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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Melaine7, that was a very kind note to write to the community of caregivers.

The day before Thanksgiving I was at the grocery store which was a zoo, and waited 20 minutes in line to check out.
There was a woman in the next line who was recognized by the lady behind me and as they exchanged greetings I picked up that the lady in the next line was taking care of her mom.
I looked her and said, 'Caregiver for your mom?' and she said Yes and I said, 'Dementia?' and she said Yes, and began to cry.
I left my line and went to her and hugged her and told her that she would live through this. While I was hugging her and through her tears she said, 'I'm an only child.' and I said yes, I was too.
She composed herself and I told her about us on this site and went back into my line. The lady behind me said that that was kind of me to do and said the reason that she's emotional is that she's afraid her mom won't be here for next Thanksgiving.
And I said, 'No, the reason she's emotional is that she's afraid SHE won't be here next Thanksgiving.'

I hope everyone is doing the best they can with what they have to deal with.
Love you all,


We are expecting a snow storm today-up to 6 inches get away day worse time-so I will stay in and clean-having Thanksgiving on Fri-my adult kids work Thanksgiving -did the shopping on Mom -turkey thawing-keeping it simple as usuall.

It's thanksgiving time so most of us are thinking of what or who we are thankful for. I am thankful for all of you. This community has helped me realize that I am not alone in feeling down, or laughing at things that don't seem funny to the outside observer or just needing to vent about things that happen that are less than perfect sometimes. Thank you all for being there and giving me something to look forward to reading each day!

20 degrees and it's grilling outside weather, at least in Michigan. That's so funny Cuz. The joke was funny too.
Jen, hope you get to feeling better.

pahaha cuz...
bewew pass on Michigan weather but the lakes look lovely...
He's not dead yet. Mom picked up a pre made thanksgiving dinner, saves her a lot of trouble.
Feel sick and depressed here, but well it is the holidays...Jen
Drive careful where ever you have to go, Have a good Thanksgiving all!

The answer to no police protection

Not a bad idea!

Home Security Hint:

I've torn out my alarm system and de-registered from the Neighborhood Watch.

I've got two Pakistani flags raised in my front garden, one at each corner and the black flag of ISIS in the center.

The local police, CIA, NSA, FBI and the other intelligence services are all watching my house 24/7.

I've never felt safer!

Even though the temp will be in the mid 20's for Thanksgiving I will be grilling hotdogs outside. We will also have homemade potato salad and chips. When there is only two of us we pull out all of the stops. All our snow melted today with the rain. It was 50 degrees at noon and now it 30 and snowing like crazy. Will get depending on who you listen to around 2" to 5" over night through Tuesday. Next week Wednesday they are predicting maybe 60 degrees. Welcome to Michigan. Hang around for 5 minutes and it will change.. Update on ma is that she has come to realize that the assisted living is a good thing. She likes the people there and she says the food is good. She also told me today that she does forget stuff so this was a good thing to happen. Hugs to all and nice to hear from you Linda. Hope the drs come up with a good report on hubby.
luv Cuz

Well, mom won't eat turkey unless it's organic, she finally came up with egg rolls would be good. So were having an oriental Thanksgiving dinner. Which is fine with me, I just don't want to listen to her complain.

hi you all ... want to say have a happy thanksgiving . i am doing ok , hubby just went to sleep study yesterday , didnt do good on that , soon he will see his stroke doc and will get more info on about his test .
CUZ- love that joke ,
JSOMEBODY - u may want to bury FP UPSIDE DOWN ALSO . WINK ...
love you all !! xoxo

cuz your jokes are appreciated many I tell at the senior center

Thanks cuz that was a good chuckle to start the day.

A Man and A Woman

A man and woman were married for many years. Whenever there was a confrontation, yelling could be heard late into the night. The old man would shout, "When I die, I will dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life!"

Neighbors feared him. The old man liked the fact that he was feared. Then one evening he died at the age of 98. After the burial, the woman's neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, "Aren't you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way out of the grave and haunt you for the rest of your life?"

The wife said, "Let him dig. I had him buried upside down...and I know he won't ask for directions."

Oh, Cuz, that just seems unreal to me. Be careful. Jen, sorry but I had to laugh. Old FP doesn't know what poop is but he knows what Sh*t means. Have to go cut Mom's hair. She has a dentist appointment next Monday. Will be the first time she's been out of the house in months. She only leaves the house to go to a Dr appointment. Have a safe sane as possible weekend everyone.

