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Thank you for venting. It is some how comforting that other people are having the same feelings of anger that I am having. The money woes, the lack of control, missing yourself and your life and the overall unfairness this situation has us in. I woke up happy thinking "gee, I get to go to church today since the sitter said she would be here at 9am:. Guess what, it's 9:21am and no sign of Marie. Now I'm even pissed about that. I know I should count my blessings because I am so much more fortunate than others, but dammit I'm pissed!

Ok, I've had my venting for the morning. To all my dear friends may your angels surround you today and you have a great day.

Love you all,


Hello to all.
The hole had me and still is trying to suck me down, but I'm trying to fight it. I realize now that it's really a drain hole swirling around and around. If you stare at it it's almost hypnotic and if you get too close you'll get caught in the whirlpool and just be sucked down into the dark void. It's not so much depression that's getting to me, it's lack of control over my situation, which is almost intollerable right now.
Husband won't look for work, at least not seriously. He pretends to. I had to take him by the hand and lead him around all day on Monday. To the union hall to get on the list to take the test to get back into the local carpenter's union. Plant Votgle is building a couple of new reactors and will only hire union workers. It's a 15 year project. Good pay scale and excellent benefits.But it felt like I was dragging him down there and doing everything but sign his name on the dotted line. When or if they call for him to take the test he should be ok, but unless he gets some ambition from somewhere in his depressed black hole of a mind, he won't make it. I took him to every hospital in this area and there are many, Augusta is a medical center, each has a maintenance dept. carpenters are often needed. Of course, they said all applications are done online now, so I'll have to do that for him too. He keep borrowing money from his dad just to help us get by. Mom's income doesn't do it. So I went out and left a couple of resumes myself. One of us has to start making some money. The repair guy fixed our heating and air unit. My best friends' husband paid for that he knows him personally and recommended him to me. When I asked for the bill, he said it was already taken care of. My friend confirmed that yes her husband had taken care of it. I was totally humilitated. Grateful of course, to have friends that would do something like that for me, but humiliated that someone else's husband paid my bill. Pride on my part. I want to pay my own bills.
My fridge has been out for a week. We are living out of a cooler with ice and my frozen foods are in my son's freezer. Repair man coming monday to fix that hopefully. Husband had a backyard mechanic in working on his truck all day giving it a tune up. He managed to pay for that of course. I'm disgusted, ashamed, sleep deprived, tired, worried and have been having melt downs all week. I have to keep assuring mom that I'm not angry with her. She always thinks it her fault because she is causeing me too much trouble. When she sees me angry it worries her and makes her dementia worse. So I try as best as I can to hide it from her.

Hospice is trying to take care of the summons we got from Walmart suing mom for $6000, the other creditors are still hounding me too. I may have to try to find the money to file bankruptcy for her. Or have my brother locked up for financial abuse of her credit cards. The total now is $55,000 and rising every month. She's in good enough shape right now cognitively to sign for the bankruptcy, but if she starts failing again mentally and I have to do it for her the price doubles accourding to the attorney. More paper work involved, they won't just accept a POA etc.
Looks like I'm going to have to file for food stamps if I can't get a job myself. And then I worry about leaving mom with him all day cause he will just sleep thru the day and not watch her. While I was job hunting the other day and he was with her, he forgot to feed her lunch. I got home at 2pm and she had not eaten yet.
I stomp around with a bad attitude most of the time now cause I'm so freaking frustrated.
When I put on my nice pantsuit and heels to go leaving my resume it was just amazing how I felt. I felt like ME again. This is the ME I used to be, the woman who is capable and strong and confident. Who made her own money and paid her bills on time. Then I came home and shed all that as I shed the clothes and put my sweat pants back on. This sucks so bad I can't even describe how sucky it is. There aren't enough words.

I'm not even sure if I love this man anymore. I've definitely lost all respect for him. I feel sorry for him for his disease, but I'm angry at how it's affecting my life. I love my mother, but I'm angry at how her decline is affecting my life. I love my sons, but I'm angry at how their wives are acting toward me cause I can't babysit for them anymore. I'm angry that my son's don't give them a verbal tongue lashing for their rude behavior toward me. Maybe they do, but I never hear of it. God, I hope they have enough back bone to do that in my behalf.

