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Ann, that doctor ought to run into me coming down the hall...i want to staple his fingers and toes together then staple his tongue to the tip of his nose, then staple his eyelids to his eyeballs and see if he thinks he needed medication, the bastard!! Gawd!!! someone take that man to hell! Your poor Mom and you. I'm so so sorry you were treated that way! If I were there I would have called the police and made a citizens arrest to start with! With all that you have on your plate you didn't need that. Many hugs and a kiss for your poor Moms head.

Hi Golf, I'm really not the crazy one here. Welcome to this thread and as you can see we really vent at times. Hang out with us. Your story is funny. Maybe you should buy your Mom some of those WT for Xmas. LOL

glf - thats funny i bet ur mom blame it all on ur hubby . lol i didnt do it its his underwear he did it ! lol
bless her heart . welcome here .. and come back ... xoxo

annt - that was one cruel doc there ! hope he gets fired ! what a sonfabitch ! now that realy pisses me off . damn him !
hope he gets his ass whoppin realy hard !
big hugs to u and ur mom . am so sorry you guys suffered too much today .

My mom wears depends now after having the flu last spring. She takes them off when she goes to the bathroom and forgets to put on new ones. Still used to the underware I guess. This weekend she took off her dirty depends when she went to the bathroom and somehow got ahold of a pair of my husbands tight whitie Fruit of the Looms and put them on and later crapped in them. I looked into her waste basket and there were his undies with her poop on them. He said to just throw them away! Poor guy.

OMG Ann! That is inexcusable! Your poor Mom! This infuriates me! My husband sees all kinds of things go on at the hospital! It makes him sick! I read your post to him and he was horrified! Make sure they answer for their actions! So many of these so-called doctors think they can do anything at anytime and not be held accountable for it! They treat patients like objects! Need to be held accountable for their actions! I am especially sensitive to this because of the way my Mom was treated! I am just so heart broken that this happened to your sweet Mom! My heart is with you and heavy over this incident! Lots of love to you and your Mom! Kim

Mama fell at 7am this morning. Hospice aide had just arrived and mom decided to get out of bed. Went to ER for CT scan and 3 staples in her head. Had a really bad time. The blankeyty blank Dr was in a hurry and didn't give her the local that was right there on the tray. Just grabbed the stapler and pop pop pop put three staple in. Mom was crying, I was crying.......he just turned and walked out. I complained to two nurses and have just called and left a message for the Head of Doctors at the hospital to give me a call. I told the administrator what happened and told her I wanted to talk to the Doctor in charge. God! what's the medical profession coming to?

Hey Y'all,
Just chillin for a minute. Took mom to the urologist this morning, then drove around and checked out neighborhoods that I could afford to rent a place. I'm keeping my options open while dealing with the a$$hole sibs. It made mom cry to think how badly my sibs are behaving. She is also scared as to what they want to do with her. I assured her as long as I have POA she will be okay. We also talked about why I may have to step back and let them take care of her for a little. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm always open and honest with my mom. I don't like telling her bs stories. On the bright side she did like one of the houses I was going to check out for me and b/f to share. We got lunch from Wendy's and just taking a break until the next appt at 3:20pm with the Podiatrist for a Neuropathy biopsy. I'm really dragging my hindend today since I was up until 3am with pain in my knees and was up just after 4am with mom for about 2 1/2 hours. My body is yelling NAP TIME!

Cricket I wish it were sunny here today. We've had rain for the last two days. I know that is why my knees are hurting so bad. Maxine & Christina, so happy to see you both back on the thread. I just had a co-worker come back from Maine and she said it rained all the time she was there too. Miz, Kuli, Kim, Linda, Kathy, Cuz, Jen, 54 and all my fellow caregivers, you're the best! Rip emailed me some jokes yesterday that had me laughing. Maybe I'll copy them and post them here for everyone to enjoy...Christina you may have to fill us in on that garden sex. Gotta get going soon again. Have a good afternoon my dears.

