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Jen, and all hang in there!!!

All I can squeak out is "Hi"..........exhausted! Offer finally in, what a week!!!

I have the first (unofficial) document with Hummingbird House on it! Woot Woot!

Oh bob, how much can one person take! XOXOXOX feel better!

Indio showed up this morning with a couple of welding helmets, so we could watch the solar eclipse this afternoon. He is so much fun. We went for a ride this morning. It rained last week, and the creeks actually have water in them. The young horse wasn't going to cross, it's been dry for so long, he didn't know what to think. He tried to jump across the first one, and instead landed right in the middle. The water was only about a foot deep, but he made a great splash. It was so funny. We got Indio and Cory wet, I was wet, and the young horse, Omaha, was horrified. The next creek we came to he tip toed through it. I guess he isn't too dumb.

Bobbi, that's terrible. It sounds like your immune system is shot to heck? My sister researches health. She says blackberry tea, and elderberry juice are good immune system boosters, especially for the intestinal track. But, know you are up on healthy organic methods, so probably not telling you anything you don't already know. Sure wish I knew of a cure though. Now Diana is asking if you tried giving up gluten or lactose?
As for shingles, can you call around and find a Dr with a laser. Laser treatment of shingles is new, but works amazingly well. If the Dr has the right laser. But, my boss (a dentist) has treated shingles with the laser he uses for gum surgery, and it worked.

Oh no Bobbie! I had a very mild out break in Sept. I took the anti virual took about 3 weeks for the larger spot to heal which was about the size of a dime. My right arm hurt for about 3 days. Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

You guys are hard workers and I love the 'Man in the Iron Mask' reference. Poor horse but ya, they will eat themselves to death. Just like this Cat. Afraid she will become Diabetic so am constantly saying no while she harangues for chow. She gets plenty.

Juju! hope your plans are coming together and you continue forward!

Cuz! Hope Mike is doing ok and glad to hear that your mom is doing better.
How are you?

SharynMarie! Hoping you are doing ok and maintaining. Can be rough I know.

Austin, Kuli, Deef!, Jen and everybody! hope you guys are hanging in there ok.

As for me? Now I have Shingles. And I don't know if I am in remission from C-diff yet. Man oh man oh man. Ow Ow Ow.
Under my left boob and trying to move around my back and up my neck but no blisters there yet. Going the natural route and so far no further eruptions. Too many damn drugs for me this year and now I am paying for it. Hopefully can contain this and get my immune system back. *sigh*.


Oh, Juju, I meant to tell you, I love hearing about your plans. I hope I can get to Hawaii someday as well, even if it's just for a vacation.

Cuz, glad to hear your mom is doing better.
I bought a grazing muzzle for my fat horse. He is not happy about wearing it. Poor guy. When I 1st put it on him, he hid in the barn, wouldn't come out. So I led him out to the pasture, he still ran back to the barn. I feel like the dungeon guy that put the thing on the "Man in the Iron mask". The point of the thing is so he can go out to the pasture with the other horse, but not eat himself to death.
Indio and I put up sheet rock on the ceiling of the latest project house. The old sheet rock was just hanging on around the edges, and with a little mud, but sagging in the middle about 4 inches from the rafters. Oh, well made it easier to put more insulation in the ceiling.

Update on mom. They might send her to a rehab unit right in the hospital for therapy till she gets strong enough to go back to my sister's house. She was doing super today when we were there.
juju Hawaii? Can I come to?
jen I would be packin my bags right now. What a way to start a new life ya think?
Hugs to everybody

jUJU~ because our mothers have the same disease does not mean it will play out the same way. My mom is mobile..not incontinent yet..she does not know who are other than a family member. Your mother sounds like she is more progressed than are doing a great job!! There really is no comparaision when it comes to their stages.Hugs to you!!

Im gonna ask for your forgiveness again - will catch up with you all soon I feel bad for being self centered-but I am just so tired On top of being so excited to be able to give my mom this. Her eyes light up for a minute I think she comprehended it for a flash!
sharyn /mame yes it is so nice to have those moments like you said. I wish I could get mom out more but I don't from pure physical strain n exhaustion!

I am bursting at seams, no one knows, I mean besides those that are going to be helping,
I have told no one at all, but you guys!!

I guess I just had to share it with you all to let you know how much your support means and what it can do!!!!


Meanwhile~Isn't is awesome when we can get our ailing parent out that brings on memories for them!! I love it when I can do that for my mom. As you does not happen often enough.. I guess it is par for the course with Alz.