The nerve running down my left leg is hurting so much now that I limp when I walk and it wakes me in the middle of the night. I'm having to take some of mom's percocet. So now I'm a thief too. Of course I still have the restless leg thing too so my legs are jumping and hurting all at the same time.

My spiritual life is suffering because I seldom get to attend our meetings or any of the volunteer work I did before caregiving. I can't even effectively pray anymore. Seems the best I can do is just say "help me please". I know He hears that and can see what's in my heart and the pain I'm going through..and is probably helping me more than I can even phathom. Cause I'm still here. Still caring for mama. Still caring for husband. I'm still standing. I'm still standing. Today I'm still standing.

This is why I haven't written lately. I know this is the place to vent, but I don't like to depress all you guys with my endless tales of woe.

Tomorrow I will try to get out and go to my meeting and enjoy good association and laugh and talk to people. I will try harder to have a better attitude. I will regain my sense of humor, maybe see my grandkids, avoid my dils. And stop feeling sorry for myself and throw out all the pity party decorations. Tomorrow, as Scarlett said, Is another day. Is that dramatic enough for ya? huh? "Soooo Mrs. Lincoln, other than'd you like the play?"

Good nite my friends. Hope you all have a decent nites sleep and pleasant day tomorrow. Thanks for listening.

Hello from Alabama. Wanted to check in I return home on Tuesday?? and will read all the news here to get up up speed before posting. Thanks for all and much love . . .

Q. What do you get when you mix PMS with GPS?
A. A crazy bitch who will find you.

I'm here Linda. I hope your back feels better tomorrow and you get to see your grand kids. Sorry your Pa isn't doing good tonight.
Flex, I hope your getting some rest now. Don't give in to the dreaded black hole!
Goodnight all.

Miz, take your time. You have to adjust to the work again. It will be better. You are going to like it, most ot the times!

My brother is here visiting mom. So much for a relaxing evening.

hi u all . umm black hole i just hop over it and wentto engine show and had a good time . my lower back was hurtin me so had to take a pain pill then my neck got stiff and took excedrien . not sure how ya spell it . now am feelin like a nappy poo . thought id ck this out and uhh nobodys been on much waaaaaaaa .
flex u in the black hole now ? damn must be the weather or something ! geeze .
was good to see my baby girl she came and sat with dad . said he s been sleeping all day , she tried to keep him awake to feed him but he wants to sleep . not lookin good .
suppose to have a total wash out rain tmr . mmmm then it ll be nippy cold . furnace kicked on this morning so that was good to wake up to a warm house .
you all best try so damn hard to climb out ofthe hole ! i know i did , if i can do it u guys can too .
miz- did u get a diffrent job ? or its the same one and ure pickin up more hrs ? i hear ya about workin , i dont think i can go back to work cuz i hurt all over when im walking and i tld hubby oh mygosh my lower back i realy do need to sit down , pop a painpill and found a chair and sat there for like 30 mins then the meds kicked in and i was ok , till few hrs later my neck started stiffen up , i thought damn ! i am falling apart ! golly !!!
my soncalled and wanted to know if i could watch the kids tmr 3 of em . i said i dont know how im gonna feel tmr so call me inthe mornin . i miss the grandkids so i may watch em . who knows ...
u all have a happy saturday and hope u all ck in and dont leave me hangin and wondering and worry . love you !! xoxo

The black hole is making its way back to South Carolina :(

I hope y'all are doing much better.

Good Morning, Everyone. I got through my 6 hour work day and then two all day work days. Working with the public is something else. I hear it alI and sometimes it's really annoying. But of course I have to be nice. :P I was so tired last night and I think I was in bed by 8:00 pm. Got up at 7. Now it's catch up on all the freakin' laundry and clean the house. It is going to be a big adjustment when I go back to work full time. I think it's harder after care giving for a long time. Not sure why but it is. Maybe your nerves have been stretched so thin for so long that any one thing can set ya off. Back to part time again next week at least for now. I am getting a bit discouraged about this job thing. Don't know if my age is hurting me or if it's just cause so many people are out of work. It will help when the house sale money comes but money goes so fast as you all know. Hubby is doing good making money but we have bills out the wazzzooo. So, anyways, that's what is going on with me. Gonna go have a ciggie with hubby and get to work. One more cup of coffee too. Love yous all.


