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I just sent the publisher an email asking if it's possible to get a digital copy or just an email of the final copy of my article. He did a wonderful job editing and formating it. Of course I have the last draft saved, but it's not exactly what was printed and he took one whole paragraph of statistics out and put it in a box by itself. I had to cut out the part about the group and how much AC and especially GO had helped me. It was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to wordy. Finally cut it down to about 2000 words. I was surprised that he gave me that much space. I thought he'd have to chop a lot more out. Maybe because he has elderly parents himself. When I can get it I'll send it along or see if I can at least put it on fb somehow.
54, praying for you.
Hi Rossella, I always love to read your comments. Hope mom is behaving herself.
Cricket, if you and Linda and Kim take off call me. I'll run away from home and meet y'all somewhere.
Hey Rip! And Deef, Diane...hold on. You're doing fine. Miz hello to you too. Don't you have an anniversary coming up? Love your fb pictures
SS, you don't need your siblings either. We've all had to learn to live without them from time to time. The roller coaster of life is never ending. Up and down and always with a knot of fear and hurt in the pit of your stomach. The old 80s song that says....I will survive.. comes to mind. And when we do, we are one tough bunch of ladies.
Jen, you may be even the toughest. If I had a beer I'd toast you. So here's to us all (with my caffeine free diet coke). May we outrun the statistics.

It's 4am. Had to take a fioricet this afternoon and it's got me wide awake. gonna be a crappy day today. Mom will be up in 3 hrs. Might as well not even go to bed. Hubby just got up and joined me in the den. Oh well..........

love ya!

Diane, Selfsib, excuse me if I am a little bit rough, but there is an italian saying which says "it's useless to try to draw blood from a turnip" (it is red, but....). Your siblings are like turnips. It's no use you continue to be sorry about them. My brother has disappeared for a whole month, no calls no visits no emails no texts. My mother's siblings are completely absent. We are completely alone in what we do. I feel discouraged and sorry but I have decided this mustn't become AN ADDITIONAL problem in my life; I already have so many. Stick to your friends, relatives, whoever cares a little bit about you, and forget the rest! When the funeral will arrive, they will come with black suits and red eyes, to show how much they cared about our mother/father? When they didn't even make a call to ask how things were going? Okay, let them do it. Who cares? In the very bad situations my reaction is to laugh. It is a nervous reaction of course. So I will be the only one laughing at my mother's funeral (if I don't die first of course) and everybody will think that I am heartless. Who cares?
Ann, there was a period in my life (a long period) I was buddhist and as you know buddhism is a very peaceful philosophy so I was doing no harm to anyone. I wasn't part of a terrorist group. My mother during that period made me war, she didn't want me to be buddhist, she said I would go to hell... or something like that. She practically forced me to move away (I lived with my parents in that period) and I went to live with another buddhist girl. So I understand very well what you feel when you are rejected for a thing like this. I want to read your article. I think your husband is just a little bit jealous because you make many things.
Cricket and Linda, best wishes to your daughters...
54J am sorry I hope things will improve with your husband.
Kim: Pay attention to those dogs! Nicky after the operation is always walking between my feet and if I forget she is there, I trip on her all the time!
Diane sometimes life is so hard that I think, too: "It would be so much easier to be dead instead" but luckily, and it is the same for you, I have too many living beings to take care of; so I think that I have to be strong and after a while the worst moments are gone and you feel better. I can't tell you anything else to cheer you up; I am not in one of my best periods, either!
Kisses everybody

Hi everyone, I missed the chatter earlier tonight. It's late here but wanted to post before going to bed. Thanks for the encouraging words about TB, it helps.
Kim, Linda and anyone else...It would be awesome if one day we could meet up via a road trip! This time of year the weather starts to clear up and it's like spring is everywhere else... I tell you some days I would love to get in my car and just drive! My last road trip to CA and Back I had Dad along and he drove me insane..that is usually my unwinding time but not that trip... waaaaa LOL
Ann, I would love to read your article on Caregiving.. is there any way we can get a copy or is it only available locally? I'm tired so forgive me for not posting to everyone in this message. Love you all. Nighty night.

Ann, make sure and send us all a copy of the article. I'm heading to bed soon. I was upset to see my mom crying about this family mess. I guess it's just another change that I will eventually adjust too. Don't worry about me and the xanax. That was the first time I'd taken that many. I knew they wouldn't kill me, just knock me out. I just didn't want to feel anything. I usually only take 1/2 a tablet when I do take it. I don't drink and that is where the danger is, the combination of xanax and alcohol. I hope this week will be better for everyone. 54, you're in my prayers tonight. Thanks again to my online family for all the love and support.

