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Thanks Diane. I like yours too. I have gotten that evil message before too. Write a bunch and then the message ugh! Then everything I wrote goes out of my head! Need a new washer. Ours won't do hot anymore. I hate that and they are too expensive right now. Hope it doesn't go out completely I can just see myself outside with a big wash tub smackin the clothes with rocks. Bright side is I would be able to bring clothes in to dry in the dryer! LOL Have as peaceful a night as you can! :) Love and hugs, Kim

Linda, thanks for that idea about taking the sample. I haven't seen any blood yet. When he went to his last doc appointment, they thought he might have UTI. Get this, they called us two weeks later with the lab results! They sent us home with a prescription for antibiotics. When they called said no UTI. I am so frustrated. Dad mumbles too and I can't understand him. The eating thing has me really freaked out. He usually eats so good. Our usual doc is not coming back to the practice because his heart is failing. The office can't get their shit together because a new doc is taking over. The staff is getting really nasty! :( We have been goin there for 25 years. Doc Brown was so sweet! Who knows about this new one.

When I went on my drive I think I was driving toward you. I turned left on Acton Road and kept goin. I went out of Marion county and was in Shelby County. All the colors and open space did me good! I might sneak out for a little Thursday and Friday. Hope both our Dad's start feeling better soon. This is just a nightmare. I'd rather Dad just get back to his obnoxious self. Wish he was sweet like Pa. Still, I'd rather see Dad making me crazy with his bad behavior than nothing at all. Love you lots!! xxoo Kim

Kim, I like the new profile pic

kim ur dad sounds like what my dad s going thru . i cant understand what dad is saying . while i was changin him in bed he peed blood , watery blood . i had to change him again this time poop came so i changed him again . he just whines and mumbles , i thought yep its gotta be uti . so i went found him chipo which i had gotten before till doc called change dhis mind says he needs a stronger one . so i went ahead gave that to him and am going to take his urine sample s to the lab tmr so he can get a better antibodi . just take a sample of ur dad s urine and take it to the lab , make sure u call the dr and tell him u want lab work done . that way the dad s dont have to get out of the house . luckly i got the conatiner at th ehopsital when i went to the bathroom i grab 4 of em :-) . had em in baby jar once they refused it . contaiment they say .
oh my daddy just dont feel good . makin me dont feel good . i got ice water and a straw and told him to drink it up . he did prety good , choked few times tho .
i am going to lay on the couch and just lay . i took 2 hrs nap today and still felt like shit . need to go curl up in the corner . later crews .
oh cricket ! if we ever meet on the boat yep i want u to rub that achin muscles right outta me . i sure need one bad . waaaaaaaaaa. xoxo

Cricket. I am about to change my profile picture look for it! Don't have a bird because cats would probably eat it. Naturally, if I liked it, they would eat it. At the flea market the vendors always bring their pets. One lady had a bird and it just sat on it's little perch. It was really pretty! Most other vendors have their dogs. They are so well behaved! Mine bark if they see a leaf fall! Agnes is our black cat. She lives upstairs and I swear she knows when I am depressed because she sticks to me like glue. If I lay down, she snuggles really close and purrs in my ear till I fall asleep. She even strokes my hand with her paw when I don't feel good. Oliver, our Tabby, lives in the sunroom. He thinks it is his bachelor pad. All my fur kids are spoiled. When Hannah was younger she was good at wishing for pets. She wished for a big dog, and don't you know, Luke wandered over as a puppy. She wished for a cat, and Oliver came to us from the woods as a kitten. Last but not least, she wished for a black cat. Wouldn't you know one of her friends stops by and tells us there is this tiny black cat a neighbor found that us about to go to the Humane Society. We go to the neighbor's house to just look St her. She was less than three weeks old. The rest of the family was killed under a dumpster. We took her. She had to be bottle fed every three hours. Couldn't go to the bathroom by herself. Had to use a moistened cotton ball to stimulate her like her Mom would do. I was so afraid she was going to die! The vet wouldn't even see her because she was so young. She is here though and here she will stay! :)

Dad is still not eating right. Fingernails done ugh, clothes changed depends on and will probably need another change shortly. He did drink all of his boost and a little tiny bit of dinner. I am going to offer him another boost shortly with his Meds. He is stirring now! Love ya, Kim

Hi Doggie1 and jstmealone. Glad you found this place. You will love it here! Nice to meet you! Great bunch of people! Hugs to you! Kim

