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hi u all . just wanna drop in and say hi , i am ok , pa is ok . had company almost all day , after they left i took a nap . whoa good ole nap .
my grandson is 2 yrs old today . he s so cute !
happy to see veerybody is doing ok here .
kim depend in the dryer , maybe i t was wet and ur dad wanted to dry em :-)
ok gotta get my butt up and going again . cant sit too long , makes my back go into a muscle spasam . hate that !!! .
have a good night xoxo

I really can't afford new clothes either. I had some room on a credit card. I guess that wasn't my point. I'm just so frustrated with life right now. And this poor dog next door has me so upset. He's out there tied up barking/howling and it looks like no one is home. Hubby will probably say something to them and I also have the email addy of someone that will check out the situation. Dogs aren't objects you just get. I'm just frustrated... Too much to think about. If I sit and think I get really depressed. I guess that's why some people drink.

Today we played pingpong in Moms old room, rechristened the "family room". I cooked supper (for a change) fried chicken and onions, squash, potatoes and corn. We watched Little Miss Sunshine - and I both laughed and cried when they heaved grandpa out the window.

AND I emailed my brothers, telling them how much money was left in Moms account, and that they would get their third of it as soon as a decision on Moms house was made. . . this is the sticker. I want my daugther to have the house. Mom and dad built their house in 1949 - a tiny post WW2 brick bungalow about 1200 SF 1 1/2 baths. There had been little upkeep on the house since dad died 22 yrs ago, and Mom let the yard - which was once very, very nice - go completely to hell. When I 'took over' the funds in 2006, I made a number of improvements - all necessary to keep it from being condemned. New roof, new plumbing, new HVAC, even new windows. Husband daughter and I did a majority of the work ourselves on the cheap. Still, the house in a very poor neighborhood near a highway, and is worth only about 40K 'as is'. But I want it for my daughter who cared for Mom several times a week from 2002 to 2005, and then live in full time demnetia gross stuff care from 2006 til I took her in mid 2009. They have never agreed to this. I have asked them to agree to it now. If they do and put it in writing, I will change the deed to her and then disperse their funds. If they do not (I am expecting they will not) and insist that we sell the home so they can have the proceeds, I will move to disperse their funds with the swiftness of a snail going through sludge while on Valium . . .

I'm back. Waiting on the last few touches on dinner. Cooking chili since its starting to feel like fall. Anyway, spent the last few hours spraying all the orchids with sevin (and me too - no fleas at least) and washed the shelves. Just waiting for everything to dry so I can move them back into the kitchen. I have a small greenhouse but my mom is convinced if I put heat in the greenhouse it will burn our house down. Its just easier to have the orchids in the kitchen. By the time the threat of frost comes I'll have even more plants in the kitchen. The ones that can handle the cold, bt not frost reside on the greenhouse over the winter. The tropicals come inside. I know I'm nuts. I have enough to take care of with mom, why do I add plants and animals to the list?

Hey cricket, I got laid too! B/f and I had to think when was the last time....Memorial Day weekend? I know what your thinking,,,,No it wasn't lastnight! lol We actually got a few hours of alone time today...Yea!!!! Rosella, 10 hours of sleep ranks right up there with getting laid. Sometimes the sleep is

Miz, I wish you lots of success on your diet. I can't afford to buy new clothes so I need to do something. I am at my all time high weight wise. Four years ago I lost 50 pounds. Kept it off for just over a year. When mom got worse, out the window the diet went. I hate to say it, but it cost more to eat healthy.

Kim, I'm so glad you got to have a movie night with Hannah and dad kept the jewels in the chest. Depends in the dryer? OMG the vivid scenarios in my mind. YUCK!

Ok, got to check on dinner. The only TV shows I plan to watch tonight is Sister Wives and IRT. Interesting combination of viewing. That in itself may be a psych

Have a good evening!

Love ya,

Sorry, vent moment...

Thanks, Kim. I do the smoking thing too. It's so damn hard to stay on a diet. But, It's depressing when most of your pants don't fit anymore and I am going nuts because I know there is a pair that might fit me that I needed to mend and I can't find them. I hate when I can't find something!! I don't remember if I have seen them since the move or not. And why am I so tired all the time?? Arggggghhhh!!

