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Linda I changed the picture so it won't creep you out. One lonely tree now

Thanks for checking in, flex. Let us know if we can help in any way. :)

I'm still here y'all...contemplating my own journey..the proverbial fork in the road

Hi everyone. Just checking in. Diane wrote on my wall. I wrote back. I think she's ok, maybe just reflecting? Diane, check in!

How is everyone? Christina, rosella, linda, miz, bobbie...where is Bobbie??
My journey continues on a road to nowhere. Siblings have vanished. I asked my parents to reach out to them for help because I can't do it by myself anymore, but they don't. They continue to ask me to do EVERYTHING, even though I said, I can't do this anymore. It's like the kid who won't listen when you say no, they just keep doing it. I am refusing to scheudle my Mom's next hip surgery. I told my mother that she needs to call my sister, find out when she can come and be here during her hosptial and rehab stay, bacause I'm not going to do this all by myself again. I've been through three surgeries with my mother ina year and a half. Each one required taking care of Dad while she was in the hospital, errands, meds, rehab, my own family, my work and then, my breakdown. My mother said I'm being mean, (can you beelive that!)like I'm punishing her, but I have protect my own sanity. Why won't my mother pick up the god damn phone and ask my sister for help? I don't get it? That is what I'm trying to force here. I have no idea if it will work, but I'm holding my ground. I haven't talked to or received an email or any communication from either sibling in over a year and half. Can you beleive that? I swear if they show up to a funeral, my friends are going to linch them. Could be my funeral at this point.


Hi everyone. Diane and Kuli, I am half way out of the hole and looking for you! Thinking about both of you! Diane, hope that wasn't a goodbye! We all love you!

Rossella, so sorry about Connie. One of our little dogs passed away in May! I still look for her! Her name was Mattie, and she was very sweet! It doesn't matter how many, they all have their own individual personalities, just like people! We never forget them because they are always in our hearts, and make this journey of life so much more enjoyable!

Linda, I am glad that the nurse was good with your Pa. This will make things easier for you! Maybe your pain will get better too! I hope it does! Sorry to hear about your Daughter's cyst. Those are painful! She will feel much better when it is out! I know it is scary, but glad they found it before it had a chance to rupture! I take Lexapro which is in the same family with Celexa. Been on it for several years. No side effects for me. Just made things a little more tolerable. Once it was changed to Cymbalta, thinking it would help my muscle pain, but turned me into a raving maniac! Put me back on Lexapro! Family was grateful! LOL

Dad couldn't pee in the cup at the doctor's office, so they gave him a cup to pee in at home. He kept missing the target. Finally got it in the cup after 12 noon on Friday! Of course the office closes at 12. It is in the fridge. Hope he doesn't find it and drink it. LOL Hope it stays fresh in fridge over the weekend!

OK.....Thursday I was walking through the hall and tripped over Luke. The hall was dark and Luke is black. Fell on tile floor. Luke screamed, I screamed, husband and daughter were in the kitchen and they screamed! Nothing broken, just banged up and scraped. I told you guys I was accident prone! Next thing will be Dad and I in rehab together! Can you imagine us in the same room? Nightmare!

Cricket. Happy you got to get away. We all need that at times! If we ever plan anything again, I will not say anything until the last minute and then I will probably have to lie! So be it! I have been thinking about a Chiropractor too! If insurance will pay! Ours is so picky! I had to have an ablation of my uterus about six years ago. With ablation also had to have tubes tied because if there was a pregnancy, it could turn into a fatal situation. They found out about the tubes and then didn't want to pay for that procedure! Surgeon wrote them a letter and finally they quit bothering me! Two years later insurance company called and saud they would not pay for the facility procedure was performed at! What? It was at Community outpatient surgery! I asked them if they would have preferred it be done in the parking lot! LOL They kept calling me, and I finally just told them that if they didn't stop, I was going to talk to a lawyer. Never called again! Had to get the ablation because I was having a period every two weeks. It was much cheaper than a hysterectomy! Geez if I had had a hysterectomy done they probably would have paid for it! Totally screwed up people, and this is the same hospital husband works at and I worked there for years too! Yearly physical and mammogram coming up. I can't wait for the big hassle from insurance company after that! We will see!

Cuz, think I will have to start giving Dad a whiff or two of windex everyday! Maybe it will curb his urge to streak around the house! LOL too funny!

Mind is foggy! Love you all! Thinking about each and every one of you! Kim

Diane, that did sound like goodbye. Don't leave us, ok? Just keep venting. Go scream at somebody and then come tell us all about it.

