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Annie, it's so good to hear from you!! I was wondering why you had not posted. I hope your cold gets better soon.

Kim, I feel so bad for you. You could not thoroughly enjoy your trip because you were so worried. Wow. What a bummer. I sure hope he acts better next time.

Rossella, the runs are the worst!! That smell can not even be described!! You poor dear!!

All of you still in the shit and trenches and exasperation, I feel for you!! I am so glad you are venting!! It's a hard road. We will keep you on it as safe and sound as we can. My love to all of yous!!


kim- wow . i was thinking you go girl ! i did that to dad once in fla . i wanted to go back home , he refusing to leave fla and i was stuck there , i freaked out and tld him all you do here is sleep ! why cant u just sleep at my home so i can spend time iwth my families , i miss my hubsand waaaaaaa . nope he refuse . i left and went driving around for hours ! dad was worried sick :-) . i tld him i have decided im leavin inthe morning with or without ya . he was ready then .
yeah we have to put our foot down , stomp it hard too and cry and pleaed , then it hit me after driving for miles , i decided it was me or nursing home . kim you done the right thing . the next time tell him ure going bye bye and he ll go for it and drop him off and zoom ..
rossella - thats what i tld my daughter its not going to get easy its going to be a nightmare ! she still says she wants to care for gma and her hubby done tld her its ok with him . lol lol lol lmao ! theyre gonna get burn out sooner or later . talked to my husband while ago , he said he couldnt do that to me . he see s how it effect me , said he be like sending me to early grave . but then he said she s not going to nh . my mouth fell open and shook my head . i wont do it . tld him if she was my mom yes i prob take care of her but she and i dont have that bond and i cant keep up with her .
later guys .
bobbie ?? are you doing ok ? thinkng of you and always lookin for ur post , nope no bobbie , hope all is well at your way . xoxo

Hi everyone. Here is what happened with Dad on Friday. We got Jo early, Dad had coffee and breakfast. We were getting ready to leave and realized that he was back in bed with the cover over his head. Nothing we did would get him out of bed. The deadline for getting him to the respite was 1:00. He knew that because we kept telling him. Still would not get out of bed and refused to listen to us! Around 11:30 I was so mad that I went in and started deflating his bed with him in it. I was at the end of my rope. Husband saw it deflating and plugged it up! Of course by the time 1:00 came around he was up. I called respite and asked them if the deadline could be extended. They said yes until 4:00. Dad heard this and I told him it was time to go and he needed to put his shoes and coat on. He shook his head no and then put himself back in bed. I said fine, you will stay here by yourself cause we are going! I asked him if he thought this was funny upsetting everyone and he shook his head yeas and laughed. I then started making calls and found someone who would check in on him. We finally left and got to Michigan after midnight. Tried to call and he would not answer the phone. It took 15 tries before he would answer and then had trouble hanging up the phone. We called the next day and same thing! Neighbor assured me he was fine. We worried the entire weekend. When we got home, he had broken some of my Celtic crosses that I have hanging on the wall. Bathroom was a wreck! He had put his cereal bowl in the cabinet complete with cereal in it. When we got home, he was in bed, but not sleeping. He knew I was mad at him. He came out eventually, and complained there wasn't any food in the house. There was food. We made up a batch of chili and put sandwiches in the fridge for him. Normally when we are home he goes and gets food from the fridge by himself. I got so angry with him. Told him that if he had gone to respite, his every little need would have been tended to. I Also told him that he lives by our rules now, and if he continues to be obstinate and cause pain for our family, he will go to the nursing home. I know a lot of this is due to the dementia, but he has control issues and has never been cooperative. I have banned him from the family room until I cool down. Hannah is mad at him which is not characteristic for her. I also told him that Hannah is our priority and if I have to make a choice, it will be her! I usually have so much patience with him, but I think this was the straw that broke the camel's back. My husband also had a long discussion with him about how it is going to be in the future. I will no longer be manipulated by him. He has been very quiet today and I am glad about that because I am just at my wits end. The trip was fun, but if something would have happened to him I would have felt guilty forever and I worried the entire time. He doesn't wander outside of the house, but the stairs and just anything he could trip over. Never know either when they can suddenly get sick. Hope he has learned something from this! We shall see! Glad we did go though cause Hannah got the first she needed to go to championships. Love you all! Thanks for the support. He is asleep again, and I am going to take a nap. I will get back on later. Love you all! Kim