Thank you for the support with my has been very hurtful because he gave this woman his cell phone #, he liked her me it is still an affair even though they never had physical contact.
Cuz Thank you ...I hope your mom is recovering. She sounds like a strong, healthy person in spite of her age.

Just FYI tho, IF any one does look at the land over there most of it is useless volcano land, or covered in Vog, volcano fog so you gotta know your stuff, just don't go buying anything but there is diamonds in the rough for sure!
gonna need some scouting out. I know the island well and my friends will help with the cash if I need, I have been told anyway. we will see!

anyway! Just didn't want someone going off n buying something off craigslist and getting ripped off

It was just what sparked my curiosity because the contacts I have in travel and over there etc.. .

We will have fun there Jen, I will not leave you all!!!

I am really seriously going to make it a retreat for caregiver respite, somehow, come up with a plan....I want to make a difference after what we all go thru idea is a some sort of respite resort and on site hospice deal where people can be somewhere peaceful with family in the end...I have my girlfriend looking in to it, how to set up a non profit etc...but first my foot on the rock with the lil fixer upper.... but it is so doable there is thousands of property lots for sale cheap the market is like shooting fish in a barrel...anyone can get a piece of land their now...they are practically giving it away....craiglist big island you can see....
that is the only way this resort could be possible, I will find the best cheap land could be under 5k for couple acres and do it with tents to start!!!

"Heavenly Hummingbird Retreat & Hospice Huts"

So I made a promise if things ever work out I will make sure to pay it forward so we are gonna do this it was first and formost on my mind as soon as this opportunity came...and it is the goal in every decision made!

I need you Jen.....You could come over and help us get set up once it is time!!! anyone who wants to help
That is my accomodations for chores and work on getting air cheap or donated thru my old job!!! so whoever wants to help can or go play with all the things we could set up.....while well screened nurses on site take care of the patient
it will be a big caregiver commune helping one another out!!!

I am gonna need all of the help I can get to make it happen mainly if I can get my friend to be CFO cuz I suck with money

Anyway all that to say Jen your time is coming you are welcome at HH as long as you like.... "SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELLING PANTIES"

I see that hanging under the entry gates, lol, Ok I have both a name and a motto now


Have a crazy good time in Hawaii juju, man, be prepared for prices change. Milk expensive, pineapples cheap!!!

Cuz, I hope your mom is doing OK. it is hard to just not know what is wrong!

Out the window...and sometimes smeared on the window. Yep, good times....

Got mom out this weekend up to see her brother before the snow flies! She had a wonderful 4 hours away from the NH and really enjoyed her visit with her bro. And, bonus-she remembers going and how she felt! "It was heaven!" I got a great pic o the two of them so I will get it printed and bring it up for her to have in view. Who knows what this winter will bring! So we are all happy she got there.

Bobbie-hope things settle down soon! Positive thoughts going out to you!
Cuz, scary times with your mom! Hope she recovers well and quickly!
Juju-WOW! Great news! Hope everything falls right into place for you!!!
Jen-Hope that lottery ticket comes through for you!
Sharyn, I am so sorry for all you are going through with hubby! Hugs to you!
Hey Meanwhile! Hi Austin, Kuli, Deef and everyone else out there! And hi to any newbies or drivebys! Mame

Meanwhile- riding is good therapy for you...just like me getting out in the wilderness.
Cuz-i am sorry to hear about your mother. Sending good thoughts and blessings that she is well.
Juju-Hawaii!!! Keep me on your radar as I may come visit you someday. I hope your dream comes to pass on way or another.
mame, deef, Jen..thinking of you all.

Yes I am, can you believe it??? it might take a year but sure as heck is a motivater to get my butt in gear!!! it is in process, lender is working up my prea approval letter!!! PINCH ME I AM Freaking dreaming!


Juju, your moving to Hawaii ? Awesome.
Cuz sorry to hear your mom is not doing well.
Bobbi, hope you get to feeling better. That has to be so frustrating. Hang in there, it has to clear up eventually.
Sharyn, so proud of you. Your holding up better than I would.
Jen keep hanging in there, maybe this last lottery ticket will be the one.
Mame, Deef, Austin, and everyone else, hope everyone is doing well.
I just feel like I've been avoiding my problems. Don't talk to my mother, not helping out much. Goofed off and went riding on Sunday.

