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Why does that happen? It's so irritating. And that darned pop up for the news letter. I subscribed to the dumb thing just to get the pop up to go away and it still comes. When it pops up it wont let you do anything until you x out of it. When it happens in the middle of hitting the submit button it wipes out what your wrote. I tried blocking all pop ups but you can't do that these days cause there are so many you need. Put my setting on medium and here it comes again. Come on AC!

OK, just wrote bunches and got the error message! Damn it! I will try later!

Linda, I took the Celexa for about three months before I noticed the hair falling out. Dr said that was not one of the side effects, but when I googled it......well try it yourself. Google Celexa and hair loss and see what comes up. Anyway not all meds react the same way on all people. I switched to Welbutrin and haven't had a bit of trouble and lost weight too. One of the side effects of Welbutrin seem to be weight loss for some you say..waaaaaaaaaaaa. My dil tho cannot take Welbutrin cause it causes her to feel anxious. go figure. Celexa caused mama to tremble so I switched her to Prozac. It's all a shell! Hope it works well for you.

Good morning to everybody. Today seems like it's going to be a good day. Mama is doing well and the sun is shining beautifully and there's a nip in the air. I will have mama all to myself this weekend. Hubby going to take care of his folks in SC. I checked out 6 movies from the Library and one is a series with three discs so it's gonna be movie weekend. I just finished reading The Help a few days ago. For anyone who loves to read and hasn't read it yet, it's a great book. Movie is good too.

Thinking of you all today and hoping you have a good day.

Love you all.

annt ! u whore dog . lol lol love u girl .. i was lit suprise to see about clexa that u told me about ,. im thinkin shit my hair is too thin to lose anymore ! makin me lit errie about takin it . pop one while ago . now im feelin one by one hair is fallin out waaaaaaaaaaa. what are u takin now ? is there anything out there that is the best kind ? i guess the best kind is to sit on bobbie s boat ? :-)
guess mariesmom has gone on the road now . will be thinking about her till she gets back .
wheres deefer ? havent heard from her in a while . hope all is well at her way .
bobbie ? how are you ?
ssk - thinkin of u often . hope all is well at your way too , mom ok ?
rossella u sounded like me last night . mind gone blank . blank blank .
missing christina too . havent heard from her in a long time . waaaaaa people just come n go . sniff .
pa s still sleeping , thought about waking him up but nah . bath lady will be here about 130 . had her before shes goood . we like her ,
going to be nice out today and will have my grandkids later evening to give mom dad a break . maybe we ll have bonfire tnite .
you all have a good day , i may be back after while and see whats up with you all . have a happy friday . xoxoxo

I haven't been up long but I've already seen four of these guys.


I am seeing 5 gentlemen (give or take) every day!.
As soon as I wake up, WILL POWER helps me get out of bed.
Then I go to see JOHN.
Then CHARLIE HORSE comes along; & when he's here, he takes up a lot of my time & attention.
When he leaves, ARTHUR RITIS shows up & stays the rest of the day.
He doesn't like to stay in one place very long so he takes me from joint to joint.
After such a busy day, I'm really tired & very glad to go to bed with BEN GAY.
What a life!
Oh, yes, I'm also flirting with AL ZYMER; or whatever his name is. I forget!
and I'm thinking of calling JACK DANIELS, JIM BEAM, JOSE QUERVO, or JOHNNY WALKER to come over and keep me company.

Now remember: Life is like a roll of toilet paper.....the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
So have fun, think 'good thoughts' only, learn to laugh at yourself, and count your blessings!!

Whoa! Revenge is sweet!!!

A country wife came home just in time to find her husband in bed with another woman. With super-human strength, borne of fury, and cutting firewood, lifting sacks of feed, and bales of hay, she dragged him down the stairs, out the back door, and into the barn.
She put his manhood in a vice and then secured it tightly and removed the handle. Next she picked up an old carpenter's saw.
The banged-up-cheater was terrified and hollered, "Stop! Stop! You're not gonna cut it off with that rusty saw, are you?"
The wife, with a gleam of revenge in her eye, put the saw in her husband's hand and said ......
"Nope....You are!
I'm gonna burn down the Barn!"

