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This last one is not too far from reality, Cuz!

Little Bobby

Little Bobby and Jenny are only 10 years old, but they know they are
in love. One day they decide that they want to get married, so Bobby
goes to Jenny's father to ask him for her hand.
Bobby bravely walks up to him and says, "Mr. Smith, me and Jenny are
in love and I want to ask you for her hand in marriage."
Thinking that this was just the cutest thing, Mr. Smith replies,
"Well Bobby, you are only 10..Where will you two live?"
Without even taking a moment to think about it, Bobby replies, "In
Jenny's room. It's bigger than mine and we can both fit there nicely."
Still thinking this is just adorable; Mr. Smith says with a huge
grin, "Okay, then how will you live? You're not old enough to get a
job. You'll need to support Jenny."
Again, Bobby instantly replies, "Our allowance, Jenny makes five
bucks a week and I make 10 bucks a week. That's about 60 bucks a
month, so that should do us just fine."
Mr. Smith is impressed Bobby has put so much thought into this.
"Well Bobby, it seems like you have everything figured out. I just
have one more question. What will you do if the two of you should have
little children of your own?"
Bobby just shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, we've been lucky so far."

Mr. Smith no longer thinks the little shit is adorable.

Great joke, Cuz!

A woman asks her husband at breakfast time, "Would you like some baconand eggs, a slice of toast, and maybe some grapefruit juice and coffee?" He declines. "Thanks for asking, but I'm not hungry right now. It'sthis Viagra," he says. "It's really taken the edge off my appetite." At lunchtime, she asked him if he would like something. "How about abowl of soup, homemade muffins or a cheese sandwich?" He declines. "The Viagra," he says, "really trashes my desire for food." Come dinner time, she asks if he wants anything to eat. "Would youlike a juicy rib eye steak and some scrumptious apple pie? Or maybe arotisserie chicken or tasty stir fry?" He declines again. "No," he says, "it's got to be the Viagra. I'mstill not hungry." "Well," she says, "Would you mind letting me up? I'm starving."

Hi girls. I had my part of headache and I had pleasantly to drug myself yesterday night, so I slept. I want to go to sleep now so forgive me if I am very quick...
Miz, it's normal not to find your things when you have moved recently. I moved so many times and every time it's hard to remember the new places. It helps me to put labels on the drawers which say what there is inside.
Kim: I hope my mother doesn't start to put depends in the washing machine. We don't have a dryer. But maybe we will never have this problem because she likes to shred them.
Diane: you are not nuts, if you love the plants you are perfectly right in taking care of them. It can be very relaxing and I love my plants too, even if they are all outside. Plants are great and they have their own phylosophy. They feel if they are loved or not... And even if it is an extra work it is a pleasant work.
MSM: I am happy that you are a fighter and you are dealing well with the problems of inheritance... I hope you have a nice trip! I think that the meaning of your dream is that your mother has "bitten away" a piece of your life. And you are fully realizing it now. (I have been in analysis for 10 years!). You have all the time to take care of yourself and your daughters and grandchildren who are already there and will come.
Dollie: I am very sorry for your father and yes I think like the other ladies that you need help and you can't handle the situation alone. My mother is very handful and she slaps and kicks but she is still under control.
Ann, I hope you are going to be paid for your article! Congrats anyway.
Goodgirl: I hope your siblings will continue to visit, in the future, too. It's not going to be a great help for you, but it will help your mother. And please, when they come, take advantage of it to have some spare time for yourself!
Bobbie I am happy you are at the end of your heavy heavy work!
It would be time for all of us to relax a little bit. I can't, so I am going to sleep, which is already enough. My cousin Franca sent me a beautiful text which had no sense at all but it was beautiful. I had asked her if she felt well. And she answered: "Well enough. "Enough" means "enough" which is less than "enough" but it's better than "enough" ". I love that text.

