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Linda, Dad is feeling better. Appetite getting better. He is now taking off depends at night and of course that means pee and poop on sheets and on him every morning. He may be depressed too over the stunt he pulled and me not talking to him for a couple of days. Also next Wednesday is Mom's passing date. He might just sense that coming up. Doc appointment next Thursday. Thought it was this Thursday, but it is next. Sometimes I think I am becoming demented. Has to be stress. My muscles especially in the neck hurt all the time like yours. I think it is all just the constant stress! No relaxation. Glad you were able to get your Pa in and hope he is better. Also hope that nit wit doc will give you order for hospice. I am going to ask when Dad goes into doc. If he will go...I swear if I have to carry him out and put him in the car I will do it! Love and hugs, Kim

Hey everybody! What a day! I caught the little squirrel in the trap. She is now outside and free! When she ran over my foot while my husband and I were having coffee, my husband screamed. The scream made me scream and jump up on the couch which didn't make the situation any better. If I had known it was the squirrel, I wouldn't have screamed. Husband is scared of squirrels!! LoL Dogs saw squirrel and cornered her, but again didn't hurt her! I took dogs upstairs and opened door! No success! Husband walked into kitchen and I heard another scream! Squirrel in the kitchen and had gone under a cabinet there. Took the trap and put it by the cabinet and told everybody to be quiet! Actually I told them to SHUT UP!! Heard the trap door shut and there she was! I was picking the trap up to take it out and moving toward husband! Another scream! I am loving it!! LOL meanwhile Dad is walking around with shirt and depends on and no pants!! I got out with her and husband found place where she got in and fixed it! He thought she was really cute once she was out. Had to take pictures of her. She will be my icon for a little bit. Anyone of you can come and stay anytime! Just make sure that every once in a while you say you see a squirrel running across the room so my husband will make that high pitched scream! LOL Guaranteed to make you laugh and I'm talking side splitting laughter!!

Linda, I think my Dad had a stroke when he fell and broke his hip. They were going to do a CT scan, but cancelled it. All about the money you know. I think that is why his speech is nearly unintelligible. One of the Neuropsychologists that I used to work with did an assessment on him and suggested a CT scan. Rehab ignored it. I had him try to draw a clock face and he crammed all the numbers on one side of the circle so he was neglecting one side entirely! It all comes down to the money! It is sad but true! Same happened to my Mom. I will talk about that later. Sad and tragic story.

Msm. You are going to come out of this fine. Things will turn around! We have insurance, but it is so crappy we might as well not! Deductible is so high it is ridiculous. Pay for most with Flex account which is your own money put aside in an account! When we use it, we are grilled like criminals! Have to provide receipts etc. to prove to them what you used your own money for! What???
We have drained ourselves dry on this apartment for Dad. Watch him refuse to move in!! Agh!! I can see it now! If he refuses to move in, all of us will move in together and have a huge party!
So happy your daughter is not going to Canada. You guys will have fun on that road trip! You need that now! Have a great time! Maybe I will catch SIL in my trap! LOL You always have a home here! No joke!

I will write more tomorrow. I think I know what my next career is going to be.....let's see....A humane exterminator! Maybe Billy the Exterminator will hire me! LOL