Hi Msm. Get some good well deserved rest from that drive! Happy to see you still posting! Hugs, Kim

Deef, sorry your rls is on the rampage. I hate it. Seems like at least once a month mine will kick in really bad even with my Meds. Nothing seems to help it when it decides to take over. I know this is going to sound crazy, but sometimes if I chew bubble gum it will help. I don't know if it is the chewing and somehow it takes the emphasis off the rest of the body moving or what? All I know is that my daughter had some bubble gum and my legs and arms were just going, I picked it up and started chewing and it got better. Who knows! Now I keep bubble gum around for myself for the rls! Also get to amuse myself blowing bubbles! LOL I think we could help each other with our housework and have a hell of a good time together! :) Recently I have been calling this place Grey Gardens! Hugs and hopefully rls will calm down!

Kuli. There is a website called a place for mom. This is the same place I called to find the respite for Dad. Same one he would not go to..........Anyway they don't only deal with respite, but every kind of need for elders. When I called them, they called right back and really knew their stuff! You might try it. They charge nothing for their services. Good luck! I know this is so hard. Dad seems to be getting worse. He has a doc appointment coming up and I am scared he will refuse to go with us! Always something. Never a dull moment and in all of our cases we need a good dull moment! :) hugs, Kim

Thanks, flex. I have spoken with the social worker from hospice but they don't ever recommend one agency for caregiving over another. We went through one agency and had a much less than optimal experience. It was a very rough weekend. He can't manage changing his catheter bags anymore and actually called the paramedics to take him to the ER to change the anchor device for his catheter cuz he broke it. He, of course, sees nothing wrong with this. I thought he had dreamt the whole episode - this was at midnite - but saw the discharge papers from the local hospital ER. Can't wait for these bills to come in. And yet he sees no reason why he needs a caregiver. Even the hospice nurse thinks it's worsening dementia cuz there is NO other explanation. So trying to figure out the best way to find a full time caregiver for him. Hope all have a good night - Kuli

Hello all - just home from12 hour drive. All well. Wil post again soon. Hugs

Made mom some homemade chocolate pudding. Half went in her and half is down the front of her house dress. I offered to feed her but she wanted to do it herself. Trying to keep her sitting up a little longer so the antibiotics don;t give her reflux. Like the rest of you I have two loads of laundry folded and one in the dryer. Worked a short day today, so managed to get a few more things done at home.

Kuli - I haven't used a Geriatric Manager but I have worked through a Social Worker to help find an adult day care in my area and respite vouchers.

I'm watching Dancing with the Stars and going to pay bills next. Have a good night my dear friends and welcome to the newbies.

Love ya,

Kim you crack me up with all your critters! I thought I was bad with the 5 dogs, but you have dogs, cats, mice, squirrels, spidys and all! Any birds in the bunch? Anyway I hope your Pa starts eating and drinking better. Drinking water is really important for our old folks, they can have serious drops in their blood pressure and become dehydrated very easily.
Jstme, I think almost all of us here have siblings that are worthless. It seems to go with the territory of care giving. Anywho, welcome yourself here, you fit right in. My dad pees in a big empty milk gallon jug every night even though I got him 2 urinals, go figure.
Linda, I don't even walk my Dogs anymore, instead they are bouncing off the walls, furny, and trees in the yard.. it's just to hot for the dogs to be out very long and Boston Terriers are very sensitive to getting overheated due to their short nasal passages. The last time I took the boys out walking they came back with their tongues hanging down looking like they were about to have strokes. pathetic.
I cooked a lot tonight and have more dishes, waaaaa.

rossella yes i know louie is bossy and spoiled lala . how do u keep the damn dog from diggin holes in the ground ! ddamn got 3 new ones out in the front , am about to shoot that damn dog ! i love him but dont love his behavior ,
doggie and jstm - welcome !!! yep o know what ya mean about pissin in cup , my mil did that and in trash can too . now its whatever she gets her hands on , grrrr lucky she only comes here every once a while . i be bonkers i f i had to keep her 24-7 ,
took some muscle relaxer a bit ago . so dman tired of hurting . i laid down lit after 2 i think , my whole body just drag and hurts . fk it so i go lay down and slept so hard for 2 hrs . woke up hearing lawnmower , hubby s out mowing .
then zoom to walmrt and walk in and out like a botch . heee . ahh soon it ll get dark i shall hurry eat my pizza and go walk the dogs one more time and put em up for the night . maybe i llkick his ass while im out there for diggin the damsn holes , tired covering it up . i can see tree roots sticking out . gosh !!
be back later . got frozen pizza and warm up leftovers for the men . ill eat pizza . easy eating . easy cleaning .
oh yes i have load of landry on the couch unfolded and jeans in the dryer still drying gosh whats takin so damn long ! xoxo

She also had peed in a tea cup!