Love ya,

Where can we see the article Ann? I give you an atta boy and i don't know you or what the article is...but just for getting the word out there that "caregiving" is alive and strong. You go girl! Keep it up! myra

Ann, congratulations!! Very proud of you to say the least! By writing and spreading the word about care giving you have given us all a voice! You deserve a standing ovation! Hugs, Kim

Diane, please be careful with the Xanax. Don't want to lose you! Love and hugs! Kim

Linda, everything will be fine with your daughter. Try not to worry too much. You to Cricket. Kim's hubby is right. Many false positives. the worry is real tho. I'm sure she'll be fine.
I'm hoping Barb will be able to stop by to see me on her way home from Ala. If so I'll take pictures and post them on fb for yall to see. I'm so hyped about it. Wish she could stay overnight. Wish we could both take off to Fla to see y'all there. Man I need a road trip without the hubby.

Ok let me tell you guys what just happened. You know I wrote an article for a local paper on caregiving and it was published. My husband went out and got me a few copies today. When I asked him what he thought of it he said.....I don't know, haven't formulated an opinion yet. Whattttttttttttttttt????????????????? I'm like what do you mean you haven't formulated an opinion yet? Couldn't you just say that's was great honey, I'm proud of you? He says...well I have to think about things awhile before I make up my mind. Dang! I wasn't asking for a review, just acknolowedgement and support. He never did say he was prould of me. My hospice nurse called last night after she read it and was crying. Said it touched her and wants to send a copy to corporate headquarters. This is a relative stranger and I can't get a atta boy from my mate? Sometimes I just don't know what I'm dealing with here. I'm so tired of mental illness. Beginning to wonder if it's really just a character flaw. Fine line there.

Have a good night my friends. Love you all.

Diane, for me it was my kids and grandkids. I have thought of going to sleep permanently many times, but then I think what would happen to mama and my kids. It's all about trying to get away from the pain. Usually in a day or two I'm grateful to still be alive. My best friend and I swap suiside fantasies. What we really want is love and acceptance. We have that for each other. When she's down I pull her up and vice versa. The first time I thought of ending it all, I was 14yrs old. It's been my constant companion all these years. Kinda like an old friend that I like to think of but would never want to visit for real. But honey, be careful with the xanax. One day you might accidentally do what you really don't want. I lost 90% of my family when I was 19 and changed religions. When I would walk into a room at mom's house, they would get up and walk out. I've been cursed at with words you wouldn't expect sailors to use at each other. It was deeply painful to me cause I love my family so much. Today I have all family members speaking to me and acting civil, but I realize that I'm always one word or two away from being turned on again. I have had to make my friends my family. If you don't do organized religion, join a group or club, if you do have religion in your life seek out someone you click with in your church. Replace them, they don't deserve you. We all on this thread love you and would volunteer to be your family in a heartbeat. I'm glad you are feeling some better. Believe me I understand your pain. Love you girl.

deefer - jen - everybody ! annt yooo hooo anybody home .
flex , thats too many xannie , one knocks me out , chicken to try 2 ,
louie is crying he wants to go outside , oh boy .
need to go ck on pa . remmy our parents needs us , it is not for siblings to worry about , if they are they can come over and sit , maybe make em do my dishes too . :-)
if u guys cant get along with the siblings , just dont even bother answer thier email or ph calls . let them pop up on ur door step then u can grab ur purse and say oh good glad ure here i have doc appt bye and zooom . go get an ice cream and sit at the bench and enjoy .... they can kiss ur hindend . we have been carin for em so long and now why are they worrin about that , money wise phhht , none of thier bussiness , or send them the bill , take em to the dr and tell em to send the bill to such such person . when i get dad s bill i mail em to bro , lalala ,
ok gotta let louie out and go see if pa s awake . meow at ya all later tnite , good shows comin on . woof woof xoxo

Jen, where are ya??

Diane, I knew I had to be there for my mom too. It's a powerful life saver.

Spent a little time outside watering my plants. I couldn't help but smile listening to the little 3 year old next door playing with his daddy. I'm cooking a late dinner again. Making a spinach quiche. Trying to give mom a little variety other than 50 ways to eat chicken. I'm sorry I've been a drama queen the last day or two. I've been extremely depressed and I truly appreciate everyones words of encouragement. The only thing that has stopped me from doing anything drastic is that I know my mom is here alone right now since the useless brother and SIL are on a one week vacation. I slept all all day yesterday because I had taken 12 xanax. It won't kill you, only knock you out for a little while. I just didn't want to feel anything. Anyway, have a good night. Kim I hope you are successful in getting another urine sample. I'm still waiting on the culture from mom's that I dropped of Thursday morning.

Sleep well my dear friends.