Geez pressed the submit button before I was finished. Just wanted to say love to all of you, and have a great Sunday evening! MSM thinking of you! Brother sounds really strange in his response! A tad narrcisstic I would think! Try to have a peaceful evening. The readjustment period is very difficult! Love and hugs to all of you! :)

Rossella, glad you got sleep! Good luck with work tonight! Hug the little girls for me. They sound adorable! :)

Diane, loved the joke! Sorry you got sick from the food. Thinking about the cake is making my mouth water! Love chocolate! Happy birthday to your honey from our family!

Cricket! Hope you got your Dad on that walk! It is starting to get very cold here! Sun is out and it is pretty, but a chill in the air!

Diane, are you the one that put socks on the bunny? Priceless! The highway and dogs! I would do that one too! Nothing more scary than seeing a dog or cat in the street with cars zooming by the poor things!

Miz, sounds like you are doing good with the diet. I need to do something to lose some weight. I have gained since Dad broke his hip. I resort to Little Debbies for comfort along with smoking. Agh!

Last night Hannah and I watched horror movies on TV. We had a good time despite Dad always in need of something. His depends was in the dryer! Thank God no clothes in there! He has managed to keep his clothes on. Just got a shower and hair cut.

I got pissed yesterday though, big time. Got a bill from docs office from when we went to get that little form to fill out for respite that he refused to go to. They got pissy with us when we asked them to fill it out, and I guess this is their punishment! Glad Dad's appointment is Thursday, cause I am gonna give them a piece of my mind! Took Nurse Practitioner two minutes to check boxes. Must be nice to get paid 20.00 for two minutes of work! I am not going to hold back! Ridiculous!

Diane oh gosh! Next time you go out for dinner try not to feel sick! It wastes the night!

Where was I last night? I took my honey out to dinner for his birthday and managed to get sick from the food. Spent my evening on the throne. Thankfully I'm feeling much better today. Since today is actually my honey's birthday he will get a homemade chocolate cake to celebrate. Otherwise did errands this morning, put dinner in the crockpot and now doing laundry. It's a lovely day in the neighborhood.....

MSM, where did we go last night? I hope some of us went to the movies, some of us went to dance, some of us went to the theatre, some of us left for the weekend...
I went to sleep, as far as I am concerned. I was so tired that at least I slept 10 hours! I have to work tonight. I hope you are all having a decent Sunday.

Bobbie, where are you??

Flex, loved the joke.

Hello Everyone. Damn I wish AC would take care of the problem of there being a problem with your request or whatever when you try to post. And of course this time I did not copy what I had typed and I lost it. So anyway, I am here trying to stay away from the black hole. I know when I get a job it will be better cause then hubby and I can go do stuff. I feel so confined. Tomorrow is our 2nd wedding anniversary and I can't even get him a card. Yesterday, I put away my Summer shoes and got out my Winter ones. Grrrr, I hate Winter!! Today I plan to go through my Summer clothes and hopefully get rid of a lot of them. I bought 3 new pairs of pants in a larger size so I will have something to wear to work. I have been dieting the past few days and I have lost 2 lbs. About 15 to go. Msm, your brother sounds like my brother. Not much emotion at all unless he gets angry. Cold and clinical. Msm, be kind to yourself. Love you all my angels.


Where did everybody go last night? I hope to bed early in a quiet house and a night filled with peaceful dreams.
In this morning's email was a note to 'all family' from my crazy younger brother. In it he told the history of the carnation, complete with pictures (odd as neither he nor older brother sent flowers, and the casket spray I bought was primarily lillies and glads), detailed the full names of our dad and Moms parents, and said Mom would have approved of her "brief, well-attended" service.
Daughter says at least this note didn't contain the "crazy' factor of his usual emails and i guessshe is right - but neither did it contain any emotion. Oh well - why should it? He hadn't known her or been in her life for almost a decade.

So how it everyone?

Hah! Diane.... loved the joke!!

Good morning friends, it's a beautiful 84 degrees outside and I'm loving it! I'm going to put my papa in his wheelchair, put his little doggie Punkin on her leash and push him so he can walk Punkin around the block... he's already a little resistant but I'm not giving up yet..LOL How's everyone doing today... you all were awful quiet last night and that's not normal here. Whats going on???
love you all!! waiting to hear from ya's.

I think we need a joke to start off the morning.

Two women in heaven

1st woman: "Hi! My name is Sandra."

2nd woman: "Hi! I'm Sylvia. How'd you die?"
1st woman: "I froze to death."

2nd woman: "How horrible!"

1st woman: "It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you?"

2nd woman: "I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV."

1st woman: "So, what happened?"

2nd woman: "I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that I started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the attic and searched, and down into the basement. Then I went through every closet and checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart attack and died."

