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OK, Kim - my ring of angels are surrounding you too!!!!!!

Hi everybody. I am also in the hole. Trying to get out! Saw my Psychiatrist today. I brt this way as Oct 5 approaches. Mom's passing date. I am sending love to everyone of you. I will get out of the hole. I just always go in it every time this year. Dad isn't making it any easier! I won't let it take over, I will get out of it! I promise. Again, Love to every single one of you! You guys are my lifeline and make everything so much more bearable! Thanks so much for that. Hope Ann gets out too! It is miserable in here!

Hi everyone I still am not caught up-you are all in my thoughts I am busy as a beaver making shawls we need over 200 so each lady in the nursing home will get one for Christmas-I even took free yarn it get to be expensive make things and donating to two different causes soon I will be away for a while going to go to a craft fair with my sister-anyone near Camden Maine if you are stop in to see us at the harbor fair my sister does wheat weaving. I hope God gives you all an extra measure of blessings.

Put up a circle of angels for Ann and Bobbie!

Hooray for Bobbie for Boat Time!!!!! Another bad night at our house - dad up 10:45, 1:00am, 3:00am, 4:15am and still in the chair when I dragged myself up to get ready for work at 7:00am. He, of course, will probably sleep all day today. I however have to try to function at work all day and then start the whole process over again tonight. This just SUCKS!!!! He's not in pain so that's not what's keeping him up. Just confused - was trying to get dressed at 10:45pm but couldn't figure out the whole catheter bag thing, then didn't remember getting dressed, thought he had gone to bed in his clothes. Hospice nurse comes today - I'll see if she has any suggestions. And still he wants to fight about a caregiver staying one night a week. If he doesn't start sleeping at night, he'll be having a caregiver staying every night! Well, enought complaining - I know I get whiney when I'm this tired so please excuse the whining. Hope everyone has a good day. Ann - check in so we don't have to come and physically pull you out of the black hole. Hugs, Kuli

i need a angel ! rossella ! need ur help again . :-)
all cute angels . bobbie ur angel ! i have 8 by 10 picture inmy livin room that u have on ur icon . purtty ! i love angels , yes i cant wait for that coffee . im so ready .
amazin how u remmy everybody , my brain failed all of CUZ test . so i cant remmy half who doesnt come here often .
christina ! yep sure miss u tons . rip is a fly cuz i see her flying around . :-)
sun came and left and lookin like another blah day .
been needing to go to the store all week , kept puttin it off , tmr i said then tmr came ahh nana i ll go tmr . well today is the day . think i ll go ? will see ... i just go to the small store and get bread n milk . not feeling up to fighting with the crowd at the store . my nerve just get so tangled up thinkin about going to the store . fk it i say . tmr i ll go . tmr turned into a whole week .
when i saw annt s icon the black hole . i jumped ! that is one scray lookin black hole , i wondered how far is she in ? hope just her toes like my toes been wadin around in it . now my toes are out of it and the black hole is wayyyy over there . i go around it . annt plz climb out of it and get back with us and vent all u wanna and we could try to help you in whatever way we can . we love ya girl ! big hugs ...
pewey stinkin trash bag is sittin here , suppose to go to trash can to be burnt but never did . what the damn hell ! i sure need bobbie s special coffee .
pa s in a good mood , i ask him if he would like to eat in the kitchen or stay in bed and eat . he smiled said i like to stay in bed and eat . ah ok pa u got it . cleaned him up real good and serve him bfast inbed . bet he feels like a king . i was hoping he would say to stay in bed cuz my body just aches , my neck hurts and aches . think i need mucinex . pa has colds in his eyes . im betteing he needs one too , i do need to go to town . barf barf hack . hate the crowd .
you all try to have a happy day . love ya tons . xoxox

decided to put an angel up for Ann too!

"We are just ordered to deal with insanity on a 24/7/365 basis and act like it's ok when it is NOT ok."