I love you all! Have a good sleep! Kim

ohhhhh that is wonderful news ! hope her hubby decides not to show up . awesome u and ur daughter s going across country ! awesome , are u afraid to travel alone going back home ?
i always make sure somebody rides with me during the road trip . but let me know when ure headin out so i can send u more of my angels :-) to travel with you . i have a angel i got for my birthday from christina , bless her heart i love it !! she is swinging on my mirror as i drive i d look at her and say i love you too christina . shes my angel .... many years ago a coworker gave me a lit pin that has a beatiful angel . i kept her in my coin purse and it went with me every where i go . she gave that to me when i was ready to go to fla . to this day it is still in my coin purse , i always felt safer with angels . u shall find u one and put her in ur car and take her with u on a road trip :-)
roadtrips are wonderful . next month my sis in law and i will be takin a road trip , she is so exciting and so damn ready ! as i am too . going to cash in my millions of coins i have growing in a big 3 ft tall shape of an owl . i bought that glass owl at a yard sale for 50 cent , tld hubby when it gets full we re to cash it in and go take a vacation . this is a 2nd time it filled up , gonna cash em all in . but for some reason i am havin this nagging feeling to save that for in case i cant make my house payement . or if we have no food in my cupboard . so im confuse .... if i decide not to cash it in i ll need another glass jar lol . i am afraid to move this one cuz i dont want the owl to break .
i sure wishi could go with ya across country ! my sis lives in texas , havent seen her 4 yrs . i will go to her when dad s gone to a better place . need to ck out my big sis , shes 68 or 69 . early stage of alz . :( ,,
oh my goodness i was suppose to be in bed long time ago , gotta go ck pa first and then i m going tobed . goodnight you all xoxox

We'd love to see video clips of your trip, Barb! Famous on Face Book?

Linda - daughter who came home to help me - and who is an awesome person - has decided NOT to return to Canada! YEEAAAA!!!! She is going to Dallas instead, where she has a dear friend who is a fellow actor - they met at school where she also met husband. He has been working and saving to return to NYC for acting career. Husband is going to join her there - but I suspect he will not be able to get/keep a job - as is his way. He tried desperately to be invited to Georgia so he could 'help' us - and I told daughter flat out he was the last person I wished to see. Also, her sisters (they are all in my profile pic) have finally seen the light (given her husbands insistence that mom was NOT dying and that this was a ruse to get her home), and thus he is not welcome in their homes either. So we shall see what the future brings with them. At least she will be in USA. And btw I am drving her from DC to Dallas! I volunteered to do so, and she wants me to so road trip! Who wants to come with as we traverse half the country in the Camry?

MSM, it will take some time for you to re-arrange your new life... Try to take some rest and in a little time, you will go to the conquest of the world again!
Easier said than done, that's true! But let's try to keep a positive attitude...

yep ! her lit sqiurrel lalala . oh did ur other daughter go back to her hubby or is she goingto stay home with u ? at least for a lit bit longer ..

Linda so sweet to me - you all are - and a great idea! Lets all move to Kims house and take turns pretending to be the little squirrel! (That is Kim with the squirrel, right?)

msm - ur kids are smart ! just wait till they havemore kids and shit happens and bam theres no millions bucks when they get to be our age , lol . i tried to save and save and likeu said it all wenttoward the kids , bills , credit card , house , doc bills , blah blah , taxes , gas , loss job , rob savings , wanna wanna . ah i thought i be one rich woman well in a way i am rich i have a roof over my head , does that make me rich , mmmn maybe in 5 more years my house ll be paid off then i realy can say im rich , savin me 600 bucks a month . think i ll get me a new car in 5 yrs :-) ... prob end up gettin a loan for a new roof new windows , those loans are never paid off , it keeps a coming .
ah im going to bed , my mind s are jobbering jabberin . i didnt even have a beer !

mariesmom - dont u leave us , we need u here just as much u are needed here , theres a few here that lost thier parents and still comes back to say hey hey .. once ure here u will always be part of our lives .
ure on the roller coaster right now , and yes u vent all you wanna . we re here to hear and comfert u in any way we can .
i too been wondering whats going to happen to me when pa s gone to a better place . i need a job that s for sure . but where ? i do not want to go back to factory , oh lord no , tears my body up . bu then again nobodys hiring ugh . ill leave that up to the lord . he will have to guide me to where im suppose to be at .
worryin about stuff that hasnt even happen ! mind just runs and runs and alot of what if what if , shall i shal i ?
i think i wanna be a piney lit mouse and go move in kims house :-)
keep on venting dear . xoxo