Note Found on the Refrigerator One Morning:

My Dear Wife,
You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 57 years old, can no longer satisfy. I am very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. Therefore, after reading this letter, I hope that you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my 18 year old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.
Please don't be upset----I shall be home before midnight.

When the man came home late that night, he found the following letter on the dining room table:

My Dear Husband,
I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 57 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also 57 years old. As you know, I am a math teacher at our local college. I would like to inform you that while you read this, I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also the assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile, and like your secretary, is 18 years old. As a successful businessman who has an excellent knowledge of math, you will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one small difference - 18 goes into 57 a lot more times than 57 goes into 18.
Therefore, I will not be home until sometime tomorrow.

Diane, glad she is in bed! The xanax will help! I take that too! Life saver for sure! Love and hugs to you!

Kim - I have an good memory for lyrics - this was a regular grandpa bit on Hee Haw - do you remember it?
"Gloom despair and agony on me (awwww)
Deep dark depression, excessive misery (awwww)
If it weren't for bad luck i'd have no lucK at all -
Gloom despair and agony on me"

I am certain that humor helps - and having an outlet for the pain and suffering and frustration and despair and sadness and grossness and sleeplessness helps very much.
Its akin in ways to being at war,
Constantly thinking of the time before.

I feel weary after tonights antics from mom. I feel so upset after these night time crazies. It takes me awhile to try relax once she is in bed. I could easily have taken a handful of xanax instead of 1/2 a tablet. God give me strength and patience to keep going.

Diane, hope it's something the doc can treat! So hard on the nerves when they just keep it up and keep it up!! Dad has an appointment Thursday with doc and I am scared to death he will refuse to go! When he gets like that, I just start shaking all over and I can feel my blood pressure rising! Last night came in here really late and I told him I was going to bed! I turned off the light and went to bed! Couldn't sleep, but went to bed! Sometimes even when it is in your own house you just have to get away from them! He is asleep again now! He will probably wander in about midnight and expect me to stay up! Agh What they put us through! Sometimes I wonder if he will outlive me. I've got those chest pains before too! Hope she settles down soon! Dad hit me with a flashlight one time! I must have looked really evil cause I told him not so nicely that that won't happen again! I think my eyes must have looked like they were going to pop out and veins were standing out on my neck! He hasn't so far, but the way they are, I never say never anymore! Breathe, breathe, breathe! xxoo

Linda, facebook your address to me! We could have a great time! I'll give you mine too! Used to watch Hee Haw all the time! Remember when they used to pop up out of the corn field and tell jokes? LOL I think if I drive the two seater over, Debby Knox might drop by with the film crew, so we will have to get all dolled up! LOL Dad would be running around in the background streaking! I can see it now! Dads together, us trying to keep order! xxoo
Report new profile picture is of my cat Bob, he's a sweetie.

Barb, if you take I-20 to or from Atlanta and you have a chance stop in to see me in Harlem please do. I'll give you my phone number on fb so if you get close to my town you can call me.

oh my goodness flex . i be hiding out in the barn ! u said yes she says no then should have said oh ok ure right mom it is a no and then she say no i said yes . lol lol . make a game out of it lol ,
tld pa oh looky here dancing with the stars is on . he said how about when is the hee haw comin back on ? i laugh oh u wanna watch hee haw ugh ... yep . so i got it goin for him . decided to get on here .
goodgirl _ welcome and hope u ll enjoy begin here , ure just starting out now . wow i starte dit about almost 4 yrs ago . good and bad times . sibling hahahaha thats funny . alot of em here doesnt hear from thier siblings . i get along with my siblings they live long distanace from me . i love my dad and he is a good man .
ah sis went out to smoke im gonna go follow her ,
kim !! hurry come on over ! i wanna a ride . lol that be awesome . i ll give u my address on message in facebook ok .
zoom outside for a smoke . xoxo
bobbie ! glad u have guys helping ya . hug them men for me :-) ... woo woo . xoxo

Thanks Kim. That crazy old woman was just about to hit me. You dad walks around with his jewels exposed and mom walks around without her depends or just barely holding on to her hips. Oy vey. I swear my BP must be sky high right now. I am to the point I hate night time because I know this "demon" possess her every night. She goes back to the Urologist on Tuesday. Maybe she has another uti even though she just finished her antibiotic about 4 days ago. No wonder I have chest pains so often. I swear caring for my mother is going to kill me. Im trying to b r e a t h e.