Bobbie, I love this statement! I think we all get so caught up in doing what others and we think is right that we push our own emotions away so we don't have to deal with them, but our emotions won't go away... they are trying to give us a message and they won't stop until we listen. In this situation our emotions are screaming at us "this is not normal" "enough" "this is painfully hard" "take more care of myself" "get more sleep" "say no" "get help" and on and on. We need to listen.

Hah! Boat Time for Bob!
couldn't help it... That's what keeps me going!

Good Morning Crew,

Thanks for all of the kind words. They really helped me.
Flex! Love your angel and thanks for putting her up there.

Barb, I hope everything goes smoothly at your mom's funeral and she has a good send off. Things will start to take a different form now and I love the fact that your daughter is there with you and that you all have a good tight family unit.

Linda! Wow, so much work and with such a sweet heart that you have. Can't wait to have some coffee with ya!

annt! C'mon! come out of the hole and hang here with us. I know that I was having a hard time writing and these caregivers inspired me to vent on and live!
C'mon annt! tell us what is puttng you deep in the hole and we will do something stupid to make you laugh! love you annt and are sending angels your way.

In fact, I am going to put up an angel too. Flex had a good idea and it worked for me so I am going to find an angel to put up to work for annt. There will be angels!

cricket, thanks for reminding me what this thread is all about. Sometimes we all get so immersed in what we are doing that we can't concentrate on anything else.
When I started it I knew that I couldn't be the only one who was grossed out but still loved my mom but was grossed out but still loved my mom.... you get it.
Thanks Cricket.

Maxine! thanks for the hugs and Kuli! stay way from the hole and thanks for the hug too.

Jen! clean out the closets, eh? Boy, do I get that. I have just about finished bagging mom's clothes and getting them to the donation centers. I will be doing my clothes today as well as the little glass items that one accumulates over 3 lifetimes. Some of it is just going to have to go into the recycling because I have so much to pack and just can't see myself spending 4 hours packing 10cent glass pieces for donation. sorry.

I got another 15 cartons of books out to the Quakers yesterday. Bless that guy... he'll show up again on Friday and take another huge amount. He's getting all of the Christmas decorations too because they are just too much and most of them are from mom's store and they will all be put to good use.

Rossella, I agree that the Cat is the unselfish one. The Cat that lives with me does not leave my side because she knows how screwed up I am. She sleeps on me and as I write this she is in the paper recycling box to my left. When I get up to leave she will follow me and lay down on whatever I am working on or right next to it. She brings me her toys and wants me to fling them down the steps so she can chase them and then bring it back so I can do it again and again.

Miz! thanks for all of your support and love. Bright spot of my day when Miz texts and says: Stopped by a stopped train. Cracks me up big time for some reason.

I know that I have said that I have PTSD and that I was diagnosed with it which is true. However, I watched a documentary on PTSD and the Iraq combat soldier and there is no comparison. Theirs is way worse and I, for one, am going to keep that forefront in my mind and am going to stop saying that I have it even though a doctor told me that one of the things I am dealing with post caregiving.
Perception is everything and I am going to stop perceiving that I am broken so that I will become stronger instead of weaker with the stress that is getting added with the dispostion of this house and stuff.
The best definition I have heard about PTSD is:
A normal reaction to an abnormal situation.
It certainly applies to us but I am going to work hard on my perception and try not to succumb to it. The combat guys fare way worse than us.... We are not ordered to kill and then act like it didn't happen.
We are just ordered to deal with insanity on a 24/7/365 basis and act like it's ok when it is NOT ok.
Ehhh.. I am talking out of both sides of my mouth but I hope you guys understand what I am trying to express.

Lilliput! it is so good to se you posting here and I am grateful for your added voice. Hope things are going well in your world and you and your family are ok.

Cuz! funny jokes and boy I laughed out loud at Flex's ghost story and Linda's bus joke. Thanks for being the jokesters you guys. Another very big deal.

AnnieGirl! good to see you all the way from Ireland and I hopew that your mom gets better. Chest infections are a bear and so hard to get rid of and hurt so much with the constant coughing. Hope you are ok and can get some sleep.