Hi everybody I am here just for a check in. My head is so empty that it seems to me air is passing through it. It happens to me every change of season and it is accompanied by headache and dizziness; but it lasts for a couple of weeks and then I am fine again. I am happy that Barb is having good advice for her house... that Kim didn't have to fight with her father to go to the doc. I am sorry, Jen, try to ignore those difficult moments of your mother. Please think that she is as stressed as you are. And unfortunately when you are stressed, the first person you attack is the person that is closest to you...
A big kiss to everybody else from my empty head.

flex . i have dad s credit card and i buy his persnal things for him and send the bill to the poa . sometimes dad buys grocries so we re all fair share , i buy one week and he buys the next week . poa hasnt said anything to me about what is this what is that , hey its for dad . i dont go shopiing and buy the wanna wanna wanna , nana i dont do that . that creidt card is for dad s needs , there be no problems there . let ur sis in law see the bill and she should know its all for mom ....

mariesmom , u have a safe trip and sending u lots of angels . be safe my friend ..

the home healthcare came in and accepted dad . whew ,,, bath lady will be here tmr . horray .
daughter has a cyst on her overie , now that overie has to come out , :( . its pretty bad . sad day for all of us , i wanted to tell dad about it but didnt want to break his heart , nurse asked me why did i wanted a nurse here , i said well theres times i wish a nurse could come and ck on dad s vital signs . cuz i always thought he s on his way out for three years , i told her i didnt want to do this alone cuz if somethingdoes happens to him i dont know how i would react , she said we ll take care of ur dad . ask me about pysical therapy ? i said no he wont do it , i tried to get him to execrise and i do it in front of him and so he could copy me . nope he just smiles and watch me do my excerise lol . save the time and the money this man doesnt want to be bothered , he rathers just sleep .
hell im doing it too ! i laid down 130 and woke up at 4 to hear about my baby girl s result . hubby s jeep broked down too . just bam bam bam ugly news ,
ok i have to get off here and you all are inmy thoughts and wants to answer all of you guys and talk to all of you at the same time , my mind has gone to blank . thinkin of my day and trying to think what to say but it becomes a scramble , ah i best get of here . love you all xoxo

Hi gang,
I need your advice. My sister has decided that providing me with a prepaid American Express Card is preferable to having money deposited in mom's account twice a month (this is to pay for mom's meds). The only reason I can see that the Amex Card would be better than cash is that then sis could track the purchases. Am I being too sensitive to read this as she doesn't trust me? This is the same sis that will only pay half of mom's medicine cost if I provide her receipts. I feel like she is treating me like one of her fraud cases she works on. I haven't responded to her yet since I recognize I am so angry that I may be over reacting. Whats your take on this?

Wow cricket thank you. Not seeing forest for the trees here but you did. Gives me a new perspective. I really don't believe anyone in their right mind would pay 90K for Moms house - but about half that "as is" - and if i have to buy out the brothers - (I say "I" but it won't be me doing it as I have -0- funds to even pay my own mortgage -so it will have to be a SIL who does) then it would be a lot more doable. I guess time will tell.

Ya'll be safe and well.

Hi everybody. Dad went and came back from doc. He couldn't manage to pee in the cup so we have to collect urine tonight and take it to the office tomorrow. He never has a problem peeing here! Oh well! They took blood too! Doc (geez almost wrote dic) says expressive aphasia and thinks he had a stroke too, but declined to order a CT scan. Thinks as rehab said we may be able to get help when the apartment is finished! At the the contractor is going, it will be done the 12th of never and this is with us doing a bunch of it ourselves! Whatever!!! Just glad he went and got blood work and hope we can get urine tonight!

Barb, have a safe trip! Hope you can have some fun a long the way!

So sorry Jen that you are having a rough time. Sometimes it helps to cry it out! Wish I could talk to your Mom too! The invisibility cloak sucks to say the least! Been wearing that cloak for years! Hope you are not sick! Try to enjoy your music.