Love ya,

cricket - i agree with you , i love it too . lalala

christina ! great to see you here . was missing u terribley ,
yep this is the place where u can be urself , vent , laugh , cry cuz we all do it too .
lili is a sweetheart , always enjoy readin her post .
bath lady came and took care of pa . while i made an appt for dr s visit onthe 18th ,
about the online paying bills . i dont do that unless its due that day then i will do it . i dont want to see postoffice people to lose thier job cuz everything is done online . what if my puter is broke and im stuck cuz my bills are online . so i rather have mailman to bring me mails and pay it and have him have a job happy go gathering my mails in my box outside .
theyre already talkin about shuttin down alot of postoffice and that just breaks my heart ....
ok gonna eat something and may take a nappy pooie . wait a min an old friend of mine is talkin abou comin out today ortmr . shall wait n see which day shes comin .
love you all !! xoxo

I love long newsy ranting venting screaming kicking crying and stomping your foot posts! :))

Good Morning Crew and Dearest Friends on any Boat in the World!!!
Wow--I have missed you all SO MUCH! It is true that Absence makes the Heart grow fonder, except with people we don't like, then it makes life better. hahaha
Yes, I have had a bit of that, too, and I am over the sister hate thing. Whoo Hoo!!!
I have touched base with you all individually, as that is how I keep from being overwhelmed by too much love all at once. One toe in the water at a time, then I am OK to jump in. Not dive, for that is head first; I try to save my head for reasoning and rationalizing, for I am still trying to figure things out. The older I get, the broader my perspective which shows me how little I know or have experienced. Sex? Um, later I will talk about garden sex, but you have to get sweaty and dirty and scratched up. Oh, Fagedaboutit. heehee
Yes, I have stamps, Linda, but I have started paying my bills on line through my bank. Boy, it saves time, trips to post office, money on stamps, late payments, etc. You are very amazing girl. You are my LindaHeart. Love you:)
I see that Lilliput hangs out here now. Where are you? Happy Feet:)
Many things the same here, a few changes, like a soap opera, right? In the old days, when I was young, I watched soap operas once in a while. If you go away for 6 months and come back, it's easy to catch up. However, this thread is the quintessential study of life's lessons; the drama, the satisfaction, the pitfalls of relationships, and the agony of physical exhaustion. The constant players give us stability and comfort, and each of us is that to someone here, and elsewhere in life. Others who are not here at the moment, but whose strong bond runs through us like blood, are those who helped change our attitude toward life and or care giving. Some, whose eloquence in conveying daily routines of butt wiping and learning to live in the quasi-real world of dementia, seemingly glamorize and make us proud to sacrifice personal freedoms to do this job. We have even been warned of the after-life of care-giving, which can be faintly experienced through short periods of respite. This can be described as a surreal break, when you think you will relax and sleep, lose weight and see friends who once abandoned you-- or you them-- for a higher purpose. Actually, it becomes a phantom phase of care giving, where you go through the same emotions, motions and potions, even lotions, crying, suffering from anxiety-ridden feelings of loss, or missing something you can't find. If you find your center, you instruct yourself to breathe, exercise, give yourself a good drink of water, sit down and try not to jump up every 10 minutes. I envy those who can sit down for an hour and read a book, or focus on anything and complete the task.
My problem is I think too much about things, then I say them. Well, this is the ONLY place I can be myself and feel loved for griping, so be it. I love it when we gripe and comfort each other. I was telling a friend the other day that I finally got my childhood wish: that my Mother would pay attention to me and show me love and affection. It's one of the ironies of life. What else can I do but laugh? Just like someone mentioned here in a recent post: I will
laugh when the others are crying someday. I will laugh right into my margarita with Linda, and Ann, cricket, Miz, Kuli, Anniegirl, Deefer, Jen, Cuz, Selfish Siblings, Diane, j54, Lilliput, Rosella, Bobo-Kim, Austin/Maxine, and the inimitable Captain Bobbie. Love you all. Christina xo

austin !! greatto see you ! i was missing you bad but i knew u were gone off to paradise , phht what a paradise . im so sorry ur mom is still not begin nice to you . well now u know there s no way u can care for her . u have enuff on ur plate as it is now . welcome back !
austin im not in the hole anymore . it is deflex and kuli and well almost everybody hahaha . get ur fishing pole out and pull em all out !!! sad to hear that maple tree is not doing good . gosh ! noticed the tree s are dying left and right . hope next year it be a good one .
oh hallyway sex . ummm i think mine is religoiuse sex . nun anytime and yep hallway sex too . lalala f u ! heeheee
alrighty got my bills paid but have no stamps . anybody got any stamps ? can i borrow umm 6 of em ? guess i shall go to town today . need to get milk and bread .
i used to get error all the time when i do i click go back and my messages is still there and i click send again and it goes off to cyber spaces .
alrighty got crap to do and zoom around do this do that . wheres my margaritta guy at ? think i need to go to the beach and hunt him down ! :-)
meow at ya all later xoxox