Hey all
I am trying to get caught up on all the happenings here but tend to read with only half concentration.
I feel a bit that, with Mom's death, I abandoned ship, leaving all of you wonderful dear and lovely people to sail off fighting the poopie pirates without me. Part of me is relieved as I am out of danger, the other part has 'survivor's guilt'. If I had the ability, I would swoop in like the marines to each of your stations, sending all for a week on the beach while I kept the poopie pirates fed and watered and medicated - and loved.
All remains a bit surreal. Husband said tonight that he kept expecting to hear Mom calling. I went back to Aug 14 in my notes - hardly a month ago - and saw one of my first posts where a half naked Mom and I were battling en route to the bathroom! I think with me the shock that remains is that she went from being an enormous, demanding, stubborn stress-inducing pain to - dead - all too quickly. Not the normal, expected progression. I had little time to adjust and adapt and heretofore I was the queen of adaptation.
If we had work - if we had savings left - if we had health insurance - if we knew where we would be (as much as anyone can) 6 months from now - it would be easier. But now Mom is gone, and while we should be 'free', we find ourselves wondering for real if we may soon be homeless. And this is crazy - we both have college degrees - we've both worked hard all our lives and been charitable and good citizens and blah blah blah - why me? I'm still allowed to vent, right?
We had a cookout the last night at my daughters and my husband heard our wonderful SIL and our (hopefully) future wonderful SIL talking about their retirements. These guys are 33 and both on track to have over 2 MILLION dollars at 65? We have nada, zero, zilch - spent it all on the kids education and hospital bills and the rest of the this last year to keep afloat. . .
So yes I am on the other side now. Part of me wishing I wasn't and part of me glad I am. And despite my gloomy venting here I am extremely grateful for what I have, and am mostly trying to focus on that.
I just wish I could wave a magic wand and make life LESS HARD than it is for so many of us, who face a daily struggle to take proper care of our friends and family (whether they appreciate it or not) and put food on the table, and pay our bills, and still find some down time in which to just BE. To laugh and take an uninterrupted shower and take an occasional afternoon nap undisturbed by life's demands.
Funny thing is I don't know what I would change in all the decisions large and small that led me to this time and place if I had the power to do so.
OK - thanks. I feel better.

what fake star what fake messages ? u guys lost me ...
flex - just dont even talk to ur siblings or the in laws ,
nexttime ur mom says here she wants to talk to u just take the phone and hang up , that way u wont be hurt . u be grinnin .
finaly folded 2 days worth laundry , whew my arms are worn out , tmr i will have more laundry :-)
cricket - love ur song ! lalala . nope didnt drink no beer today . hubby came home and ate his supper and off to bed like 6 pm . wow must be the weather . says cant hardly keep his eyes open , poor guy . he s worn out .
goodnight you all am going to bed early .
kim - i was wondering about ur dad , is he ok now ? maybe he s feeling down in the dump for letting u down few weekends ago ? hope he s perking up again .
nighty night xoxo

If I don't do write a fake message, the posts don't appear!!!!
Kim you haven't told us if the squirrel left the house! I bet he just took a look outside, then he climbed outstairs and he went to sleep on your bed with his head on the pillow. Possibly hugged to one of your dogs!
My pets have always seen me while I try to save every kind of animal, but they don't care. I had a girlcat who was a great hunter and she always gave me her preys as presents. And you could see that she was very proud of herself. "I brought you this mice for you dinner. Eat it!" And when I scolded her, she was extremely offended and she didn't look at me for hours. I understood, so I stopped scolding her and I started to thank her! Apart from that she was a sweet cat and I miss her a lot.
MSM: I read with interest your story and I can tell you that here in Italy the funerals are exactly the same. Same rituals, same dynamics between the members of the family. If I survive my mother, which is not sure at all, I will display at her funeral a photo of her when she was very young, 20 years old, because I want to hit hard her siblings who have abandoned her. Her siblings are the only ones who remember her when she was so young. I want them to be crashed by sense of guilt. But you did very well in letting your absent brother speak; you have been a real lady.
Linda I am happy you took your dad to the doctor and even if I am not an expert, I agree with antibiotics and probiotics. He will definitely be better!
Diane, I am happy to know that your work is going well and you have satisfactions from it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. At least you won't have to worry for the future. On the other hand I am in the same situation as Miz and if things don't change, in january I shall seriously have to look for another job. Things are going very badly and I can't survive anymore like this. Mypersonal black hole has many pointed poles at the bottom!