Q: Why was the blondes' belly button sore ?
A: Because her boyfriend was blonde too.

CUZ --- told my hubby to say sile 5 times then what does the cow drinks , he said milk , i laughed so damn hard then he laugh so hard , my neighbor came over , hey terry sayd silk 5 times ! he said it 5 times , what does the cow drinks ? he said milk . oh my gosh we all laugh so damn hard ! thanks !! realy an uplifting laughters we all needed . realy honeslty need it and then tld my hubby about the bell , he about fell over then the song came on all about the bell !!! we busted out laughin so damn hard , my mouth still hurts . tummy muscles is achin a bit . ure so funny CUZ !! youre our angel to keep us out of the black hole ! . CHEERS !!!!

An answer I can understand.

A tourist in a bar in Florida asks an Irishman sitting at the bar,
"Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?"
To which the Irishman replies:
"If they fell forwards they'd still be in the frickin' boat."

Linda don't even think of the black hole, think of THE BOAT. Maybe you already hit the bottom and it will start getting better from now on.
Hugs to ya girl

I just put my mother in bed, and "it was" crappy! Liquid crappy.

I am here, I read the posts, just have not posted, fp back on Dilantin 400 we may be back to falls and dizzy spells, great great....

Hope everyone has a good or safe or sane or decent or not too crappy or not more crappy than usual or not horrendous know......"good"...

Loved the joke about priests, Cuz!

Oh Linda! An ordeal a day keeps the doctor away. No, maybe it's the other way round. My mother "breaks down" very easily, too, her skin has become so fragile... OMG some peace toward us, please.

Oh no you don't Linda. My angels are surrounding YOU TOO!!!!!!

good morning you all . mine started out good then not good .
pa said he wante dto go to the toilet to do #2 . ah ok i get him up and he s dead weigh on me gettin into the wheelchair . i said dad ure begin silly now , come on u can do it . well it was hell . finaly got him to bathroom he was havin hard time to get on the toilet . ah got him on the toilet . then after he whine and moan etc u name it . i ask him if he was done . yeah i think so . got him cleaned up and told him to stand tall so i can pull his briefs up , nope he couldnt do that . toilet lid got tangled up in his brief and i had to fight with it . ah told him ok now sit in wheelchair well his shouldes went in the wheelchair seat instead . ahhh no pa !!! used all my strenght to get him back on his seat right . rip his chest skin open , blood starting to pour out . ah shit !! wheeled him to his bdrm while he s sitting sideways , sis came i told her what happen . she help me get him in bed and looked at his both knees , a deep bent line across it ., im guessing the wheels did that . medicaited it and dr up his chest . ohh dad . no more untll i have some help here , hooked him up to oxygen . now my whole body is havin muscles spasam .
all fkin bullshit i tell ya !
notice earlier this mornin that theres a wet spot on my ceiling , fkin leakin ass roof again gawd it just doesnt get any better !

Nice to meet you Stillstanding! Kuli I'm glad you got to get a nights sleep. Sometimes you have to do it to give yourself some sleep. I'm okay with that!!
Cuz, when I read that joke I was thinking...oh non of these guys will pass that test! Then I was thinking.. wth is wrong with them.. you answered. hah! great joke!
Austin, thanks for sharing that DNR story, made me laugh!
Linda, You are just naturally so funny and dear to my heart! What a gem you are.
Ann and Kim, I hate the black hole and I'm with you in spirit to pull you outta there!
Bobbie, I am praying that you can find some peace in all the chaos. I know hospice has little thrift stores to help make money. I am thinking maybe they could send you some volunteers to help you unload some stuff? It's just an idea.
Js where are you? MsM, I know where you are and hope you are getting some good rest and are beginning to heal physically. My heart goes out to you and your family. Deef, I'm thinking about you and hope you are hanging in there and doing well. This past week went pretty smoothly with Dad, there was just the normal stuff nothing to hard to handle but then there were several times where I locked myself in the doggie/computer room, LOL We do what we have to to keeps our sanity! Here's to all you Angels caring for others. That's what "Charlie" used to call me when I was taking care of his wife (my MIL). Lets all embrace this Fall's sunsets with love and peace in our hearts for the ones that have passed.