Be laughing in my sleep cause as soon as he is out the door, I'm taking a nap too! Husband going to get a new pee container at work tonight! Office will be open till five! Surely we can get it or might have to take the matter into our own hands! Agh!!

Linda, I remember that episode! That would be us! Laughing so hard thinking about it! Husband will be going out the door soon. The I Love Lucy thought will be a good one to sleep on! Be laughing in my sleep! Hugs, Kim

kim - like u did in the hall way , trip and bam ! lala . thank goodness for painpills , they ll make us even more hapier and bounce around . woo woo .
i think it ll be like i love lucy , drive forever and end up atthe same spot again and again . sleep in tiney room and train goes by and beds a shakin . askin for meals and its all dried up hard rubber baloney sandwhich lol . love that show .
im good at begin at the same spot over and over again . never fails , think i ll bring my gps the next time i go bye bye . hee hawwwwwww .
ok nap time for me , meow later folks . xoxo

Linda, we will pack up our bags and get the hell outa Dodge! I'm thinking Thelma and Louise, except we won't drive the car into a canyon! Our story will have happy ending!:) Of course there is always the chance that I could walk over the side of a cliff and fall down! I think I must have 9 or more lives! If I did fall over a cliff probably just come back up with some scrapes and bruises! LOL

flex, it is not stupid. I know what it's like to lose your family when you have taken care of your mother for so long. It hurts like hell. I get sad almost everyday over the fact that almost all of mine no longer speak to me and disrespect my husband. Sure, I could say, "To hell with them." but it's hard to do that after you have been so close to someone. Just know that you have people who love you. You have a boyfriend and other friends and us on this thread. I get it. You will be okay, as I will be. Just one day at a time, dear. Love you.


oh my gosh ! yes it would be fun kim ! we ll stop along the way to see the gangs . yep we shall ...
there be facebook icon and i click on it and bam im at facebook , now i cant find it ! crap !

Cricket, Indiana girl here too! Maybe Linda and I can take a road trip and come see you one day! Now that would be a good time!

cricket i think i am bout 20 hrs drive from you , are we close enuff ? :-) oh u did ask me what state do i live in . im indiana girl . indian , woo woo hooo ....
sorry to hear about ur daughter , hopefuly it ll turn out for the good .
miz----- thinkin of ya .. big hugs xoxo

flex - love ur tree . thank you for changin it . i am seein alot of tree s , some bare some with orange colors some with red and some is thinin out with fallin leaves . wow so purtty . ur tree is perfect . thanks .. if i were you i would act like i am only child . there will be no more siblings to play jerry springer show . screw em . u dont need them and you will feel better , put a smile on ur face and u have boyfriend and mom to worry about . at least you have a mom that loves you and wants to be with you . screw em jerry springer s siblings . we love ya .
deefer ! where is she !
54j - good to hear from you . sounds like ur hubby s meds is makin him reaching out . i know when dad was on pain meds he did that reachin out . keep in touch dear .
kim- i was told that pee kept in ref is only good for 24 hrs . may need get a fresh one monday , are they open on a monday ? i would pour that out and get a fresh one first thing am, if u can ...
daughter is keeping a postive thinking and she says she ll be alright . thanks u guys , prayers on the 20 th .
selfishsiblings i am glad u checked in , always good to see u postin and keep on posting and we could meow at ya daily .
cricket - love ur dog , lookin like its telling the siblings to fk off and leave us good hearted caregivers alone . :-)
kuli - are u doing ok ? thinking of u very heaveyly this morning . hope u are ok and smiling today . many hugs to u dear ....
dad s feeling a lit better , lit whiney but good . still sleeps alot . yesterday he stayed in the living room and was so happy to see my daughter , wouldnt let go of her arm . he was hangin on to her arm realy hard . she kept sayin pa u need to let go of it and it got tighter , lol he loves her so much . well he perked up big time , refuse to go to bed , was afraid he miss something , finaly she told him she was going to her apt and that she wants to help me to get him in bed , he said ok , then he grab her arm and wouldnt let go of it , lol .
bobbie jo ! where are you ???
hope mariesmom is safe on the journey with her daughter ,
i sent all my angels at her way and left few here with me . i gotta have some of my angels here too to protect us ,
beautiful day outside today , went got family pack at long john silver today for lunch and got home i said wheres the cole slaw ? shit damn it ! i wasnt about to drive 20 miles back in town . fk it ... i hate drive thru window , notice everytime i go drive thru window somethings always missing . too bad the angel didnt tell me to look for cole slaw . lol .
you all have a good day and smile alot cuz it does some wonders to our brain . smile xoxoxox

Diane, anybody who is intentionally cruel to another has self esteem issues of their own and feed off the damage they do to others! I am very sensitive too, but have found if I don't give them what they want there is no food for the vultures to feed upon! It is very hard especially when you are sensitive! I like your tree and it doesn't look lonely, but strong like you!