Real star for fake message to show posts ...

fake message to show the posts

Thanks Y'all.

Heh, heh...the visual of "squirly" running around Kim's house shouting "weeeeeeeeeeee...." just made my night. Kim, cricket has a point, I think he's settled in for the winter. Better get him his own little Barcalounger.

Linda: my neighbor ended up with a broken nose, bruises, and a bad headache. No concussion. I think her nose was the first thing to hit the pavement. Yikes. I felt so bad for her (after I got over the wooziness of seeing puddles of blood - I'm no help!) Anyway, I will share that she had prayers coming from all will cheer her up. I haven't heard the hounds lately...I think they are taking a vacay. They were way too strong for this petite woman. I think they are the hub's who didn't seem too concerned....hmmm.... Hope your dad is feeling a lot better.

Diane, the next time sis rants at you...hang up on her. When she calls back and is still nasty, hang up... It's like Pavlov's dogs...eventually, you will "modify" her behavior. And if she is a good girl, throw her a biscuit. do not have to take anything off 'em. Tell them that they have an open invitation to come for a week and "show you how it's done." So tired of family armchair quaterbacks....

Aww, Flex....I'm so sad for you right now.. I can tell you are really in that black hole.. here is one of my favorite little tunes for you... oh and count your blessings you don't have to hear me sing it. teehee!

High Hopes

Next time you're found with your chin on the ground
There's a lot to be learned so look around
Just what makes that little ol' ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

But he's got high hopes... he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie in the sky hopes
So any time you're getting low
'Stead of letting go,
Just remember that ant.
Oops there goes another rubber tree
Oops there goes another rubber tree
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.

When troubles call and your back's to the wall
There's a lot to be learned, that wall could fall.
Once there was a silly ol' ram,
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam;
No one could make that ram, scram,
He kept buttin' that dam

But he's got high hopes... he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie in the sky hopes
So any time you're feeling bad
'Stead of feeling sad
Just remember that ram.

Oops there goes a billion kilowatt
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam!

Next time you're found with your chin on the ground
There's a lot to be learned so look around
Just what makes that little ol' ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

So keep your high hopes, keep your high hopes.
Keep your high apple pie in the sky hopes.

A problem's just a toy balloon
They'll be bursting soon
They're just bound to go POP!
Oops there goes another problem ker...
Oops there goes another problem ker...
Oops there goes another problem kerplop.

Lilli, you have such great advice. Keep it coming.
Kim, I think the squirly ran across your toes to make a statement, being "I'm here I'm here, weeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm stay'n, weeeeeeeeeeee" You might as well give him his own food bowl now and know he's hang'n with you all through the winter, lol You said your dad still isn't eating very well, but is he better than the last few days?
Linda, you got it! Only no drinking and working with this girl, you wouldn't want me to turn you into a rope and do a lasso with ya, lol
If I were you I would do what Lilli suggested and call the hospice and get one of their doctors numbers and call ahead of time just in case that other asshole doesn't do squat as usual. So sorry your Pa has had all those things going on! Don't forget to get those probiotics in him because it's obvious with the multiple infections her really needs them. The probiotics replace the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill along with the infection. The good bacteria = his immune system (his only defense) to fight infections from multiplying or coming back. If you want a good probiotic without all that excess sugar you can pick one up at most health food stores called "Big Shot" by Good Belly. It's like drinking a shot of liquid and they have it in fruit flavors.