I cannot tell all of you how happy I am to have found this site.

9/1/10 - 302 my 88 year old immigrant mother. End of September, 2010, hired an Elder Law attorney for POA/INCOMPETENCY. How horrible this entire thing has been for me. I do have a brother - Mom's favorite. He's absent. Abandoned her 3 days 8/28. It is just hiim and I. He has seen her 3 times since January 15, 2010. Disgrace. Yes. I am the villian. I had taken a respite care leave. Actually, I needed it but was forced to because himself and wife, (in their 50's) lost their rental January 2010. They moved in. I moved out. Went back to Commuity college, he obtained a new rental,move in 9/1 BUT he and wife split 3 days earlier. I've been here 3-4 days per week during my 7 month leave. Still did her shopping, forget bathing (she's immigrant and assured me she bathed), spent time with her days and nights while THEY were out in the bar. Also during the day, sister-in-law would stay upstairs in room alone. Doesn't/didn't work. Mom also gave them $8,000 on 5/6/10. $4,000 on the back rent and $4,000 on the front rent (lol) blew it. and Wound up moving in anyway. She is is SON, as we mother's love our sons. I have 3. grown,gone and on their own. To this day, we do not speak. I got POA, Guardianship and had to have my poor Mom declared incompetent by our County CCP. I am a legal secretary (defense lit). am so desperately trying to get my life in order. ALL with no help from family (Him). Not one cousin/relative in this country. All over home. Dad passed 12 years ago. SAD. Just dam sad. PS Mom is a retired nurse. Phew. Meds became such a problem, color, size, etc. Even after POA received, she was home for 4 months. Christmas was a mess. House - $25,000 h/o loss, due to leaky bathroom plumbing which of course, i didn't shower here for those months, therefore, I didn't see anything until September 13?, 2010. Now mom's house is painted, new bathroom, carpet, all new and she'll never, ever see it. Dementia is the long goodbye and so sad

Dad still sleeping and not wanting to eat much! First won't sleep and now wants to sleep around the clock. Doc can't see him earlier, because they are full. If this goes on I am going to tell them it is an emergency and they have to see him. Hell don't even think he would get up and go! Got depends, well CVS brand. Also got some boost. Then I forgot to get the traps for squirrel.

Linda and Cricket. These squirrels are called piney squirrels. Smaller than regular squirrel, but much bigger tan a chipmunk. You would think that my toy fox terriers would get them, but they don't. Linde, the coffee drinker, will track something but that is as far as it goes. Got two cats and they don't kill anything either. Everything lives out here because of the woods. We have a big rat snake that lives in the yard called Oscar. He is big! Hannah has stepped on him twice. He just looks at her and moves on. I have a picture of him too that I will post on fb. I love to see the deer when they go through. Also got coyotes. Have to watch the little ones when they go out! Luke our big black mutt is just so laid back. He will just lay there and sometimes we have stepped on him and he won't even react. All the dogs are geriatric too. Oldest is 15 Linde, Sophie and Maisy 14, Luke 10. They all act like pups though. I haven't seen hid nor hair of this squirrel. That guy that trapped and relocated them last time took them all the way to pleasant view which is kind of a ways from us! They made their way back. They all have their own little physical characteristics. One is called zap, looks like he has been electrocuted, because he has a double tail and looks like he has been shocked. Then there is streak one bright red line going down his back and so on. The guy probably just dropped em off at the end of the drive and drove away laughing. I swore after that I would catch them myself! Husband is scared of squirrels and just freaks out! Dad sees one and calls it a mouse! He calls everything a mouse! LOL! Hopefully it will come out tonight when Ron is at work and I can just let it out. Geez, he dresses up like Kinney on South Park and drves me nuts until it is out! It is funny though when he gets so paranoid over a squirrel! hehehehehe. I will be back on later to talk to everybody! Got to see if Dad will eat something! Love you guys! Kim

Has anyone ever used a geriatric care manager to find home care? It's gotten to the point with dad that either I quit my job (not an option) or we use what money he has to hire a live in caregiver. Our last experience with hiring live ins through an agency wasn't the best so I'm trying to see what the best option would be. They charge a whole lot of money but I can't find anything about how their results are. Anyone know anything about this?

