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Good Morning... another day and laundry, housecleaning, yay! i really mean yay! At least Dad is good so far and hopefully I will get to the house today :)) Ah, the glamorous life. I never imagined that "boring" could be so good.
How's everyone today? I'm thinking about you all and looking forward to your posts.

Thank You, Kim!! :))

Fear in California!
In the wake of Bin Laden's death, radical Muslims are planning to go on a rampage in Los Angeles, killing anyone who is a legal U.S. citizen.
Police fear the death toll could be as high as 23.
We will keep you posted on future developments

Fatherly Story

A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book, and noticed he had his collar on backwards.
The little boy asked why he wore his collar backwards .
The man, who was a priest, said, " I am a Father . ."
The little boy replied, "My Daddy doesn't wear his collar like that."
The priest looked up from his book and answered,
"I am the Father of many.
The boy said, "My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and
two grandchildren and he doesn't wear his collar that
The priest, getting impatient, said . "I am
the Father of hundreds", and went back to reading
his book.
The little boy sat quietly thinking for a while, then leaned over and said, "Maybe you should wear a condom, and put your pants on backwards instead of
your collar."

Received your pdf Ann. That was a great article and may I say thankyou to you for saving your mom. Your rewards are going to be greatly appreciated. Awesome paper.

They brought Apprentice back also. I'm a C.M. fan too.

Ann, Normally I'm pretty laid back and even tempered. I have one really bad hot button though and that is when someone harms the elderly, children, or the disadvantaged. That flips the crazy switch for me....turns me into Super Hero mode, or at least in my mind anyway. I'm glad your Mom is feeling better today and I hope you are to.

Jsom, it's good to see your post. :))

Here's to making it through another night.


Still here, just tired, mad bleeding like a stuck pig and praying fart pants dies, the usual.

Hope everyone is OK, Hows your hip Deef? Thanks for ALL THE SHOUT OUTS AND HELLOS!

Rossella, I love her character too and she and her husband make a great couple. :) And I am so not ready for Winter. There are so many leaves on the ground and most of the trees are not turning pretty colors. Maybe it's the lack of rain. I don't know. I am such a Spring and Summer person. Hubby has taken a walk with me the last two nights to be my protector. :) It's been nice.

Miz, JJ is already back! And I was very happy about it because I like her character!
How's everybody tonight? Next days the real cold will arrive in Italy and I am afraid for the health of all of us. It was a summer day today (short sleeves) and the temperature will drop a lot and very suddenly. The cats are one by one coming home to sleep the night... They had practically disappeared for 4 months! It starts to be crowded here but I like to see them more. Almost time to arrange the room for winter and bring all the chairs closer to the stove.

Rossella, I have been meaning to tell you this. I watched the Criminal Minds where JJ left the team. Made me cry, especially when Garcia cried. :(

Ann, got your article! It is amazing! Made me cry too! Thank you for getting the word out! As far as your husband goes, I just don't think men's brains process information the same as women! Women need to verbalize and share their feelings. Men on the other hand, are somewhat lacking in that area! It can really suck sometimes, especially when you have done something so great and then they just behave as if it is just another day! Frustrating! Hope your Mom and you are feeling better! My face gets red just thinking about it! When my Mom was at the first hospital, they discharged her and didn't bother to tell us about it. We walked into the hospital and there she was sitting in the hall in pain! I was beyond angry! Also, when she was there, I told them to call me if they had bad news so I could be there if and when it was delivered! They did not! Went into her room, told her horrific news without me! I called Dr. Bender and chewed him out about it, and he had the gall to tell me I was there! Believe it or not, I had to argue with him about me not being there! I think I would know if I was there or not! What an asshole! They gave Mom the news about 4:30 in the am. She was on a heavy dose of morphine, and couldn't even recall much of what he told her! I needed to be there taking notes etc... Unless I have a twin roaming around which I do not, I was not there! Made me feel like I was crazy, and was so condescending to me! Finally, he apologized, but no emotion behind it, only empty robotic words! These doctors need to be taught in medical school to treat the entire patient, and do it with the utmost respect at that! My husband said he has never seen staples put in without a local! Yeah, he was just trying to cover ass for sure! Don't beat yourself up over your interaction with the stupid doctor. I think sometimes we are in shock at their behavior and can't respond right then and there then, because of the shock! I know that happened to me with Mom.

Dad refused to take his shower yesterday! He has been better with depends! I am always paranoid. Think twice before putting anything in to wash or dry!