I'm still here and deep in the black whole. Linda, I love the white hole with the hands. I hope Pa will feel better with all the new meds. Mom is still taking Macrobid. Thanks Jen and Kim for the hugs. I don't seek out my siblings, but last night my mom was telling my sister something and she asked to speak with me. One sec she is consoling about the loss of a dear friend and then the next she is basically calling me a liar about mom's expenses. I'm tired of being their whipping boy. I'm tired of being hurt by them. Right now mom is about the only thing that keeps me going because I know she needs me. My work at least keeps my mind busy since I am swamped. Sad, I'm more valued at work than I am by my family. I'm sorry I'm such a downer right now. I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and breathing.

Love ya,

lili - i will ask dr this time if he can order a hospice , if he still says no , maybe i ll break down bawling . think he would care ? anyway i keptthinking about ur neighbor fallin on the stiars with the dogs bashin her head on sidewalk . everytime i walk my dogs with leach i kept thinkin gawd i hope i dont bash my head on the road . and thought and prayed for ur neighbor lady . plz get her some flowers and tell her its from all of us and we said to get well . many hugs too ....

ok just talked to the dr a bit ago . here is what the hospital did not tell me . damn ! guess they had to wait for a speical person to read all the xrays and blood works .
dad has sinus infection , bladder infection , and yes he has uti infetion and he also has had a stroke too . i think that stroke happen last thurs cuz the way he was acting . i felt bad but i did ask dad if he needed to go hospital he said nooooo . i did what he wanted .
anyways he ll go back to see that hitler s son oct 6 after he finish all his meds . he ordered another antibodic so i have to go back to town and pick it up , shit i dont like the sound of it hitlers son waaaaa . mark that out !!! i ll just say that asshole dr . ah there thats better .
ok need to go change pa s diapers .
oh cricket ! we need u on the boat ! u sound like tons of fun ! have a beer then go work on my back . plz dont tickle me cuz i am ticklish . when ure done u shall have a shot of whatever flavor u like :-) . then we all go eat gator tails yum yum .
ok need to take car eof pa . laundry is still sittin on the couch . :-) xoxo
kim yes i found that white hole woo hoo . looks like a hand in the clouds too . isntthat purtty . good luck with piney . i dontthink he s going to leave cuz winters a comin and he s staying ! lalala . xoxo

Did not catch squirrel in the trap! Husband and I were having coffee and it came out and ran over my feet! Now just waiting with the back door open! Put dogs in the bathroom upstairs. Dad has started taking his Depends off at night so woke up to a shitty wet bed! Still not eating good!

Linda, happy to hear Pa is getting better! A beer sounds great to me about now! I think you found the white hole! Beautiful!

Talk more later! On squirrel watch! Love, Kim

P.S. Uninformed docs seem to think that hospice is for patients who are on death's door and only have a short time to live. Not true. There are so many things they can consider...just got to find the right person.

Linda; find out which of the hospices in your area offers the best services. Then call and talk to the director. Tell him/her about your dad's conditions (if he can't qualify, then no one can!) Ask them which doctor they use for qualifying patients. Tell them that you want to make sure that your dad gets an accurate evaluation. (Every hospice has to have an MD on staff who serves as their medical director and oversees their care. Then take your dad to that doc.
Really, some of these docs have no clue how to evaluate patients for most of these programs. That is why we need to be proactive and not take "no" for an answer. Also, if your new doc said she'd qualify him, then take dad to her PDQ. Your dad's current doc has no interest in his well being.
If your dad is on mega biotics now, make sure you give him probiotics (acidophilus or yogurt with live cultures like Acitivia) or he will end up with other "fun" infections. The antibiotics strip the system of all the good along with the bad bacteria.
I hope your dad is feeling better. So hard when he cannot tell you what's wrong....