If anybody read my post from early this morning around 1:30, I would appreciate some input on the urine in the fridge as Dad peed in the cup at 12 noon on Friday but the office closes at 12 noon! Peed on it around it everywhere but in it until the office closed. Thanks, Kim

54 Thinking about you at this difficult time. Hope you can find some peace! Hugs and love to you and your family!

Hey Y'all, II've always been an open and loving person all my life and so I get hurt often and deeply. I guess this last year has been the first time I've ever had my family turn against me. We have always been so very close and I always felt I would get through anything as long as I had my family. Now my family isn't there anymore. They are being terribly cruel in what they have to say about me and how I care for my mother. The only way I can do more for my mother is to become a super hero. I haven't seen any supplements or classes to become super heros lately. I guess like so many others here I;ve always doubted my self worth. I was always the fat kid everyone made fun of, but I persevered. I'm running out of energy to fight the constant cruelty. I have lots of physical things to be greatful for, but not my family that I always thought would be there. I guess thats stupid.

Cricket I know my mom had to do regular TB test when she volunteered at MetroZoo in Miami. TB is making a resurgence due to so many immigrants and people afraid of vaccinations causing autism.

54, I'm sorry you are getting to the end of the journey with your husband. He will be a peace soon. I know it will be hard on you.

Linda, I hope Pa is doing better today. I know your daughter will feel much better once she has that cyst removed. They can be very painful. Even with one ovary your daughter can conceive.

I'm not thinking too clear right now so I'm sorry I can't think of everyone to acknowldge. Cricket and Lilli, thank you for the hugs and posts on my wall. I hope everyone can have a good sunday.


Hey Cricket, BoBo here! My husband is a Respiratory Therapist. I asked him about your daughter. He said try not to worry yourselves too much because there are many false positives. He has been through this many times. You name it and he has been exposed to it and then tested for it. Hopefully it is a false positive and they are very common. I know I am always worried about him, because he will see a patient and later will be notified that he has been exposed to something and testing will begin and then we have to wait for results! Hope this was a little helpful! Hugs, Kim

I have a question.... I live in South Florida midway between Miami and Orlando on the east side. Who lives the closest to me?

I just got off the phone with my youngest Daughter Sara and was told she tested positive on the TB screening test. Now we have to wait one to two weeks for the lung test to come back. I'd be lying if I said I was not worried. She's been studying animal behavior and becoming a tour guide for children at the San Diego or Los Angeles Zoo and that's why she had to have the screening. Now she is very sick and scared. Me too!

5rj, we are here. (((hugs))

hey gals Im still here also. Hubby so restless. everyone says he is waiting to hear someones voice or resolve something ? maybe but resolve something i dont think so. he keeps reaching in the air i tell the grandson he is reaching for angels. I dont know. Hospice says just keep him comfortable. boy this has been a hard road but looks like we are almost at the end but then again only God knows when. Love you all and pray we can always treat others like we want to be treated.

Hi Diane, glad to see your post just now! XXXOOO if you find another icon with two trees I can be the second one so you don't have to stand alone. :))

Hi Y'all, I thought I would bring my angry little puppy back and put my hopeless little boson to bed for awhile.
Linda Diane's profile picture looks like a fishes eye to me. I hope you're feeling better today.
SS, My MIL did the same thing to my SIL and kept my hubby and I in the dark until my SIL broke down, then she called me. I think what happens is they feel desperate on the inside and they latch on to the one that they are closest to, which only makes that one resent the others because they feel like the parent loves them to much to put upon them.. it's a vicious delusional cycle that the parent sets in motion when they do this. Heck my SIL would call my hubby and tell him how bad their Mother was then when he would call his Mother she would tell him that his sister wasn't mentally stable and that she was perfectly fine! Wrong!! My husband bought into what his Mother told him because his sister had a history of depression and family troubles. To this day my SIL harbors deep feelings of jealousy and resentment towards my hubby.. they both love each other but are terribly wounded because of the mistake of their Mother. Don't let that happen to you. Be the one to call them and give them the specifics and tell them you just can't do it alone anymore, make them listen and help you. If they can't help or won't make them help you get the help for them, look for alternatives to you being the one doing everything. If none of that works maybe you can get your Mom in NHF for the duration of her recovery from surgery? Or your Father in Respite care facility, or heck, both of them in somewhere to give you the break you need. Don't feel guilty if you have to do this... my God if you're parents won't listen now and accuse you of not caring after all you've done? Just do it and expect the worst from them, they will have to learn that you have limits and to respect your boundaries.

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