I didn't take notes so I am sure I will forget someone,...
Cuz the joke about the pope was cute. We call the present pope "The German Shepherd". And the joke about the husband and the wife who go to dinner.... Well, I am "she" and my ex boyfriend is "he".
Diane, my brother has disappeared in the nothingness for a whole month. No visits no calls nothing. I know he is alive just because my nephews are on Facebook and if their father were dead, somehow I would see it from their posts. Luckily my mother is becoming oblivious about everything so she doesn't realize. One day I will tell him exactly these words, and I hope he feels like crap.
Miz, yes it is true, the young people think we are old old old. Sometimes I think that they don't see the difference between us and a 90 years old person. I remember that when I was a teenager I thought that 30 years old people were old. And as far as your fridge cleaning is concerned, tomorrow morning (very early) I shall clean my room and I will put away the summer clothes and recover the winter clothes. Before my mother gets up. Then I will take care of her. This will be my sunday!
Cricket I am so happy for your little vacation. My little vacations make me so happy I jump, too! Next time, I am going to see the girls with whom I lived when I was studying. I miss them! They live far from me so I shall have to take another weekend. When I have some money.
That's all for tonight. I am very sad because I lost one of my cats, and 2 more are in danger - they are getting old. And even if I have many, any one who goes away is a bit of heart which goes away.

flex, i know what it is like to lose your family. But you are loved. Please hang in there. Please!!

yes it does miz . i thought that sounded like that too ,,
waaaa fkex u cant do that to us . make us worry .
come on girl keep swimmin out of that hole . get rid ofthat pic and put something there that looks cheerful .
that hole creeps me out ! its suckin ya in further and further . look for the white hole ...

flex, are you okay??!! That kinda sounded like goodbye??!!

Hi Y'all, not very talkative right now. Just wanted to say thanks for the concern. Being a caregiver is hard, but no where as hurtful as the family you have loved with you whole heart all your life. Love you all and wish you a peaceful journey.

His and Her Diary

Her Diary:
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much. I asked him what was wrong; He said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love you, too.' When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.

His Diary:
Boat wouldn't start, can't figure out why.

I'm wearing a shirt right now that says

My wife bought that for me when I retired

Miz don't feel to bad about that senior discount thing.... when it happened to me once or twice I rejoiced in the discount and know that it would be easy for others to make that mistake since my hair is all silver now and I am 53 o.O Like you said you have been really tired.... that will do it to ya.... not to mention to the younger crowds anyone over 30 looks 60.

Ya cuz. It sure put a bit of a damper on my evening.

bet that really made ya feel special

Just wanted to say that I am here. It's so quiet on here. I'm really tired. Felt like crap all day. Am working on cleaning out the fridge. Guess that's my weekend project. The chick at the store where I get my vitamins gave me the Senior Discount and that's for 60 and over. I'm 52...

Linda, the popping/cracking sound that you hear when a Chiropractor adjusts your spine is not the bones making the noise but rather it is the fluids/gases between the joints that make that noise. I've worked with and for Chiropractic doctors for over 25 years and recommend this type of treatment over drugs because unlike drugs that mask over the problem, Chiropractic care can fix the problem. I always recommend massage therapy in conjunction with adjustments to help you hold your adjustments. When the muscles are tense and tired they can pull your spine out of alignment. If you get ask your medical doctor or even the Chiropractic doctor to give you a prescription for Massage Therapy many times your Insurance will pay for it. If you need it you will feel better afterwards. Sometimes if you've had a pinched nerve for days and there is inflammation it takes a few times before you start to feel the improvement. If you have chronic stress (doh) you might need to go once a month like I do to prevent things from getting really bad. Hopes this helps. XXXOOO

hi cricket ! . jump on for a min or 2 , getting supper a going here in a bit . yes i agree its been awful quite here . seems everybody is swimmin in the black hole . wonder if the hole is warm or cold ? if its warm i ll be right on over .
trying to get my shit in order . i still hurt in my neck and my back . hubby says i need to go see a chiropractor ? has anybody been to one . i hate to hear my bones a crackin shit . fear i be paralized !
i quit takin the clexea . didnt like that feeling . too quite i was . fk it , i like loud linda , lalala .
meow soon . everybodys a hungry for supper . xoxox

Hello? It is awful quiet today. What's everyone up to?

Windex Tip
I haven't checked ' ' to see if this actually works or not . . .
But they say,
If you ever get the sudden urge to run around naked,
You should sniff some Windex first.
It'll keep you from streaking.