Sleep: I realized about 2-3 years into the caregiving that I wasn't sleeping enough. You all know how you just accept it after awhile and don't really understand that you're dragging yourself through the day and are operating on 2 cylinders out of 6. sleep is so important to our overall health and I worry about you guys and the not enough sleep issue. I know that after mom died I slept for 14 hours a day for about 8 months or so.... I really don't remember.

Deef! how are you coping with all of your craziness over there? I sure look forward to hanging out with you like you got to hang out with Rip in Seattle.

Rip! how goes it? pat all the fuzzballs for me and check in and let us know how you are doing.

Kim! miss that cute pic of you! hope you are doing ok in spite of it all.
54j! check in girl and let us know because we will worry!
SelfishSib! where are you and how are you? Thanks again for the offer of help. Means more to me than you can know...

Angie! where are you and how are you?

EssentCaregiver? whassup.... enjoyed your posts and hope you are ok.

How about AprilDawn? you doing ok? vent and live kiddo and you are welcome here!
remember desparatessk? hope you are ok as well. This is a tough road and as long as you have somewhere to vent and get support and if you haven't found a place you come here and we'll goof on you until you laugh.

And of Course:
Christina!! check in why don't'cha? I know that just because you place a parent it doesn't get any easier. Don't overthink it and just drop us a post to let us know how everything is. It's hard for me to respond to all the texts I get so it's easier for me to see you here on the thread and if I am circling the black hole, someone here will be able to throw you a lifeline.

sskape! check in!

And we all know that Ted is working his butt off and is always in our hearts.

Adn then there's Ringo and and and and....

Ok, enough already... For those that read and don't post we salute you and the chores that you endure on a daily basis. Hopefully our trials and tribulations help you see the light at the end of your own tunnels even when it pertains to a ....

back to the um, yowza, piles.....


Good morning all, it looks like I missed the fun last night! Lilli, so sorry about your neighbor! Listening to the Cat story's is fun. Rossella, my dog Sadie Mae must be the exception because she is lightning fast and catches squirrels in the back yard and brings them to me, once she jumped and caught a bird that flew low.
Ann, I'm throwing you a rope, come on girl grab that line and pull yourself up outta that hole! We are here for you.
Linda and Cuz, I loved the jokes!
True story; My youngest daughter "Sara" moved to the big city years ago when she left home. She uses public transportation to get all around town easily. She has had some pretty strange experiences. Once she had to take a longer trip that lasted several hours. She was sitting in the back of the bus and fell asleep, something woke her up and there was a little Hispanic guy sniffing her crotch! She yells at him saying "what the hell" and moved halfway up the bus to another seat, she falls asleep again and got woke up with another guy feeling her boobs! She slaps him and moves up to the front of the bus right behind the bus driver where an old man was sitting thinking okay this is safe. She falls asleep and is woke up by the old man as he fell asleep and fell onto her shoulder and started snoring louder than a bear! She looks in the mirror as the bus driver says to her "i guess this isn't your night!"

Lilli what a story! That's why I don't keep my dogs at leash (if I can). I know that if they start running they are out of control and I could fall down. I guess the dogs now are very sorry for what they have done...
Linda I had another cat, a girl, who always took me her preys. I think she wanted to give them to me as a present, or maybe contribute to the common lunch. She was an incredible hunter and she never ate what she hunted, she preferred cat food. They say cats are selfish. I have never seen a dog that gives you his food. There might be exceptions.

Truth underwear

Partners help each other undress before sex.
However after sex, they always dress on their own.
Moral of the story:
In life, no one helps you once you're screwed.

When a lady is pregnant, all her friends touch the stomach and saying "congrats".
But, none of them come and touch the man's penis and say "Good job".
Moral of the story:
"Hard work is never appreciated.