Diane,sounds just like my Dad!......drives me nuts! Take yourself to another room and lock the door till she quits. Your Mom and my Dad would be good room mates! They could spend all their time pushing each others button and not ours! Heart goes out to you! Hugs, Kim

Hi Y'all, momentary vent....My mother is being plan old ornery!!!!!!! If I say yes, she says no..If I say stand, she says sit......It is driving me over the edge!!!!!! SHE IS PUSHING EVERY FREAKIN BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God give me patience but HURRY!!!!!

Oh Bobbie I have such a grand mental picture of you sailing off when all this work is done - decked out in your lipliner and evening gown - sort of like Meryl Strep and her girls from the Mama Mia dream sequnce on the yacht. . .. seriously I hope the light is beginning to apear at the end of the tunnel. My husband and I have been salivating over all those books. We donated several hundreds of our treasures to the Marlton Library when we moved after he lost his job and we still miss them.

Welcome goodgirl! These are wonderful folks who wuill always have a special place in my heart and i've only known them a few weeks!

Speaking of beauty - my daughter is going to color my hair in a minute. I am completely white (maiden name was Whitehead so go figure) save for the crown of my head, which stubbornly retains a ashey brown and just looks awful. I've been wearing it up not caring - but she insists I need more loveliness :) so I am about to take the chair and let her do it. With 3 daughters we have done a lot of hair color here over the years so it will be like old times.

I have made plans. Drive a 2 day to GA leaving Friday morning overnite in Charlotte NC, and arriving Saturday early afternoon. Monday is a Holiday (Columbus day and we're off to Columbus so you know the courthouse and banks are closed), Tuesday for my business doings - just the courthouse and banks - and Wednesday take her to Atlanta airport and return to Maryland.

I had a late afternoon nap and a nightmare wherein I plugged Mom in and she returned to life - but she wasn't really alive, and had grown very long teeth, and was trying to cut them out with a very long knife, which my husband was trying to wrestle away from her. Having dealt with nightmares throughout my life, I have developed the ability to wake myself - and did - screaming. Husband came and comforted me til I stopped crying at the horror of it all. Don't know what brought this on - perhaps getting the death certificates today or that McDonalds iced latte I had at 3pm - she never tried to hurt me, I never saw her face, and a part of me was thrilled when I thought she was still alive. I will have to think on it some more.

Love you guys. Thanks for listening. You are my Frazier et al

Hi Goodgirl!
Welcome to the thread and ya everyone here is at some spot in their journey so you will see it from many ponts of view.

How ironic that you are just beginning while I am finally getting it all over with. Mom died end of May 2010 and I am just now getting the house empty for sale.

It's good to see you and remember to vent and live!


you guys are a scream.

I love all the attention you guys are giving your make up.
I'm putting mine on with a trowel.

finally got a good crew in here and we made good progress today and got a lot of stuff out of the basment and the rest of the books will leave the basement tomorrow.

Scrapping guy is in Heaven with all of the stuff and I found this and that and have started packing boxes for possible shipping. I dunno... sure is a lot of stuff but I would love to not have a storage unit. I keep paring it down and it's crazy but maybe I can do it. just ship about 10-15 boxes and stuff the car and that's it.
3 generations and that's all that's left. and most of it is books for me.. heehee, but there's my grandma's crochet and some family papers and ruby glass and some cooking things and clothes and books.
I can't help the books. I know these things are out of print and I want to read them, Bookpeople are just that way.
Besides, I need the ballast.
Going to check with the dude at the yard and see about a few little book racks.... maybe he's got some that someone ordered and then never used....

