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annt - for you . . . though I confess these lyric I did not have in my head but had to look them up. We didn't have an NCB affiliate when this show was aired in early 60's. I do somehow retain every theme song to every show I ever watched as a child (anyone remember My Mother The Car?) and most commercials as well
"There's a hold up in the Bronx,
Brooklyn's broken out in fights.
There's a traffic jam in Harlem
That's backed up to Jackson Heights.
There's a scout troup short a child,
Kruschev's due at Idlewild
Car 54, Where Are You?"

I am lost - who is Pirate?

Bobbie I have your # and will call if we indeed get up there this week - not sure when the job we need to OK will start up.
Anyone get glasses from WalMart? Husband and I seriously need an eye exam and new glasses but can't afford much. Any suggestions?

I did get some Aleve gelcaps - and the triple Strength Osteo BiFlex at walMart today. Pricey stuff - but if it helps with my aching knees it'll be worth every penny. I'll let everyone know if it helps.

Happy West Coast Noon, Girls, Cuz and Ted!
Just read last 4 days of posts and that is easier to do than the last catch up of 423. Not too many posts this week, everyone busy. I did not receive your article by email, Ann. Please send:) I get you, Sister:) Semantics plays a huge part in the altering of facts and statements. Like the game of "Telephone": Interpretation, belief, experience, even discrepancies in seeing and hearing can change gradually what message is conveyed or intended. Again, intent is at the heart, and although people think they are "good", we know the heart of man is not good at all. But, it's relative. haha. Shut up, Chris.
Rosella, these are the times when you realize things were not as bad as they could get. They can always be worse. Perspective changes and it's a bitch. I am so sorry for you. I had just written a few days ago on your wall about our cats that had passed. Knowing you do not go to your wall regularly, I mentioned you will read your wall at the appointed time. I think our spiritual beliefs-- or however we relate to passed souls/pets, and that is an individual, personal experience--fill in the gaps of dealing with tragic losses. They give us hope for the future, even though they are bittersweet, causing us to grieve wretchedly for a while, but we must hold onto those precious moments of humor, playfulness, and the idiosyncrasies of our pets that uniquely identify themselves to us. It is always my hope, that "Heaven"--our own private heaven--is going to be occupied with our favorites from our lifetime. Mine will be the Rat Pack members, Cary Grant, my Dad and brother, my pets, a few choice others that I will create in my mind; I will be perpetually 33 years old in good health (haha), and Paris will appear at the blink of an eye, and Venus, and the ancient Egyptian times, and around the corner will be Bobbie and the Boat and all of you. Notice I did not mention everyone I know in life. If they are there, I know it will NOT be Heaven. Oh, and I will have a hot fudge sundae every day, maybe 3 times a day and never gain an ounce. So there. This frivolous characterization is only a human vehicle to help me cope, and it does not reflect my deeper spiritual beliefs. I tend to be very nostalgic and overly-sensitive at times, and must resort to a more stoical position to survive. To imagine Mittens and Frank Sinatra with me forever on some plane (not air), gives me a surge of adrenaline to help me through an emotional time. Take care, Dear Rosella Bella. xo
Mother was put on Depakote last Friday. I have not seen her since, as my cousin was here for a long weekend; we visited Mother for several hours, then I needed a break to enjoy some time with a friend. I will go this afternoon and see if this new drug is effecting her behavior at all for the better. BTW: the Lorazepam was not doing anything for her. Her fear of being alone is predominant. Although she is surrounded by people, she can hear and feel them, she is so "in her head", that she cannot escape the obsession. She is desperate in her attempts to hang onto me, that she tries all her ploys. It is very sad, I am not mocking her, I am still in the middle of it but am seeing it from a more distant place now. Healthier for me. My cousin and I shared childhood memories and family based "denial", or sweeping things under the carpet that were too much to deal with was a common theme. We went to Laguna Beach Saturday and poked around, then to the Mission yesterday at San Juan Capistrano. I love all the Mission sites in California. So earthy and meaningful:)
Hey--this is weird: I heard a report this morning that the story of Sybil (MPD) we read about in the 70s was purely fabricated for fun and profit. Sick. Get a life, weirdo people. Get real and be a caregiver or something with redeemable virtue.
OK--I am signing off. I send hugs and kisses to everyone, extra chocolate to all, I LOVE you all Very Much, and thanks for being here. Extra comforting prayers to Rosella and Ann, Linda, Kuli, Kim-bobo, cricketina, Miz, MsM, {{{JEN}}} BREATHE, Diane, Captain, Cuz, Ted, Annie in Ireland, j54--where are you? We care:) GOLF newbie!!! Hey, stick around. Love Love Love you guys. Christina xo

