your Pa and Dad seem like they are alike in that they seem really bad some days and then perk up! Good luck with that jackass doc of his! I guess I will have to call for Dad's results! Used to be when our old doc was there, they would call right away! Your daughter will feel so much better after that cyst is gone! The sooner the better! Give her a hug for me!
Jen, hope you are feeling better! Kuli,thinking of you lots,Bobbi happy things are moving forward si you can get on with your life! Miz hugs to you and hubby! Barb, always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures on fb. Diane, keep on keepin on! 54, Lilli, where are you? Rosella, extra hugs for you! You are heavy on my mind! Love to everyone!!! XXOO Kim

I went to Walmart for contact lenses and had an eye exam there and it was great.

Since were talk'n commercials, I love the talking babies from E trade to Christina. My favorite right now is the Turtle ones here for Comcast Cable. It's about Mother/Father turtle hearing baby turtle's first words.. really cute!

Back to the kitchen, bbl. :))

Hey MSM, my butt is stuck to my desk chair after posting, so I can't leave yet. Pirate is a girl who lives up the coast from me in California. Her Mom passed last spring. My opinion is "no news is good news". She is getting on with her life, just as Headbanger is, who I also miss muy mucho. I think of the Reason, Season, Lifetime of relationships, and know there is a rhyme, and a plan.
Have you tried Lenscrafter's? I would google special deals on eye exams, maybe a new office in your area?
Ditto with commercials and theme songs. Winston tastes good like a ( boomp boomp) cigarette should. Or NOT;) I like the new Geico commercials and the talking babies from E trade. Hysterical!!! Hugs :)

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