Hang in there Diane. Maybe the urine test will explain what is going on with your Mom. Thinking about you a lot!

Cricket, happy you could get out and enjoy yourself for a while! Sounds like you had a good time! Happy for you. :)

I am getting a sore throat! Had an aura earlier, but so far no headache. Had bad rls last night. Chewed my bubble gum and paced around. Fell asleep finally but don't really know how or when. I think I am going to try to turn in early. Go to my room and watch TV. Husband off tonight! Yay

Hope everyone can have a peaceful night! Love ya all! Kim

Ya Diane. I think I would think the same thing about your brother and sister. Maybe that's because of my experience but it sounds like something that well, let's just say I understand. I hear ya about the headache part too.

Miz, I looked it up online and it looks like that drug would also counter act the drugs for her Parkinson's. I will ask her doctor when mom sees her next month. In the mean time I did take a urine sample in this morning, so lets see what happens.

Right now I have mixed emotions about an email I received from my sister today. She and my brother are going to contribute financially in a different manor than before. They want to pay an actual bill instead of just contributing a minimal amount of money each month. To me this reads "we don't trust you". Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but I don't trust them. Their "help" usually mean more of a headache for me.

Let me finish cooking and get mom fed. I'll try check in later. Barbara, have a safe trip.

Love you all,

I'll do my damnedest....listening to 70's soft rock hits here AND READING ABOUT the St. Valentines Day Massacre...I mean what?

Jen, somehow I know this. That if you were not there your mother would miss you terribly. It feels safe to hurt the ones you love, the ones you think would never leave you. It sure as hell doesn't make it right but that's the way it goes a lot of the time. I just want to yell at her that it's not okay to treat you like that. Infuriates me. I hope you are not sick. You hang in there too.


flex, her doc gave Mom Risperidone for the hallucinations, etc.

Hi girlfriends! Yesterday around 11am my step-son came to stay with dad and dogs so hubby could take me away for a day! We had a great time, will talk more about it later.
Barb, I have to get my two cents in on the "house situation".. haha okay here's what I think.. First of all get a couple Realtors who are neutral to all party's to give you a suggesting selling price, don't assume that what others told you about that is correct because remember they are fishing for money. Next Get the house inspected by an appraiser to find out what repairs would need to be made to the home before it could be sold. The cost of the Appraisal should be split by all siblings other than you because you will be doing all the leg work like getting meetings setup etc since they aren't available to do it. Next get estimates from contractors to make all the necessary repairs, improvements to the house to get the best price etc..... Believe me if they have to put all the money into it ahead of time they will view it as "not worth it" and give it to you... to deal with it.

have a good trip M!

Daughter and i leave for Georgia/Alabama in the morning - and husband needs the laptop here so I will be incommunicato for a week or so unless I can figure out how to work my SIL's state of the art contraption. I will miss you all and worry about you while I am away. Please, please, please take good care of yourselves and stay well and never forget how important you are to me, and to the others on this thread. It may be a modern, albeit virtual kinship - but a kinship it is - after all, we hold the Divine Secrets of the Poop & Pee Sisterhood (with the men absolutely 'honorary' sisters).

Went to basement crying again over mom treating me like a non-person. Maybe it is passive aggressive and she figures if she treats me shitty enough I will leave, but fact is I do a lot more for her and for her too look after fart pants than she wants to think. I didn't eat all day but kept to the left over concept heated up left over soup, she comes in to start making fart pants dinner A mighty serious occupation for her too so I usually try to be out of the God damn kitchen but I was in there first...Can't win, I am not sure if I wasn't supposed to use the soup, you know, the one she made and put literally four quarts of into the freezer for future use or if if was just that I was IN HER WAY yet again...Any how a huff and a glare did me in, I scarfed my food fast as possible and left before fart pants plate was out of the microwave and went and walked Monty so I wouldn't have to come back up stairs that evening...and I didn't....She must have had some idea how she was cause she is being "nicer" to me today, though I slept till two PM so it really didn't matter. Does she know she does this, or does she just not care....I know she is stressed, we are ALL STRESSED out of our gourds here! Stupid. God when does this end. I have been having symptoms of Listeria for a week now and if I die so be it, s'been a pain in the ass this life has...