Crap! I was writing a nice post for Doggie and got that wonderful "There is a problem crap!!!!

Anyway, Doggie, I know your question about adult day care was on another thread, but stay right here with us. This gang is AWESOME!!! We are from all over the country and can give you great advice, good laughs and a place to vent your frustrations! Each city and state has their own aging resource and by us being from all over, maybe we will get a right answer for you.

Rossella, don't you know our pets train us, not us train them! Mine cats are spoiled rotten!!!!

Cricket, no wonder my water bill is so high with as much laundry as we do for mom. I'm lucky if I get the washer and dryer for two or three loads a week for myself and linenes.

I'm cooking so I have to run. Baked chicken, mixed veggies and wild rice.

Back at you later!


o i know i've caught my dad's in a bottle water :( not fun because i smelled it to see what it was :{

oh geez, scratch that... it was 9/1 well sorry about that day.

oh pstme, sorry today you had the shitload!

Waaaa I just finished my dishes to! This happens to me everyday.. almost time to start making dinner and loads of dishes again.. it took me all weekend and today to get caught up on the laundry, still have sheets to fold. I have at least 2-3 loads of laundry everyday, crap! It's not just you Linda, right before it's time to start supper I need a nap to, not everyday yet but I have my days. Rossella is right about ur Cat but spoiled is what my dogs are to so I have no room to point lol One of my dogs is so spoiled that if you give him anything other than real meat he spits it out! Thanks a lot hubby. the hubby thinks he is mama to a bunch of baby birds.
Hi Jsme, It was probably the right thing to do for you to stay away at first she probably would have done that and today you would be in hell, LOL

9/1/2010 - caught my mom in bathroom trying to remove - cleanout her bowls! Feces all over her. Hands, face, body, walls, the bathroom door! Later that day, I was forced to 302. She never was 302'd per say. She was never "medically cleared". It took six months to place her. Now she is safe! phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My God, help us! This website is wonderful. I had a time getting myself to visit her the first 6 weeks, as I thought she would yell at me and beg me to get her out of there!

Linda, the story of Louie and the tuna is hilarious.
Do you realize that your cat is spoiled and bossy? Do you?

heeehawww . waaaaaaaaaaa all the way to the kitchen lalala . finaly done wash the last pan . tookme 3 hrs to finish my dishes . i kept sayin stay here till ure done oh wait i ll go ck on dad , oh laundry oh i gotta pee ohh mailman came ohh ciggy time . gosh ! finaly got kitchen done and soon it ll be supper ! what the hell !! more dishes comin thats for sure . now i feel like ive been hit by a choochoo train . i think its nap time . usualy about this time i getthat feeling . why is that ? every damn day i get that way . am just over it ! then i ll have to go to walmart and get dog food grrr i hate that store so damnmuch ! i best get my nap in , be my luck pa will waaaaa .
hey thats good ur dad is hungry and thirsty . my pa used to be like that . he still eats but cuttin bac k on his drinks . why pa ? i dont know he always say . he just dont feel good . maybe im feeling what he s feeling ? it aint no picinc . nappy time . xoxox p.s have fun doing dishes :-)

Linda, I know what you mean about not wanting to let them know that your hurting to cause they already feel bad. By now you must have had a beer or two? hah! It's almost 2:30 here and I still have to finish dishes... Dad's been eating like crazy for the past month. I swear I could just stand at the kitchen sink and he would keep bringing me more dishes. I don't know what's up with him and his constant eating but I don't keep any junk in the house like I used to so now he has to feed himself lots of fresh fruit to fill his sugar cravings. He can go through 4-5 pieces of fruit a day easily. Already today he's had 2 pears and a whole basket of rasberries and some potato salad, toast, ceral, milk and lots of water. I hadn't mentioned that one of my Careers was Massage Therapist before but if the day ever comes where we all get on Bobbie's boat for real everyone will get a massage from me, but only after I've rested, LOL You know I think our parents can feel the change in the air like us and perhaps it's why some of them are sleeping more right now. I am going to say a little prayer for us and all our parents also. Then go back to the kitchen... waaaaa!