So good to see you, Austin!! :)

Hi everyone I will get caught up someday. I got back from Maine last Thur-my mother was horrible-I finally told my sister how I was treated while growing up-she was 7 yrs. younger so she did not realize how mean Mom was to me she said she is surprised I can even spend any time with her now-it is hard but my brothers do not step up to the plate-and God knows what is going on. The foilage was not as pretty as other years the sugar maples in the Northeast have a disease so we will not get the bright reds. It rained bith days of the craft show at Camden harbor and poured while we were tearing down. I will get to read all the post and you all are in my thoughts-Linda we will get you out of that dang hole.

Good morning everyone,

Kim, to avoid losing your post copy it before you hit the submit button. Then if it doesn't post you can paste it and submit again. That's what I do here all the time now. I also noticed that when I leave my browser open all night or for a long time messages just won't post, so close your browser and then reopen it. See if that prevents those errors.

Lets all go out and get at least 5 minutes of sunshine today if we have it and just breathe... XXOO

Kuli and Diane,look for my ankles and each grab one! I think I am almost out!

Cricket, scrapes healing up fine, I am just sore all over! :(

I wrote again earlier, but again got that stupid message! Hate that and then everything goes out of my head! Will try again tomorrow or should I say today! Dad up again! I forgot to give him his Meds, and he reminded me! Made me happy! Love you all and will try again tomorrow!

teehee, Cuz. I especially liked the Hallway sex!

Research shows that there are 7 kinds of sex.

The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex. * This kind of sex happens when
You first meet someone, and you both have sex until you are blue in the face.

The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. * This is when you have been
With your partner for a short time, and you are so needy you will have sex
Anywhere, even in the kitchen.

The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. This is when you have been with
Your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine, and you usually have
Sex only in your bedroom.

The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex * This is when you have been with
Your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say
'F--k you.'

The 5th kind of sex is called: Religious Sex. * Which means you get Nun in
The morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night. (Very Popular)

The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. * This is when you cannot stand your
Wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in front of everyone.

And; Last, but not least, The 7th kind of sex is called: Social Security
Sex. You get a little each month. But not enough to enjoy yourself.

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO TELL ME WHAT STAGE YOU ARE IN. I have enough problems Of my own!!

Diane, How about telling yours sibs that you deleted your email addy and won't be using email anymore. Then even if they email you you can just hit the delete button.. I think that the sensitive people in this world are the most tenderhearted ones also. I'm glad to know you're not taking the Xanax, but your taking it didn't bother me rather it was the amount you took. Please don't ever do that again! I know what it feels like when you just want to sleep and get away from it all, but 2 pills is plenty. :))) Okay I'm not a doctor, but I am a hovering girlfriend! LOL

Hi Kuli. I'm so glad you checked in. Diane, I'm so glad you are feeling better. I know what it's like to be super sensitive. The day will come when we won't have to deal with the people we don't want to deal with. You find out who your true friends and relatives are. Hang in there, girl. I'm here if you need me.


Kuli, I was updating my profile picture and when I saw you had just posted, it made me happy to see you there. I'm not completely out the black hole yet myself, but I'm feeling better armed to fight it tooth and nail! Just know we are thinking of you too. Hugs, Diane

Hey, all. Just checking in. Haven't been completely sucked into the black hole yet but very close. Regardless, I pray every night for the caregivers of the world so please know that although I'm quiet here, you are all still very much in my thoughts. Hugs, Kuli

Hey Y'all,

Sitting with my laptop for a few minutes before I get up and cook some dinner. I have to think about it sometimes that when I am at work I am happy, smiling, socializing with people. When it's just mom and me (no uti), generally we are happy, talking about plants or watching a movie. My b/f and I are happy despite having to be house bound with mom. The "bad" part of my life is my siblings. Rossella, I wish I could get away from them. Sister calls and I hand the phone to mom but then when she hangs up mom has to fill me in on all that sis is doing. I do the same when my brother calls. When he shows up at my door I am cordial and do not create a scene. What I do need to learn is just not to open their emails. I always open then with great apprehension. Cricket, I haven't taken any Xanax since Friday night. I think my body is still trying to get it out my system. I truly needed to hybernate Friday because my emotional pain was intense and I was stressing about it too much. Their words were like emotional knife stabs. My mom needs me and I wont let them destroy me. I know caring for mom is right and honorable and respectful to her. Tomorrow I will be off from work to take her to two doctor appointments. Mom does have a UTI from the e coli bacteria. No wonder she was grumpy and not feeling well. At least the antibiotic was only $2.50 :)

Ok, mom is hungry so I need to cook. I may be a super sensitive but I'm a stubborn woman!