1st woman: "Too bad you didn't look in the freezer---we'd both still be alive!"

Gah I never even thought of that. I guess really denial would be worse...I may keep falling down the brick wall but at least in climbing it I am not relentlessly banging my head into it....

Hi girls I didn't take notes tonight so I don't remember who said this and that. I remember a few things: Diane I am happy you are adopting a more careless attitude. it helps when problems can't be solved. Kuli I am sorry for your hard nights, I know very well what sleep deprivation is. I think you need someone to sleep at your house and take care of your father, so you can sleep the night. Your sister could help you from the financial point of view, at least.
Jen what you said... I have no words! I read a similar story on the other thread I "attend" (The one started by Jam) and I wonder sometimes why we don't take a gun and kill them all. And I am serious. I am happy for you because you don't deny your feelings and you are ready to face your past and present... This is already half of the path! No, 90% of the path. What else? Kim, I know the squirrel is now wandering on the trees nearby asking himself: "Why that kind lady expelled me from her house? I want to go back". Cricket is it you who told me that I remind you to think in a positive way? I am very happy about it. I am not very positive these days and fortunately there are my pets and there are these very nice rumanian children who walk with my dogs and me every day. They make me laugh and they relax me. And it is a good exercise for the brain because you have to make drawings, mime, to understand each other! The big black hole, as I probably already said, it is a pool of mud for me and I have to get out of it and clean me up as soon as possible.
I'm going to take a nap on the couch next to my mother, now.... Kisses everybody

Barb, I'm glad you're back home and the trip to deliver the things to another caregiver and family went well. I simply loved your story about the sparrow. It's good to be reminded of the goodness of humanity that still exists. Your drive in the country on your trip sounds like it was so wonderful. Thanks for sharing. xxoo

Almost 4pm this rainy low 50's afternoon in Frederick and just home from a 5+ hr trip with my daughter to deliver the last of Moms things to the fellow taking care of his wife with multiple cancers. We took the back roads both ways and there were sheep and fields of running horses and lovely old homes and barns and greenery both ways , , , it was a delight around evey corner. The gentleman, Michael - was so very nice - but it was raining and cold when we arrived and he began talking and we stood and listened and nodded for nearly half an hour and perhaps if he had invited us out of the rain we would have stayed longer because we all know how much we caregivers need to be able to talk. But at last, mindful of my very skinny (hate her) daughter beginning to shiver despite having on a jacket, we took out leave. All told, a lovely way to spend this the 2nd week anniversary of Moms death.

Animals. When I was 18 a bird flew in front of the car so close I hit it, and pulled over to find it in the road stunned though still alive. I scooped it up, laid it in my lap, and drove to the nearest phone booth to call my vets office. A vet I had never met - my cat went there - agreed to meet me at the office. (It was a Sunday AND the 4th of July). He was waiting for me - and after a quick exam he told me he thought this random bird (perhaps a sparrow?) would be OK, that they would keep it a day ot so and then let it go. I asked if I could pay with my next check, as I had no cash, or even a credit card then. He said no charge - that it was a good thing I did and he was happy to help. I still think about that day and how people can unexpectedly perform random acts of kindness if we will give them the opportunity.

Good afternoon everyone, I am seeing a common thread here with us caregivers, we not only rescue our elders but animals to. Am I right?
When I was 9 my mother was yelling at me to get back in the house because I was outside in nothing but my panties catching a bullfrog! He loved flies.
Ahh, I wish it was cooler here. Tomorrow it's supposed to cool down to 84.
Kim, I remember "the streak" haha Have you found the missing underwear and depends yet? It's noon here and I'm just now having my coffee. agh!
Linda you are a Gem and it sounds like your Hubby is pretty special guy too!
BBL love you all!

Good morning gang,

It's sunny and a nice cool 50 degrees! I am soooo happy that fall is finally here. The freakin hot weather this summer was about to kill me.
Mom is sleeping late this morning. For some reason last night she was up until after 11pm. I am going into work for a few hours this morning then running some errands. I plan to take mom and b/f out to dinner tonight since it's b/f birthday.