Hi everyone,
Rossella, it is my hope that you coping with your loss and being kind to yourself in your thoughts. I am praying for you to be able to grieve your loss in a healthy way and for you to find peace. Remember you are a good loving person and allow yourself time to heal emotionally. My heart is with you.
A good friend of Dad's sent him a big container of homemade fudge that she made and he ate like a pound of it in 24 hrs and made himself sicker than a dog.. I guess with AD he has lost what common sense he had so I have to watch him better. I usually try to keep only fruit around for the sweets because he goes nuts. Even with the fruit he over does it but at least it's healthy. He is better today.
Ann, MsM and anyone else, I'm glad you've felt comfortable enough to express your religious or non-religious views here. I think it's important to accept others regardless as to their religion or other beliefs. We all belong to the human race, well, hmm, oh ....okay Linda you to. LOL. Speaking of Linda, Let us know how your appointment went today and I hope you remembered to lean "into the machine" not forward. My thoughts are with your daughter to!
Kim, how's Pa? How's Kim? Hi everybody else, remember to breathe. Were all in this together. LOve you all. XXXXXXOOOOO

Good Afternoon Crew,

I am alive and still coping with the stuff. There's a lot more but we press forward.

Rossella, please be kind to yourself. I am so sorry.

Barb! Marlton is about 30 minutes depending on traffic. Check in with Rip or Miz or Linda H on fb and they will give you my phone # in an email if that's ok with either Rip or Miz or Linda H.

I know that everyone is dealing with the insanity of caregiving and you all have my respect and love.


Linda, I'm sorry Pa has another UTI. I never knew how often old folks got them til I took mom in. Hospice has her on Macrodantin an antibiotic to keep her from getting them. Nurse said she could just take it the rest of her life. I never heard of doing that. I guess they figure her life is not going to be that long or something.

I worry about Jen and Diane and Kuli and Pirate and all the rest....we are a worrisome bunch of gals and of course Ted. Who by the way we haven't heard from in ages. If you're reading this Ted, we miss you. Hope you're ok.

Oh man,'ve had your hands full. We're thinking about you.

Hey, Miz. How's it going? You ok today Austin? Where's 54? Sounds like that old show called Car54 Where Are You?....that's an oldie. I guess that makes me an oldie too. Today I feel every one of my 60 years and then some.

Gotta go Mama gotta pee. TTYL

Good morning all.
Barb, you certainly did not offend anyone on my end. Even the Bible says that those who don't believe have a built in conscience that makes them know right from wrong. Most who are like you choose to do the right things without any prompting from God. Many people lose their faith in God because they see the horrors of this world and think He is responsible and is 'testing' us in some way. Well, from my study of the Bible I've learned that He is not doing these awful things to people. People are imperfect and get sick, get Alz, are violent etc because they are not perfect people with perfect bodies. Accidents happen because sometimes we are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. These are ACCIDENTS not planned tortures from God. In fact it pains Him to see these things happening to people. 2Corinthians 4:4 says that Satan is the God of this world. Makes sense when you think about how bad this world is. But then when you look at Psalms 37 and Revelation 21 and other scriptures you see that God is not going to put up with this very much longer. And there is a wonderful hope for our future right here on earth. Sorry I'm getting preachy here. I just hate for people to think that the God we are told to view as a loving father would do such mean things to his children. He has been slandered (which is what the name Satan means in the original language the Bible was written in..'Slanderer' and Devil means 'Opposer'). Anyway I'll shut up now. Any of you that want to hear this can back message me if they like. Barb, our friendship is not based on shared religious beliefs, it's shared experiences and compassion for each other. Love you girl.

Ok how y'all doing this morning? Other than having to read a sermon from me? Ha!! Scan thru it!!! Hope moms and dads and FPs and PAs are going to have a quiet painless day today. And all you caregivers are relatively pain free.

