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I ment to say dog threw a fit. Sorry.

galoshes???? We had a dog when we was a kid back some 60 years ago that threw a fit in the kitchen and we needed waders ad a rain coat because dad used a pressure washer to clean all four walls and the floors etc. It was bad.
Welcome dee glad to see you here. I'm not a caregiver but am a cousin of bobbie who started this site quite awhile ago. I try to post jokes, when I get a good one to try to shed a little light in the dark tunnels you gals find yourselves in. Hopefully the gals on this site can help you with some of the problems you have and will be having. Hugs to all the newbies.

or galoshes..what ever is required...

Thanks, Veronica! It's amazing to me how much everyone on here cares for each other - really glad I stumbled onto the site!

Cuz49341 - TOOO FUNNY!

Um, okay...warning when changing pull-ups...tear off the sides first as the elastic will likely snap back and fling urine drops in your face. Also, wear shoes. Always.

Husband takes his wife to her 25 year high school reunion.

After meeting several of her friends and former school mates, they are sitting at a table where he is yawning and overly bored.

The band cranks up and people are beginning to dance.

There's a guy on the dance floor living it large, break dancing, moon walking, back flips, buying drinks for people, the works.

Wife turns to her husband and says, "See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down."

Husband says: "Looks like he's still celebrating!!!"

Life is tough; it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.

John Wayne

Welcome Dee you will find lots of caring friends here and sometimes we find something funny to write

Hello everyone! I'm new to the site. I have to tell you that I have read some pretty funny stories here and by sharing them you have lifted me up. Really good to know I'm not alone and that others struggle with the same issues. So glad I found this lifeline!

Not a nunnery?

I second that. Get thee to the ER

Jen, if your having chest pains, please see a Doctor.

Another night of arguing and chest pains...just waitin to die basically. just waitin to die...

My father is using a hairbrush to clean the litter box. Lucky for me, it's an old hairbrush. I've shown him the litter scoop and suggested he let me do it, but he keeps forgetting what I told him. I have to agree about the eating. I hate to embarrass him, but he always has it all over him, no matter what we have.

Good one Cuz.
Indio swears he wandered out to the living room this morning, let out a Fart, and his dog Shasta covered her nose with her paws.
The weather has warmed up here last couple of days. Someone told me Texas has 2 seasons, winter and summer, usually in the same week.
Took advantage of the 60 degrees today and cleaned the mud off my horse and went for a ride.
Wish everyone had a chance to get some fresh air and fun.

Man of the House

The husband had just finished reading a new book entitled, "You Can Be The Man Of Your House."

He stormed to his wife in the kitchen and announced, "From now on, you need to know that I am the man of this house and my word is Law. You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, you will serve me a sumptuous dessert.

After dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me and we will have the kind of sex that I want. Afterwards, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax. You will wash my back and towel me dry and bring me my robe. Then, you will massage my feet and hands. Then tomorrow, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?"

The wife replied, "The funeral director would be my first guess."

Still here, g not dead yet. Has another UTI, argues with mom; that he doesn't need to change his underwear (Depends) four times a day! Yes, your right, you need to change them SIX times a day! He started getting a skin rash...He put toilet paper on it...Yeah, that'll fix it...Good thing he doesn't have duct tape in his room...

Sweet Little Poem.

A fart is a pleasant thing...
It gives the belly ease...
It warms the bed in winter...
And suffocates the fleas.
A fart can be quiet...
A fart can be loud...
Some leave a powerful...
Poisonous cloud
A fart can be short...
Or a fart can be long...
Some farts have been known...
To sound like a song.....
A fart can create...
A most curious medley...
A fart can be harmless..
Or silent...and deadly.
A fart might not smell...
While others are vile...
A fart may pass quickly...
Or linger a while...
A fart can occur...
In a number of places...
And leave everyone there...
With strange looks on their faces.
From wide-open prairie...
To small elevators...
A fart will find all of...
Us sooner or later. But farts are all bad...
Is simply not true...
We must never forget...
Sweet old farts like you!

Kinda brings a tear to your eye...right?

The flu going around sounds like the one I had last year. Hope I don't get it again.
One of the goats had twins, of course the weather was cold, wet and windy. Tucked her in a stall with a dog house, so the kids could crawl in there to stay warm. But, they wouldn't come out to nurse. Had to bottle feed them yesterday a couple of times. Doing better today.
Mom wanted to go out to eat couple of days ago. Glad it was very noisy in there, because she has to make rude comments about all the other patrons. It's embarrassing.

gale wins, do it yourself dentistry!