Hope everyone has a good weekend or not a rotten one or more stress and worry on top of what is already there! Hi to Ksobhie and rip and deefer and D and anne and rossella and miz and bobbie (hang in there) 54, Lillip, annt, cuz and everyone here at Grossed....

See, I did it again! Meant to push return!

Cuz, good one! I am switching to Dawn! I thought there was some explanation for this weight gain! LOL

Linda, you OK?

Lilli,54,deef,Miz,Bobbi,Anniegirl,Jen,.....Mind is not working well today....foggy! I love you all! xxoo

Dang it all, I pushed the submit button before I was finished! Bad reflexes! LOL

Rossella, I think you are right about the luck of the draw with healthcare. Some are very very good and some terrible. Mom was at IU Medical Center and every time I see their Commercial on TV, it makes me want to puke!! They really did a fantastic job with Lance Armstrong, and I am glad they did, but unfortunately Mom didn't have celebrity status! In this country, it is coming down to the haves and have nots! Wish people were not so afraid of change here! Seems lots of "have nots" are supporting the"haves". What??? Boggles my mind!

Diane, how is your Mom? I hope better! Dad sees things, but just points and mumbles. Relieved that husband took over this doc appointment! Dad would not have done it for me. He tried the cover over his head trick, but husband managed to get him up and out the door! I know most certainly now that with the respite thing he was manipulating cause he made the connection wit doctor visit that if he did not go, he would not get his medications! While they are at the doctors office, I am getting some quiet time and already feel my muscles relaxing! Husband knows all questions to ask doctor!

Ann so glad to see your spirits are lifted!!

Hi everybody! Changed icon thought I would give Dad equal time! Dad is dressed and ready to go to the doc! Husband told me he would take care of it and he did! I stayed out of it! He listens to my husband! Won't listen to me! We will see how it goes!

Barb, I would do whatever it takes to make sure you have a roof over your head! I don't have siblings, but some people including relatives just want to take whatever they can for themselves regardless! You and daughter did so much for your Mom that there should be no question of who gets what! In my opinion they should get squat! Do what you have to do!

When Hannah went to dance class last night, she came home and realized that her IPOD was missing! This was the first time she ever took it to class and she put it in her bag without thinking after practicing at home! She had saved up her own money to get it a couple of years ago! Why people steal I have not a clue! All her dance music was on there and she used it to practice! She is too trusting! Couldn't even conceive that somebody might steal it! Had a long talk with her about it last night! Sometimes life teaches us lessons the hard way! And so it goes!

Cricket you are very quiet. Everything OK?

Good morning.
Rossella, good to hear from you. I agree with you about the care in hospitals. Augusta, GA is a huge medical center with many teaching hospitals, medical university, a well known burn center, trauma center, dental school and VA hospital and sometimes we get the worst care imaginable. It all depends on the doctors and nurses that you happen to get at any given time. I really like the Dr mom has now even tho I've only met him once. He specializes in Geriatrics. While mom was in the hospital last time I started asking every nurse I came across which dr they thought was the best with old folks and always got the same answer. Before we left the hosp a Hospice rep was walking down the hall and I just approached her and asked for a conference. Within an hour I was sitting in a conference rm in the hosp talking with three hospice workers. Their directing physician just happened to be this Dr. So they hooked me up immediately. Sometimes it just happens that way. If I had not been in the hosp that day or not in the hall when she walked by it may not have gone so well for mom. The doctor she had at the time was horrible. Being in the right place at the right time often determines the outcome. And as for Siblings, yeah, money definitely rules. Two of my brothers have very volatile tempers. I'm always one step from getting cussed out by either of them. Right now my youngest brother is crazy about me because I'm taking good care of mom, but only a few years ago he would leave the room when I walked in. He couldn't stand me. Out of three brothers only the one that lives in Virginia has been consistant with his love and acceptance. He could care less what my religion is or what I do with my time and energies or who I associate with. If I'm happy, he's happy for me. The other two are good ole redneck bigots. Everything the south is known for and trying to live down. I don't mind the redneck part, but bigots I can't deal with.
Kim, I hope everything works out with your mom. I can imagine how stressful that must be.
Oh Linda, last year my dr put me on celexa. In a couple of months I noticed that my hair had started thining in the front. I googled celexa and hair loss and there were pages and pages of people complaining about how that particular antidepressant caused their hair to fall out. Don't mean to scare you, just telling ya my experience with it. Of course stress will make your hair fall out too so maybe it's just that stressed people are the ones that need the drug and the combo causes the fall out. If you notice this tho, ask your dr for something else. Mine came back when I got off the drug. Took months tho.
Diane, hang in there. It's a shame how some siblings and their spouses act.