Daughter is having some drama going on with her life. She had a private dance lesson with a teacher from the school on Monday! Teacher started to be very rude to her! One comment was that Hannah shouldn't expect to have everything handed to her on a silver platter! WTF!! Even worse things were said to Hannah! Hannah came home crying and couldn't stop! Silver platter??? She works her ass off for everything! Teacher is two months pregnant, but I don't think that is an excuse for her behavior! Going to have to have a conversation with her! God, Hannah is living with our situation here and helps out and has an off day and she gets everything on a silver platter! Quite the opposite I think!

Linda, sorry your Pa isn't feeling good! Dad still sleeping most of the day away too! Roller coaster ride for sure! Can we share the witch outfit? There are some people I want to freak out big time! LOL

Diane, Glad you are feeling better! Sounds like days are getting more tolerable for you. I always use the word tolerable, cause at least for me a tolerable day is a good day! Thankless job we all have here, and when people complicate it by adding more drama......well we just don't need anymore drama. We are on overload already! Don't need more! No way no how!

Miz, hope job comes your way soon! I've seen your picture and you are one beautiful lady! Inside and out!

Deef, sorry you have been in so much pain! Hope you feel better soon! Sucks to be in pain with everything else on your plate! Tried to do some house work the other day, but gave up! House will still be here and just can't get motivated right now! LOL still Grey Gardens!

Christina, so happy to see you post again! We love you so much! Not the same without you here!

Cricket, we are all crazy here! We have to be to cope with all this day in and day out! We are creative and crazy! Reminds me of that line in Alice in Wonderland! Best ones are bonkers! Lol

Golf, welcome! Have the same issues as you with Dad and depends! Always cautious, cause I never know where I will find one! Agh

Kuli, thinking about you so much every day! Hugs to you!

Jen, Austin, 54, Bobbi, Cuz, Lilli, Anniegirl, Rossella, Selfishsibs, Please let me not have left anyone out cause I love you all! Kim

"We are all inmates in the same insane asylum" love it Ann!

Hi everyone. Mom's feeling better today just tired. I called her hospice aide and told her not to come this morning to bathe and dress mom, she was just too tired for a shower and wanted to sleep. My Dil who is a social worker at another hosp in Augusta is going to write a letter to the Hosp that treated mom. I may call the administrator again today, but I'm tired too and may just veg out.

Golf...welcome!! Hope to hear more from you. I have to go into the bathroom with my mom and stand there the whole time and then wipe her. She could do it herself but she wipes from back to front and keeps getting UTIs so it's easier to just do it for her. She resisted for a month or two then got used to what was going to happen. Sometimes I will tell her she can wipe the front and I'll wipe the back. When it's a bm she never gets it all off and then we have a stinky pull up to change later so again its better just to do it myself. She would also get it all over her hands and then the sink, walls etc etc. She once got a very sick from contamination from her hands. Of course I use gloves, cause I too got sick from contamination. So keep gloves handy. So sorry you're having to go thru all this. Just know you are NOT alone. We are all in the same boat. Right Crew of the Bobbie B? And we are not exclusive, we take on all!

Ok, I emailed the pdf of my article to those of you whose address I have. If anyone else would like to read it, give me your email address either on my wall or fb me at Ann Story Tyre. And go to the paper's blog and give your experience or your opinion or whatever. It's augustarx dot com. (silly having to write it that way). I think it's important that people know what we caregivers go thru without so much as a thank you from society, or even our families sometimes.

Hi Austin!! How's it goin?

Diane, I once told someone I didn't want to hear from anymore that I was having trouble with my computer so if I didn't answer their email that could be the reason, then I just deleted all emails from them as if they never came. Not a lie either...I'm always having trouble with my computer, we all do. And that COULD be the reason, or not.....just sayin....
I'm not a confrontational person as you all know from my lilly livered response to Drs etc, but I often get results without the confrontation.

Cuz, Loved the Insanity relief rules. If I had told my boys that I was going to have to let one of them go....I would have had three hands in the air and them going Oooo Ooooo Oooo me me!!!! Like Horshack on Welcome Back Carter (sp?) Or was it Mr. Cottttttttttuuuuuuuurrrr?

Ahhh Deef, I feel your pain. Literally!! Hope you're better soon. All the above advice is good. I use my inversion table too. None of it helps too much cause I keep reinjuring it every day. Face it caregivers have really bad backs for the most part. Comes with the territory, but whatever we can do to ease the pain....I'm all for it. are crazy.....just! But as Rosella said we all are. That's why we get along so well. We are all inmates in the same insane asylum.