I called my hubby and told him to come how NOW!!! I can barely move today. Already this morning I've done heat then ice then heat then ice then massage vibrating cushion then inversion table and back to heat and ice etc.....with a half a percocet thrown in. I just reached over to pick up my laptop and it grabbed me HARD and I hollered...Shit! shit! shit! shit! (yeah lost my religion there lol!) Woke mama up from her nap on the sofa. She just looked over at me and went back to sleep. I was in tears, but she just can't process something like that in her mind any more. The demented elderly are like's all about them. So I called hubby and cried in his ear. Sometimes the crying my brother over here pronto yesterday. He promised to do that again as soon as they get a day free. That's funny to me. They both are retired. But I'm grateful considering what some of you have to put up with with your siblings. I only have one brother who is an idiot.
I have to email my idiot brother and sil today asking for mama's slides and projector. My mom wants to see the pictures and since all my brothers chipped in to buy the projector for her a couple years ago, it belongs to her not my brother. She must have 500 slides in boxes. Since I'm the only one stupid enough to still be speaking to them, it's up to me to get that stuff back for her. We'll see how that goes.ha!

Hope it will be a good week for job offers to all you who are trying so hard to get a better job or a job period. Same thing on my end. If David doesn't get something pretty soon, I don't know what we'll do.

I'll go for now. Love you all, and have a tolerable day as one of you said.

good morning ! i too have been wondering about pirate , shes been weighin heavy on my mind . jen too .
daughter work up this mornin and was crampin realy bad that it made her cry , poor baby ! prayers plz . this comin thurs she will have that surgery to have overy removed .
dr s office just called and said that dad does have uti again . damn ! and said to go see urinoligst again , i told her that dr doesnt want to do surgery on dad since he has a tumor on his blader and he is afraid that if he does the surgery it would be a high risk of death , dad said to leave it alone . well she told me to come in tmr and tell his dr that . oh great ! now i gotta aruge with dickhead doc . lucky my sis in law is comin with me tmr and she ll say something to him if he tries to argue with me lalala . he better be good to me . gawd i hate that dr .

ok i best get in the shower and get readyto go see my doc at one . see how my test turn out (pap) , tmr its mamogram smashy smashy ow ow hee , i will lean fwrd and growl .

mariesmom - i agree there is alot of people out there is a kind person with no belief ,
i was raise up in a christian home . my mom was a big believer and explains me about the bible and such , i dont go to church but i do say my prayers . mom would kick my hindend if i didnt :-) . i miss my mom so much .
blabber enuff here , i best get in the shower .
annt- i hope ur back is better today and i love you :-) big hugs xoxo

Good Morning!!

For the record, annt and msm, neither of you offended me at all. To each their own. Annt, I feel that some things that happen are just accidents, plain and simple. I believe in God and I am a Christian, but my God is loving and forgiving. He does not inflict bad stuff onto us. I know others believe differently but this is my opinion.

I hope everyone has a decent day. I've been wondering about Pirate. And yes please Jen check in.

Love You All.


That was 2 1/2 yrs - not 1 1/2! I wish one could edit before submitting!

Morning all. Annt I am so sorry to hear of your horrible, painful day, yet so glad you had family step up - even if only for a day.

My thoughts are with all of you who are suffering with physical pain combined the emotional costs of caregiving, or the 'other' trauma we suffer - some for an extended period - after our parent passes.

I find myself suffering a bit of 'survivor's guilt'. OH how my knees hurt walking up and down stairs at the museums Saturday in DC - I thought my right one would buckle at one point sending me careening into the young family below when the escalator was out on the Metro! And yet the realization never left me that I WAS out with my husband on a beautiful fall day and how very lucky I was to have that freedom after 1 1/2 yrs of (albeit self-imposed) 'house arrest' caring for Mom. And I thought of all of you NOT having these freedoms -

I also have to say something in the the hopes of not offending anyone. I am not a Christian, nor religious in any way, nor have I ever been. I make this statement only because its important to me that folks realize non-believers can be just as good, moral, upstanding, etc., as anyone.

Today I will send off the rest of the required paperwork for Mom - the death certificates finally arrived by mail on Saturday - nearly a month after her death, and send a follow-up email to my brothers re the Georgia house. Husband and I have decided to pull out all the stops in finding some living wage work somewhere before the end of October. If not, and with very little income coming in - we will truly have no choice but to begin the process of giving up our home, and most of our possessions - and then what? We just don't know - and are hoping it will not come to that.