Have to be able to lash the books in so when you hit rough weather they don't pop out and smack you in the head. Or nuts.

The Cat freaked out today and hid and I had to do some big show with the treats to find where she was holed up. Too much activity in the house with the 3 guys.

I only get 2 guys tomorrow and then 3 again on Thursday. Thursday they are going to set up the shelves for the sale and with any luck we have it all out by 6am Sat. oh please....

my back is sore but not like any of you guys. I remember how sore and shot out I was when I was trying to lift mom. ow.sux.

Shot some video today because no one would believe me and this is after half the stuff is gone..... and it still is nuts. man o man.

ok. hitting the hay cause the one guy is coming early and then the second guy can only be here for 2 and a half hours but he doesn't stop. Just gets those books packed up in his Jeep and up to the Quakers and then back. 4 trips and that is a LOT. Bless his heart and his back.

just reread this and can see how disjointed I am.
But this is going to be over soon and then I will sit around and go wow. No WAY that just happened....... 7 years........


I'm a newbie here, mom just moved in a month ago. I am fortunate to have siblings and children who are willing to help when needed, but really no one knows what you are going through as the "live in caretaker" as opposed to the "visiting caretaker". I can see that I will get lots of practical advice here as well as laughs.

Ah Jeeze, I forgot to say hi to Kuli, Lilli and 54 too. You know I love you all.

RLS....oh god. I hate it! Legs dancing all night!!! Man we are all so much alike. I think caregiving should be right up there with heart disease as a major killer.

Diane,looked at post and knew it wasn't right cause you weren't there! xxoo I loved that code you put up! The brain is an amazing thing!

Hi Dollie,good to have you here! Dad is doing the same things with his depends. He hides them! Isn't violent yet, just refuses to do things I ask him to do! Frustrating to say the least!

Ann, congrats on your article! Great news! I have sciatic nerve pain intermittently. Hurts like an SOB! Neck and shoulders hurt so bad, I can't find a comfortable position to sleep in at night. RLS also keeps me up sometimes even with medications. Feel 100 years old sometimes!

Linda, you'll know when I come by your place cause I will be driving the port a potty for two. Will have makeup on flawlessly and in evening gown! Dress Dads up in tuxedos! You will be decked out too! I will have to retouch my hair, cause my helmut will probably smash my updo! LOL

Bobbi, that is a huge task! I had to do that at my parent's house after Mom died! OMG. So much stuff! When Dad moved in we put a lot of it in the garage. When Dad broke his hip and we started the apartment, we had to get a dumpster and toss, toss, toss! Heart is with you!

Lilli,Miz,54,Cricket,Jen,Rosella,Deef,rip,Kuli,Barb,Anniegirl,Cuz....hope I didn't leave anyone out! Have a great afternoon! Love you all!

PS, If you want those collagen lips like we see on TV all the time......homemade recipe for collagen lips....take clothes pins and attach to lips about an hour before flying out to do shopping on Rodeo Drive!! Saves the hassle out of going to the doc's office and nobody will know the difference!! LOL Still trying to figure out a homemade boob lift! I'll think about that one a while......duct tape...crane...I dunno! Have to make dinner before husband goes out the door at six. Talk to you all later! xxoo
Report could I leave you out??? Eating raw veggies is great! Right now we're still eating out of coolers full of ice. My fridge is still broken. Been waiting for Samsung to send the part to me. We kept waiting for the repairman to come back and fix it. He was waiting for the applicance distributor here to get the part. Finally I went on line and ordered the part myself and paid for 3 day delivery. That was Fri. They told me they would chg on my account when they shipped the part and they would send me an email. So far no news and they have not chgd my checking account yet. So I wait. Eating processed foods. Good grief!!! What else????