My husband pulled an all nighter working on a job with his son in law. I'm so proud of him for hanging in there. He came in at 4am, so I got up to let him sleep in peace. I move around too much trying to find a way to keep my leg from hurting. I didn't go to bed til 1am so I'm gonna be worn out by noon.

Hope you all have a good day today and your parent or grandparent will be calm and peaceful with few hallucinations.

Love you all,

Cuz, yes, the fact that 10 years young boys and girls make love is not very far from us....The average age when they start to do it is 14 now, which is quite too soon for me. But times are changing and we can't do anything!
Kim: what happened to your mother unfortunately happens often, I think in every part of the world. Sometimes you are so lucky that you find the right doctors and the right treatment, sometimes you are incredibily unlucky... I guess there is nothing we can do about it. Sometimes the best assistance comes when you don't expect it, Sometimes it is the contrary, you choose the best doctors, the best facility and everything goes wrong. My mother was treated by unknown doctors in a small village hospital and she survived a very bad surgery. My father was in Rome, with the best facilities at his disposal, the best doctors we could find and they made a lot of incredible mistakes. How do you call it? Destiny? Ah yes I forgot. When we operated my mother the first time for a leg fracture, she was operated in Rome in a very good hospital. They didn't check her during the night, she climbed the rails of the bed and she fell and she fractured the other leg!
Ann, I put a mattress close to my mother's bed so if she falls, at least she falls on the mattress. Deefer makes kind of a cradle, I think she puts cushions under the mattress at both sides of the bed, so her mother "falls" in the center and she can't climb the sides. If she reads me, I am sure she will explain better to you...I am sorry for all the crap you are living with your brother and SIL, I think like many others that they want to have access to your mother's credit cards again. I don't understand why our siblings think that we are so stupid (really: my brother is the same) that they can gull us as they wish, just telling us lies and hoping that we believe them all the time! I think they think we are stupid just because we took all that burden on ourselves. But I agree with the others, if your mother wants to see them, let them come; better still, try to meet in another place (a café, for example). It is better if they don't put their foot in your house.
MSM: I don't believe in siblings solidarity as far as money is concerned. Of course your siblings could be different - I don't know. As far as I know, when it comes to money nobody cares about you. You could starve as much as they care. Money is the first and most important cause of fights between siblings! I would treat it as a business transaction, as other ladies have suggested... And hope they are not interested in the house. Never show your weak side!!! This is just my opinion.
Diane I am sorry for your mother. Seroquel works well with mine. She starts to see people in the house, too. Try to see as many doctors as you can, to see if there is a pill she can take compatible with her Parkinson... You can't go on like this.
Kisses everybody


Check your shampoo bottle label.
I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner.
It's the shampoo I use in the shower!
When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and
(duh!) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning:
No wonder I have been gaining weight!
Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using
Dawn dish soap instead.
Their label reads,
Problem Solved.
If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in the shower!

Miz, the geriatric psychiatrist tried mom on Seroquel and it didn't stop or reduce the hallucinations and made her Parkinson symptoms much worse. She usually sees the hallucinations outside or maybe a man in her room, but this is the first interactive one. I guess it's just one more step in the disease. I guess I'll get used to handling this too.

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