There were two Catholic boys, Timothy Murphy and Antonio Secola,
whose lives parallel each other in amazing ways. In the same year
Timothy was born in Ireland, Antonio was born in Italy.
Faithfully they attended parochial School from kindergarten through
their senior year in high school. They took their vows to enter the
priesthood early in college, and upon graduation, became priests.
Their careers had come to amaze the world, but it was generally
acknowledged that Antonio Secola was just a wee cut above
Timothy Murphy in all respects.
Their rise through the ranks of Bishop, Archbishop and finally
Cardinal was swift to say the least, and the Catholic world knew
that when the present Pope died, it would be one of the two who
would become the next Pope.
In time the Pope did die, and the College of Cardinals went to work.
In less time than anyone had expected, white smoke rose from the
chimney and the world waited to see whom they had chosen.
The world, Catholic, Protestant and secular, was surprised to learn
that Timothy Murphy had been elected Pope!
Antonio Secola was beyond surprise. He was devastated, because even with all of Timothy's gifts, Antonio knew he was just a bit better qualified.
With gall that shocked the Cardinals, Antonio Secola asked for a private session with them in which he candidly asked, "Why Timothy?"
After a long silence, an old Cardinal took pity on the bewildered man and rose to reply.
"We knew you were the better of the two, but we just could not bear the thought of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church being called POPE SE-COLA!

*You know you're going to pass it on to Catholic and non-Catholic friends alike!*

Sorry all but the black hole has become a very comfortable place for me lately. And while I'm here deep in this black hole, know that I still read your posts and pray for peace for all of us. Please never think you are far from my thoughts. Hugs, Kuli

Hey, Diane. We can keep each other company here in the black hole. Better than being here all alone. I also have no energy left. Kuli

Dianne....have you thought about telling your sister that the system you have now works well and there is no need change. If she insists, ask her why the change.
Really, if this is going to cause more hassle and time for you, do not do it.
I do not know your situation, but my usual rule of thumb is that whomever is doing the labor, should be the POA.
If sis is a pain in the tukas, tell her that it is an "all or nothing deal." Either she takes all the responsibility for Mom, or she gives you control over finances. The second option you can give her is to: BUTT OUT. (Personally, I like the second.)
And start making an exit strategy. This situation, at its best, is not working for you. Your writings are those of one in crisis mode.
Remember what flight attendants tell you, "put your mask on first."
Take care of yourself and tell the AR sis to take a hike....I'm so mad that I want to call her!!!!!

About ready to give up here. Not sure I have the energy to fight this battle anymore

Hi everyone... finally have time to write some more. Hubby took me to a small town called Arcadia here in FL where there were lots of antique shops, we got a room, picked up some good Chinese food, some booze and had a party in the room! When we got there I was so happy I ran and jumped into the middle of the bed and then rolled all around in it! We had a wonderful time. On the way back home on Thursday we discovered the town of "Lake Placid" u know the one they made a movie about a giant alligator that Betty White fed her husband to, LOL Anyway the town was one of the most charming little towns that I've ever seen.. their were dozens of Murals on the sides of Buildings all over. All the scenes were country life and community oriented, it was just beautiful!
I'm glad to see most everyone posting. Ann, you seem to be in better spirits. Diane Keep ON hanging in there, you to Jsom. Kim, did you guys get dad's urine for testing today? Linda, I'm so glad you are finally getting some help for your pa!! Sorry you're not feeling well though or was that Kim? Sorry I need a brain overhaul right now. Barb, I'm glad my idea gave you a different perspective. We all need that at times for sure! Oh and Flex.. I wouldn't attribute negative thoughts to your sis about the CC, she could be doing that for any number of personal reasons. Just accept the help and be glad for it. It's a blessing even if only a small one. Besides even if she was doing it to be a controlling bitch would knowing that help you to better care for your Mom or just bum you out more? All this anger, criticism, resentment, and Judgement that seems to come with the territory of caregiving only zaps our energy and tears us down no matter if it's coming from within ourselves or from others it really doesn't matter because the affects are the same. Love you all and thanks for letting me yack at ya again. XXOO

I shouldn't say it but it never happened to me that one of my posts was deleted.
Here we are! I'm giving jinx to myself!

lilii- where are you ? thinkin about you too .

uh the page is so diffrent . has colors to it , teal light color ?
damn it all .
going to take the dogs for a wlak before the bath lady comes .
dad said what if i dont wanna a bath , i said then she ll put lotion on u , he said what if i dont wanna . i said well it ll perk u up and feeling betterthan ever . damn he doesnt want to be bothered ,
oh my ...

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