Love you guys.

Good morning everyone-still trying to get caught up-going to get in wood today it will soon be time for the wood stove-you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

annt - i understand what youre saying , sometimes the hurt i get will get me to turn my back . i know there is lord and i know there is angels , we believe what we know . i have heard many times and i even say it too . if the lord s go great why he let it happen ? i count my blessing for home and job and my health but i dont appreciated to see why he let things happens to hurt one to another . what kind of test is that to see a child begin torture ? no child desevre it . the illness people go thru . my body s fallin apart . why me lord why ? why them etc . he is suppose t o be the strongest powerful lord but yet all this shit s happening . thats why alot of people loses faith . i lost my faith once too many times and i would gain it back . i know the lord is there and he has had heard me loud and clear . when my brother got burnt up in his camper trailer . u would not want to know what i said to the lord . it was ugly . you talk about the hurt and a broken shattered heart . my hubby has heart pblms and the lord has to hear what i got to say about that . i argue with the man upstairs . cuz it is just not right ..... its so wrong ..... yes i still talk to the man upstairs cuz i know he is there .

jsomebody - thinking about you , worried about you . are you ok ? meow back and let us know how ure doing . love you . xo
goodnight u all tmr i am going to see my doc at 1 pm so i may not be on tmr .
you all have a good day tmr . xoxox

I have to say something and I hope I don't offend anyone. Several times I've seen different ones quote a scripture saying that God will not test you beyond what you can endure. This causes confusion as to why God would do something like cause you to accidentally kill your beloved pet. Well...He wouldn't. That scripture is 1 Cor. 10:12 and is misquoted often. It says that he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can endure and He will make the way out for you. God does not cause terrible things to happen to people just to test them, but things in this world do temp us and he will not let us be tempted beyond our ability to endure the tempatation by giving us the strength to overcome that temptation if we ask for help. A test and a temptation are not quite the same thing. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time and having an accident can test us, but God did not cause that and if we ask for strength to endure the pain or circumstance, He will make a way out for us by giving us the strength to go on. A Loving God simply would not sit there thinking up horrible ways to make us suffer just to test our faithfullness. Sometimes it's just an accident plain and simple. Please forgive me if I stepped on anyones toes, it's just that I've heard this several times now and kept quite about my thoughts on it, but I just couldn't this time.

I was in horrible pain all night last night and couldn't sleep at all. This morning I called my brother and burst into tears (again, I had already done that once when I read about Nicky) he offered to come get Mama for the day. Bless his heart!!! He didn't bring her back til 4pm. I still didn't sleep and was in agony all afternoon, but at least I didn't have to watch mama. I'm feeling very blessed right now to have brothers (not the abuser brother) who care about me. My bro in VA just sent an email saying he would send me money this week for day care. That article really pushed some buttons around here.

Hope you all have a good nite tonight. Love and hugs to all.

bobbie I will likely be in Marlton NJ one day this week on business and would like to stop and say hello if you are going to be nearby - I think this is around where you are . . .

Rosella, I cried as I read your post. I'm so sorry for you and for Nicky. People say God only gives you what you can handle, but seriously, don't you have enough to handle without losing Nicky right now??? Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so very sorry that you are suffering so! Love ya, Kuli

austin !!! boat time for you !!!! :-)

good morning you all .
very windy day out , leaves are falling off the tree s . soon the snow be fallin as well . hubby s gone to cut wood and am waiting for him to get home so i can help him unload the truck , he got two loads yesterday and dump it in the garden so we could split em later . my son came by and he s going to help , he also burns wood too . whew . hate for huby to go out there alone . i used to go with him but now i cant go anywhere cuz i have to be here to watch pa .
rossella , thinking of you . wish i could comfert you and be with you . in spiritly i am . many strong hugs ....
CUZ - thanks for letting us know bobbie s good . if u talk to her again soon tel her im thinking of her ...
miz- hope u get a phone real soon . sucks to be without it . i also heard about the rice too . i try to keep my phones away from the water . lol . i got my phone free online , of course sign 2 yrs contract , thats ok i been with at&t for many years , not plannin to switch .
allrighty got tons of dishes sittin in the sink . i best get them washed up and then mmm hubby prob be home then so i can help him unload the truck ,
deefer - flex- thinking of you , selfish siblings where are you ... kuli !! whats up ? step on out of the black hole you guys . today is sunday and no black hole is allowed . many hugs to u all . xoxoxo

Happy Lords Day. We had clean-up day at church yesterday-I was so tired I went to bed at 7pm. I am enjoying this early fall weather-I hope you all have a good day and that your burdens are lighter today.