It does amaze me, how creative Mom can be, chewed gum stuck everywhere, she uses shampoo for bubble bath, kids bubbles for bubble bath, put Doritos in the dog bowl for his food, hides her dirty underwear in weird places. She has now started pulling her teeth out!!! One bridge gone ( this was 4 teeth) and one other tooth so far,,, don't know whats next

Snowin hard here tonight. Got over 5" with a wind of 25mph+. Everything around here will be closed for Friday. Temp is around 11 degrees right now. It was 5 above this morning. Still have the cough yet but will see what I feel like tomorrow after running the blower for a couple of hours. Linda sorry to hear about the hubby. Prayers going your way. Hugs to all.

Linda I am so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you, I hope you get all the help and care you need for him! Love, Jen

Deef call your usual pharmacy and ask them to see if they can put your script through to the previous insurance. If you have been sent a new card it may mean the old insurance has not actually been cancelled and and you will be stuck with it till the next open enrolment. Ours is a Blue Cross Medicare PPO and it is automatically renewed unless we cancel.
Everyone get rid of the flue!

Doc said hubby has dementia . Just broke my heart - xoxo hugs back to u Cruz

With asthma i would be in the hospital if not for steroids. Problems with my insurance delayed my doctor's order so I had to go to urgent care and see if I could get a script right away. Unfortunately I didn' t realise how big a dosage he gave me until after I downed the first 2 pills as prescribed, due to my desparation. He told me to take 2/20mg pills a day for 5 days. My doctor usually gives me a "taper" pack that starts out with 24 mg's the first day, then tapers off with less taken each day.
So i had my second case of "steroid rage" tonight. Not pretty! Needless to say I will cut them down and take way less so I don' t kill everyone that gets in my face!
Glad to see I' m in the best of company even in this!
Hey Bobbie!!! Cuz!!! What a mess! So mch tougher to deal with at our age. Now if we could jhst give our coughs away.......

HEY BOBBIE I GOT SICK THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS WITH THE WIFE AND STILL HAVE THE COUGH. THE WIFE GOT BETTER BUT NOT ME. Sorry about the caps. Our temp right now is about 5 above with a -10 for a wind chill. Hope you get rid of the cough. Mine will be here till next spring.

I got that same flu and Christmas day I thought I was going to die. The coughing is epic. I am only now starting to come to but being in the cold air starts the coughing again.
It sure is good to see everyone post and it is interesting how many of us got that d*mn flu.
Same here Deef… haven't been that sick in years.

Think of you guys all the time.


Happy New Year? Hmmm! Flu symptoms started New Years Day and I am still coughing, choking and hacking... haven't been this sick in years. To top it all off, I got my flu shot the Tuesday before after my annual physical! I just reapplied for my health insurance with the state online, and apparently made some kind of mistake so I had to gather paperwork to mail in. In the meantime they put me on "the Health Safety Net" which covers people until they are approved. Now I can't get my scripts locally! Nearest pharmacy I can use is a 40 minute drive!
This is all after I just changed my insurance provider because my hospital no longer had a contract with the one I have been on. My doctor had to do a prior authorization for one of my meds. That took 4 weeks to finally come back, only to be after I was put on the safety net!!!! Now we are back to point "A" again and today I get a new card saying I am on the insurance I had changed to last month!!!! So, what plan am I really on? Where are my scripts going to be filled? So what do I do now??
While I was sick as a dog for the last 6 days, I have spent hours trying to get somewhere with all this crap and had to go to urgent care so that I could get a script for steroids as the flu caused an asthma flare-up that my meds could no longer control.
It is already in the low single digits here and is to be near 20below with wind chills tomorrow. Of course I have to get Tut to the vet for 9am for a pre-op for another ear polyp!!! The last one cost me $1200. Poor Tut!
About the only good news is I have help with Blanche now! Karina, who used to help me with Mom is a life saver once again! Don't know what I would have done while I have been sick.
I finally did laundry and undecorated the tree tonight. Slow but sure I guess! Hoping the steroids will knock this crap out of my system soon. I hate being sick more than anything!
Sounds like all of you are still plugging away at this life as well. Sorry to be such a downer. It's not my usual thing, but I guess things finally got to me!!!
I hope you all are having a better time of it this new year and if not, here's hoping it gets WAYYYYYYYY better for all of us!
I'll get back to you when I feel better and have some good news to report. In the meantime, I think of all of you and wish for peace and tranquility for us all!
Love Deef!
Linda!!!! So sorry for all you are going through! just doesn't seem fair after all you've done for others!

Happy new year to you all!!! Hope you had a nice holiday!

Nice hearing from ya linda. Hope you get good news. Hugs

Yup my mil did the same thing ' extra paddin - cold out , huby went got his bladder died out yesterday yup cancer came back -- oops not IED I meant to type checked out - tmr hwe will go see stroke Dr ' will see what she has to say about all the test in he had to go thru ' I am using a new tablet here and its very touchy so sorry if I'm say in that I'm a mess here , love u all xoxo

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