Hi! Linda and Deefer, you might win the award for the poop, but I win a good "third position" because my mother has the runs and I had to clean her exactly 4 times on Sunday! I am always asking myself where that stuff comes from. She eats very little! She is very good in transforming! Yeah! Linda, I found a solution for your MIL. She will continue to live with your BIL, with an extra help, because if she is starting to sh°t around, this is just the beginning! The situation can't improve! If there is something I have learned, is that we go down and never go up!
Annie, I understand your stress for work. Every now and then I have very bad headaches, which "force me" to sleep more, and so maybe my body "wants" those headaches, so that I can rest.
I had to go to the vet today, again, because Rexy, my almost-german shepherd, bled from his nose. I have been lucky this time, because he had nothing, the vet said it was just a cold and a little vein which got broken. But it cost me money anyway. I am fed up with this money.

Hello All. Sorry to read about Barb's Mom. No matter how prepared we are, it's still difficult to lose a parent. I've been trying to catch up and read the posts over the last week or so. Deefer and Linda sound like you've both been having a rough time. Hope things get easier and Linda you have enough on your plate. Don't take on your MIL no matter what emotional blackmail you are put under by ANYONE! I haven't been posting for a while. Work has been hectic with an NSAI Audit which put me under tremendous pressure to update procedures and Operations Instructions for the Plant as well as moving offices the weekend prior to the Audit. This meant packing up 18 Filing cabinets into crates and unpacking them again the following Monday... finally got through it and we passed the Audit thankfully! Then Home Help Friend came to take care of Mom and had a head cold. Though she wore a face mask, sure enough Mom got the cold which promptly went to her chest and she ended up having to be put on anti-biotics. The Thursday prior to the Audit I had to get up 4 times that night and put the Nebuliser on Mom.. don't think I actually slept, just dozed and got up for work at 6am. Mom still somewhat wheezy but now I've got the cold. Think my nose is going to fall off from blowing it...I've had it for a week now and cannot seem to shake it. Feel like crap and it's back to work wednesday. Love and hugs to everyone. Annie

lilli- deef shall have the award since she deals with it everyday , mil left this morn well almost noon . lol

Linda, I am relieved to know that you weren't abandoned with the MIL!

I agree Lilliput! But I have to say.. it made me laugh. Sorry Deef and Linda, as you know I can so relate to the shits.

hmmmmm....yep, it's a toss up between Deef and Linda....can't decide which gets the "gross-out" award for the day...... ;o)

Linda, prayers for your hubby's sister. xoxoxoxoxo

deefer ! i do have a gross out as for this morning waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
walked in the room where mil slept or didnt sleep god only knows . touched blanket yep its wet , threw it in washer machine touch everything i got my hands on ohh yep theyre all wet too . found a dish towel on tp of my wahsre , smelled purrty bad , picked it up yep its wet too , she was havin a pissin time out in her room . yikes turn on the washer and walked toward to go outside , swish i thought uh what did i just step on , i looked down , big pile of turd ! i took off my house slippers and thre witoutside , rolled up the throw rug and threw it outside , im not touchin it and im not cleanin it either ,
fixed bfast , didnt notice it till later , made her a bowl of bfast and she ate it and decdied to get her hands on what i made , later on tok her outside i saw shit markon my sweat pant i let her borrow lastnight , then saw shit marks on her sweater sleaves , yikes i told bil man shes got shit all over her clothes , daughter took er to bathroom and cleaned her up and put fresh clothes onher , bil saw me open the washer and getting blankets to put em in dryer , he said mom did all that i said yep and that pile too ! he said she doesnt do that at home . i said well she does here and i dont know why . now theyre gone !
last night about midnight ph rang i answered it . my other bil called to say that his wife (hubbys sister) is havin openheart in the morn at 7 am . prayers plz . huby couldnt sleep worth a shit lastnight after all thedrama went on now couldnt sleep cuz heard his oldest sis is havin open heart . she too have cornary artries disease like him . prayers plz .
ahh cricket ! told ya i ll have to hide water from ya , deefer says so ...
love ya all , need to take care of my pa , god i love my dad ! he is no where nothing like mil . deefer im sorrry ur mom is just too much , u indeed do have a bigger heart than i do . im givin you tons of hugs and a big kiss plant right on ur forehead :-) . xoxoxo
p.s. you guys no worry about me . i will not care for mil . i dont mind once a while and it will not become a habit . promise ya that . xoxo

OMG deef. That's pretty darn gross.