Miz...wishing the best for your job hunting.....someone else was job hunting....who was it? Maxine? Deef? Oh well whoever, hope you find it. These days it's like finding treasure. Anybody have the map?

Barb, loved hearing from you this morning!!! Wishing you all the best too. Wish you could have stopped by but I totally understand. Hope your hubby finds a job too and all your other problems work themselves out.

Bobbie!!!!! Miss you!!!! Hope you're well.

Gotta go for now. Love you all. If I missed you this time I catch you next time around if my mind will work......oh crap! That means're in my heart tho.

Thank you AC for going back to 10 post per page

Cuz, I feel like trying to do the one of the zoo....It would be fun!
Diane, I know that you suffer for your siblings because you are sensitive. Just because you are sensitive you have to defend yourself! I don't understand yet why they harass you and want to put your mother in a NH. I think there is no law which would say they are right, so you shouldn't worry. And I agree with someone (don't remember who); if their emails trouble you just don't read them. If you want to keep a good superficial relationship with them, say that your computer is broken... Sooner or later, they will understand.
Austin Maxine good to hear from you! I love maples too. When I came to USA first time I went to Vermont; unfortunately it was summer time so there weren't those colors. But it was beautiful anyway. Best maple syrup ever tasted!
Christina! How are you baby? I prefer not to imagine what is the garden sex. My sex is the oblivious sex. I don't remember how you do it.
Ann: you were right to react to the doctor and telling the hospital and so on. There are doctors who just don't care. I believe him when he says he doesn't numb children, either. If he doesn't care, he doesn't care. I agree with him that if you are an adult you can stand the pain of 3 staples; but if you are a child or an aged person you have to be more careful!
Golf: I am sorry to say that your mother starts to need supervision in the bathroom... I don't remember if I read it in this thread or in the other thread that an aged dad puts his dirty diapers in the dryer, so if the caregiver doesn't notice it, she starts the dryer with all the consequences that you can imagine, Unfortunately you can't leave them alone; you have at least to control them when they have finished... In the best days I leave my mother alone in the bathroom when she does her things, but then I get into the bathroom to see what she has done. In the worst days I can't leave her alone a minute.
Deef! I am sorry for your pain! I'm tired too beyond every possible limit of tiredness.
Miz I really hope you find a good job very soon. I know very well how stressful these situations can become!
Cricket, you are not the crazy one of this "club", we are all crazy!
Kisses everybody

that made me grin so big , thanks cuz ...

miz - what a good coworker u have , when i was workin one of my coworker and i became good friends , she was there for me as i was for her . she had no money i open up a coin purse and she dig in what she needed , there was times i didnt have any money and she d do the same for me . sometimes i buy her pepsi and bring it toher sometimes she buys me candy bar snickers . its great to have someone at work that looks after eachother .
JEN where are you ? been thinking about u girl . bet its getting colder up at your way , its starting to get lit cool here . burrr not ready for it .
dad doesnt look good today . took 2 of us to get him out of bed , and back in bed , i took him to kitchen this time to perk him up but no he was very tired . slept all day . tried so hard to keep his eyes open to watch dances with stars , poor guy .
annt , is ur mom ok now ? bet shes still all shaken up by that s o b . gosh !
i dont think id be goingback to that hospital if they dont f ire his ass . yep announce it on tv and maybe more people will step in and say it happen to them too ! im so sorry your mom had to suffer like that . big hugs to her for me plz ..
good night you all . i need to do more things for dad then i ll be ready for bed . xoxo sleep well my friends ..

To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
1.. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana.
2. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
3. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
4. Sing Along At The Opera.
5. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend
Their Party Because You have a headache.
6. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
7. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy,
We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity


Send This E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile. It's Called...THERAPY
Enjoy The Ride, Life is Short!!


Ann, don't beat yourself up we've all done that.. if you really want to get the guy where his ego is call your local TV News and tell them what happened, the doctors name, and what the hosp. said and did and about his arrogant call. I'm serious. Then sue the Hospital and his ass and hire a full time caregiver with the settlement. It's obvious he is lying through his teeth about not numbing even childrens... Come on MD Quack with a big head. How is your Mom doing now?

Linda I'm ashamed I didn't think of that!