We have had 26" of snow since Monday here in Michigan. Buffalo New York will have 100" by Saturday. We broke a record today for the snowiest November on record in Grand Rapids with over 28" and its still coming down yet. Saturday am they are calling for freezing drizzle turning to rain with a high of 48 on Sunday. we have 13 degrees right now. Just love it. Shoveled the roof off once already and it ain't even winter yet.

Got our first leetle snow here, half an inch gone by tomorrow I think.
last night was "bath nite"...which no longer involves the bath tub thank god, one less thing he can crab about. "The seats cold, don't get the wash cloth so wet!" He actually got in one time in his Depends...Because he JUST put them on! It is an ordeal for everyone. Mom had had it with his BS last night...

"DON'T put your hand there, You need to wash it off, That is poop daddy!"
"No, it isn't poop...!"
"Yes it is Daddy, it's poop see that poop!"
"No it is not either poop!"
"No, well what is it then?!"
"It's lint!"
"oh, o.k...."
Hmn, yes, when Mom starts cussing, that is it old man, Figure it out!
and so it goes....

It was 19 degrees yesterday morning here -will be in the 60's in a few days and we had our first snow NY state is getting clobbered in parts of the state.

I feel for the snowed in folks, I think ours will be lite till later in the season. Coming of freezy-freeze back to about average now in WA State. Same old crap here, messes UTI, that he just can not fathom is at all related to his lack of water intake and refusing the change his depends more than twice a day... When he told my mom the body is made up of seventy percent water and how much do you think a man can hold!!! I swear I could here her BP going up in the basement. She is on the higher does of BP medicine now, I hope it keeps her alive while he continues to take for ever to die...

She got a joke from her Dr. last week, I think I have heard it, think it may have been one from Cuz a while back, I'll re post it any way...

A old man and woman go to the doctor for the old man's appointment. The Doc does a full check up and as he is leaving the Doc says: "We need to get a urine and stool sample as well." The old man shouts: "What did he say?" The old woman replies... "They want to see your underwear!"

Funnier if you are not living it....

Have a SAFE WEEK ALL. Drive carefully!

My younger daughter says the same about people in Missouri. She grew up learning to drive in Upstate NY so had plenty of experience

Ok, Cuz, and Austin, you have me beat. It's just cold and windy here. What can I say, I'm just spoiled. Of course when we do get snow and ice it's a disaster, no one in Texas can drive. Up in the panhandle, they did get some snow last weekend, and had over 50 accidents just in Lubbock.

we have 8" around here but up in the U.P they have some spots that have 5'. I say bring it on I'm ready.

we had our first snow here in the lower Hudson Valley in NY about an inch which did not affect the roads or drives-the best-now we have to be able to cancel plans as needed for the next few months.

Brrrr, enough winter, when is spring going to get here. Step dad has cabin fever, got him to teach me some about house wiring. He has forgotten more than most people will ever learn.

Jen, awwee, stay sane as possible. Hope mom is ok!!! Just catching up on older news...terrible bout the school shooting up your way!

Mizunderstood10....I could have written your comment word for word! We also turn the TV up at meal times....the sounds are disgusting as my MIL eats....its so gross

He's not dead, he has another UTI...Mom had her Dr. appt. Had to up the dose on her blood pressure medicine...

Hang in there Linda!

Hey hope everyone is doing well! I have to apologize again for being overwhelming!

We had rescheduled our Portland trip to after Thanksgiving to make it more productive. Have 4 places to see. Catching up and working on plans still to sell and move, signed up with realtor I like! Then decide either Hawaii or somewhere stateside but warmer n near water, maybe gulf coast....New Orleans to Florida ? We have hope now! I did not realize we could get out of this house and area! I may have got overexcited about it but it got us moving in right direction!, hope was lost for so long....of course it was emotionally overwhelming to feel the relief of not being stuck here 8ys was not real thrilled with my choice and feeling guilty for buying the "lemon" for momma!!! It is beautiful but not the right place for us! Time to move on! Will take a good 6 mo's at minimum to sell (after winter) etc...

Anyway. Hope everyone is adjusting to the winters weather...hanging in with the cold blast across the country!


linda- if it is Xanax....just a half will take the edge off without drowsiness. My hubs has sleep apnea but use his c-pap falls of his face. His stroke Dr told him to use it.

LInda the sleep study will be fine. Even if he wakes at 2am they will have recorded enough data for the study. he will be ready to go home then,
As far as the pill, half a pill is a good idea and you will get used to the sleepiness. Try taking it at night to relax you and help you get a good nights sleep.

Linda-try half a pill! It may take the edge off and not make you so tired!

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