No Underwear - Makes Sense to Me
A man came to visit his grandparents, and he noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch in the rocking chair wearing only a shirt, with nothing on from the waist down.
'Grandpa, what are you doing? Your weenie is out in the wind for everyone to see!' he exclaimed.
The old man looked off in the distance without answering.
'Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?' he asked again.
The old man slowly looked at him and said,
'Well....last week I sat out here with no shirt on and I got a stiff neck. This is your grandma's idea.

My neighbors, the two cute, young, lesbians next door, asked me what I would like for my birthday.
I was quite surprised, when they gave me a Timex!
It was very nice of them, but I'm pretty sure that they misunderstood me, when I said:
“ I wanna watch ”

linda09 I think you out did me tonight. That was hilarious.

lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus.She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat.This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested. ... ... ... ... The case came up in court. The judge asked the man (about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself. ... ... The man replied, 'Well your Honor, it was like this: when the lady got on the bus,I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat down under a sign that said,'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned. Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, 'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said, 'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself. But, Your Honor, when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said, 'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident!' .... I just lost it

Kuli: I really wish I had some medical training. I could see that her nose was broken from the swelling and it seemed out of center. Her mouth was bleeding, too...I fear broken teeth. If she had just gone a few inches forward she would have landed on the lawn. By the time I got out there she was pale and blood was everywhere. As other people gathered and she could see that we were calm, I think she calmed down too...then her color came back. What happened was that my hub just got out the door with our dog to walk him. Next thing you know, these dogs come after our pup dragging their leashes behind them. My hub put our guy back in the house then went to grab the other two and that's when he saw our neighbor. I was so happy to see the EMTs. I don't know how they do this on a regular basis. I still feel light headed...might be the adrenaline.....where were you when I needed you?? :o)

oh that is terrible terrible ! let us know if you hear anymore about ur nieghbor , aww i feel so bad for her . breaks my heart .
ANNT- go toward the light ! your light is here . we re here for you . sending angels at your way .
rossella - we had a black cat midnight , hubbys fav one , that cat would always be out in the barn with him and meows at him like a adult carryin on a converstation , alot oftime she would come and bring him a present and drop it at his feet , mouse , rat , birds . . prob wanted him to cook it for her lol ...
good night you all . xoxox

Lilli - I hope your neighbor's ok. I am a nurse and that situation sounds pretty scary.

Ann - please don't let the black hole suck you in. I am holding on to the edge by my fingernails but try each day to keep from drowning in it. What can I do to help? If I could be there to help in person try and imagine what I could help you with and pretend that you don't have to worry about those things for even a few minutes. That's what I do and sometimes it helps. You know all of us here understand too well how hard, how exhausting, how overwhelming this caregiving stuff can be. Hang in there! Love and hugs, Kuli

Black hole sucked me in. I'll get back to you when I get out.
Love you all.

My big black cat was very sensitive, too, and he understood when I was in trouble and he came to "pet" me!

Oh my neighbor's dogs pulled her down her stairs and she landed face first on the pavement. By the time I got outside the dogs are going crazy and trying to keep me away from her...barking their heads off. She is holding her head and blood is pouring everywhere. I run back inside and grabbed some towels and ice. Other neighbors come out to help and round up the yappy dogs. We call 911 and just wait with her...helplessly....not much more we could do. She was white as a ghost and I worried she was getting shocky. The EMTs finally arrived and took her off to the hospital. And now, as I write, I realize exactly why I did NOT become a doctor or nurse. The sight of blood makes me woozy and I thought I was gonna pass out...didn't hit me until I got back inside. Way too much excitement this evening.

Cricket, big black cats are magic. I have one tattooed on my shoulder.
Linda you are afraid of bugs!!! You are a country girl. I had to cut some branches of a plant that had come inside of my room and I was flooded by very pissed off bugs!
Diane, strangely enough, my mother is still able to understand jokes, too! It is very strange how that damaged brain works. So sad!