Hi all, Flex, I lived in the SE part of Penna, next to Lancaster County, in Amish territory. Loved it. Now in Fl and it has it's pluses.
Linda, drinking makes me the life of a party, it winds me up and I get silly and mischievous all in fun. Hubby says I'm a fun drunk but I rarely drink.
Linda, about your pa's rectal infection..... maybe you gotta dig in and get that shit outta there? LOL Ahh more shit to deal with.. the good life.. xxoo

kuli- i did ask several hospices , they said they have to get an order from doctor . so i ask the dr he said nope cant cuz he knows dad doesnt quaility for one . whatever .... yes he is home now and takin oral antibodics .
thanks for the prayers too . love u tons . xoxo

Linda - When I was looking at hospice for my dad, one hospice company said they would contact the doctor to get the order to admit him. Maybe you could try that angle and pa's doc would just sign it without thinking. May at least be worth a shot. Sorry you had to take him to the ER. No UTI but rectal infection??? Is he home on oral antibiotics now? Will say a prayer for you and pa today. Enjoy your beers with hubby. Hugs ~ Kuli

hi everybody ! am glad to hurry and read everybody s post .
msm - u descriibe ur journey to the funeral i felt like i was right there with ya . wish i realy was id kick ur bro s hindend . glad its all over and the ping pong table sounds great .
miz- i feel for u . i am worried where am i going to work when pa s gone to better place ? i dont think i could handle a job cuz my body just freakin aches al the time . right now feels like i have a fever but i dont . where am i gonna work at if i feel like this all the time ? i think i ll go find that fox hole .
woke up with a stiff neck . what the hell !
took pa to ER yesterday about 3 , ran allkind softest . no uti , the ER doc was concerned about pa talkin blabbalala , couldnt understand him at all . what ya say pa ? mumble jumble so im guessing what he s trying to say then he said yeah . cuz i know my pa . doc notice his mouth was crooket . ran cat scan , shows nothing new going on . xray on his belly cuz one side is big and other side is not . did i say no uti ? but he has infection in his rectum . wow . what causes it i have no idea . gave him 2 bags of antibodi drippin in the viens and he started to look beter .
i went to town this morn and got refill on his antibodi . hopin he ll start to feel al whole lotta better . stock up on all his diapers , so he s good for a while . 100 dollars plz . :( .
came home and sis suppose to meet her dil at casino . off she went . tld her to win me bunch money . she said she will try . her dil works at a nursing home and once a month the old folks and dil goes there to watch em old folks win or lose . a pleasure for them . wish i could have went but nope cant go . waaaaa
my couch is full of clean laundry , didnt get the chance to fold em all . am about to say to hell with it and go take a nap .
hubby called and wanted to talk on his lunch break , i ask him if he think it be a beer time when he gets home , he said yep i think so . guess we ll have a beer or 2 . maybe 3 ?
cricket - what can u drink ? am sorry ur mind runs faster on beer . damn . that is not good . i do wish i am hyper active lady but im not anymore . im just beated up and worn down to dust . speakin of dust yikes this house is full of em . i so wish i am hyper so i can have a clean home . maybe i would if i just get off this puter lol . you all have a good merry day , i have to call dad s doc and get appt for follow up . damn ! i hate going to see him . didnt want the new dr to see him cuz she know snuthing and has no files of him . so guess i better stick with the same one and will ask him one more time for some help . if he still says no then i shall take him to my dr .
wove ya all xoxoxox

Good Morning, Everyone. Not much new here. Still looking for a full time job. It's not fun but at least for most jobs you can apply on-line instead of going to the work place and filling out an application. And then you gotta ask for a new application cause you screwed up the first one and walk around with a phone book and all your information, etc. etc. etc. I have been dieting for the past several days and have gained 2 lbs. Isn't that special?? Guess I could blame it on the scale. Had to break down and buy some bigger pants for work. Still fighting the black hole but it's not as close to me as it was. Sunday was bad. Gotta put off my hair appt. due to lack of funds. Oh well. It could be so much worse. I hope you all can stay out of/climb out of that black hole as soon as possible. It's an awful place to be. You are all in my heart and I just thought I would check in. I'm sorry I can't be more positive. I guess I just don't have it in me right now. I sure wish I could go help Bobbie but it's just not possible right now. Love You All. Hang in there and remember to breathe, as our Captain says.


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