Good Morning everyone. Kim I'm so happy for you and Hanna! Deef, my body and bladder love the water, no problems here. Linda, prayed. I can see in your big ole heart the MIL is pulling at your strings.. perhaps helping your BIL and MIL by suggesting NH and him finding a good one would be the best solution. Don't put yourself out on the curb (emotionally, physically, mentally) to "fix" everyone. I have the same heart and many times have gone against my better judgement to help others in despair, in the end you just end up broken and can't prevent the inevitable. My heart really goes out to you! Hi to everyone else..Miz, Rosella, flex, MsM, Ann, Js, Mary, Hugs to you all and here's to making our day the best we can!

Well said Miz!!
Now this is the "Gross out thread", so here's my gross out for the day.
I made a big pot of homemade soup for supper yesterday. Love the cooler "soup" weather! I brought Mom a bowl and she dug right in. But less than a minute later she forgot about the soup and started rubbing the table and the wall next to her. I grabbed her hand to get her attention back to supper and she yanked it out of my hand and swiped the bowl of soup into the wall and all down the wall onto the floor. Some went flying onto the den rug and she had it all over herself! What a mess. But the best part happened when I was washing her behind while getting her ready for bed. Yep! She sh!t right on my hand!!! Boy, that was the highlight of my day!!!
Anybody else got a "gross" tale for the day?

"In our lives every one of us draws a circle. Inside it are your people, the people you fight for, the ones you protect no matter what. As you get older your circle gets smaller and smaller. People grow up or they don't. They fall by the wayside or just drift off one day at a time. But those who stay through thick and thin and everything in between, they're the ones you want in the fox hole when the walls come tumbling down."

As spoken on In Plain Sight.

Linda, I will pray. I feel so bad for you and what you are going through. It's just not right. You do so much as it is. ((((((Linda))))))

First of all, Barb, so sorry for your loss. Had a tough weekend and just got caught up here on posts. So glad you have your daughters with you.
Rossella, I agree with you on Linda's situation.
Linda, do not let yourself get pulled into caring for your MIL!!!!. You are too exhausted to even make a good decision right now. Your first obligation is to yourself and making sure you are strong for Pa.You do not need to take on more trouble than you already have. Don't even offer weekends, because then it will become every day!!! Please, start taking care of you!!!
Cricket, I used to drink lots of water until I had to go through bladder testing. That was no picnic!! Turns out all the fluids I was taking in irritated my bladder and was causing me all kinds of problems. I had pain and a constant urge to go. The testing was done by a gyno-urologist and was very embarrassing and uncomfortable. I had to log all my fluids for a week before the testing. Conclusion was that I was taking in too many fluids and my bladder was protesting!
Kim, Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Congrats to your daughter!!! Can't wait to hear the dad story!
Austin, Sure wish I could join your group too! It would be fun to get out with a group of women. Merry, Mom's PCA also knits a lot. The first time I saw her knit, I said you knit like a left handed person, and she said it was the way her mom taught her. She is very fast and couldn't figure out why I knit the way I do. Come to find out, I was taught the "English" method and she the "Continental" or "left-handed" method!! Of course I went online right away to see what the story was and found many tutorials and info on the 2 methods. Needless to say, I am practicing the left-handed method in hopes I will pick up speed. I am a very fast knitter, but not like Merry. Guess you can learn something new everyday, and you can teach an old dog new tricks!!!
Mom is stirring and husband is still in bed. I think I have time for another cup of coffee first. Merry is here at 11 today and I have much to do later.
Hope everyone has a good day!