I forgot to tell you all about how my big black cat decided to play nurse for mom today. Once we got home and she had something to eat she went to have a nap. Sure enough in comes Remus and he jumps in the bed and stayed with mom the whole afternoon. He knew something was up and she needed a little extra TLC. Who said animals were dumb!

love ur picture flex ! that angel is floating around bobbie s head :-) .
went outside hung out with my hubby and came inside my sis hurried grab my hair i was like what the hell ! ohh ant was crawlin on my hair whhoa ! lucky she saw that other wise i be flippin out and tear all my hair out thinkin maybe spiders ? eeeeew.
pa s sleeping again . gosh he was awake for few days now its sleeping days . i hate it when he does that , makes it looks like he s on his way out grrrr .
alrighty supper is almost done , decide to throw in mac roni cheese . happy chowing ,. xoxo

Diane, I love your angel picture! Also, I'm with you on the constant sleep interruptions. I have to have my sleep. When I took care of my MIL until she passed I never got more than 2 hrs of uninterrupted sleep a night and I was a basket case. When she died It was less than an hour afterwards that I fainted from exhaustion and it took me about a year to physically recover from that experience. In hindsight, I would do it all over again for her. I loved her very much. I hope everyone is surviving the day. Hugs to you all.

Bobbie.....I put up an angel picture to remind you I'm with you.

Hi Y'all,

It was a busy day today. Managed to get mom up at 6am and bathed, dressed and to the hospital by 8am. She was very emotional this morning which I know was because she was nervous and scared of her procedure. The nurses, assistants and doctors were great with her. The good news is she doesn't have any stones or growths in the bladder or kidneys. The doctor said the only thing he could see that would contribute to the frequent UTI's is the opening from the bladder was very tight and would stop the bladder from emptying completely. So he stretched it and we go back to see him in three weeks. Her biggest complaint now is her throat is very sore from the tube they put down her throat. Got her home and fed her yogurt and soup, easy to go down. Bought some salmon for dinner again because it would be easy to swallow.

Yes Rossella, I am lucky that I still see glimpses of my old mom at times. Unfortunately she disappears completely by bedtime when she is tired and had her medicine. I was teasing her today when we I was reading her discharge papers. It said "no sex until after follow up appointment". I told her that and she had a good laugh. My mom used to be my best friend and I miss her often.

Deef, I don't know about you, but I have a harder time dealing with the dementia than the poop and pee. the P & P isn't pleasant by any means, but the constant thinking for someone else and dealing with the completely irrational behavior is what is so exhausting for me. I don't think anyone other than another caregiver can understand how irritating it is to deal with a dementia person. And thats not even taking the family dynamics into consideration.

Bobbie, I am so glad you checked in. I've been thinking of you daily and your burden. We are here for you girl. I wish we could all arrive in NJ to help you get through this, but you know how it is. We are there in spirit at least, your angel network.

Kuli and everyone else that is sleep deprived, I feel for you. It I have an interrupted night's sleep I am useless. I have never been one of those people that could live on 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night. Maybe I'm just a wuss, but give me my sleep!

I hope y'all have a good rest of the day.

Love ya,

Kuli, my mother did the same thing with the dirty clothes (she put them in the washing machine together with the ones that were already clean). Fortunately she doesn't do these things anymore.
Bobbie, my father used to say "Everything has an end, even the most beautiful things". Of course he said it ironically, when we were in the middle of a very unpleasant thing. Even if your house is as big as Buckingham Palace, it will be over sooner or later!
Diane, Deef... Our mothers... Sigh! Where is my mother? I want to see my mother before she dies. I am asking this as a personal, little pleasure to God. Please give me back my mother for a half an hour before she dies. I know it's horrible to say. But it's no use to hide oneself behind one finger.
Many people here, when a person is going through a bad moment, say " Don't forget to breathe". Very wise advice. I know some techniques of deep breathing and I am applying them, these last days, while I walk the dogs. (instead of listening to music) and I must say I am much more peaceful. It's incredible how important it is to give the body the right quantity of oxygen. We are so stressed that we take short breaths and it's not enough!

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