Take care my dear friends!

Love ya,

howdy folks !
nurse came and gave pa his flu shot and said that medicare requires dad to go see family dr after nurse visit him in 3 days , i thought uhh . what the hell . at least now i have a free van transport so thats a good thang ,
ill call doc here in a bit or 2 maybe tmr lalala . been busy cleanin , didnt do shit all weekend . fk it . always tmr and messes aint going anywhere . just create a bigger messes which is fine with me . it was so nice out all weekend and played outside alot . hangin out in the barn with hubby , also went shoppping with my daughter too . we also had bonfire and drank some good ole bud ice beer . stars everyw here not a cloud in the sky . so purrtty ,
dflex - glad u smiled the other day when u heard lit girl playing with her daddy . see there is more life out there to make u smile . how are u and ur boyfriend getting along . i hope he makes u smile alot . is he able to make u smile and grin . i hope he doesnt get scared and run off after seein u in sad moods . gotta make ur boyfriend and urself happy poo couples . then maybe ur mom will start smiling . shes feeling what ure feeling , tensions , sadness . phhhhhhhhhhhhht . smile away and those siblings are long gone , fk em .... that is what they re doing is to make u sad a pooie . dont need em .
ok need to zoom around some more and what s for supper ????? be back later folks .

You're right, cricket. I think someone did. I put it on Facebook. :)

hmm.. it must have been someone else that asked if your anniversary was coming up.. well anyway I'm glad you remembered it, :))

LOL Cricket. I wish I had a great memory. My memory is poor. Hubby & I got married two years ago Oct. 3rd. :)

good morning everyone. at least so far it's good. :)) seems like many of us are surviving with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, pep pills or sleeping pills. What a way to live, like someone previously said.....ah the good life! I'm having my caffeine this morning and Dads shuffling around the house (at least without poop under those feet). I've got all 5 dogs running around and a couple of them barking mad at something outside... my morning mantras are "this is going to be a beautiful day", "i accept myself and others just the way we are" so far so good, except I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I feel the tension in my body, I've been having a problem with my right shoulder for the past month (old injury). But in spite of the tension and pain all is well.. I suppose if the tension gets to be to much it will help to have a good cry, but who has time for that, right? LOL I'd rather spend my time here with you all just venting and sharing my feelings because I know all of you can relate. Which ever one of us gets to take the road trip first will have to do what Barb did and mark the city's and states of everyone on the map and hit the road, meet up along the way and have a real shindig! I have a lot to be grateful for in my life also and it helps to stay focused on these things. BOBO (kim) how are you healing up from the last tumble? I hope your Pa pee's in the cup for you today. I bought my Dad two Urinals and he grabs an empty water gallon bottle or an old OJ jug instead..go figure. Linda, wuv u! Rossella, love your spirit! Ann, I hope you are able to get a copy of your article cause I really want to read it! I agree that your hubby is probably a little envious of your achievement, but that's okay it's just how men are sometimes. You just continue to be you, wonderful you! Jsom, how are you? Diane, 12 pills? that worries me, I'm afraid that your wanting to go numb like that is treading really dangerously...please stick to the lower doses, please! Barb, you are missed but I'm glad you are having a life of your own again :)) Bobbi, How is everything going? Where in Florida do you have the boat docked? I'm wondering if you are close to me. Miz, wow you have a great memory if you remembered someone else's anniversary, I'm doing good to remember my own, lol. SS you are right, Ann is our Super Hero! 54J you are a beautiful person and I wish you peace right now. I am so blessed to have all of you dear dear ladies as friends here and now.

Thanks, Annt. Yes our anniversary was Oct. 3rd. Is the paper your were published in online??

Diane - Superhero? You already ARE a superhero. Please understand that. I agree wiht the thought that those that put you down have low self-esteem themselves. F them, babes!!

Have a good day, everyone.


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