I'm worried for you Linda. Try, once in your life, not to be so good with everybody! There are other solutions. You already have enough things to do. You don't need another person to take care of.

Hi everyone! We finally got to Michigan at 12 am in the morning which technically made it Saturday. So much drama before we left. Hannah did get the first she needed, so now she is in championships. Yay!! I will write more about the Friday from hell tomorrow!

So sorry Linda that you are having such a tough time. Hope bil picks up mil tomorrow! Hope he comes early too!! Try to get some rest! Hope your Pa feels better tomorrow.
Love you all, will write more tomorrow. Kim

Barb, so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. May she rest in peace! Thinking of you and your family. Many hugs and love from our family to yours! Kim

oh mercy sakes . i cant even describe it . at the end it was heart breaking , bil blew up at my husband , i had to go talk to him and he was swimmn in the black hole , caregivin burnt out . plus she drove him crazy with repeating . mom ask me if she was a burden to all of us ? i said oh mom ure never a burden we love you very much , she said will you let me know if they sell my house ? i said yes mom will tell you . then she said will you tell me if they talk about putting me in nusring home ? my heart sank .. i said yes mom i will let you know , tld her dont worry u will be safe . bil left said he be back in the morning to take her home ,
mom is sleeping right now .
no i will not be able to care for her . maybe for a few days but not for good . gawd noooooo .. what if bil doesnt come back oh crap !
prayers please :-)
cricket- im not sure if that tumor is cancerous . just was told that it will spread . last check up he had didnt get any bigger . he said its a slow growing tumor . be a high risk of takin tumor out . it could kill him and cause more pblms , dad said leave it alone ....
hope we all have a happy day tmr . xoxo

Linda, does your hubby want to keep your MIL FOREVER at your house?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Linda don't do it. Say No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no......

Linda is the tumor cancerous?

i gotta have my water! yesterday i drank 11 glasses! i always drink at least 8. it's just plain healthy... and yes we would have a hoot! even with the water. i know how to party silly and have lots of laughs.
thanks Miz for adding me to the fb crew! i posted a couple pics of dad and 3 of my dogs. i will get a pic up of me later when i fire up the laptop.

crcket - dad has tumor on his bladder thats why he pees blood every now and then , woohoo u went out and didnt get plastered ! ya smart girl , water water water . me its coffee coffee coffee and then asprains before i lay down lol .
i think u and i would have so much fun if we slurp away . gonna hide water from you :-)

Put ur ma in a twin bed, wth is she thinking!! maybe u can take her behind the barn and put her outta her misery! dang, Linda thats prolly why ur feeln sick!! yesterday i needed to get outta here in the worse way so my sil came over to spend the night and we walked around the corner to my friend Ern's house and we all tied one on!! It felt great to get away and eat and drink and listen to Erns ole vinal records and just BS! It was fun but I stopped drinking ahead of the other two and started drinking water water water so i wouldn't get sick today and it worked. Woohoo!! Does ur da have a uti? or bladder infection? I love the weekends cause my dad watches sports sports sports in his room and leaves me alone.............weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hey did anyone tell me the exact name of the FB page that Miz made for everyone here? I tried looking for "the official crew of the bobbie B" but nothing comes up. Love you all! XXOO
★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * .      .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸. ● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .        * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★  You have been sprinkled with Peace, Love, & Happiness! Now go forth and sprinkle other people too! ;-)

just only to confuse mom even more . realy is sad .
pa kept saying he wants to go upstairs . i told him we dont have upstairs , he said yes u do ! i said we used to have upstairs but we moved away from that house and got all one floor no upstairs , moved cuz of hubby s job . he calmed down then . i put him in bed and changed him :( blood in urine . poor ole pa .

Linda, I sure don't like that that woman would expect your mil to switch beds. Our bed is our haven.

cricket ! ur cup of flowers are just so purtty ! hope u re havin a good day today ,
i best get my butt up and movin . feelin like chest colds comin on this morn , felt weak too . took some mucinex . maybe i ll fly then ya recond ?
mariesmom -- thinking of you and be with you in spirits . sendin my angels to you . xoxox

Good Morning all, Anne, I loved the joke! Love all the flowers too!

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