Hi Deef, The worse thing you can do for your hip and back is use dry heat for a long period of time. Telling you this just in case. Alternating moist heat and cold pack is good but only do one for 20 minutes, wait until it's been a full hour then do another 20 minutes. If you do it this way it will keep the inflammation down and reduce the pain.. When people use ice or heat for longer than 30 minutes it can backfire and cause inflammation. oh and No I didn't sleep at the Holiday Inn last night. LOL

Diane, I'm still waiting to hear from one job and have a test to take on the 21st for another one. I'm getting pretty discouraged but I'll keep on keepin' on. Had to borrow money from a co-worker to get something from the vending machine today. I asked for $1 and she insisted on giving me $5. I hate owing people money. How embarrassing. She's a sweetheart. :)

Where's Annie Girl? I haven't seen her for awhile. Last time she posted she and mom were battling the flu

Oh my, what a day you all have had. Ann, I can be at your house in 2 hours (doing the speed limit). You want us to go kick some doctor ass? Let him be the one that can't sit or stand instead of poor Deefer. Cricket, it will take you about 6 hours to get there, but we can kick ass until you get there with the stapler. Kind of think about how the women on the movie 9 to 5 took care of the boss man.

Kathy, you need a good massage and some good meds. I've had back problems since I was in my 20's and I know the pain you are going through. Have you tried alternating 10 minutes with an ice pack and 10 minutes with heat? I always thought that was kind of crazy, but sometimes it seems to help.

Linda I'm watching DWTS too. I watch it each week, but this show has Blake Shelton. I think he is such a cutie pie. I wish I had the money to go see Trace Adkins at the SC State Fair. He is one hunk of a man!!!!

Miz, any luck on the job front? Kim, is dad keeping his depends on these days? Still hiding the depends? Mom turned in early tonight since she was tired from the day with 2 appointments. After she takes her Requip she gets very loopy. She doesn't know me and ask for my grandmother and all sorts of stuff.

I hope you all have a good night and can get some rest. I'm going to hit the hay once I see who is eliminated.

Love ya,

deef, so very good to see you. I have been wondering about you. I'm sorry about your back and hip. That sucks big time. Please post. I think it will help.

ohh deefer so glad to hear from you , we are lost without ya .
dont be missing toooo long now ya hear .
take some antiflamitory meds , its helping me some .
women at our age sure in hell need them . we women go thru sooo much .
need to get in there and watch dances with stars . woof woof .

Been nursing a bad back and hip since last Monday. Sitting is the worst. Can't get up then can't walk straight for a while. Merry only coming 4 days a week now and husband is still a lazy a$$hole!!! Feel like I abandoned all of my friends here, but have not been much good to anyone lately. Skimmed over a few posts and see that I am not alone!!! Need to kick myself in the a$$ and get back on here again. I miss everyone!

hopefully he will take care of some cop s mom and see how that goes . i wouldnt wish that on anybody , let say a undercover cop goes in there and gets slam around by that doc , well lets hope he gets wrote up or something .
my neighbor came over and said oh my gosh toooo many quack doctors out there .
i think im gonna go back to antidepressions cuz after i stop takin it sat and now its tues im starting to wear down , my body is feelin achin pains , shit damn it !
i just need to lay out on the beach ...
miz - dont be sorry for cussin cuz i aint sorry at all . that sob shall be stapled , let cricket do it :-) i wanna watch ! staple his dick to his head ! whoooo hoooo ....

Sorry for the cussing. Sort of.

Ann, I would call the Administrator back and tell her what the doctor said. He is just trying to cover his sorry ass. Bastard!!

Thanks guys. The hosp Administrator called me back this afternoon and apologized profusely. Said she would definitely have that investigated and of course we would not be charged for the proceedure. Made me feel some better. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not going to believe this!!! The ER Dr just called me. He said he'd heard that I had some sort of problem in the er this morning. I said "yeah you didn't give mom a local and hurt her terribly putting in the staples". He made excuses. Said that for three staples he typically did not numb up the area even on children!!! I couldn't believe it. I was too stunned to say anything but "Oh Really" sarcastically. He was talking fast about why he didn't use a local with so few staples and never said he was sorry. So I just hung up on him. I am sooooooooooooooooo mad!!!!! right now I can think of 50 things I should have said to him, but at that moment I was just dumb struck. My heart is racing right now....Oh my God I just want to scream at him. I'm so mad at myself too. Why didn't I cuss his stupid insensitive butt out???? Damn damn damn damn damn!!!!!!!! now I'm crying again. TTYL

ann, I really hate to hear that. Your poor mom and poor you!! I remember when some hospital person just flung some of Mom's belongings on top of her when she was being taken to Comfort Care as if she were already dead. Damn it I wish I would have said something. I am glad you are making a complaint. That doc is an a-hole...and worse but I won't say it.

Welcome, Golf. :) I hope you post again.


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