Ok, I have to let you all know I am just as much a sucker for animals as everyone else here. One time I found a white rabbit in an apartment parking lot and named him Honeybuns. Well after I had him a short time he developed sores on his hind legs. After a couple vet visits I ended up having to bandage his feet, then put baby crew socks over it and tape it around his ankle so he wouldn't pull it off. So add me to the list of crazy animal lovers. I've rescued animals all my life. Those I didn't pick up some how found their way to my home. My mom swore one time I was going to get killed trying to save two basset hounds on a 6-lane highway. Luckily I posted enough signs around the area and the owner called me to get his babies.
I need to get my but moving and get ready for work. I hope yall have a good day and your charges keep their close on :)

Love ya,

Cricket, yep Dad was streaking. Reminded me of the old streaking song, The Streak. I would have to change the lyrics to Oh yes they call him the streak....Don't look at it, Don't look at it.....I'd also have to change fastest thing on two feet to slowest thing on two feet! LOL

Ann we did need the piney to take a nip at him! Something has gotta give here!
Might have to have a nudist colony take him in at one of their colonies! LOL If I don't laugh I am gonna cry!

We are missing one pair of underwear and a depends! Don't know where they are.....they will turn up somewhere creative I'm sure!

I miss the little squirrel. Maybe she will come back! :(

Glad you are feeling better Cricket! Hope your feeling better Linda! If you do have some Dino eggs let me know. Dad could use some. Good source of protein! LOL Dad ate some scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and toast for dinner. He didn't eat it all, but got some of it down!

Jen, always here for you! xxoo

I like the handicat in diapers! A friend sometimes leaves her two little chihuahuas with us and one has seizures so he has to take his Meds. Cute little things!

Msm, so happy to hear your daughter is rethinking her situation. Vent, vent, vent! It is good for you! You have just been through one of the hardest things in this life. After my Mom died I talked about her to anyone who would listen too. It just spills out! Better out than in. Glad you are here!

I have a stupid headache. Going to search for the depends and underwear a bit more! Geez!!! Love you all! Talk tomorrow! Kim

hah, i know. but i bet you could have!

hheeeheee cricket , no i didnt write that lol ,
cool ! i would have never adpoted them i would have fed dad those eggs lol ....

I came across this on the web and it had me wondering ...Linda did you write this?


There was a quirky breed of dinosaur called an "Adoptosaurus". Adoptosauruses laid eggs and often times forgot where they laid them or whose eggs were who's. Basically, they "adopted" the eggs they found and claimed them as their own.
Adoptosauruses didn't eat meat because it wasn't apart of their dino-religion. They thought eating meat made dinosaurs fat and have wrinkly skin. Adoptosauruses ate flowers because they thought it made them smell good. They thought they were the best of all the dinosaurs.
Maybe they went extinct so fast because their babies got hungry and ate each other, or the T-rexes found them and ate them, or maybe they were just stupid dinosaurs that adopted their own eggs.

Ahhhhhh Jen, do I know about families who don't talk about things. That was always the rule in our house. Mom could never handle anything unpleasant so we didn't talk about it. She was the Queen of Denial in the flesh. My dad was the king. It really stinks for kids. My dad accidentally crawled into my bed one nite while he was drunk and she just said "well he was drunk he thought it was me." I don't even remember it, but I dreamed about it a couple of times and told her and she told me what happened. She said he got out as soon as he realized it wasn't his bed he was in. Thing like that can cause all kind of crap in a kid's mind. I've had other dreams too but no real memories so like my mom I choose not to deal with it. At this point I don't even want to remember anything. He's dead now. Let sleeping dogs lie. Princess of denial....just sayin..but your mom acting like that was just brutal.

Diane, the black hole sucks....literally. Don't let it hold you. You just climb on outa there.

Kuli, I wish you would call up your sis every nite and wake her butt up. I know you won't cause you're more considerate than her, but still I wish you would.It's exactly what she needs.

Kim, good lord. The last thing you want to see is daddy's thing dangling. I'm sorry he's in that stage. That little ole piney ought to run back in and take a nip off of it and I bet he'd keep it in his pull ups from then on.

Barb, your Rosie sounds like she's about the same size as my Bob. Way to go on the fruit and veggies. I wish I had some will power right now. I just ate a Hershey bar. Now I feel sick. Good news about your daughter. I know you're looking forward to your road trip.

Lilli, I think we're all getting a little squirrely! You need to make collars for us all. mom was trying to call me on the remote. She thought it was a phone. She told me again today how glad she is that i'm her sister. Oh well......

Love to you all. Hope you have a good night.

mariesmom - ur daugher has finaly woke up and realize family is more imporatnat to her that that bum . praise the lord !!! big hugs to u girls !
bobbie ?? where are u . havent heard from u in a long tme . missing u dear xoxoxo

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