Gave dad Ativan last night so he slept from 9:00pm to 5:00am. VERY confused this morning though so I'm not sure the night of rest helped him but it certainly helped me some. Wishes for all for a good day ~ Kuli

Hi everyone-a lady at our making cancer pad group said her MIL finally signed a DNR and the next day she said -how come I am still alive I signed the damn paper.

Angels to everyone! Exhausted and going to bed. Will post tomorrow. So glad to have all of you as friends!

The Priest Test.....

Twelve Italian priests were about
to be ordained.

The final test was for them to line
up in a straight row, totally nude,
in a garden while a sexy, beautiful,
big breasted, nude model danced
before them.

Each priest had a small bell attached
to his weenie, and they were told
that anyone whose bell rang when
she danced in front of them would
not be ordained because he had not
reached a state of spiritual purity.

The beautiful model danced before
the first candidate with no reaction..
She proceeded down the line with
the same response from all the
priests until she got to the final
priest, Carlos.

Poor Carlos. As she danced, his
bell began to ring so loudly that it
flew off, clattering across the
ground and laid to rest in nearby foliage.

Embarrassed, Carlos quickly
scrambled to where the bell came
to rest. He bent over to pick it up....

and all the other bells started to ring

Rosella - love your angels!

Austin, I am so happy you are so busy! I love fairs, I would come with you!
Bobbie: How long will it last this ordeal? Do you know that in the list of the more stressful things for a person, to move (a house; what you are doing) is at the second place? 1) death of a loved one 2) move 3) divorce. It's unbelievable. I remember when I came in this house 3 years ago and I had to do it all myself. I still have the nightmares! I'm glad little cat keeps you sane!
Kim, Ann, how are you? Have you tried to do something you really love? When I am very depressed I do the thing that I love more in the world (I go to the beach and look at the sea. Summer or winter doesn't matter, when I go there I always feel better). What's the thing you love most?
LInda, lots of little angels are coming your way by mail!

stillstanding ! how are you ? whats up with you ? love that dog sleeping in the carseat :-) welcome back and plz do keep in touch more often , missin u girl xoxox

My goodness... all the new names I'm reading. Welcome to all ! But then again, I've been gone for quite some time now and alot of you don't even know me. If ya want to know anything about me just ask the old guys, lol

oh i just so hate the blackhole , kim i wish you well . u know i actuly forgot about mom s passin 22 yrs ago . she passed on sept 6 th and our annivesray is on the 8th , we buried her on that day . i always remmy it every year but for some reason i forgot all about it this year ! had too much on my mind .
let me tell you . yes we miss them dearly but i tell you one thing they re better off up in heaven and be our lit angels . if our mom still lives oh my gosh they would not want to live like that at the old age . i know i dont . anymore now i am glad mom is in a better place . as for dad . well its difrent story i would be heart broken and miss him dearly but i too would be glad he s in better place . just hate the idea to say oh both my parents are gone . and hate the idea not havin a dad to look up to . so thats the part im not lookin fwrd to . when time comes im going to be happy for him and go to bobbie s boat and cry my eyes out . she ll have to keep feedin me coffee . :-)
my bro was all heart broken in aug , our oldest bro passed 4 yrs ago , i had to tell him that bro is in heaven fishing all he wants with his ugly dog and chit chattin with mom ! and all of our town gangs we all used to get in trouble at . harmless gangs , wouldnt hurt a soul but boy did we party like hell . those were the days .
you have got to get out of that black hole !
kim - just look at your dad with an evil eyes and tell him ure takin him to wendys :-) my dad s fav place is wendys , maybe we shall meet at wendys ? i ll have to leave dad in the van , or eles i ll never get him back in the van . he s dead weigh . we shall do that ! lets meow about it on facebook and make a date ???
annt- hope ure climbin out of it and ready to growl it all out and u will feel better .
shows are all new tnite , greg antomy wil be on 2 hrs woo woo .,
kuli ! love ur angels !! xoxo

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