Good morning crew,
Well I finally slept for more than a couple hours for first time in a week.....My head is still pounding as it has been but I am done with all the thinking, offer is going in and it is in gods hands now!!!
Thank you all for putting up with my self absorbed lately, I have been under so much stress and on top of that my comprehension and eye issues it is impossible for me sometimes to read......
Well I have caregivers today and just want to rest but must get busy and get stuff done,

I will catch up on you all when I can, sorry so into me right now but this has been the most life changing experience I am overwhelmed! Literally I was drowning , and just could not dogpaddle much longer, until this life ring floated in front of me!
My point being it is huge, huge, huge. Last week I was just "let me peruse real estate on craiglist, and today I have an opportunity and a goal, that I love so dang motivated I cant stand it!!!!!
It comes to mind the saying...Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life"
Once I can put my feet back on ground, I will dust off my project/production manager and come up with a plan and schedule for my project!!!

Oh and Jen, I have a job for you, over there, seriously!!! if you want it-it is yours!!! Will get back later too early for all the details yet! but I will get ahold of you, soon!!!

I am looking forward to catching up with what's been going on with you all again!!!

I love you guys so much, each and everyone of you, have a spot a permanent spot in my heart, as well at my campground/land in Hawaii.



Thank you is not easy and the temptation during this affair that my hubs had was really hard not to give in and get drunk. I am getting through it without alcohol.

I am happy to hear that you are mending even though it is going to several more weeks. You know you have to put your health first and you are doing that. Take each day as it comes...just like I day at a time.

I am sorry for chiming in again " It's all about me" but of course.....

I just had to add, that I am blown away that this house a mile from the water in a great neighborhood, I checked first this time, lol, not making that mistake again. anyway it I going to be about 1/3 price of my house here in nowhere! It just seems to good to be true! and I have about 6 back up choices if this one doesn't work out. It will definitely be a caregiver retreat, I have to share the wealth, once we are set up may be years but I will make it happen.

Grab a tin can and start saving for your airfare or boatgas, lol, I am having a housewarming party for us all,!!!

oh no Cuz that is the worst feeling....
I know mom has these mine sessions tia idk....the first couple times I thought she was leaving us, called 911 n all....then hung up cause she comes to withing a few minutes....was nice to see 911 called back ro assure we were ok

I is very scary to be in that position for all. BIg blessing your way Cuz, praying for moms bro and families comfort and health!! XOXOXOX

Got mom back in the hospital. She passed out this morning at my sister's house where she is staying. My sister thought she was a goner but at the hospital when we got there she knew everyone and said she was just tired. They admitted her again and are running a new gambit of tests to try to figure out what is going on. At least she wasn't home by herself when this happened. Will try to keep ya posted on what is going on. Hugs.

And Deef your in charge of gathering and preserving all the tropical fruit for the kitchen!!!

Meanwhile, definitely a stable in the plan too!

Thank you to My BFF Angelique and the Boat Crew!!! I cant believe I forgot that....You Guys are the best, I told angel I feel something is up I need to get back to aging care and the lessons in faith...
Without you guys and Angel this would not even be a glimmer!!!!

May I introduce "Hummingbird House" She aint pretty but she gots some good bones, some TLC!!!! a sneak peak at the Headquarters for my new baby, my take on what an Alzhiemers support facility should be!!!
It does not hurt that it is 1.2 miles casual walk to the rugged Southern coast of hour from the top diving in Hawaii! and now a write off... brilliant!
there is a mango and banana tree in back!!

I am accepting applications Jen! Might need a librarian and head sh*t cleaner, all that experience does pay off, in paradise might not gag!
and Bobbie Boat adventures with the caregivers away to a hidden black sand beach etc..... while our staff takes the best care of the loved one!!!
I told you I am dreaming big, I am getting hold of my girlfriend to help me with business plan, have a goal!!!

Writing up the offer tomorrow! We need this deal to close to our benefit and quickly!! We are just too close for it not to happen!!! Please pray they don't counter offer too high for us!!

I cant even explain the blessings before us, since undertaking this path of prayer and faith and service!!!! My life has been forever changed this past month has been the best! Thank you Angelique Trowbridge without you this would not have been possible!

Will post link when it is mine all mine, lol!!!!


Eating , washing and anything else that they taught us to do properly is out the window. It is gross but not their fault and I use to get upset over it , but realized it was a loosing battle. My mom use her shirt sleeve as a napkin even when she has a napkin in her hand !!! Needless to say lots of stains on the sleeves of her shirts!! Oh well:). Good luck to everyone!!!!

Sorry to hear about your mom cuz, is it serious? Just an off day maybe? I hope you are doing well there.
Louder here. Hope mom doesn't stroke out with the new routine of literally telling him to show his hands and flip them back and forth, to be sure they are not coated in poop like they were on Wed morning and then cleaning up the mess in his room as well...
Sunny and cool, gonna steal/borrow a dollar and go down and get yes, another lotto ticket...
Wispy, early wintery clouds out...hope this week brings good things for all of us...

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