OMG! You mean you guys don't appreciate those ads for beauty products and exercises that take away belly fat? All I do all day is sit around reading Cosmo etc. Looking for tips on how to make myself more beautiful and younger looking. NOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! I haven't put on make up for days...oh wait a minute, I went to a wedding Sunday and I dolled up for it. Felt like a different person for a couple of hours then had to leave before the dancing started cause I had a sitter for mom. Weddings take sosooo long to get to the good stuff that you just give up. I thought dinner was never coming! It was a beautiful wedding tho. My dils little sister married a real dufus. Oh well....she didn't ask my advice. ha! Her sisters hardly speak to me. My sons married sisters so I get a double dose of stupid from them on a regular basis.

Linda and Kim, I hurt all the time too. I was just thinking yesterday that it might be fibromialgia, but my joints hurt too. Mornings are real bad. And as for menopause..I don't think it ever ends. I started into early menopause at 45 from a hysterectomy I had at 30. Even tho I still had my ovaries and and they still worked, I still went into it. I'm now 60 and still sometimes have symptoms. Now I also have constant pain from the sciatic nerve in my left leg. I've developed a permanent limp from the pain. Wakes me up at all hrs of the night. No way to get comfortable. That is from the degenerated disc in my back pinching the sciatic nerve. Can't afford to do anything about it. Lifting mama has really done my back, hips and legs in. Stress and more stress. Migraines all the time. Yesterday was a migraine day. I read all of your comments but didn't feel up to posting. We're all suffering these caregiver diseases.
Barb, I'm glad you finally got those certificates. I wish I could go on a road trip with my sons. That would be heavenly. They are so much fun. When they come over....the wives never come thank god, we talk for hrs. Laughing the whole time. My oldest son's wife is wonderful tho. She's exceptionally smart and funny. If I had a daughter I would hope that she would be like that. You are so fortunate to have your daughters. I'm glad your youngest is not going back to Canada. You must be sooo relieved. Hope to god she doesn't get to missing him and go back. We women are stupid like that sometimes.

Cuz, that was fart story was so funny! I copied it and plan to put it on my fb page.

Bobbie, bless your heart. I wish I could help you too. I guess we all do. All we can do is send you our love and support and hope that gives you enough boost to get it done. You will feel so free when all this is over. Good comment about the black hole.You know Abraham Lincoln once said.." People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." He was hitting on something there. Sometimes the black hole overtakes us before we know what hit us, but getting out of it takes effort on our part. We must choose to pull out of the hole then do all we can to make it happen. This is so difficult sometimes. And sometimes it takes medication to help us or talk therapy or both. But we must choose to do all we can.
Dollie....welcome! We are so glad to have you on Grossed Out. Within our own personal situations we have to choose every day to make the best of our lives. Sometimes that means placing our loved one in a home. Don't beat yourself up, that is probably the best thing for you both. He needs to be kept safe and you do too. Cannot let someone with severe dementia beat the crap out of you. If he has Social Security or a retirement often that is enough. You just have to look around. If he doesn't and is a vet, try a VA nursing home. May have to get on a waiting list but at least you would have hope for the future. My heart goes out to you in your situation.

For all you animal rescuers, BRAVO! You have huge hearts. That's why you rescued your parent. I am proud to know you.

Miz, Deef, Jen, SSk, SelfishSibs, Kim, Annie, Rossella, Rip....who else? Our numbers are growing so much I can't keep up. Newbies welcome!! I love you all. You have been my sanity savers.

Oh article on caregiving is being published this friday..I don't know yet how much the editor will have to cut it. It was quite long and he has paying contributors he has to satisfy. In the original I had written a lot about this group and how they've helped me. I know all that was cut. Too bad. It still ended up 2200 words so more will be cut I'm sure. We'll see.