trin to finish my dishes , got half way done and pa s hungry .. made him some leftover supper , meatloaf . yum ,
stil doing laundry gosh , skip a weekend bam tryin to play catch up today , gues i shall hang the jeans out on the line , think it may help electri bill cut back some . but i hate stiff jeans , i usualy throw em in dryer fluff it up then it be softy thing to wear .
glad to hear that ur dad can walk some . pa just cant walk anymore . leans back way too much . now its gettin to the point where he cant use his legs to get out of bed . it just so sad . havent got him out of bed since fri evening . rip his skin on his chest and both of his knee has scrapes on em . shoulders just went down to the seat and i had to pull him up , ow ow he said oh im sorry pa . im thinkin ohhh my back ohh my neck waaaaaaaaaaa. i dont want him to know im hurting too cuz he feels bad enuff already .
ok im shuttin this baby down and get my hindend up and a movin . still wearing jammies and its almost one o clock . oh hey its beer time lol . xoxo

thanks Linda, I just got done doctorin' up Dad, he got scratched by one of the dogs tryin' to play with him. His skin tears so easy. Instead of going to wash it off he walks up to me like a little kid with his boo boo, lol I'm just glad he can still walk even if it is a half bent over and shuffled walk. It's raining again today and it's in the mid 80's and will be up to almost 90 in a couple of hours. . yeah I miss the snow. I like a colder climate and stayin' in by a cozy fire. I think you're right about the rainy weather getting us all a bit down. Js come back and do the black hole roping! Dang, I gotta go clean the kitchen to.. then sort my big bag of veggie's i just picked up for the week. I buy them organic from the local farmers at a discount once a week. it saves me tons of money and makes me eat healthy to.. well healthier, lol

good noon . just wrote bunch of checks to pay bills . some was late oopsidedooo . pay late fee , damn it !
cricket ! ure wadin ur toes in the black hole ? i realy think its the time ofthe year where everybody just get the feelin of humbug . oh wait a min i think the moon had a lot to do with it too . good to see u cricket ! i bet you miss the snow ? i love watching it snow . its so purtty but then after a while im ready for spring . hubby and i went to fla couple years ago cmas time . walk out barefoot and talkin on the phone sitting out on the porch all smiles cuz everybody up in indiana s freezing . it was sad that we had to come back home after vacation was over .
kim - is that a lit chimpmunk ? they look like a baby squirle . do u need to borrow my cat ? my cat will take care of it if u feed him tuna .
he was so mad at me the other day cuz i didnt have anytuna . he beg me and beg me , tld him im sorry i dont have any now stop buggin me . then he came over to me and i peted him ohhhh he bit me a lit too hard . i had to go to the store to get him some . i was afraid he would bite me harder and watch it drip blood . i am kinda sorry i got him to try the tuna out . i just felt like treat him a speical dinner and now its every damn day . he wants the whole can . nanana .
ok got dishes stinkin up the house . wish i was em lastnight but i was just too tired . now i wish i did ., oh well .
you all stay out of the black hole and look for the white hole :-) xoxo

AnnT, I loved what you said "Am I too good to let someone help me? Just because I used to wear a suit and now I don't I should now feel like nothing? Did the suit make me? NO! I was just wearing the darned suit! " I love it when we get real with ourselves like that and know that we are MORE than our circumstances! Big HUGS to you!
RIP, that candlelit room sounds like heaven to me right now to. Kim, we could share the room! I love the corner idea also, I wanna go there! I've been down the last couple of days, doing a detox cleansing with herbs. TG is was over the weekend while Dad's attention was on watching sports on TV. We've had nothing but Thunderstorms and lots of rain the last couple of days but it's still in the high 80's hot and humid. I really miss the NE and the old stone house in the Fall when I would sit up in my room in my special spot, the window was real deep and I had a lamp sitting in the window and my recliner next to it and I would read for hours and every so often I would look out the window and watch the leaves falling or the snow. That old house cradled my wounded soul and I believe it was a gift from above. We no longer own it because of the hubbys work we needed to move down south but I always think of that old house with the fondest memories. My heart loves the country where it is so peaceful and quiet, I miss it. However in a couple of months in the dead of winter I will be glad to be in S. Florida where it will be in the 70's. I've been sitting on the edge of the black hole the last few days, can you tell? lol I've really enjoyed reading everyones posts and I'm so grateful for all of you here. Love you all. Deef, RIP, Js, AnnT, Annie, Linda, Kim, and anyone else I might not have named atm cause my mind is foggy this morning, oh and you to Cuz, Bobbie and MsM I miss you both. Oh Kim I hope you catch that sneaky little squirrel before it finds the food in the cupboards, if my Sadie Mae was there it wouldn't last the night, LOL

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