Cuz, thanks for letting us know Bobbie is okay. We text all the time but can't now since my phone is messed up.

Thanks, Cuz. Unfortunately I already tried the hair dryer thing. I was having problems with my phone anyway since I answered it in the shower when we were up at my in-laws when my mil was sick. I hope to get a new one really soon. I don't like being without it. I'm eligible for a new phone since my Verizon contract has expired.

Rossella, I burst into tears when I read your post. I'm so sorry. It's like we all knew and loved Nicky ourselves. We will miss her too. I wish I knew what to say to comfort you. Please don't blame yourself. A freak accident is all it was. I wish I could take some of the hurt away, I can't but I share it with you. So so sorry. Love you so much.

Hey gals and Ted. I talked with cousin bobbie for about an hour on the phone and she is doing real good. Having another sale this week and also had huge sucess with craigs list. She has been reading the posts but just to tired to reply. Hope that helps.

Rossella So sorry to hear about Nicky. Thoughts and prayer be with you.

hey miz try putting your phone in a bowl of uncooked rice with a cover on it over night. A buddy of mine did that when his phone got wet and it worked. Just don't use like a hair dryer on it cause the heat will damage the insides.

rossella im sorry , i ran over my cat one time , busted her jaws open , vet bill was awful . she had nothing but plbms with her sinus and suffered alot . many hugs to u rossella .
kim - dad sleeps all day and is up almost all night , sometimes he sleeps all night too . i kept thinkin he is slippin away , but then he persk up . so i never know anymore . he has dr s appt weds and ill know what that dickhead doc has to say .
daughter called wanna me to come over and enjoy the bonfire , says big orange moon is out , harvest moon !!! so i guess i ll run over there for an hr or so .
so so cold out .
my mind is blank and want u all to know i think of you all daily eveyday every hour .
maybe i ll meow alot tmr ? love ya xoxo nighty nighty

Oh Rossella, I can only imagine how devastated you feel. Your darling Nicky knows how much you love her. She will always know. My heart goes out to you my dear.

Rosella - oh my darling I am so very very sorry for your loss. Please know that you are not alone. I ran over and killed my sweet cat Honey many years ago - from then on I never ever had another car who was allowed outside. . . accidents happen. They happen to people we love and they happen to our sweet animal babies too. What happened was not intentional. You are not to blame.

Miz - we have Straight Talk from Wal Mart. I pay $32.00 per month - no contract - and my phone was like $30. had it a year and its great. Husband has the same plan but his is a blackberry-type - phone cost about $200 and he has the unlimited bells and whistles for about $45 a month (for work) Again no contract. Its all I need.

I have learned that if your phone gets wet you should immediately pop out the battery and dry the phone off overnight completely before putting battery back in.

Annt do you not have a hospital bed? Hospice can get you one. I could not have handled Mom - she weighed 180 til the day she died - without one. I would have sent you mine if I had known (we gave it to a child with MusDystrphy). Can you get one of those back thingies like the UPS guys wear? I was thinking about doing this at one point. Also - Annt - maybe you could do something out of the norm to cheer your Mom? Maybe a little party for her with cake and funny hats? Tell her its Milton Berles bnirthday or some such. Some sort of good memory to help her move past the bad one.

Went with husband to DC today for his birthday. Beautiful day - protestors on the Mall - sigh - any other time I'd be right there with them but not up for civil disobedience yet. We went to Natural History and American History Museum and ate hot dogs and sat in the grass and it was a wonderful day! Look for my pics on FB of him with the GA Bulldog jerseys I got for his beer!

Love you all. All of you are in my heart. Also - what is the scoop with captain Bobbie? I went back a ways but did not see her status?

Rosella, I am so so sorry! I was writing on here and didn't see your post about Nicky! My heart goes out to you! Tears are flowing for you! If there is anything I can do, just let me know! Sending you so much love! Wish I could be there with you right now! Love you so much! Kim

Rossella, I am so so very sorry. My heart aches for you and I cry for you. (((((Rossella))))


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