Y'all have a good day today. Love ya!

hi again, i just wanted to share and add that a good way to get lots of vitamins is to eat lots of raw veggies, like salads with lots of different raw stuff, chew it up really well. It's good to start out slow if you're not used to eating raw veggies if you get gassy and at our age it's good to take Digestive enzymes before each meal since our bodies slow down in making them as we get older and the enzymes are what help to break down the food so we can absorb the nutrients from them...after all if I'm going to take the time to eat healthy I want to get the benefit from it o.O Eating raw helps with losing weight also because of the added fiber and low cals. Oh and Linda you shouldn't ever take vitamins on an empty stomach or with coffee in the AM even if you don't have any issues with Iron etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! XXXXXOOOOO

Hello again all!
i have had success this a.m. Got up, (carefully applied my makeup and spent hours on my hair after doing 100 crunches - in a pig's eye - and drove to Baltimore. Found the Vital records in a Mall off Reicherstown Rd. walked around the Mall til I found it and voila! i have 4 CERTIFIED COPIES OF MOMS DEATH CERTIFICATE in my hand. Finally!!! And since none of the people - not the GA FH, not the MD FH, not the State health Dept returned my calls or emails, I am not telling them. They can schlep and get them too - just as i did - as i have already paid for them and these.

They listed Mom's cause of death as 1. Heart failure due to chronic hypertensive disease 2. Dementia 3. Alzheimer's Disease The certicate was - after all - signed by Moms doc she saw only once 2 days after she died on Sept 19, and not filed until September 28 - I tell you all this so you may make a mental note. I am sure that having to move Mom out of state for burial had to do with the delay, but I should have been told to expect it in about 3 weeks so i could have planned acordingly. Now to Georgia - as soon as daughter and I can ecide which day to go.

Linda - women's vitamins - most vitamins - always made me 'sick' as i have an iron allergy. Can't take iron in vitamin form, can't eat iron rich foods like beets (not that I'd want to). So I take men's vitamins containing no iron - and the D3 - I take 5000 ICU's daily, really helps me feel better, and its cheap. Helps me keep my hand steady while putting on my eye liner . . .

morning u all .
dollie- welcome to this site . my heart aches for you . it is so sad when dad does that , ya shall ask the dr about something to make him less demented . xannax or something . geeze i know about pissin everywhere . my mother in law pisses on anything and pooped a big pile on my throw rug i just pick up the throw rug and threw it away . she doesnt live with me but she does come over every now and then . i cry everytime shes comin over but always happy to see her . she was once a wonderful lady .
kim - i went thru menopause for 5 or 6 yrs . lol . it never ends .
dr prescribe mobic and clexea for me , tok em both this morning and now im head is swimming . i think i shall go lay down and take a nappy poo .
bobbie- good to hear from you , nope i ll make sure my ankle doesnt swell up this time around , my sis in law can drive so we ll be takin turns and i can move my feet around whatever . lasttime i had to drive cuz daughter didnt have license to drive . thats why my ankles were swollen . ill be good as new .
someone ask me about d3 and mulit vitamens , i cant take vitamens they make me sick . damn i cant even spell good today , that doesnt look right . i do take d 3 . shit that dont look right either waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
going to take a nap and hopefuly i wake up feelin like a brand new woman lol .
sunny here and its suppose to warm up some but i am cold and tired . didnt sleep good lastnight , toss and turn . alrighty meow at ya all later . xoxox
oh yes i agree CUZ had me laughin too . love his jokes ...

Good Morning all you feisty women this today! LOL

All is well in my household ... for now anyway. Achy muscles can be caused from a dozen different things like stress and depression, a lack of exercise, tired posture, hell just being tired and that's not even mentioning all the other illnesses like Fibromyalgia, or menopause. Bobby it's good to see your posts this morning and know that even though what you're going through your making time to vent. Barb, it's good to see you posting also! Dolly, welcome. It sounds like it would be better for your Dad to have the proper care around the clock, I hope you find the right place for him and you can be close by to give him quality time with you. Hi everyone else, I hope everyone is doing okay this morning. love you all!

...and, btw, the only time you see an older (and by "older" I mean 40+) face on TV or in ads is when it is for incontence products, lift chairs, or drug companies. Who are these infantile advertising execs who think aging is only about focusing on the "sum of our parts." They do not speak to me or anyone I know AND they are passing up a lucrative market. Ageism sucks...

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